show episodes

Bible in a Year with Pastor Chris Dodge

Pastor Chris Dodge of Awake Us Now Ministries

A fascinating study! In each book of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation we will find Jesus! Hebrews 4:12 says the Word of God is alive and active! Meaning it is not dry, dusty, old stuff. It is living and active! And because it is the living word, it will impact you. Join us and let His Word change your life!
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Awake Us Now

Pastor Chris Dodge

Awake Us Now is a body of believers who: WORSHIP the Triune God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. Praise Him with joy and thanksgiving for He is God and He is good; WALK by faith in the power of the Holy Spirit. This is the clear teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ and the clear declaration of the Scriptures. Such a daily walk is a far cry from mere religion or "church as usual;" WITNESS to Jesus Christ our Savior in daily life situations. Take seriously His call to make disciples. ...
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Art of the Assistant

Treg Spicer, Dan Vaughn

Are you an assistant pastor who is looking to take yourself or your ministry to the next level? Are you looking to grow spiritually in vocational ministry? The Art of the Assistant Podcast prepares you to WIN, even in the second chair of your ministry organization. Join Pastor Treg Spicer has he discusses topics that will provide value for all pastors who are looking to better serve their church and senior pastor.
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show series
Ezra & Nehemiah (one book in the Hebrew scriptures) tell of Israel's return from Babylon and the rebuilding of the Temple, in the face of bitter local opposition. It is a story of God's faithfulness and the importance of obedience to the Living God. Our Bible in a Year study with Pastor Dodge will take you from Genesis to Revelation. Hebrews 4:12 s…
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Revelation 21:23 - 22:21 -- Perfection of the New Jerusalem; The Tree of Life restored; This prophecy not to be sealed up; Jesus is coming soon/quickly. Final video in this series. What does The Book of Revelation say about the future? How does it address the events of today? So many different interpretations — which is t…
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Revelation 21:1-27 -- A new Heaven and a new earth; God dwells among His people; The New Jerusalem comes down; Description of the city and promises of God. What does The Book of Revelation say about the future? How does it address the events of today? So many different interpretations — which is the correct one? Is this book scary? — or — Is this b…
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Growing gracefully in obedience is a response to the salvation God has worked in our lives through Christ Jesus. We are called to walk in obedience as a response to our faith in Jesus. Obedience is not necessary for salvation, but obedience is necessary! Join us as we explore Growing Gracefully in our relationship with Jesus Christ through obedienc…
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Titled “Stone Boxes,” this is a sermon probably unlike any you’ve ever heard! What are the stone boxes Pastor is going to talk about? Clue: these boxes are ancient. And what do these old stone boxes have to say to us today? What parallels can be found between Then and Now? Pastor shares a new truth: Truth #16 - It is dangerous to ignore clear evide…
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Revelation 20:1 - 21:1 -- The Millennium - where different views agree and disagree; Satan bound - what does this mean?; First and Second Resurrections, First and Second Deaths; Gog and Magog; The final battle and Satan's utter defeat; Lake of Fire; A new heaven and a new earth (more on this next week). Q & A session. Wha…
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Mark 15:22-39. Roman crucifixion; meaning of INRI; Crucifixion in Old Testament prophecy; Sacrifice of Jesus. This study is an in depth look at Jesus’ crucifixion on Golgotha (Calvary). Pastor shares pictures of the present area of Golgotha and the archeological discoveries that are happening. He explains the true nature of crucifixion: a most brut…
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Revelation 19:6-21 -- The wedding of the Lamb; Hallelujahs; The rider on the white horse goes forth, heaven's armies follow; The Beast and the kings of the earth gather with their armies and are utterly defeated and cast into the Lake of Fire; Triumph of God. Next week: The Millenium. What does The Book of Revelation say …
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Revelation 18:2 - 19:6 -- Fall of Babylon the Great; The world system opposed to God mourns Babylon; Total victory for God; Hallelujahs in heaven. What does The Book of Revelation say about the future? How does it address the events of today? So many different interpretations — which is the correct one? Is this book scary…
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Revelation 17:1 - 18:2 -- Babylon the Great; The woman sitting on the Beast; The Devil's counterfeits; 7 kings, 10 horns, interpretations; Fallen is Babylon. What does The Book of Revelation say about the future? How does it address the events of today? So many different interpretations — which is the correct one? Is this…
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Daniel contains some well-know stories, but also speaks powerfully of the promised Messiah and of things to come. It is a controversial book, but is crucial to understanding many of the words of Jesus. Our Bible in a Yeaar study with Pastor Dodge will take you from Genesis to Revelation. Hebrews 4:12 says the Word of God is alive and active, not dr…
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Revelation 15:6 - 16:21 -- Seven angels, seven bowls, seven plagues; God's mercy and God's wrath; God's exhortation to stay awake; Armageddon. What does The Book of Revelation say about the future? How does it address the events of today? So many different interpretations — which is the correct one? Is this book scary? — or — Is this book an incred…
