show episodes
What are you doing in Denmark is the podcast that helps you make Denmark makes sense. The name is inspired by "hvad laver du i Danmark," one of the most-heard questions for foreigners living amongst the Danes. This show delivers a blend of education, entertainment, and virtual group therapy from your hosts Derek Hartman and Annie Samples. Derek and Annie have been living in Denmark for years, although it was never the plan for either of them. They both relocated with their families and have ...
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Life as an international in Denmark, one of the world's most homogenous countries, isn't always easy. In Denmark’s longest-running English-language podcast, Kay Xander Mellish, an American who has lived in Denmark for more than a decade, offers tips for enjoying your time in “the world’s happiest country” plus insights on Danish culture and how to build friendships with Danes. Whether you're living in Denmark, thinking about moving to Denmark, or interested in a job in Denmark and want to un ...
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Tips, tricks, and cultural observations about the Danes and life in Denmark. From Copenhagen on the island of Sjaelland to Aarhus, Alborg and the far reaches of Jutland. I aspire to explore Denmark and to report back on Denmark's wonderful people, rich traditions and subtle quirks.
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Welcome to Designmuseum Denmark’s podcast 'Danish design podcast'.In this podcast you will get an understanding of Danish design. Both today and back in time. You will get to know world famous designers like Hans Wegner, Børge Mogensen and Arne Jacobsen. And how these great pioneers still inspire designers in Denmark and around the world.You will get an understanding of the qualities that makes Danish design special. From the famous chairs from the Golden Age of Danish design to the modern s ...
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Casper Christiansen

I Plantetinget diskuterer vi primært mad, samfund, sundhed og kultur. Med godt humør, fængende historier, gode interviews og en lille smule selvironi, vil Plantetinget inspirere dig til at leve mere grønt og bevidst.
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Codka Soomaalida DK

Mediegruppen for somailere i dk

This is a somali podcast made by "Mediegruppen for somaliere i DK" in Denmark, and would be in Somali and in Danish primary. This channel "Codka Soomaalida DK" is meant to be the voice of the somali diaspora in Denmark and the topics that are discussed would turn around this. But can be open for topics that are interesting generally for somali diaspora.
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show series
Besættelsestiden er vidt og bredt beskrevet og formidlet i bøger, film og musik. Men der er stadig nyt at finde, mener Bent Blüdnikow, der sammen med sin søn Philip Blüdnikow viser vej til Hitlers mænd og deres forbrydelser under Anden Verdenskrig. Når det tynder ud i vidnernes rækker, bliver erindringen desto vigtigere. Der var ingen ingen 'humani…
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In this episode of What Are You Doing in Denmark, Derek and Brooke dig into a labor showdown you’ve probably never heard of: McDonald's versus Danish unions in the 1980s. What happens when a fast-food giant tries to bypass some of the best worker protections in the world? Let’s just say Denmark had a few surprises up its sleeve and McDonald's wasn'…
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Comedian Ira Sylvester returns to WAYDID for a hilarious conversation about how to drive a Dane crazy. Derek and Ira break down some unwritten rules of social etiquette in Denmark that are often violated by unaware foreigners. Derek explains how his personal preferences have flipped while living in Denmark and that many of the rules he used to brea…
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Blüdnikow & Blüdnikow handler denne gang om Dara Horns bog People Love Dead Jews fra 2021. I bogen kaster Horn et nyt, kritisk blik på vores ellers sakrosankte mindekultur om Holocaust og antisemitisme mere generelt og stiller det provokerende spørgsmål, om vi i virkeligheden hellere vil have døde jøder frem for levende som et moralsk kompas for re…
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This episode continues the conversation with Lita and Helen, authors of Danish Humor: Sink or Swim. In the discussion, Derek learns more about the positive sides of Danish humor as Lita and Helen explain the ways in which humor can help us find camaraderie. No mater our culture, we all laugh and benefit from humor. The challenge for internationals …
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Grab a cup of coffee and join Brooke, Conrad, and Derek for a discussion of the latest news stories out of Denmark. Brooke explains how AI was used in a recent study of Danish pigs to determine their mental health status. The results are fascinating and may surprise you! Derek explains the details of Copenhagen's potential bid for the 2036 Olympic …
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Skal vi straffe fraskilte med en særafgift? Eller skal vi nøjes med at beskatte enlige? Må man stadigvæk tale om bananrepublikker i 2024? Er det racistisk at lade være?Og hvad med konservatismen? findes den faktisk på Frederiksberg - eller er det bare noget de siger? Og hvad med Aarhus? Nej til nyt-panellet har endelig optaget deres sommer-særudgav…
