show episodes
IMC's Vision: To be an authentic space BY moms FOR moms IMC's Mission: To create an approachable space for Indian mothers to share their experiences To provide mutual support for our motherhood journeys To help raise good children
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No Limits podcast brings you insightful conversations about relationships, psychology, self-development, and mental health. Everyone has a story to tell or something to teach, our guests range from experts and public figures to your next-door friend. New episodes every week, find us on Youtube, Spotify, or on Apple Podcasts.
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D Control Show proves its uniquity by getting in touch with people whom you have never seen. Every new guest on this show share their personal experiences, the problems they faced in their life, and their inspiration in the journey of fulfilling their dreams. You receive a great motivation and create your pathway listening about their hurdles in their life. The aim of this show is to provide a great motivation towards decision making in personal life.
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show series
Starting this summer season with lovely nature nomad Leyna Roget. Leyna is a Somatic & Shamanic Multigenerational Trauma Therapist, Medical Intuitive, Emotional Energy Healer, and Ritual Sound Storyteller. She has a miracle healing story from 25 years with a colostomy bag and autoimmune inflammatory bowel (Crohn's Disease) diagnosis. She is serving…
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I am honored to welcome Megan Lambert to my No Limits podcast. Megan is an intimacy expert, relationship coach, podcast host, and best-selling author but foremost wife and a mom. She's on her ever-evolving life journey, with one central aim - to help the world embrace the transformative power of the feminine and help men and women have more love, b…
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In this podcast episode, I sat down with Nicholas Micalizzi. Nicholas is a wellness professional with over 23 years of experience. He has dedicated his career to helping individuals achieve optimal health and well-being. Beginning as a personal trainer specializing in breathwork and emotional well-being, he has become a highly sought-after life coa…
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Tänases episoodis istun maha Karinaga, et tuua teieni telgitagused meie peagi algavast kursusest! Karina Karis on Tartu Ülikooli Psühhiaatriakliiniku kliiniline psühholoog ning töötab peamiselt söömishäiretega. Meie kohtusime Karinaga petereraapia väljaõppes, mis on viinud meid ühisele teekonnale aitamaks inimesi paremate suheteni. Selles episoodis…
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I’m happy to welcome Vishen Lakhiani on our new No Limits podcast episode! I was fortunate enough to become friends with him a few years ago and have been inspired by him since then. Vishen is a renowned entrepreneur, author, and personal growth and development speaker. He is the founder and CEO of Mindvalley, a leading education platform that deli…
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Mul on au tuua teieni meeletult ehe ja aus vestlus Artjomiga! Seekord on meil eriti raske kuid avardav teema: lahkuminek ja südame purunemine. Kuulame Artjomi lahkuminekulugu. Saame teada, kuidas tema üks kõige raskemaid väljakutseid sai üheks seni kõige võimsamaks arengukohaks. Artjom on tantsu- ja meditatsiooni muusika DJ ja muusikaprodutsent, he…
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Jätkame No Limits podcasti 2. hooaega oluliste teemadega! Sel korral on meil külas Tom Valsberg oma täies headuses, rääkimas meile teadlikust seksuaalsusest. Tomi tegevusvaldkonnad ulatuvad seinast seina- sellegi poolest on tema viimaste aastate kõige südamelähedasema missioon olnud Eesti meeste (kui ka naiste) seksuaalse teadlikkuse tõstmine. Sell…
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No Limits podcasti 2. hooaeg läheb käima nüüd! Esimese episoodina toome teieni põneva jutuajamise Liine Põldsamiga. Juba kohe, kohe on võimalik registreerida end 27. veebruaril algavale kurusele “Igavese armastuse võti”. Just seetõttu toome teieni selle episoodi, kus räägime lähemalt algavast kursusest ning kõigest sellega seonduvast. Sukeldume tee…
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It’s time for another No Limits episode from sunny Guatemala. This time with Hinnerk Schichta. Hinnerk is a Human Design analyst, performing artist, and Herzraum Retreats organizer. He is a life lover originally from Germany. I was lucky enough to bump into him in a cafe in San Marcos, where we quickly clicked. I had heard about Human Design from s…
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If you like to share your experience in our show, Please submit your proposal here: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In today’s episode of D Control Show, we have the special guests Akshaya Rajesh and Sinu Merin. These are the p…
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In today’s No Limits episode, we welcome Ajith Kanes, with whom we sat down for the first time already 9 months ago. Ajith is an artist, videographer, podcast host, mental coach, and men’s circle host from Switzerland. He shares his journey of returning home, integrating into society, and the adventures he has had after our last episode. In this ep…
