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A prayer based on Psalm 10:17-18. You and I may not need to worry about the threat of a jail sentence for our faith, but that doesn't mean life is easy. Cancer, death, heartbreak, chronic pain, and brokenness plague our families, and we ask the same questions that Gulner's son asked. Why doesn't God fix the problem? Why does he let innocent men sit…
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A prayer based on Luke 5:18-19. There were several times during my college years that I questioned my faith and wondered if God was real. During an especially hard time when my parents were separated, I wondered, “Why do I hurt so bad if God loves me so much?” Instead of answering that question directly, God spoke to me through my friends. How has …
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A prayer based on 1 John 4:11. But as I look back, I recognize that moments pass very quickly. It's made me look back on the years we have had with my daughter in our home. All the years, and there have been many, and all the good times, and there have been many of those too, play through my mind and I wish I could slow time down. Since I can't, I'…
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A prayer based on Psalm 30:5. I often feel guilty about my need to fight, struggle, and strive to believe God when what I can see seems to contradict his truth. I have felt like I should be further along than I really am in my faith journey, and wonder if it lets God down that I'm not. I want to be one of those devoted women of God who says earnest…
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A prayer based on Daniel 2:17-18. This morning I received an email from a friend asking for prayer. Her husband was getting ready to meet with another man for breakfast who was struggling in some pretty big ways…a difficult marriage, lost job, and major car wreck that totaled his only vehicle the night before. Stressed beyond his ability to cope, t…
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A prayer based on Psalm 24:3-4. It seems like such a tall order–clean hands and a pure heart. Knowing we are dust, how can we have clean hands and a pure heart, and how can we encourage our children toward such a lofty goal? Today’s verse doesn't stop with the requirement but tells us how to approach the kind of purity that makes our lives a living…
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A prayer based on Ecclesiastes 11:5. Certainly, the physical world has many God-given pleasures; gifts to be counted like sunshine on soap bubbles, my child's laughter, and the wind rushing by as I swing with him on the playground. God gives us all things to richly enjoy, yet a life consumed for self doesn't count for much in the end. Is our focus …
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A prayer based on Mark 5:20. Around the time of my 50th birthday, I began to feel the need to study the word and find out specifically what God desires from me as an “older woman.” I'd raised two children and had been spending time with younger women for several years, but as my children were entering a season that took them away from our home more…
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A prayer based on Acts 14:21-22. In the movie Miracle on 34th St. the main character convinces herself to believe in Santa. Sitting in her bed, she says, “I believe, I believe…it’s silly, but I believe.” We often approach our Christian faith the same way. We simply close our eyes, tighten our fists, and chant, “I believe, I believe.” But faith isn'…
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A prayer based on Hebrews 12:14. When I was in my early 20s, I had a falling out with a friend I loved dearly. Things were said and done that were difficult to come back from, hard to take back. We were both in the wrong. Now, about five years later, I sat behind my computer screen knowing I had to reach out. Would she respond? Would she even talk …
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A prayer based on Proverbs 10:9. Our son has always been willing to take the dog outside to do her business, but recently we started noticing that the dog was having frequent accidents in the house. We asked our son if he was waiting for her to actually go when he took her out, and he responded with downcast eyes, “No, I don't want to wait for her …
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A prayer based on Luke 4:43. I am in a new season of life. Both of my children got married within a year of each other, and so I am having to learn a new way of living. My life once looked very much like yours does—a busy life that revolved around the needs of our family of four—but things have changed. My life now consists of quiet evenings at hom…
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A prayer based on Proverbs 11:2 It's hard to admit we need help. Coming to the end of ourselves humbles us. It goes against our self-reliant culture. We want to power, hustle, and fight our way through the hard things. We are proud—we've got this. And yet, sometimes it's not the big thing that humbles us, but the smallest How have you seen God humb…
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A prayer based on Psalm 119:97-98. Some of us treat God like we do our friends online. We read about him. We might pick up a key verse here and there. We may even listen to the preacher on Sunday, but we don’t have a personal relationship with him. Are you seeking God wholeheartedly, even amongst your busy schedule? How do you spend time with the L…
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A prayer based on Matthew 26:31-35. Mai Sing was near death, in a septic state, after a 2 day journey to Memorial Christian Hospital. Staff fought to save this mother who came from an idol worshiping village, and during six weeks of recovery at the hospital, she and her husband decided to follow Jesus. The family would never be the same. They hunge…
