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Weekly Messages from the Team at Lifehouse Adelaide. Each week we dive into the word to provide inspiration, guidance and support for all, whatever your situation. To get in touch with us, please go to:
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Lifehouse exists to reach people with God's love and message of hope. We have a vision and mission to see lives changed, restored, and set free. Lifehouse is led by Pastor Patrick Grach and is a part of the Lifehouse Network of churches. With multiple service times and locations in the Tristate area, Lifehouse is a place for people of all ages and backgrounds. We hope you'll join us for a weekend service soon.
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Lifehouse Hong Kong is a dynamic, fun, and passionate English & Cantonese-speaking church based in Jordan, Hong Kong. We currently have weekly church services every Sunday at 11:30 am onsite at Jordan and online. Find out more about Lifehouse Hong Kong at 香港生命堂是一間位於佐敦,充滿活力、愉快和熱誠的雙語(英丶粵)教會。 我們目前每週日上午 11:30 在佐敦現場舉行崇拜以及在線上進行直播。 歡迎你加入我們!瀏覽更多有關香港生命堂的資訊:
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LifeTalk is the official podcast of LifeHouse Church MOT. Our heart for this podcast is to help our church grow and to go deeper here at LifeHouse. We’ll be interviewing staff members & hearing their testimonies. We’ll be discussing various topics such as parenting, marriage, day-to-day functions of the ministry and so much more from a biblical perspective. Our goal is to help equip our church to glorify JESUS in every area of life.
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Welcome to Lifehouse Church, Chesterfield podcast. We are so glad you found us. We hope these messages inspire you, encourage you and give you hope for the future. We host services online and in-person (9:30 & 11:30 am) which we would love for you to attend. We are located on Chatsworth Road in the centre of Chesterfield. If you want any more details about Lifehouse church please visit
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show series
The world is filled with opinions and arguments, especially on social media. This week, Pastor Patrick discusses the three primary views through which to evaluate every opportunity when engaging in conversation. We can discuss, we can debate, or we can choose to die for the cause. Your generosity enables us to carry out our mission of reaching peop…
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Send us a text Real Faith - Ps. Keith Moody Today Ps. Keith delivers an emotional message on the topic of Real Faith. He masterfully tells the story of Saul and uses this to demonstrate Real Faith and how this relates to us all. What an awesome message! AMEN!!! Verses: Acts 9 Credits: Speaker - Ps. Keith Moody - People's Pastor, Lifehouse Adelaide …
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God’s Church has been around for a long time. It comes in all different shapes and sizes. Maybe you have seen a church or maybe you have attended. But what is God’s Church? Why is it important? This month we are looking into the history and importance of the Church through our new series called God’s Community - The Church! 神的教會已經存在很久了。它有各種不同的形狀和尺寸…
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Jesus’ command to us as his followers is to love one another, not to cast judgements based on our own standards of righteousness. We’re called to live our lives led by the love and mercy of God in every situation- leaving the right to judge to God, the one to whom judgement belongs. Experience the liberty of Jesus Christ and liberate others when yo…
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Send us a text Our Words Matter - Ps. Tim Kreis Ps. Tim joins us once again to deliver another of his inspiring and challenging messages where he urges us to understand how much our words really do matter. In a time when communication is key and social interactions are fraught with judgement, knowing the power of words is more important then ever. …
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Send us a Text Message. Higher - Ps. Joel Pitman After a bit of a break, the Lifehouse Podcast returns with a soft spoken, yet powerful message from Ps. Joel Pitman. Ps. Joel is a man of few words but when spoken they carry authority and meaning few can match. In his message today, titled Higher, urges us to take a higher perspective, look for a hi…
