Addiction has been a part of my life for over 20 years now. In the beginning, it was about running to something, it was about trying to feel more, wanting to experience the word, and soak every drop. My youthfull invincibility had held on tight. I was coming from a happy,, adventurous place. Soon, as addiction started to creep in, the oppsing forces waging a war in my head sunk me to a place within myself that I'm still trying to figure, it murdering ways have introd4uced me to a level of su ...
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I once again struggle to try and come up with the words, and even the topic of any specific segment. I know it's bad, and uninteresting, but I felt I should at least try to record and publish something....
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This Podcast is dedicated to my sweet Jessica Dietrich who passed away from a heroin/fentanyl overdose in December of 2021. I will always love and adore you booboo....
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