An Emotional moment in the history of space flights and space exploration . An enormous 9 year journey finally paid yesterday. Congrats to NASA and Space X . Let’s know about it in simple words. Like / Share/ Subscribe to Hello AI. I am your Su.
An interesting hypothesis of utilizing star’s heat source by building a sphere encompassing the Star. Thanks to Freeman Dyson for this interesting hypothesis. Nesting of such Dyson sphere is called Matrioshka brain. Lots of love - your Su 🌷🙏
Ad5-nCov is a vaccine proved effective on trials on 100 human. Small quick information about it. Listen to our podcast to know more! Please Like/Share/ Subscribe to Hello AI 🙏♥️ Lots of love - Su
Artificial eyes created by Hongkong research team has all the parts of retina modeled in the structure of human 👁 eye to reproduce the exact experience of human eye view. Does it work? Listen to know more. Please Like/Share/ Subscribe 🌷🙏
NASA scientists discovered cosmic particles emitting from ice looks like reflection of cosmic ray particles. What is the conclusion ? Let’s hear and find the answers. I am your Su and This is Hello AI - please Like / Share/Subscribe 🤗
An app created by tech giants that can track and identify covid19 patients, alert the person came in proximity to the covid patients and alert what to do next. Simple and best app with their pros and cons discussed.
As the genome clue of covid is found in Wet market of Wuhan, breeding of exotic animal trade for research, product testing etc., may start the vicious cycle of human consumption of exotic animals. Exotic animals belong to forest. #BANWILDLIFETRADE #BANCAPTIVITYOFEXOTICANIMALS #BANCAPTIVEBREEDINGOFEXOTICANIMALS…
A pep talk for you and your children to cope up stress as we all are staying home. A few numbers given by WHO. Stay positive ! with Lots of Love - SU 🌷
mRNA vaccine’s strategy to stop COVID 19 and let’s see how it actually works. This is developed by MODERNA INC., and funded by Coalition for epidemic preparedness innovations. I am your Su and this is Hello AI
MUST LISTEN - UNDERSTAND SO YOU WON’T TAKE CHANCES HERE. Help your own body so you can be instrument for tomorrow’s better world. How our body reacts to this virus and how hard our immune system layers it’s three protection services. Help your own body so you can be instrument for tomorrow’s better world. We have no Goliath here as Goliath is easy …
MUST LISTEN -YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT! #banwildlifetrade - Covid 19 - how? Why? What? Where? When? History says everything. Understand the facts and progress future with cruelty free food. Love the other species as we are no higher than any. We are not on top of food chain pyramid. Be smart and understand Mother Nature pyramid. Lots of love - I am your…
There is a comparison between how the classical computing and QML Computing analyzes the same task and How google sees the future of Quantum Machine learning.
This is so interesting platform of a quantum. Looks like Richard Feynman is alive through TFQ. This is an introduction. Let’s deep dive in to it everyday until we understand.
Intel AI engineers collected data from women at different levels of their careers to give tips and advise for young upcoming women professionals. 5 pieces of advise to enrich gender equality and women’s progress. 👏✌️🎉
Divide and Conquer 🧇An interesting approach taken by MIT, Google and other researchers found out the accuracy of quantum computing in certain algorithms based on QNN (Quantum Neural Networks).
🏎 Autonomous cars 🚘 wow exciting. They are on their way to be “road ready”. Why use same sensors and camera ? Why not dig the underground - you are going to see only rocks and soil - still technology works 😂😉 Magic 🧚🧞♀️
What is Blockchain? 🧐 Do Block Chain allow banks higher security with minimal lower costs 💰 to process payment between organizations and their clients and even between banks themselves? Of course yeah 🥳🤩 check out this podcast.
🙈 Black hole from a huge galaxy cluster splashed out materials and 🍿 are going to get more real with humanoid chatbots created by neon project of Samsung.