show episodes
In this Chabura we learn Rebbe Nachman's Torah primarily from Likutei Moharan. Our goal is to understand the wisdom of Rebbe Nachman and how to implement his advice in a real and lasting way. (Most often we learn from the Likutei Moharan Mevuar edition which contains added explanation within the text of Likutei Moharan) If you have questions or comments please email Check out the other podcasts: Niggun Chabura Bitachon For Real Nesivos Shalom Working on Middos Nesivos ...
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The Utah Beer News podcast is an extension of It strives to deliver stories from brewers, breweries, and everyday imbibers who share a passion for craft beer. Founded in 2018, Utah Beer News is written by and for craft beer lovers. It's handcrafted craft beer content to sip and savor.
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ARGIAren podcastak. Denak libre eta doan zabaltzen ditugu gure komunitateko kideen ekarpenari esker. Zuk ere parte izan nahi baduzu:
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Born to Ran

Rabbi Yechiel Shaffer

Rabbeinu Nissim of Gerona (The 'Ran') lived during a tumultuous, and difficult time for world Jewry. Though the trend of the era was towards philosophy and mysticism, the Ran worked hard to offer a rationale, and pragmatic approach to living a meaningfully Jewish life. In this podcast we will study together his teachings and wisdom, primarily recorded in his 12 sermons, in the book titled 'Drashot HaRan'.
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¡Hola y bienvenidos a "Massiel y Junior Hablando Pleplas"! Estos dos son los compadres y vecinos que todos quisieran tener, pero parece que te toca disfrutarlos solo a través de este podcast. Imagina una mezcla perfecta de ocurrencias, chistes y situaciones que te harán reír a carcajadas. Massiel y Junior, con ese toque dominicano, logran convertir lo ordinario en extraordinario. ¿Te lo puedes imaginar? Pues no te preocupes, síguelos de cerca porque estos dos están en otro nivel. Este dúo di ...
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The Slender Nation Podcast is run by The Doctor and Salvatore Haran from the Slender Nation forum. The podcast is dedicated to discussions about the urban legend, The Slender Man, and the many stories that surround him. The Slender Man is a creation of Victor Surge.
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Español Automático Podcast

Karo Martinez: Spanish Teacher, Blogger and passionate Language Learner

Español Automático is based on my own experience that learning a foreign language is NOT difficult. I speak fluently 4 languages and I want to help anyone who dreams about speaking Spanish to achieve it in a natural, fun, stress-free and automatic way. Learning a foreign language may be a very satisfying experience if you do it the right way. So if you want to switch from learning Spanish to actually speaking it, Español Automático is your answer. Because life doesn’t have subtitles! Español ...
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The Gentlemen & Gangsters the lifestyle, the brand, and the podcast. It's about life, conversation and how to be better than you were yesterday. We'll have many discussions and conversations about all things relevant and irrelevant. At times we'll be gentlemen and other times we'll be gangster. Indulge. For any questions or topic recommendations contact me at: Instagram: Lord.OB
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Safeword PC