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A prayer based on Proverbs 1:7. Should we fear the Lord? And how does that lead to knowledge and understanding? The type of fear this verse speaks of isn't what we feel for snakes, spiders, or even our worries coming true. It isn't the fear that cripples us, that nails us to the place where we stand, unable to speak. No, this type of fear is more l…
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In this episode of Primary Care Cures, Ron is joined by Korb Matosich, Founder & CEO of Asserta Health. Together, they delve into the innovative strategies Asserta Health is employing to revolutionize the healthcare payment system. Korb shares insights on how his company aims to simplify payments, enhance transparency, and reduce costs for patients…
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A prayer based on Ephesians 3:19. My prayers as a child were of the silent kind, the rote kind, the unbelieving kind. They dangled like the Jewish leaders’ tassels from their robes. They hung in the air, a long string of names of people I feared would go to hell. I was afraid of many things and this is why I got baptized in my father’s church, and …
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A prayer based on Matthew 25:21 All my boys grumbled as I called them downstairs. How dare I ask them to help sort the enormous pile of clean laundry? It wasn't like they had put the pile in the middle of the floor. Instead of forcing them to get moving or yelling at them, I reminded them that daddy put the laundry on the floor and was planning to …
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A prayer based on Proverbs 15:21-22 As my boys have gotten older, I've spent a lot of time talking to them about the kind of men they want to be when they grow up. I was blessed to be surrounded by good men as a young girl, men who loved their families hard, served others faithfully, and stood for something greater than themselves, men who sacrific…
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A prayer based on Daniel 3:16-17. King Nebuchadnezzar was in a furious rage when he asked Daniel's friends why they wouldn't worship his image of gold. They had the audacity to refuse to bow down and worship the statue made in the King's image. Did they not know who he was? Were they not aware that he had conquered their land and brought them into …
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A prayer based on Proverbs 20:3. The world around us rewards those who speak up, don't back down, go down swinging, and rise again. We can simply step into the ring of social media to contend for our opinions without even leaving our homes. Stand at the edge of a fight, and you'll hear the cheers of energy and exhilaration as onlookers enjoy the cl…
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A prayer based on Psalm 27:5. The day of trouble is inevitable; For moms, it sometimes seems like every day has its own share of trouble. In fact, some days take the cake‑‑with trouble oozing out and running over! According to Psalm 91, if we dwell in God's presence, we will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. Not only is it geographically a safe p…
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A prayer based on Psalm 86:15. We look at things, people and places for grace. We try to chase grace, we forget to embrace grace, and we think we can earn grace when all we really need to do is open our hands and receive it. Let the true grace that only God can give wash over our bodies and settle deep into our bones. But we often keep record of wh…
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A prayer based on 1 Timothy 6:11. The path to contentment is clearly blazed, Paul says, but the world places the signs all backwards. Thinking gain IS godliness, we follow our natural desires and feed unhealthy cravings. If we could do things our way… if we only had more money… if we had more obedient children… then we'd be content. It's always jus…
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A prayer based on Matthew 20:15-16. When Jesus invited people to follow him, his invitation wasn't an opportunity for advancement. In fact, it was quite the opposite. He wasn't offering a chance to become famous or to build a following, Jesus gave his followers a different challenge. His call was one to be last, to serve, to honor others ahead of t…
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A prayer based on Mark 1:17-18. What things in this world do you find comfort and security in? Maybe you look to a spouse or children for your sense of purpose. Or maybe you feel valuable or important because of your education or accomplishments. Perhaps you find feelings of security in your money or possessions. When Jesus says to us, “Come, follo…
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In this episode, Ron sits down with Morris Miller, Managing Partner at Tectonic Ventures and CEO of Xenex Disinfection Services. Here, Miller shares his insights on the cutting-edge innovations in disinfection technology and the critical role it plays in healthcare setting, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. They discuss the challenge…
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A prayer based on Matthew 9:21-22. Faith itself does not heal. God does. Have you asked God to move in the hearts of your children, and been confused when He didn't? Has a "no," or, "not now," answer from God left you confused about what it means to have faith? If you've struggled to trust in God's timing for your children, listen to today's podcas…
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A prayer based on Luke 14:27. We know what happened to Jesus on His cross. His entire life led up to that point—His death. Not only death, but because it was public and painful, the cross would also bring shame, sorrow, and suffering. Jesus knew this even before He came to earth. In Isaiah’s prophecy about Jesus in chapter 53, he wrote, “He was des…
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A prayer based on Daniel 2:27-28. God has a plan. Our ignorance of the plan does not mean it doesn't exist. Only sometimes do we get glimpses of the master plan, but with great knowledge comes greater responsibility.God is God, and I am not, and there are good reasons to be in the dark about the plans. They might look scary and confusing to my huma…