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This week, Derek sits down with authors Lita Lundquist and Helen Dyrbye who literally wrote the book on Danish humor, one of the hardest things for foreigners in Denmark to learn. Derek gets feedback on how he handled an interaction with Danish colleagues early in his time living in Denmark. Lita and Helen share valuable insights into Danish cultur…
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Rasmus Mariager, en historiker fra Københavns Universitet, har skrevet en bog om Den Kolde Krig, kaldet Sjælekampen. Bogen er flot med mange billeder og grundige kildehenvisninger, men den mangler at dykke ned i, at mange danskere faktisk bakkede op om kommunismen og venstreradikalismen i den periode. Forfatteren tør ikke gå planken ud. I denne pod…
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In part 2 of Derek's interview with Claus Christensen, from the new DRTV series, Demenskoret, you will learn about the health benefits of singing and how studies are being done to measure the impact of singing and song on patients with dementia. Claus discusses the way that singing fosters community in Danish culture and how trust is a byproduct. Y…
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Mikkel Bjørn Sørensen er nyudnævnt udlændingeordfører for Dansk Folkeparti, som netop har lanceret et nyt udlændingepolitisk udspil – et såkaldt ’Hjemrejseudspil’. For Dansk Folkeparti handler udlændingepolitik i mindre grad om at få udlændinge integreret, men i langt højere grad om at gøre det så besværligt som muligt for ortodokse muslimer i Danm…
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Denmark has one of the highest job mobility rates in the world - about 20% of Danes start new jobs each year. Frequent job changes are a reflection of the Danish concept of "flexicurity" – flexibility with the security of the welfare state. As a matter of fact, if you stay in the same job for many years in Denmark, people start to wonder why. Young…
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This week Derek sits down with star of the new DR show, Demenskoret, Claus Christensen. With a long resume as a singer, songwriter, and choir director, Claus has taken on his most rewarding endeavour yet - leading a choir of patients living with dementia. You'll learn singing and song are such a big part of culture in Denmark. Claus also shares how…
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We welcome back Mike Walsh to explain the fascinating story of Denmark's newest land border with an unexpected neighbor – Canada! Mike takes us through the discovery and exploration of the remote Hans Island, a series of back-and-forth disputes between the two nations, and how a light-hearted "whiskey war" eventually resulted in the world's third-s…
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This week, Annie and Derek are joined by Brooke Black, an American mom who flew from Los Angeles to rural Denmark during the pandemic and never left. Brooke is married to a Dane and has spent years living as a cross-cultural family in the States, Jutland, and Copenhagen. Recently, she discussed the culture shocks around summer in Denmark with reade…
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Conrad Molden joins Annie and Derek to taste-test some the recently-banned Buldak ramen noodles. The trio discuss "Noodle Gate" - Denmark's decision to restrict the sale of several Buldak noodle varieties in the Danish market while allowing15-year-old meat to hit the shelves of Danish grocery stores and permit unfettered indoor-smoking at many bars…
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Nogle har nydt stilheden. Andre har vansmægtet i fraværet. Efter en meget lang sommerpause er det faste Nej til nyt-panel tilbage med knivskarpe analyser og sandheder i metermål. Denne gang skal det handle om de helt store spørgsmål. Hvorfor falder Storbritannien fra hinanden? Hvad skal vi stille op med det amerikanske præsidentvalg? Og endnu vigti…
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Did you know that Copenhagen has its own color? It’s called Copenhagen Green, and it’s a dark emerald green, mixed with a fair amount of black. A little like the dark green we see on the leaves of trees here late in August. Pantone 3435C, for you designer types. You’ll notice that all Copenhagen benches are this color, an you will see Copenhagen Gr…
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Vores modløber på Kontrast Jon Eirik Lundberg har skrevet en selvhjælpsbog til alle mænd og kvinder, som kommer i konflikt med tidens fashionable feminisme. I denne samtale øser han af sin viden om dette menneskeædende uhyre, som angriber mænd, kvinder, familie og traditioner og gør selv det private til politik og ideologi. Hør den, før du en skønn…
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Vores pensionsopsparinger udgør billioner (!) af kroner - men bliver de overhovedet investeret ansvarligt? De fleste er enige om, at det er en god idé at undgå investeringer i f.eks. våben og nye olieboringer. Men burde øget animalsk fødevareproduktion og dertilhørende rydning af regnskoven ikke også være i samme fy-fy-kategori? I en ny rapport har…
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This week we Annie and Derek are joined by Anna Gyetvai, a Hungarian-born, Denmark-based makeup artist and former fashion designer who's worked with top fashion brands and is gearing up for Copenhagen Fashion Week. She shares behind the scenes stories of working in the industry and the fashion show she worked that made her take two years off of Fas…
