show episodes
This podcast is for people who want to know more about the Urantia Book, an incredible collection of papers having to do with God, the universe and our own world history, plus the actual story of Jesus' life and teachings as restated in revelatory form. This podcast is a beacon for people looking for truth, value and meaning in their life. There is nothing to join, so relax and listen as I share with you the many fascinating and incredible concepts from the Urantia Book. Even if you know not ...
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Each Tuesday, a broadcast focused on science, religion, and philosophy, based on the unifying concepts of The Urantia Book. Broadcasts begin 9:00 PM ET( for local start time). Co-hosted by Dr. Chris Halvorson, Andrea Barnes, Brad Garner, Dave Tucker, and Justin Armstrong. Artwork compliments of
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The Cosmic Citizen

The Cosmic Citizen

Are you ready to courageously follow your own sense of mercy, justice, and truth? Are you searching for religious teachings that make sense? Are you having a hard time accepting teachings which seem spiritually unholy and untruthful? Then, have we got a show for you! The Cosmic Citizen is a show for progressive religionists and spiritual people who are ready to find a spirituality worthy of an age of science and enlightenment. Our hosts, Paula Thompson, Andre Radatus , Chuck Thurston, Pamela ...
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An ongoing series of lectures and teachings by Gabriel of Urantia and Niánn Emerson Chase on spiritual leadership, personal change, and the principals of Divine Administration. Vanetics is an Ascension Science term denoting the spiritual teachings throughout history and up to the present day founded in the cosmic absolute of “One God, One Planetary Family”, and is part of the curriculum of the University of Ascension Science and Physics of Rebellion.
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Stories and conversations from the end of America. Subscribe to the newsletter: My book NEW AGE GRIFTER: THE TRUE STORY OF GABRIEL OF URANTIA AND HIS COSMIC FAMILY is available for preorder *now* from Support this podcast:
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Random + Roulette


Ever wondered what small town life is actually like? The simpleness, the boredom, the random people? Come hang out with us and special guests. Stay up-to-date weekly about a town of 25,000 people and we’ll spin the wheel for special topics. You can support us at:
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show series
This week we continue with our study of Uranita Paper 11, The Eternal Isle of Paradise, as we explore the absolute but material Isle of Paradise with Sections 2 & 3, The Nature of the Eternal Isle and Upper Paradise. Since you are beginning to glimpse the enormousness of the material universe discernible even from your astronomical location, your s…
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A heartfelt discussion about the need to help restore Christianity and Jesus teachings in a world in slow decay. Reference is to Paper 99 on The Social Problems of Religion. There are the Old and Bew Testaments; is the Urantia Book the third testament? --- Support this podcast:…
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149:0.1 (1668.1)THE second public preaching tour of Galilee began on Sunday, October 3, a.d. 28, and continued for almost three months, ending on December 30. Participating in this effort were Jesus and his twelve apostles, assisted by the newly recruited corps of 117 evangelists and by numerous other interested persons. On this tour they visited G…
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Throughout his ministry to mankind, Jesus sought to not bring any undue influence to bear upon his family or others which would lead them to believe in him against their honest convictions. He always refused to take undue or unfair advantage of the human mind. He did not want men to believe in him unless their hearts were responsive to the spiritua…
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In this episode we read the story of the resurrection of Lazarus as it appears in Scripture (John 11 1-44) and by comparison, how it appears in Paper 168 (The Life and Teachings of Jesus). It's a great example of how the revelation only enhances one's appreciation of the biblical truths. It is also one of the most remarkable events to ever occur in…
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Jesus’ twenty-second year of life was one of several years during which his brothers and sisters were facing the trials and tribulations peculiar to the problems and readjustments of adolescence. Jesus then had brothers and sisters ranging in ages from seven to eighteen, and he was kept busy helping them to adjust themselves to the new awakenings o…
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This week we begin a brand new paper, Urantia Paper 11, The Eternal Isle of Paradise! Haven't you always wanted to learn all about Paradise? For a year we've thoroughly explored and discussed The Urantia Book teachings on the three persons of Deity, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Infinite Spirit. Now we discover what the revelation teache…