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A prayer based on Matthew 10:39. Have you ever heard someone say, “I took a year off to find myself”? It seems like a noble goal, to find out who you truly are, to live your most authentic and best life. But what if this was actually the opposite of how God intended for you to live? What if, instead of finding your life, you're actually supposed to…
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A prayer based on Matthew 5:14-16. Hosea was an Old Testament prophet whom God asked to marry a prostitute. Crazy, right? God literally required his prophet to marry someone who not only was already a prostitute when she came on the scene, but also continued to offer herself in exchange for favors after their marriage. It's unthinkable, really, tha…
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A prayer based on Matthew 13:15-16. As children we tend to be very open. When we get older, we learn to dull our ears and hearts, close our eyes, judge others and forget the precise, powerful teachings of Christ. We say all the right things we think God wants to hear, but we miss the simple things he wants us to know. There can be an erosion of fai…
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A prayer based on Matthew 4:3-4. Do you struggle to find time in the Word? The Bible is so much more than a sentimental piece of memorabilia—it's the living and active Word of God. It's the place where we find God's revelation of himself to us, where we learn of his plans and purpose for us, and where we discover the depths of his love and sacrific…
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A prayer based on Ecclesiastes 5:6-7. Our words should be framed with His Word, seasoned with scripture that points to God. The more we meditate upon God’s Word, the more it indwells us and flows over into our everyday speech and actions. Praying God’s Word helps focus us during prayer and reminds us of the One we’re spending time with. Praying the…
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A prayer based on Psalm 18:19. Strength is easy to love. It doesn't take convincing to be awed by the power of the ocean, the forces of nature in a storm. We wonder at professional athletes with extreme physical prowess and cheer wildly at the growing strength of our own children on the court or on the playing field. But is this what true strength …
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In this episode Ron interviews Gary Taubes, a renowned journalist, author, and Co-Founder of the Nutrition Science Initiative. Here Gary dives into his most recent book “Rethinking Diabetes: What Science Reveals About Diet, Insulin, and Successful Treatments”. In this interview Taubes also delves into the controversial world of dietary science, dis…
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A prayer based on Psalm 139. Having adult children is hard. Part of me is here at home taking care of the child still under my roof and another part of me is also not here. I'm distracted thinking about, wondering about and praying for the ones who are far away. Are they safe, clean? Have they eaten their vegetables, gotten enough sleep, said their…
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A prayer based on Daniel :10. Faithfulness comes with a cost. No one asks to be thrown in a lion's den, but we often are. Sometimes, those dens are full of lions and sometimes they're full of people, and when life brings hard things, we bring out our habits. Dark places expose truth. Do you pray more when it's hard? Or ignore God for earthly strate…
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A prayer based on Daniel 4:3. We live in an age where we can know everything about anything going on in the world at any time—whether we want to or not. Some people find this comforting. I find it overwhelming. This especially applies to all things related to hatred and corruption in politics and leadership roles throughout society. It seems we can…
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A prayer based on Luke 23:50-51. The year I got engaged, I visited several bridal shops in search of the perfect wedding dress. I scanned for hours looking for “my” dress, but in the end, it was worth every second. Like the biblical story of the treasure in a field—or the perfect wedding dress—when you find the kingdom of God, you’re willing to giv…
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In this episode of Primary Care Cures, Ron dives into the world of healthcare inefficiency with special guests Ashok Subramanian CEO of Centivo and Dr. Jane Sailer, Medical Director of Centivo. The crux of the issue? The glaring inefficiencies that leave clinicians with only a fraction of the compensation they rightfully deserve while large corpora…
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Have you ever felt like some combination of maid, butler, chauffeur, and chef in your home? I imagine we've all had those days. Those moments when we wondered if anyone else noticed or appreciated all the ways we keep our homes running on time, in order, and usually even in clean clothes! There are times when being a mom can feel like a thankless r…
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When difficult situations arise, one of the biggest problems people face is discouragement. We pray expecting life to go our way. Then, when it doesn’t, we struggle with our disappointment. After several of these experiences, we can be tempted to lose heart and quit. When people do what is right in their own eyes and justify their actions towards o…
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Jesus often compares physical hunger with the deep hunger for God that all of us are born with. He also demonstrates and explains that our soul hunger is only satisfied by him alone. We often forget that we will not be satisfied completely until we look to Jesus and his limitless resources and power. Only when we learn to be completely satisfied wi…
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