Host Francesca Amiker sits down with directors Joe and Anthony Russo, producer Angela Russo-Otstot, stars Millie Bobby Brown and Chris Pratt, and more to uncover how family was the key to building the emotional core of The Electric State . From the Russos’ own experiences growing up in a large Italian family to the film’s central relationship between Michelle and her robot brother Kid Cosmo, family relationships both on and off of the set were the key to bringing The Electric State to life. Listen to more from Netflix Podcasts . State Secrets: Inside the Making of The Electric State is produced by Netflix and Treefort Media.…
Topics:Disappointments,Adult Children,Connection,Avoiders,Drug Addiction,Grief,Pornography,Boundaries,Hearing VoicesHosts:Brian Perez, Marc Cameron, Becky Brown Caller Questions More: 1. Marc discusses how to manage disappointments. 2. My son is a military prosecutor and very distant and aloof; how do I form a connection if he has been like this since he was 13yo? 3. I struggle with drug addiction and lost a child right after I gave birth; how do I get help? 4. What should I do if I went to Restore, but I have been waiting over 2yrs for my husband to stop using porn? 5. I used meth over 20yrs ago and I still hear voices; what are your thoughts? Suggested Resources:How We LoveHealing Is a ChoiceWorthy of Her TrustLife Recovery Workbook To support this ministry financially, visit:
Topics:Disappointments,Adult Children,Connection,Avoiders,Drug Addiction,Grief,Pornography,Boundaries,Hearing VoicesHosts:Brian Perez, Marc Cameron, Becky Brown Caller Questions More: 1. Marc discusses how to manage disappointments. 2. My son is a military prosecutor and very distant and aloof; how do I form a connection if he has been like this since he was 13yo? 3. I struggle with drug addiction and lost a child right after I gave birth; how do I get help? 4. What should I do if I went to Restore, but I have been waiting over 2yrs for my husband to stop using porn? 5. I used meth over 20yrs ago and I still hear voices; what are your thoughts? Suggested Resources:How We LoveHealing Is a ChoiceWorthy of Her TrustLife Recovery Workbook To support this ministry financially, visit:
Topics:Christian Walk,Adult Children,Estrangement,Suicide,Grief,Self WorthHosts:Brian Perez, Dr. Alice Benton, Dr. Jacqui Mack-Harris Caller Questions More: 1. Dr. Alice explains the wreckage of sin, and the hosts discuss how counseling and spirituality work together. 2. What can I do to have a relationship with my 34yo daughter? She married an atheist, lives in another country, and won’t talk to me or let me see her kids. 3. I gave my life to Jesus recently and then tried to take my life, but God intervened! Was this all real? 4. After my wife passed away 5yrs ago unexpectedly, I still don’t have the answers and condemn myself. Suggested Resources:Doing Life with Your Adult ChildrenTake Your Life BackLife Recovery Workbook for Grief To support this ministry financially, visit:…
Topics:Encouragement,Engagement,Boundaries,Parenting,Church Life,Adult Children,EstrangementHosts:Brian Perez,Dr. Jim Burns,Dr. Jill Hubbard Caller Questions More: 1. Dr. Jim discusses the power of encouragement; encourage others and have people in your life who can encourage you. 2. My boyfriend and I reconnected after not seeing each other for 8yrs, and we just got engaged; do you have any advice? 3. How do I create intentional boundaries with my mom who gives my 6yo daughter anything she wants? 4. What’s my next step to resolve conflict with my church friends? They stopped talking to me when I wasn’t able to attend church for a few years. 5. Is there something that happened in my past that is making it extremely hard for me when my daughter won’t let me see my grandkids often? Suggested Resources:How We LoveBoundariesHeart HandbookDoing Life with Your Adult Children To support this ministry financially, visit:…
Topics:Negative Thoughts,Mother Issues,Caregiving,Suicide,Pleasers,Custody,Siblings,Estrangement,Adult Children,Betrayal,IntimacyHosts:Brian Perez, Chris Williams, Marc Cameron Caller Questions More: 1. Chris discusses a heart at dis-ease and our critical nature that causes it. 2. How can I not let my mom hurt my feelings? She is struggling with depression and arthritis. 3. My 4yo daughter’s mother won’t let her see me; how do I get regular access to my daughter? 4. What should I do if my sister stabbed me in the back because she’s talking with my estranged son? 5. My husband of 50yrs had an affair and went through counseling, but I am struggling to love him. Suggested Resources:How We LoveTrustTake Your Life BackIntimate Deception To support this ministry financially, visit:…