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Barry Culligan has written an essay published in The Urantia Fellowship's latest Mini-Messenger series, one that discusses the importance of free speech even on divine levels, as depicted in the Urantia Book. This is a wonderfully candid conversation I know you will enjoy. For more on Barry's work: You can find some of my writing here: https://stra…
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As Jesus of Nazareth entered upon the early years of his adult life, he had lived, and continued to live, a normal and average human life on earth. Of his human nature he was never in doubt; it was self-evident and always present in his consciousness. But of his divine nature there was always room for doubt and conjecture, at least this was true ri…
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The Paradise Trinity is like a cosmic superhero squad, and understanding them is like decoding the universe’s grandest mystery! That is certainly what we've attempted to do in our study of Urantia Paper 10 - The Paradise Trinity. This week we come to an end of this fascinating paper. We have covered much, but here are some key concepts: The Paradis…
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As he approached his twentieth birthday, Jesus depended more and more upon the ultimate guidance of his heavenly Father, while he assumed the fatherly role of guiding and directing the children of his earth family. He was becoming experienced in the skillful wresting of victory from the very jaws of defeat; he was learning how to transform the diff…
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This week we continue our study of Urantia Paper 10, The Paradise Trinity. We'll be reading and discussing Section 7. The Overcontrol of Supremacy. In part, we will learn that The Supreme Being appears to reflect the attitude of the Trinity, but he is something less than the Trinity functioning in the finite universes. The overcontrol of the Suprem…
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148:0.1 (1657.1)FROM May 3 to October 3, a.d. 28, Jesus and the apostolic party were in residence at the Zebedee home at Bethsaida. Throughout this five months’ period of the dry season an enormous camp was maintained by the seaside near the Zebedee residence, which had been greatly enlarged to accommodate the growing family of Jesus. This seaside …
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Rebecca lived for only one purpose—to await the hour when Jesus, to her, the greatest man who ever lived would begin his career as a teacher of living truth. And she followed him devotedly through his eventful years of public labor, being present that day when he rode triumphantly into Jerusalem; and she stood by the side of Mary on that fateful an…
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On Saturday afternoon, December 3, A.D. 12, death for the second time struck at the Nazareth family. Little Amos, their baby brother, died after a week’s illness with a high fever. After passing through this time of sorrow with her first-born son as her only support, Mary at last and in the fullest sense recognized Jesus as the real head of the fam…
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This week we continue our study of Urantia Paper 10, The Paradise Trinity. We'll be reading and discussing Section 6. The Stationary Sons of the Trinity. Reading this section, we discover that all law takes origin in God, the First Source and Center. God is law. This suggests that law is fundamental to the divine order and reflects the nature of th…
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This week, the Cosmic Citizen crew will be reading Urantia Paper 10, The Paradise Trinity, Section 5. Functions of the Trinity. We had hoped to get to this section last week, along with Section 4 of Paper 10, but we got into such a fantastic conversation (as usually happens) that we ran out of time. So, this week we are on to Section 5, and of cour…
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By the age of sixteen Jesus had acquired the full growth of his human intellect, not the full experience of human thinking but the fullness of capacity for such intellectual development. He possessed a keen and analytical mind, a kind and sympathetic disposition, a somewhat fluctuating but aggressive temperament, all of which were becoming organize…
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This week Andre, Chuck, Pam and Paula will be studying Urantia Paper 10, The Paradise Trinity. We'll focus on Section 4. The Trinity Union of Deity and hopefully Section 5. Functions of the Trinity. The Trinity is an association of persons functioning in a nonpersonal way, somewhat like the way a corporation functions as a nonpersonal entity subjec…
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Astronomers theorize advanced beings might build what they call Dyson Spheres, large constructed energy spheres that can draw cosmic energy to sustain an ever-growing planet. Recently, some researchers have identified 7 such spheres throughout the Milky Way galaxy. But when you read Paper 46, you begin to see that Jerusem (and other architectural w…
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With the close of this fifteenth year Jesus completed the traversal of that dangerous and difficult period in human existence, that time of transition between the more complacent years of childhood and the consciousness of approaching manhood with its increased responsibilities and opportunities for the acquirement of advanced experience in the dev…