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Get ready for the cross-over episode you never realized you were missing! Annie and Derek are joined by Abby, Marius, and Owen, the hilarious hosts of the Coping in Copenhagen podcast. We linked up for a laugh-filled, super group style, episode of What Are You Doing in Denmark. In this episode, Derek hosts an incredible game show based on the $100,…
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This week Mike and Derek discuss the growing trend of hostility against tourists and the factors behind over-tourism. This includes a new program Copenhagen is testing to incentivize sustainable tourism and good behavior from visitors to the city. But is this initiative as altruistic as it seems, or a McKinsey consultant's wet dream and a solution …
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This week, Annie and Derek debate an annual issue - does summer in Denmark suck? Which Danish summer do you think of; trash-filled tents blowing in the wind around Roskilde Festival, or drinking wine with friends in a lush park under the late night sun? Are your friends even still in town or have they disappeared on holiday? This episode will give …
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This week Mike is back in the hosting chair to interview Annie and Derek about their experiences as content creators in Denmark. You'll learn so much more about your weekly hosts and how Annie and Derek got into the influencer game and took their talents to What Are You Doing in Denmark. The discussion goes through the highs and lows of sharing you…
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I denne podcast fortæller Naser Khader om sin nye selvbiografiske bog "Vejen", der handler om hans rejse fra koranskole i Syrien over ateisme og demokratisme i dansk politik til hans vej ind i kristendommen og mødet med apostlen Paulus, som gav ham nyt blod på tanden.By
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Many countries have a fictional character who represents them. Uncle Sam for the USA, Marianne in France, Mother India. Others have a legendary figure, who was real at one point but is now shrouded in myth, like King Arthur in England. For Denmark, Holger Danske is both. He was probably real, although he didn’t live in Denmark. He was a Danish knig…
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Forfatteren Christian Ingemann Jensen har skrevet bogen Rød Terror, der genfortæller historierne om den yderste venstrefløjs ekstreme voldsparathed under Den Kolde Krig. En bog om vold, bombesprængninger, mord, bortførelser, flykapringer og likvideringer. Om hvordan kommunister og socialister i Vesten allierede sig med arabiske terrorister og blev …
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This week, comedian Conrad Molden is back at the table with Derek to shed some light on the high key rivalry between Jutland and Copenhagen. Having lived in Jutland or Jylland for over a decade, Conrad now calls Copenhagen home. As you can imagine, he is the perfect guest to share some cultural insights and culture clashes that he's felt living in …
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Mike Walsh is back this week to tell us a story about the time when Denmark won the European Football Championship. The story harkens back to the summer of 1992, when a non-qualifying Danish national football team was activated to play in the Euros and scraped their way to the championship. Mike retells the story in all of its glory, with interesti…
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This week Derek is joined by British comedian and friend of the show Conrad Molden to discuss the never-ending rivalry between Copenhagen and the rest of Denmark, namely Jutland. In his 11 years of life in Denmark, Conrad has spent the majority living in Jutland and recently moved to Copenhagen while still touring all over the country from Bornholm…
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In June of each year, the streets of Denmark are suddenly full of young people wearing stiff white caps with bands of various colors - burgundy, midnight blue, light blue. These teenagers have just graduated from gymnasium, the Danish equivalent of high school, and the white hat is a sign of that accomplishment. They wear the white hat everywhere t…
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This week, Derek and Annie are joined by Rachel Warren, who you may know from TikTok as SheIsLostInIkea. Rachel is living in Denmark after studying in Denmark twice. She first studied in Denmark as part of an exchange program while working towards her Bachelors degree which prompted her to pursue a Masters degree in Denmark. In this episode you'll …
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Lars Boje Mathiesen præsenterer et nyt politisk parti den 24. juni. I en podcast fra Kontrast taler Lars Kaaber med Lars Boje Mathiesen om politikernes højlydte forargelse over afsløringerne i ’Den Sorte Svane’ og om, hvorfor de lader som om, de er overraskede over den organiserede kriminalitet blandt indvandrere har infiltreret samfundet. Hvorfor …
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This week, Derek and Annie welcome back Mike Walsh to talk about what it’s really like to work in Denmark. As a former host of the show, Mike has not only worked in the studio, but has worked in Denmark as well as hiring and managing both Danish and international workers. He shares all of his insights of navigating the work culture in Denmark and a…
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