Topics:Willingness,Workaholic,Abandonment,TransgenderHosts:Brian Perez, Dr. Alice Benton Caller Questions More: 1. Dr. Alice discusses the spectrum of laziness. 2. I called in after my husband abandoned me over 20yrs ago, and you helped me so much. Thank you! 3. My childhood friend is transitioning from male to female; am I compromising my faith if I call my friend by their new name and pronouns? 4. I wanted to call in from Cayman Public Radio and thank you for announcing our station. People are so grateful to have you! Suggested Resources:Take Your Life BackTake Your Life Back WorkbookLife Recovery Prayer Devotional To support this ministry financially, visit:…
Topics:Disappointments,Adult Children,Connection,Avoiders,Drug Addiction,Grief,Pornography,Boundaries,Hearing VoicesHosts:Brian Perez, Marc Cameron, Becky Brown Caller Questions More: 1. Marc discusses how to manage disappointments. 2. My son is a military prosecutor and very distant and aloof; how do I form a connection if he has been like this since he was 13yo? 3. I struggle with drug addiction and lost a child right after I gave birth; how do I get help? 4. What should I do if I went to Restore, but I have been waiting over 2yrs for my husband to stop using porn? 5. I used meth over 20yrs ago and I still hear voices; what are your thoughts? Suggested Resources:How We LoveHealing Is a ChoiceWorthy of Her TrustLife Recovery Workbook To support this ministry financially, visit:…
Topics:Anger,Anxiety,Disclosure,Pornography,Grief,Getting Unstuck,Christian WalkHosts:Brian Perez, Becky Brown, Dr. Alice Benton Caller Questions More: 1. Becky discusses anger and how it impacts you. 2. I have struggled with anxiety since childhood; do you have any resources on brain rewiring for anxiety? 3. Every Man’s Battle was awesome! Should I do a full disclosure with my current wife about my porn use in my previous marriage? 4. Our youngest sister lost our mom when she was 12yo and she feels like she was bounced around; how can we help her move forward? 5. Why am I not hearing basic Bible principles on your show about accepting Jesus as Lord and repenting of sins? Suggested Resources:100 Days To Freedom from Fear and AnxietyIntimate DeceptionBoundariesHealing Is a Choice To support this ministry financially, visit:…
Topics:Communication,Adult Children,Estrangement,Anxiety,Work Issues,Sexual Intimacy,Aging,Depression,GriefHosts:Brian Perez,Dr. Jim Burns,Dr. Jill Hubbard Caller Questions More: 1. Dr. Jim talks about the magic five to one ratio for interactions. 2. My grandchildren heard awful things that my narcissist daughter said to me, and I haven’t seen them since. 3. How do I handle my anxiety after catching my boss looking at me and listening in on a conversation I was having? 4. What should I do if my wife told me that she doesn’t need sex anymore?We are in our mid-80s. 5. How can I bring peace and wisdom to my mom who is depressed and grieving? An incident happened with my teenage half-sisters that has gone to court. Suggested Resources:Doing Life with Your Adult ChildrenUnderstanding and Loving a Person with Borderline PD100 Days To Freedom from Fear and AnxietyLiving Strong, Finishing WellUnderstanding and Loving Your Child as a Single Parent To support this ministry financially, visit:…
Topics:Depression,Counseling,Grief,MilitaryHosts:Brian Perez, Becky Brown, Marc Cameron Caller Questions More: 1. Becky discusses the signs, symptoms, and solutions to depression. 2. How can I keep continuity with a psychiatrist through Veterans Affairs when they keep changing doctors? 3. I keep getting knocked down after the death of my parents and my boyfriend leaving me; how do I keep moving forward and not give up? 4. Are headaches a side effect from my depression medication? I quit my job, but my depression got worse. 5. I was discharged from the military because they said I lacked motivation, and I was diagnosed with major depression disorder; do symptoms get worse? Suggested Resources:Take Your Life BackEmotional Freedom WorkbookHealing Is a ChoiceHow We Love To support this ministry financially, visit:…
Topics:Anger,Breakdown,PTSD,Church Life,Counseling,Separation,Boundaries,Adult Children,Brain Issues,Learned HelplessnessHosts:Brian Perez, Dr. Jacqui Mack-Harris, Becky Brown Caller Questions More: 1. Dr. Jacqui warns us not to look for external resources to solve internal issues; don’t blame others before you look inside of yourself to find out what is upsetting you. 2. Is there a pathway back to being a pastor? I stepped down after a mental breakdown and I also struggle with PTSD as a military veteran. 3. I’ve been separated from my husband for 2yrs because he asked me to leave during my cancer treatment; when is it time to take off my wedding ring? 4. How do I set boundaries with my 29yo son who lives on his own but struggles with mental health challenges? 5. How do I help my adult son get the proper assistance he needs for his traumatic brain injury and PTSD? He tried to stop his brother from committing suicide. 6. Do you have any resources for a friend’s 23yo son who has severe ADHD, Asperger’s, PTSD, and is gay? Suggested Resources:Living Strong, Finishing WellHealing Is a ChoiceDoing Life with Your Adult ChildrenHeart Handbook To support this ministry financially, visit:…
