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Self-contentment… remember what that feels like? Do you remember who you were before you had kids? Do you remember what you loved to do and the things that brought you joy? As a single mom I know that for many years I felt like there was nothing more to me than just being Mom. It was a feeling that is hard to nail down sometimes. The best way I can…
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For many couples with children it has been typical that the woman would be the primary care giver. Often times staying at home to care for the kids while her husband worked. However, over the years this dynamic has changed a bit. A 2013 Pew study revealed that 40% of women were the main breadwinners in their homes. It is likely that number has rise…
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If you know me, or have listened to some of my podcasts, you know that one of the things I dislike more than most anything is stereotypes. I do not like it when people put other people into a certain box, or judge them based on preconceived notions. Assuming they know a person's situation before actually getting to know them. This happens all to of…
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It is almost the end of 2018 and I don't know about you but I am ready to kick last year to the curb and welcome in 2019! Last year seemed to be the most BLAH year I have experienced thus far. Now, it may be due to the political BS that has been going on ALL YEAR LONG. It could be my struggles with depression. It could be any number of things. What…
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It's CHRISTMAS TIME!!!!! I don't know about you, but this is my favorite time of year! I love all the lights and decorations. I love the smell of cinnamon pine cones at the store! I even LOVE the Christmas music playing on an endless loop. Yes, I am one of those people. However, this is also the time of year where I tend to drive myself a little bi…
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The holidays are here again! With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I keep seeing people posting on social media all the things that they are thankful for. And while I think that expressing gratitude is always a good thing; I always wonder why people only seem to do it around a specific holiday? Why only think about what you are thankful for aro…
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Toxic Masculinity: One Dad Took to Twitter to Defend His Son A few days ago I was scrolling through my Twitter feed trying, and failing, to ignore the political nonsense that has overtaken literally all social media platforms. I posted some pithy comments and re-tweeted some of the dumbest things that I came across. Realizing that by doing so I was…
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The Pros & Cons of Working From Home As a single mom I struggled for years trying to support my family while working full time. I had to apply for government assistance to afford the child care I needed. I knew that the only way I was going to get out the struggle I was in was if I didn't have to pay for child care. The only way I would be able to …
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Self-Care – we know it's important right? You hear it all the time, self-care – don't forget to take care of yourself. As single moms we are more often than not running in 5 different directions, going a million miles an hour with our hair on fire! We take on so much every day just to keep our small humans alive and kicking. And on those days self-…
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This weeks podcast is about picking your battles! What do you mean ‘pick your battles'? As parents we have so many different things that we have to worry about and deal with on a daily basis. Making sure that these little humans grow up safe and secure and turn into hopefully productive members of society! But let's be honest – they can REALLY test…
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I posted a while ago that I was going to start on a new challenge: Lose 40 pounds. Yep – 40! That's a lot of weight to lose for me, especially since the last few years I have been packing it on instead of losing weight. I mentioned how I had gained the weight and why it was so hard for me to lose. The biggest reason being that I REALLY like food. T…
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Who you allow into your life, mind & heart are among the most important decisions you will ever make. It took me some time to fully understand this and how important it was in my life. I am one of those people who will always try to see the good in people. I usually end up ignoring the bad when I do though. Quite often I would ignore or disregard b…
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The most recent controversial decision by the Trump administration (because there have been quite a few to choose from) is taking aim as transgender youth in our schools. In May of 2016 the Obama administration stated that Title IX protects the right of transgender students to use the restroom and locker rooms that coincide with the gender they ide…
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Self Care is so important but unfortunately we don't always practice it! A few years ago I was a part of a group of parents with special needs children. Every couple of weeks we would get together and talk. Either to vent about what was going on in our lives, talk about specific needs or issues that we had or hear guest speakers. This group was som…
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One of the people that I really pay attention to and follow pretty religiously is Gary Vaynerchuck a.k.a. Gary Vee. He is this amazing entrepreneur who has really perfected his hustle. This man is a machine when it comes to his business and his life. He has build several successful businesses and makes it a point to be on top of developing trends. …
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Accountability. Seems a simple word really; but in practice it can be difficult at times and sometimes even harder to teach. In my life and in my family it is something that is so very important though. Being accountable for the things we do, the things we say, and how we feel are things that I try to teach my children because they are so very impo…
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So I recently decided that I wanted to do a Q&A segment where I would answer some of the questions that my readers and podcast listeners have asked. To get started though I asked my 8 year old daughter if SHE would like to be the first guest. I decided today would be a great day to do it since we were stuck at home due to a local blizzard here in C…
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Anyone who has ever been on government assistance programs (or welfare) can attest that is isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. For most people welfare was never intended to be a permanent solution but only a short term boost until they could get back on their feet again. However, as with almost everything in the world there are those whom abuse the sy…
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Are you living your life deliberately on purpose? Or are you simply reacting to what life throws at you? I recently had to ask myself this same question… Every year I attend a conference in Phoenix hosted by Infusionsoft (Now Keap). If you haven't heard of Infusionsoft don't worry, you're probably not a marketer or small business owner, BUT I guara…