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Today’s teaching show us the significance of the Conversion of Paul. Not only is it a remarkable event, it brings forward remarkable truths. New archeological discoveries of Paul’s tomb help emphasize these verses are not just a story. This is an actual account of an actual event, that happened to an actual person, and it changed the world! This ac…
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Rescued by Truth Week 28, “Stumbling Stones,” has profound significance for today. This message is based on 1 Corinthians 10:11, words that call us to learn important lessons from what happened in the past. The stones are crying out to us and speaking boldly to our confused, mixed-up and deceived times. The stones teach us important life lessons.…
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Revelation 14:9 - 15:6 -- Mark of God vs mark of the Beast; The final harvest; The winepress of God's wrath; Sea of Glass and the song of Moses and the Lamb; Seven angels with seven bowls. What does The Book of Revelation say about the future? How does it address the events of today? So many different interpretations — wh…
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Mark 15:1-21. Unjust accusations and punishment; Crucifixion; The Cross. If you ever doubt God cares, or if in the midst of difficult times you say, “Does God really care what I’m going through,” take a look at Mark 15. This chapter is short but it is powerful. It says loud and clear, here’s how much He loves us: He stretched out His arms, and He t…
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Revelation 13:18 - 14:10a -- The number of the Beast, 666, is the number of a man; The Lamb and the 144,000; The Three Angels; Mark of the Beast. What does The Book of Revelation say about the future? How does it address the events of today? So many different interpretations — which is the correct one? Is this book scary? — or — Is this book an inc…
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Revelation 13:1-17 -- Unholy trinity of the Dragon, the beast of the sea, the beast of the land; Foreshadowings in Daniel; Interpretations of the Two Beasts. Next time - the name/number of the Beast, 666. What does The Book of Revelation say about the future? How does it address the events of today? So many different interpretations — which is the …
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Revelation 12:1-17 -- The woman and the dragon; War in Heaven; The Dragon/Serpent seeks to destroy the Child/Messiah; Defeat of the Devil and his angels. Q & A session at end of video. What does The Book of Revelation say about the future? How does it address the events of today? So many different interpretations — which is the correct one? Is this…
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Week 28 - Ecclesiastes shows the emptiness of a "full" life lived without the presence of God, then urges the reader to return to the one Living God. Esther highlights the faithfulness of God in rescuing His people. Our Bible in a Year study with Pastor Dodge will take you from Genesis to Revelation. Hebrews 4:12 says the Word of God is alive and a…
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Revelation 11:3-19 -- The two witness, interpretations; Beast from the Abyss; 7th trumpet sounded; God's temple in heaven opened, Ark of the Covenant seen. What does The Book of Revelation say about the future? How does it address the events of today? So many different interpretations — which is the correct one? Is this book scary? — or — Is this b…
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Revelation 10:1 - 11:2 -- The angel with the Little Scroll; 1260 days and interpretations; John given a reed to measure the Temple, the Altar, and the worshippers; Old Testament parallels. What does The Book of Revelation say about the future? How does it address the events of today? So many different interpretations — which is the correct one? Is …
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Revelation 9:7-21 -- 5th and 6th trumpets sounded; Key to the abyss & "the Destroyer" (Abaddon/Apollyon) ; Four angels bound at the Euphrates are released; God wants to call people back to Him. What does The Book of Revelation say about the future? How does it address the events of today? So many different interpretations — which is the correct one…
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Revelation 8:8 - 9:6 -- The 7 trumpets; 2nd, 3rd. 4th, and 5th Angels sound trumpets; Woes and judgments on the earth; Angelic message to the faithful: Al Tirah (Fear Not). Q&A session. What does The Book of Revelation say about the future? How does it address the events of today? So many different interpretations — which is the correct one? Is thi…
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Revelation 8:1-7 -- The 7th Seal opened, silence in Heaven; 7 angles & 7 trumpets; What is God's purpose in this section? Interpretations; The golden incense censer, connections with Old Testament & the Temple; The 1st trumpet is sounded. What does The Book of Revelation say about the future? How does it address the events of today? So many differe…
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Revelation 7:13 - 8:1 -- The Great Tribulation - varying theories; The Rapture - differing interpretations; Silence in heaven after Seventh Seal opened. What does The Book of Revelation say about the future? How does it address the events of today? So many different interpretations — which is the correct one? Is this book scary? — or — Is this book…
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Week 27 - God speaks to us both in our joys as well as in the the trials and difficulties of our lives. In the "Song of Songs," God speaks very powerfully about the kind of love that He intends for a husband and a wife to share with one another. In "Lamentations," we see that even when God's people have rebelled and brought terrible judgement on th…