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I am happy to continue with my episodes from my time in Guatemala. Today’s guest is amazing Li-Or Noam. Li-or uses his ability and sensitivity as an intuitive empath, as well as non-violent communication (NVC), to see people down to their core, connect and reconnect them with their true feelings, desires, and needs and enable healing and empowermen…
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If you like to share your experience in our show, Please submit your proposal here: ——————————————————————————————————————— In today’s episode of D Control Show, we have the very inspiring Mr. Rahul Wankhede. One of the most knowledgeable people I have had the pleasure to talk to. A young boy from Nagpur has gath…
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In today’s No Limits episode I am honored to introduce Anil Chandwani. Anil is a Business Mentor, Transformation-Meditation Guide, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Entrepreneur, and member of the OSHO International team. He is also teaching Clinical Hypnotherapy worldwide. I was fortunate enough to study from him in August 2022. In this episode, we concent…
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Selles episoodis sukeldun sügavasse müstikamaailma Asse Saugaga. Asse on ettevõtja, krüpto ekspert, raamatu “Kõik sai alguse Bitcoinist” autor kuid sellele kõrval ka valgustöötaja, tervendaja ja vaimne giid. Assega võib kokku puutuda finantsmaailmas ning samal ajal näha aktiivselt toimetamas Rahvusvahelises Modernses Müstikakoolis. Tänases episoodi…
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Sel nädalal toon põnevusega teieni podcasti oma imearmsa meditatsiooni õpetaja Seeda Randroo-Chandini Saritaga. Seeda Sarita meditatsiooni teekond algas juba 16 aastat tagasi ning jätkub senini. Tänaseks on Seeda hinnatud meditatsiooni õpetaja, rajanud Eesti Meditatsiooni Kooli ning on samaaegselt ka OSHO Eesti Meditatsiooni Keskuse üks rajajaid ja…
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This No Limits podcast episode is full of womanpower with my lovely guest Christina Gomes. Christina is a business coach for soul-led entrepreneurs helping them to create, launch and sell high-value offers and attract their soul mate clients consistently so they can live their sacred calling full time. Her story is a true inspiration to everyone wh…
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I’m excited to bring you the first No Limits episode from my travels to Guatemala. In this episode, I’m sitting down with Ajith Kanes. Ajith is an artist, videographer, podcast host, and mental coach from Switzerland. Even though I met him only a day before recording this episode, I already felt I have known him for years. You can learn with me mor…
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I am bringing you the new No Limits episode with remarkable Erwin Benedict Valencia. Erwin’s second name is Gratitude Godfather, which he has earned out with great work dedicating himself to learning about people's happiness. In everyday life, he is a life coach, physical therapist, and wellness lead for several basketball, volleyball, and baseball…
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Let’s talk about toxic positivity! Today’s guest on our No Limits talk show series is Jeannette Breen. Jeannette is the Editor in Chief of Meditations in Mindvalley, a certified coach, and an inspirational person. We will discuss the topics about when and how to offer support, positivity as a protection mechanism, coming out of a dark place by just…
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Sellenädalases episoodis on meil külas tõeliselt väekas naine- Kristiina Saul! Kristiina puhul on tegemist eriti andeka naisega, kelle tegevusvaldkonnad ulatuvad seinast seina. Enda karjääri alustas Kristiina juristina kuid peagi suunas elu ta vaimsele teekonnale. Tänaseks on ta sukeldunud sügavale tantra maailma ning on üks neljast peakorraldajast…
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Selles episoodis on külas minu armas ülikoolikaaslane ja sõbranna Marii- Heleen Penu. Marii on kirglik ning seiklushimuline hing, kes on enda teekonnal nii mõndagi ametit katsetanud. Korvpalli pisiku sai Marii sisse juba 3 aastaselt, mis hoidis teda kindlal sihil liikuda maailmatasemel korvpalli suunas. Elu tegi üks hetk aga omad korrektuurid ning …
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Kuidas leida õige tasakaal enda ja partneri vajaduste vahel? Millise rolli võtad paarisuhtes ning kuidas sellest lahti murda? Selles episoodis on minul külas Jelena Põldsam, kellega räägin paarisuhte dünaamikatest. Jelena on kliiniline psühholoog-psühhoterapeut ja Ambromed Kliiniku tegevjuht. Jelena on lõpetanud Tartu Ülikooli magistrantuuri, teinu…
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This week's guest on the No Limits talk show series is Victoria Tääker. Victoria is a digital marketer at Comodule IoT, a former model, and an inspirational person. Victoria talks about her journey from being a model to working as a volunteer in Uganda and how she found her way to marketing. We talk about giving second chances in relationships and …