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Yep, I am a terrible, horrible, awful mom. At least I would likely be labeled as one by the paparazzi and social media if I were a famous person. If I was a mother who's parenting style was constantly under scrutiny like many of the celebrity parents out there I would definitely be tagged with that headline. Recently one of my favorite blogs – Scar…
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Growing up and letting go… sounds a bit like an after school special title doesn't it? Regardless of what it sounds like it is in fact what I am currently struggling with. It seems like it wasn't that long ago when my boys were just little kids and now I am coming face to face with the reality that my little boys aren't little anymore. They will be…
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How do you forgive someone who ruined a life? If you have been following my blog for a while you know that I am the proud mama of two amazing special needs boys: Gage and Connor. Both are Shaken Baby Syndrome survivors and are two of the most important people in my life. As you may have heard in previous podcasts I mention briefly about my son bein…
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Every year when New Year's Eve and the New Year roll around everyone starts talking about resolutions and how the New Year will bring a ‘New Them'. Which is great in theory – but when you start the New Year with these big plans or ‘resolutions' but you are still the same you inside then you will likely fail. For example, if your resolution is to lo…
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The holiday season is by far my favorite time of year. I absolutely love seeing all the lights and decorations and putting up the Christmas tree with the kids. This time of year just always gives me that warm fuzzy feeling, but for some it brings a lot of judgement. Recently a mother came under fire over social media for providing TOO MUCH for her …
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Unless you have been living under a rock you've probably heard about the recent strike in the ‘War on Christmas'. That's right! Yet another company is guilty of taking the ‘Christ' out of Christmas. Starbucks recently unveiled their holiday cup and apparently there is a bit of an issue with it. IT'S RED. That's it, nothing more – just red. Now for …
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Today's Single Mom Podcast discusses a topic that has really started to bother me lately. As a parent I completely understand that there are times when our children will push us to our absolute limits. Times when we will be so angry that we have to walk away from them and count to eleventy-billion before we can even think of speaking to them again.…
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As a single mother I am always looking for various ways to save money and one of my biggest expenses is clothing for my kids. Especially with how quickly my daughter is growing. As a baby she was growing out of her clothes every few months it seemed. So when I found out about a local consignment sale I was very excited to see what that was all abou…
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In today's podcast I talk about how recently one of my lovely children brought home a nasty little bug that they happily spread around to our entire family, not once but twice! Yep that little germ decided that it was having such a good time making us feel yucky that it stuck around for a second round of phlegmy shenanigans. Now I am fairly certain…
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You hear all the time about things like fat shaming and body shaming and all those horrible instances of one person making another person feel bad about themselves. Recently a woman named Nicole Arbour gained a great deal of infamy due to her “Fat Shaming” video where she basically insulted overweight people everywhere. Now I understand that she fe…
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Don't give up! Never give up! Don't quit! We constantly hear this in our lives. That you should never give up on anything, that you should keep fighting, keep working hard, keep pushing if you want to get ahead in life, if you want to be happy, if you want the outcome that you desire you CAN'T QUIT! You see the memes out there always telling you to…
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One of the best books I have ever read is the 4 Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. It has brought me a great sense of clarity through my life and helped me get to a better place internally.Reading this book and learning this concept of not taking things personally really helped me develop a better relationship with myself AND with my ex if you can beli…
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Day 1… At last it is here! The event that children anticipate all school year long… SUMMER VACATION!!!! I have to say that I absolutely love summer, it is by far my favorite season. After a Colorado winter (that lasted until late May this year) and a fairly dreary spring – all 2 weeks of it (it's been a weird year weather-wise for us in Colorado)… …
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Wait, WHAT? Yep you heard me; getting fired was the best thing ever. This one solitary event was a catalyst that changed my life forever. Changed it for the better! I know you are thinking getting fired can't possibly be a good thing. You are out of your mind lady! Don't get me wrong, it didn't feel like it was the best thing at the time. In fact I…
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As a parent you know that you are going to experience times of joy, happiness, wonder, beauty, amazement and many other glorious things along the way as your child/children grow. All of those amazing things that our children do – learning to walk, talk, play, clap, laugh, sing – the list goes on and on… At some point though you will also go through…
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Ever have days when you feel just BLAH! You know those days where you feel like the whole world is on your shoulders and nothing seems to be going right for you? Those days when you feel like no matter what you do you will never be happy because your life is just not where you want it to be. Some days you just want to sit down and cry because thing…
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I was at my daughter's 8th birthday party the other day and the other moms and I started lamenting on how things have changed since we were kids. Yes we caught ourselves doing the whole “When I was a kid…” thing that we SWORE we would never do. (If you haven't caught yourself doing that yet as a parent, just wait – it's coming!) Anyway, we were tal…
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WARNING! THIS PODCAST IS ABOUT A SERIOUS TOPIC AND MAY BE HARD TO LISTEN TO. Last week I received some horrible news. News that I hoped that I would never hear. A young girl, someone I had seen grow up and had been very close to, passed away. She died at the age of 21, not quite making it to her 22nd birthday. I met this young lady when she was jus…
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