Safeword PC

@KevinGootee and @Mokavida are standup comics in NYC who got idea to create a podcast and talk about dating/relationships/banging stories. We're gonna break down what it's like dating in the big, bad, city of NY. We're going to have other comics in there to share the dating/horror stories as well as interview people who work in high traffic dating areas. You guys want to pick up a hot bartender? Listen to our podcast. You want to know what sets off the "crazy bells" in a dude's head, ladies? ...
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show series
Welcome to the Bible Difficulties and Answers podcast! In this episode, host Lance Smith delves into the intriguing question of Abraham's origins as depicted in Genesis 11:27-28. Was Abraham's family from Ur of the Chaldees, or Haran? This episode explores different interpretations, scholarly hypotheses, and the cultural context of ancient geograph…
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EHZ festibalean egin dugu uda aurreko azken saioa. Oihana Arana, Haizea Arana eta Aner Euzkitzeren gidaritzan, luxuzko bi gonbidatu izan ziren gurean. Lehenbiziko oren erdian, Kattina Haran EHZko antolatzailea. Festibalaren filosofiaz, antolakuntzaz, ibilbideaz eta taldean darabiltzaten gogoetei buruz hitz egin genuen berarekin. Ondoren, arratsalde…
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Tim and Brady discuss beatboxing, the English seaside, a dog on the tuckerbox, and then imagine some ‘famous phone calls’. Extra chat can be hear at the Request Room - Support us on Patreon - Join the discussion of this episode on our subreddit -…
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Frida Kahlo eta León Trotski maitaleak izan zirela esanaz hasi dugu aste honetako saioa, eta Hitler bermudak jantzita Copacabanan giri bat bezala irudikatzen jarraitu dugu... Hortik aurrerakoa, imajina dezakezue! Saio amaieran jarri dugun kanta: GALA - 'Freed from Desire' E! Gogoratu. Telegram kanala ere badugu. Egin zure ekarpena Proposamenen bat,…
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Welcome to the Bible Difficulties and Answers podcast with your host, Lance Smith. In today's episode, we delve into the profound narrative of the Tower of Babel, focusing on Genesis 11:5. This short but significant verse is rich in literary and theological meaning, prompting a discussion on the concept of theophany and the use of irony in biblical…
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Special guest Matt Parker joins us to discuss book titles, triangles, bicycle chain lubrication, and his annoyance with the number 8. Support us on Patreon - Join the discussion of this episode on our subreddit - Catch the podcast on YouTube where we often include accompanyin…
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Welcome to the Bible Difficulties and Answers podcast with your host, Lance Smith. In this episode, we delve into the intriguing question of whether Genesis 10 and 11 contradict each other regarding the number of languages spoken. Genesis 10 describes various tribes with their own languages, while Genesis 11 states that the whole earth had one lang…
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Bizizale bat beste batengatik aldatu dugu gaur, Kevinen faltan, Tor bueltan da. Gaiak, berriz, ezin aktualagoak: zezenak Donostian, sukaldari fatxak, Lekitxo eta Ondarruren arteko 'beefa', Andres Calamaro eta Fermin Muguruza, Maduroren Jesukristo... Bat ez bada bestea interesatuko zaizu, ziur. Saio amaieran jarri dugun kanta: "MAKILA" Endika Lahain…
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¿Te confunden las frases "me alegro" y "me alegra"? ¡No estás solo! En este vídeo, desentrañamos el misterio de estas dos frases y te enseñamos dos trucos ninja para usarlas correctamente en cualquier situación. Aprende: - La diferencia entre "me alegro" y "me alegra" con explicaciones claras y ejemplos fáciles. - Dos trucos ninja para usar estos v…
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Welcome to the Bible Difficulties and Answers podcast! I'm your host, Lance Smith. In this episode, we dive deep into Genesis 9:2-3, where God appears to give humans the green light to eat meat. But why is this verse so controversial? We'll explore various perspectives, from progressive revelation and its implications to the debates surrounding veg…
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Catch a video version of this episode at: Danica McKellar is best-known for portraying girl-next-door Winnie Cooper in The Wonder Years - but she has also proven a math theorem (which bears her name) and writes books to inspire future mathematicians. Check out her math website and books at: And …
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Welcome to the Bible Difficulties and Answers podcast with your host, Lance Smith. In this special mid-year review episode, Lance takes a break from the usual biblical timeline to dive into the podcast's performance so far. With 26 full episodes and one sidebar episode released, the podcast has garnered 3,207 downloads from listeners in 18 differen…
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Irakurtzen al dute –eta irakurritakoa ongi ulertzen al dute– haur eta gazteek? Eta helduok? Eskolan zein tarte eskaintzen zaio irakurketari eta literaturari? Nola prestatzen da ikasleei eskaintzen zaien liburu zerrenda eta nolako liburutegiak dituzte ikastetxeek, baldin eta liburutegia badute? Motxila bete galdera, mahaiaren bueltan hiru solaskide …