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Opposition is a big word, but we seem to face it every day in our lives. Work, college, or school life can quickly feel overwhelming. How can we overcome opposition in our lives? This week, we are looking at the story of David and how God can help us overcome opposition! 對立是一個大問題,但我們似乎每天都在面對它。工作或學校生活很快地變得難以負荷。我們要如何克服生活中的對立?這週我們將會通過大衛的故事來探索神如何幫助我們克服…
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There are so many labels in our life. Some are positive but a lot can be negative too. Labels can shape who we are, but what does Jesus say about who we are? Watch this week as we discover how to replace labels with the truth of Jesus! // 我們的生活中有如此多的標籤。一些是正面的,但是也有許多負面的。標籤可以塑造我們,但是關於我們是誰這一點耶穌是怎麼說的呢?這週來探索我們如何用耶穌的真理來替代標籤吧!…
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The peace your heart longs for is found on the other side of forgiveness! When we choose to forgive the 'unforgivable' and extend mercy where it's undeserved, we experience the supernatural healing power of God, and enter into the realms of peace and freedom that God has always wanted us to live in.By LifeHouse Church
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Do you ever feel the weight of life’s challenges? Did you know that the God of the Universe wants to help you overcome those challenges? Tune in this week as we start our powerful new series: Called to Overcome. 你有感到過生活中各種挑戰的重擔嗎?你知道神想要幫助你克服那些挑戰嗎?本週來聆聽我們即將開始的新系列「被呼召去克服」吧。By Lifehouse Hong Kong
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Do you feel troubled by the past? Are you holding on to bad experiences or can’t shake a hurt that has been done to you? This week, we are talking about being set free from the past by focusing on Jesus. 你感到被過往所困擾嗎?你是否無法放下糟糕的經歷或曾經受過的傷害?本週與我們一起探討如何通過關注耶穌從而擺脫過往的枷鎖吧。By Lifehouse Hong Kong
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Do you struggle with bad thoughts? Have you ever felt down or depressed? This week, we are talking about how God can heal our minds and set us free. 你是否飽受壞念頭的折磨?你感到過低落或抑鬱嗎?本週我們將會探討神如何醫治我們的心靈,讓我們獲得自由。By Lifehouse Hong Kong
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Send us a text Who Are You Listening Too? - Ps. Tim Garisto Today, we welcome Ps. Tim Garisto to the Adelaide Stage once again. Ps. Tim delivers a challenging message, asking who are really listening too? In today's busy world, it is often too easy to be influenced by people and circumstances around us. This easily leads us away from our fullest po…
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Send us a text Prayer really Matters - Ps. Tim Kreis Ps. Tim delivers a powerful message abut why prayer really matters. However, it is not just the power of prayer but also the power of consistent prayer. This message highlight 3 important concepts which hold us back from a full prayer life: 1) Misconception - Yes, your prayers really do matter, y…
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You know those crazy miracle healing stories in the Bible? The ones where people started walking again or were healed from an incurable disease? Did you know that God can still heal your physical ailments today? Find out how on this week’s message! 你知道《聖經》中那些驚人的關於奇跡般的醫治的故事嗎?那些關於人們突然又可以行走了,或者不治之症被醫治的故事?你知道今天神仍然可以醫治你的身體病痛嗎?本週來聽聽祂是如何做到的吧!…
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Did you know that God has the power to heal you today? Not only that, but he wants to heal you! Tune in to the message this week as we kick off this series on healing! 你知道神有今天就醫治你的力量嗎?不僅僅如此,並且祂渴望醫治你!本週來聆聽我們關於醫治的新係列的第一講吧!By Lifehouse Hong Kong
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Can you feel the presence of the Holy Spirit? How should you feel? Is it something you can get into or work for? Find out this week as we look into the amazing presence of the Holy Spirit. 你能感受到聖靈的存在嗎?你應該如何如何感受?這是你可以掌握或者努力的事嗎?本週與我們一起關注聖靈了不起的存在吧!By Lifehouse Hong Kong
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Did you know that we never stop learning? We have so many teachers in our lives, but did you know the Holy Spirit is the ultimate teacher? Tune in this week to discover how the Holy Spirit can teach us today! 你知道我們從來沒有停止學習嗎?我們的生活中有如此多的老師,但你知道聖靈是我們最根本的老師嗎?這週來聆聽和探索聖靈可以如何在當下教導我們吧!By Lifehouse Hong Kong
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In sports, you need a coach to know what to do. What about in life? This week, we discover how the Holy Spirit is our helper and our coach! 在體育中,你需要一個教練來教你如何做。那生活中呢?本週我們探索聖靈如何是我們的幫手和教練!By Lifehouse Hong Kong
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