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As we celebrate liberty in the U.S, its a good time to look at the difference between good liberty and bad liberty. The Urantia Book explains how free will, liberty and moral discernment play a huge role in the progress of man as well as nations, planets and even systems of worlds.--- Support this podcast:…
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This week Andre, Chuck, and Paula will be studying Urantia Paper 10, The Paradise Trinity, and we'll focus on Section 3. The Three Persons of Diety. There are three Positive and Divine Personalizations of Deity. God the Father: The First Source and Center. God the Son: The Eternal Son, who sustains an indispensable relationship to the Father. And G…
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The adolescent Jesus’ profound periods of meditation, his frequent journeys to the hilltop for prayer, and the many strange ideas which he advanced from time to time, thoroughly alarmed his mother. Sometimes she thought the lad was beside himself, and then she would steady her fears, remembering that he was, after all, a child of promise and in som…
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This week on The Cosmic Citizen we will continue our study of Urantia Paper 10, The Paradise Trinity, with Section 2. Deity Personalization and maybe we'll get to Section 3. The Three Persons of Deity. Last week we talked a little bit about the author of Paper 10, a Universal Censor. We read that, "These unique beings are the judgment of Deity. The…
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It was during the calendar year of his fifteenth birthday that Jesus first formulated the prayer which he subsequently taught to his apostles, and which to many has become known as “The Lord’s Prayer.” Also during that year, Jesus found a passage in the so-called Book of Enoch which influenced him in the later adoption of the term “Son of Man” as a…
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This week we start a brand new paper, Urantia Paper 10 - The Paradise Trinity! Will read the preamble to the paper and then Section 1 - 1. Self-Distribution of the First Source and Center. If you been following along with us, you know that about a year ago we started with Urantia Paper 1 and we have continued to study paper by paper from there. We'…
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Of all Jesus’ earth-life experiences, the fourteenth and fifteenth years were the most crucial. These two years, after he began to be self-conscious of divinity and destiny, and before he achieved a large measure of communication with his indwelling Adjuster, were the most trying of his eventful life on Urantia. It is this period of two years which…
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Our final episode on the Infinite Spirit and on the three Primary Persons of the Paradise Trinity. What could be more appropriate than talking about the Infinite Spirit's diverse family. The Infinite Spirit possesses full power to transmit many of his powers and prerogatives to his co-ordinate and subordinate personalities and agencies. The first D…
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Jesus, leaving Jerusalem with his parents, paused on the brow of Olivet; he raised his staff aloft and, quivering from head to foot under the surging of intense emotion, said: “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, and the people thereof, what slaves you are—subservient to the Roman yoke and victims of your own traditions—but I will return to cleanse yonder temp…
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This week we will be studying Urantia Paper 9—Relation of Infinite Spirit to the Universe—§7. So far, we've learned that the Infinite Spirit is a universal and divine minister who unceasingly ministers the Eternal Son’s mercy and the Universal Father’s love. He harmonizes with the stable, unvarying, and righteous justice of the Paradise Trinity. Th…
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In a very amazing way Jesus participated in the temple discussions but always in a manner consistent with his youth. Sometimes his pointed questions were somewhat embarrassing to the learned teachers of the Jewish law, but he evinced such a spirit of candid fairness, coupled with an evident hunger for knowledge, that the majority of the temple teac…
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The Cosmic Crew is back this week with our study of Urantia Paper 9, Section 6, The Mind-Gravity Circuit! 9:6.1.The Third Source and Center, the universal intelligence, is personally conscious of every mind, every intellect, in all creation, and he maintains a personal and perfect contact with all these physical, morontial, and spiritual creatures …
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Again and again, during the Passover week, his parents would find Jesus sitting off by himself with his youthful head in his hands, profoundly thinking. They had never seen him behave like this, and not knowing how much he was confused in mind and troubled in spirit by the experience through which he was passing, they were sorely perplexed; they di…
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