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Revelation 7:1-14 -- The seal of God on His servants; The 144,000; The 12 tribes as listed in Revelation; The multitude in white robes, come out of the great tribulation. What does The Book of Revelation say about the future? How does it address the events of today? So many different interpretations — which is the correct one? Is this book scary? —…
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Revelation 6:1-16 -- The seven seals; Removal of the first six seals; Interpretations of the meanings. The recommended Bible Class, "Awake to His-story" can be viewed at What does The Book of Revelation say about the future? How does it address the events of today? So many different interpretations — which…
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Revelation 5 -- The scroll with 7 seals; The Lamb; Jesus, the Lamb, the Lion of Judah, the Root of David; Crescendo of praise to the Lamb; Messianic prophesies in Daniel and Isaiah. What does The Book of Revelation say about the future? How does it address the events of today? So many different interpretations — which is the correct one? Is this bo…
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Revelation Chapter 4 -- The throne of God in Heaven; 24 elders, the seven spirits of God, 4 living creatures - Old Testament references and schools of interpretation. Q & A session. What does The Book of Revelation say about the future? How does it address the events of today? So many different interpretations — which is the correct one? Is this bo…
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Week 26 - The Book of Job speaks powerfully not only to the mind and heart, but also to the soul. It is a book that truly does express the heart of God in the midst of the hardest and most difficult of life's trials and and troubles. Bible in a Year with Pastor Dodge will take you from Genesis to Revelation. Hebrews 4:12 says the Word of God is ali…
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Revelation 3:14-22 -- Laodicea, the lukewarm church; Parallels in modern times; "I stand at the door and knock" often misunderstood; Views on meaning and application of the letters to 7 churches. What does The Book of Revelation say about the future? How does it address the events of today? So many different interpretations — which is the correct o…
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A study of the story of Stephen, a man who understood the truth of Jesus and experienced the consequences of speaking the wisdom the Holy Spirit gave him. God is calling us today to have the faith of Stephen, to follow the Lord Jesus, to be faithful, to love our enemies, to pray for those who persecute us, and to speak God’s truth in love.…
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Revelation 2:18 - 3:13 -- Letters to the churches of Thyatira, Sardis, and Philadelphia; Thyatira - Lydia vs. "Jezebel"; Exhortation to "Wake Up!" What does The Book of Revelation say about the future? How does it address the events of today? So many different interpretations — which is the correct one? Is this book scary? — or — Is this book an in…
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Mark 14:1-26. Jesus’ anointing during the Festival of Unleavened Bread, the significance of this anointing and how it ties into a kingly anointing; observations that point to God being in control of every detail of the plan for Jesus, nothing was by chance and Pastor shows the consistent truth of the Bible; the betrayal of Jesus by Judas is set int…
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Revelation 2:8-17 -- Format of letters to 7 churches, Letters to Smyrna and Pergamum; Word "Repent" used more in Revelation than in any other New Testament book. What does The Book of Revelation say about the future? How does it address the events of today? So many different interpretations — which is the correct one? Is this book scary? — or — Is …
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Revelation 1:12 - 2:7 -- Identity of Jesus in John's vision confirmed by Old Testament references; Overview of letters to the 7 "churches" or assemblies; meaning of "ekklesia," often translated church; Letter to Ephesus. What does The Book of Revelation say about the future? How does it address the events of today? So many different interpretations…
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Revelation 1:7-13 -- Jesus, the promised great Passover Lamb; Old Testament references and fulfillment; Why "Seven" churches?; What does The Book of Revelation say about the future? How does it address the events of today? So many different interpretations — which is the correct one? Is this book scary? — or — Is this book an incredible comfort? Jo…
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Week 3 is on our need for humility in interpretation; Overview of Millennial interpretations (Historic Premillennialism, Postmillennialism, Amillennialism, Dispensational Premillennialism); References to Old Testament permeate Revelation. What does The Book of Revelation say about the future? How does it address the events of today? So many differe…
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Week 25 - The Book of Proverbs is the the truth of the Living God applied to daily life. It also contains some of the most beautiful Hebrew poetry in existence, and conveys in poetic form powerful fundamental truths that are absolutely life-changing. Our Bible in a Year study with Pastor Dodge will take you from Genesis to Revelation. Hebrews 4:12 …
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Pastor examines the statement “I’m not a Christian because of all the hypocrites.” Hypocrisy is play acting that one has faith, rather than having genuine faith. In this message, we see a tragic example of hypocrisy in contrast to an example of bold faithfulness. The lesson of this story is to take God seriously. It is not about having a little rel…
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"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." (Psalm 19:1). Yet many question this ancient truth written by King David, because a worldview has been accepted and perpetuated. Come discover the truth: God is the Creator! Modern scientific research has shown the universe to be incredibly complex and organized, lead…
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