Topics:Willingness,Boundaries,Dating,Adult Children,Drug Addiction,Incarceration,Getting Unstuck,Addictions,ReconciliationHosts:Brian Perez,Dr. Jill Hubbard, JJ West Caller Questions More: 1. Dr. Jill discusses hardened hearts vs. humbled hearts, and JJ shares how guarding your heart is different. 2. The hosts discuss dating and the importance of sharing differences before marriage, including political viewpoints. 3. How do I help my 40yo son who keeps going in and out of prison because of drugs? He keeps going back to the wrong group of people. 4. The hosts discuss what is inside of us that could draw us back to the friends that got us into trouble, and the benefits of taking inventory and being responsible for our actions. Suggested Resources:Life Recovery BibleLife Recovery Bible WorkbookLife Recovery Devotional To support this ministry financially, visit:…
Topics:Triggers,PTSD,Divorce,Mother Issues,GriefHosts:Brian Perez, Becky Brown, Dr. Jacqui Mack-Harris Caller Questions More: 1. Becky defines what triggers are and three tactics to cope with them. 2. I promised myself I’d never get a divorce, but my husband is a veteran with PTSD who is living in Belize and can’t handle conflict. 3. As a child, I was the caregiver of my family because I was the only person who could read; now I have PTSD from my mother’s death. Suggested Resources:How We LoveHealing Is a ChoiceUnderstanding and Loving a Person with PTSD To support this ministry financially, visit:…
Topics:Christian Walk,In-laws,Alcohol,Incarceration,Boundaries,Adult Children,Drug Addiction,Verbal Abuse,Physical AbuseHosts:Brian Perez, JJ West,Dr. Jill Hubbard Caller Questions More: 1. JJ discusses planting in the light matters so you can bear more fruit. 2. My son and his family live with us, and my daughter-in-law starts drinking from the moment she gets home until bed; how can I have a better relationship with her? 3. My nephew just got out of prison for drugs and theft, and I asked my family not to let him know where I live. Does that sound like an unchristian thing to ask? 4. How can my daughter have a new start? She has kids and was arrested for meth charges. 5. What should I do if my wife is verbally and physically abusive? Suggested Resources:Doing Life with Your Adult ChildrenTake Your Life BackBoundaries To support this ministry financially, visit:…
Topics:Paradigm Shift,Dating,Divorce,Communication,Christian Walk,Affairs,CounselingHosts:Brian Perez, Marc Cameron, Dr. Alice Benton Caller Questions More: 1. Marc discusses the importance of a paradigm shift and the willingness to be wrong. 2. What is your opinion of dating a man who is 18yrs older and just got divorced 5mos ago? 3. How do I get my husband of 33yrs to communicate? 4. My fiance wants God in her life, but how do I get her to read the Bible? 5. What should I do if my husband of 28yrs had an affair? I told him he had to see a counselor, but he quit after two sessions. Suggested Resources:TrustHow We LoveTake Your Life Back DevotionalIntimate Deception To support this ministry financially, visit:…
Topics:Christian Walk,Borderline,Adult Children,Emotional Abuse,Separation,Reconciliation,Aging ParentsHosts:Brian Perez,Dr. Jim Burns,Dr. Sheri Keffer Caller Questions More: 1. Dr. Jim talks about finishing well; pray to break the strongholds that are entangling you, love God, do the right thing, and repeat every day. 2. How do I have empathy for my adult daughter who was diagnosed as a mild sociopath with Borderline PD and is very mean to me? 3. My husband is verbally and emotionally abusive. How do I reconcile after moving out of the bedroom five weeks ago? I have been told that I am not being Christ-like. 4. I am from Iran, and Dr. Sheri literally changed my life! How do I take care of my 74yo mom who has dementia and headaches daily? Suggested Resources:Doing Life with Your Adult ChildrenUnderstanding and Loving a Person with BorderlineEmotionally Destructive RelationshipHow We Love To support this ministry financially, visit:…
Topics:Trust,Fear,Medical Issues,Racism,Depression,Hope,Unhoused,Disability,Parenting,DisciplineHosts:Brian Perez, Dr. Alice Benton, Marc Cameron Caller Questions More: 1. Dr. Alice discusses our self-serving bias to blame others rather than giving others the benefit of the doubt. 2. Is it normal that I don’t fear my potentially serious medical diagnosis? I do hospice nursing. 3. My husband of 42yo is a racist and doesn’t want me to invite my granddaughter’s boyfriend over for Easter because of his race; am I disrespecting my husband if I invite him anyway? 4. I am very depressed and I don’t know what to do anymore. I live in my car because I don’t get enough disability to pay for a place to live. 5. It hurt me when my 8yo adopted son told his friend’s mom that he wanted to go stay with her. What kind of a mom am I? Suggested Resources:Soul of a HeroBoundariesTake Your Life BackHow We Love Our Kids To support this ministry financially, visit:…
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