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Wow! Kui elav, aus, avatud ja familiaarne vestlus tänases saates koos Hanna Martinsoniga. Hannalt tuli nii palju positiivseid mõtteid, väikseid rutiine ja nippe, kuidas oma ellu suhtumist pidevalt parendada ja endaga positiivse mõtteviisi suunas tööd teha. Väga mõnus kuulamine, mis endaga jalutuskäigule või trenni kaasa võtta. Tänases saates rääkis…
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Mida aktsepteerimine päriselt tähendab, kas oled selle peale mõelnud? Tänases podcastis avame Karinaga aktsepteerimise mõistmise teema ning räägime, kuidas aktsepteerimist oma igapäevaelus rakendada. Karina on Tartu Ülikooli Psühhiaatriakliiniku kliiniline psühholoog ning töötab peamiselt söömishäiretega. Lisaks sellele teeb Karina doktoritööd ja o…
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If you like to share your experience in our show, Please submit your proposal here: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In today’s episode of D Control Show, we have the very inspiring Mr. Rahul Wankhede. One of the most knowledgeab…
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What makes you lose trust and faith in someone? Let’s talk about it. This week's guest on the No Limits talk show series is Jeannette Breen. Jeannette is the Editor in Chief of Meditations in Mindvalley, a certified coach, and an inspirational person. Jeannette talks about her journey from being a model to living in the mountains of Peru and how sh…
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Millest alustada, kui tahta muuta ja murda oma pere mustreid? Tänases podcastis avame Heleni loo tema kogemusest, erinevatest teraapiatest ning sellest, kuidas lukku keeratud peresuhteid muuta, enda seljatagusega tööd teha ja jõuda selle julguseni, et elada tõeliselt sellist elu, nagu endale soovid. Räägime Heleniga võrdlemisest, pseudo minast, emo…
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Mis on pereteraapia, kellele on pereteraapia mõeldud ja miks on see vajalik? Tänases saates on meil väga suur rõõm vestelda ühe äärmiselt imelise ja inspireeriva naisega — Jelena Põldsam! Jelena on kliiniline psühholoog-psühhoterapeut ja Ambromed Kliiniku tegevjuht. Jelena on lõpetanud Tartu Ülikooli magistrantuuri, teinud teadustööd söömishäirete …
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What do you value the most in a relationship? Let’s talk about it. We are kicking off our new talk show series on the No Limits podcast, where me and Liisa, are deep diving into different topics with our special guests. Each episode includes questions, which we choose amongst the ones you or other followers have asked. This is the show where you al…
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In today’s episode of D Control Show, we have the very inspiring Tanush Mishra. One of the most knowledgeable people I have had the pleasure to talk to. Mr. Tanush is a civil engineering graduate from GH Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur, Maharashtra. He is presently working as a retail executive in a respectful company. He also worked as coll…
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Miks on vaja mugavustsoonist välja astuda, julgelt elada, hetkes olemist hinnata ja oi kui palju teemasid veel, mida selles osas puudutasime. Grete Paia on üks uskumatu naine mitmes kuues, kellel on imetlusväärne pealehakkamine ja distsipliin, tänu millele on ta nii noorelt jõudnud väga palju saavutada. Tema positiivne ellusuhtumine oma ellu ning k…
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Podcasti esimeses saates on meil suur rõõm vestelda ühe imelise naisega, kelle teadmised, naiselik sära ja kindel meel on nii meile, kui ka teistele suureks inspiratsiooniks. Lubage tutvustada — Liine Põldsam! Liine on kliiniline psühholoog-psühhoterapeut, kelle suur huvi on muuhulgas paariteraapia. Liine on läbinud kognitiiv-käitumusliku psühhoter…
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In today’s episode of D Control Show, we have the very inspiring Adithya Akula. One of the most knowledgeable people I have had the pleasure to talk to. Adithya Akula is a graduate of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University belongs to the Metallurgy Department. He is also pursuing his master's from the Central University of Gujarat and he is a st…
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In today’s episode of D Control Show, we have the very inspiring Pavan Kartheek. One of the most knowledgeable people I have had the pleasure to talk to. Pavan is a trainer by passion and also a final year student of engineering from TKR College of Engineering and Technology belonging to the Electronics & Communication Engineering Department. He ha…
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India is the seventh largest country in the world with 7 neighbouring countries. It has the second largest population in the world, with 1.3 billion people, after China. India has been under colonization for about 200 years. And we got our independence on 15th August 1947. Our situation during this period was adverse. But we didn’t lose hope and we…
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In today’s episode of D Control Show, we have the very inspiring Jahnavi Rampalli. One of the most knowledgeable people I have had the pleasure to talk to. Jahnavi Rampalli is a graduate of Kakinada Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women belongs to the Electrical and Electronics Department. She is also an IELTS Trainer, Life Coach, Publi…
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