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Welcome to the Bible Difficulties and Answers podcast with your host, Lance Smith. In this episode, we dive deep into Genesis 8:22, a verse that, at first glance, seems straightforward but holds profound implications. Why do famines occur if God promised perpetual seasons? Did humanity experience seasons before the flood? Could this verse be the be…
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¿Cansado de sonar como un libro de texto? ¡Aprende 3 expresiones que usan los nativos a diario! Olvídate de la gramática aburrida 🥱 y las frases rebuscadas 😖 🌟 En este vídeo te enseñaré 3 expresiones divertidas que te harán sonar como un auténtico madrileño🥳 En este podcast aprenderás: "Buscar las cosquillas": Descubre su significado real y cómo us…
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Luxua gaitzat hartu eta Elena Uriz aktore iruindarra gonbidatu dugu aste honetan. Irati pelikulan Luxa pertsonaia gorpuztu zuen Urizek, baina bere aktore ibilbidea 1984an hasi zen Tasio filmarekin. Gaur egun bizitza pribilegiatua duela kontatu digu eta horregatik nahi izan dugu berarekin luxuaz hitz egin: zer da luxuzko bizitza edo bizitza pribileg…
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Tim and Brady discuss baby sleep, voices, residencies, accents, Tim visits a post box, and words containing a phone. Even more chat (and a bonus idea from Tim) in the Request Room - Support us on Patreon - Join the discussion of this episode on our subreddit - https://www.redd…
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Welcome to the Bible Difficulties and Answers podcast. I'm your host, Lance Smith. In this episode, we delve into a compelling topic by examining Genesis 8:21, where God promises never to destroy all living things again, and comparing it with 2 Peter 3:10, which speaks of a future destruction by fire. Are these verses contradictory, or is there a d…
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Jon Ruiz de Egino baratzezaina da, Eskubaratz proiektuko kidea. Eta Aitziber Plazaola dendaria, Ereindajan kooperatibako kidea. Beste hainbat kiderekin, Bergarako elikadura mahaian parte hartu dute. Bertan aztertu dute herriko azoka nola biziberritu eta saio honetan mintzo dira azoken egoeraz, erosleen profilaz, jendea erakartzeko egin dituzten ald…
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¿El pretérito perfecto compuesto te causa confusión? ¡No te preocupes más! En este video, te enseñamos cómo usar este tiempo verbal de manera fácil y divertida. 🌟 Aprende español con un diálogo hilarante sobre turistas en España y descubre cómo el pretérito perfecto compuesto conecta el pasado con el presente. 📅 🔔 Suscríbete para más clases semanal…
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Ekainean gaude, LGBT+ harrotasunaren hilabetean; iaz, garai honetan, Silvia Rivera protagonistatzat hartu eta 'T' letraz aritu ginen, komunitatearen barruko talde zaurgarri eta baztertuenaz. Gaur ortzadarraren beste muturrera joango gara, 'G' hizkia hartuta, nolabait ere talde “pribilegiatuenaz” hitz egingo dugu, gizonezko zis bat aitzakia hartuta:…
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Welcome to the Bible Difficulties and Answers podcast with your host, Lance Smith. In this episode, we tackle the intriguing question: Did God temporarily forget Noah as suggested in Genesis 8:1? We explore this verse through the lens of open theism and examine whether God had a "senior moment" and forgot about those on the ark. Join us as we revis…
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Elikadura burujabetza helburu duen bidaian, zaila da gure pleteretara iristen den elikagaiaren jatorria zein den jakitea. Gaurkoan, eskoletako jantokietako elikadura eredua daukagu hizketagai, jantokiak badira eta leku interesgarriak elikadura burujabetzaren inguruan hausnartzeko. Horretarako, Lurdes Imaz eta Eneko Viñuela gonbidau ditugu gurera, G…
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Brady’s wife Kylie Pentelow is our VIP guest, discussing celebrity interviews, irrational outrage, and people who are wrongly convicted of crimes. Kylie dishes more dirt in the Request Room - The Innocence Podcast website - The Innocence Podcast on Apple Podcasts - https://podcasts.ap…
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Ziburuko bosgarren Liburu eta Disko Azokan egon gara Yolanda Arrieta eta Bea Salaberri idazleekin. Lehen aldiz gure platotik kanpo, Ziburuko plazan muntatu duten euskara hutsezko karparen azpian aritu gara erakusleihoez, jendaurrean agertzeaz, gorputza jartzearen aje eta aukerez, eta beste kontu askoz. Baita Ziburura labetik atera berri ekarri ditu…
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Aktualitateari estuki lotutako saioa garenez, Aita Santuaren azken irristaldiak eman digu zer esana; elizan 'marikoikeria' gehiegi dagoela dio, eta gure galdera: zenbat da gehiegi? Eta galdera horretatik abiatuta, filosofoen prentsa arrosa egiten amaitu dugu: nor liatu zen norekin? Eta hortik, gurasotasunera, harreman itxi edo irekietara eta heriot…
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Welcome to the Bible Difficulties and Answers podcast with your host, Lance Smith. In this episode, we explore the intriguing discrepancies in the story of Noah's Ark, focusing on the duration of the flood waters. Did it rain for 40 days and 40 nights, or did the flood last for 150 days? We delve into various interpretations and theories to make se…
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This podcast marks the passing of James Harris Simons, better-known as Jim. The interviewees are John Ewing, David Eisenbud and Andrew Millis. The Simons Foundation - Simons Foundation article about Jim’s life - Brady’s inter…
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