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Kerusso® Daily Devotionals help you make more room for Jesus. Here you’ll find faith, hope, and joy — bite-sized moments of inspiration for busy believers. ABOUT THE KERUSSO DAILY DEVOTIONAL — Developed by Kerusso®, makers of Christian apparel, accessories, and gifts, the Kerusso Daily Devotional: ● Features personal and historical stories influenced by the Bible. ● Uses various Biblical translations including NIV, KJV, ESV, and NLT. ● Includes professionally recorded audio of original conte ...
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Logos Daily

Logos Daily

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It’s been said that grace is simply favor from God, and we didn’t do anything to earn it. Often, grace comes when we need it the most. The word grace is used about 170 times in the Bible. Most of those occur in the New Testament as the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ unfolds. His sacrifice for all of us—dying on the cross for our sins—was the back…
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“Amazing Grace” is one of the most recognizable hymns in the English-speaking world. Written almost two and a half centuries ago in 1772, the words for “Amazing Grace” were borne from the heart, mind, and experiences of the Englishman, John Newton. As a member of the Royal Navy, Newton faced many perils on the open sea. In the midst of a terrifying…
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Have you ever paused and thought about how rarely people see you for who you are? Have you ever done something that you feel is almost unforgivable? You need to know that is not the way God wants you to feel. Psalm 51:10 says, “Create in me a pure heart, oh God, and renew a right spirit within me.” Some of the most famous people in history were ver…
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John Kralik was in a bad place. The LA attorney was generally miserable…divorced again, broke, and living in a dingy apartment with no air conditioning. He was also struggling to pay his employees because clients wouldn’t pay him. Not exactly glamorous, but then John did an amazing thing. He decided he would concentrate on things to be grateful for…
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With the tech boom has come concerns that we are constantly under surveillance, or being watched. And maybe that’s not all a conspiracy theory. But no one in the world knows everything about us. There is still some privacy, some places we can go away from prying eyes. Except… Psalm 69:5 says, “O God, you know my folly; the wrongs I have done are no…
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It’s almost universally believed that tech guru Steve Jobs floated into mega success with Apple, the company he co-founded with Steve Wozniak. Job’s first go around at Apple didn’t end well in 1985, when he was forced out. His next effort wasn’t a home run either, yet Jobs put his head down like a fullback and plowed ahead. Next up for him was foun…
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Honestly…sometimes as Christians, we think things are going to be easy. After all, when Jesus saves you, it doesn’t get any better than that! The joy we feel is genuine, and lasting. But—that doesn’t mean we escape this world. Bad things can and do happen. This week we’re talking about having enough grit to get to the glory. Romans 5:3–4 says, “Not…
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Do you ever stop and think about the routine things you do every day? Buying detergent so you can wash your family’s clothes. Fixing a couple of boards on your deck. We even grind through staff meetings at work. All of this of course mixed with life, laughter, and love. But do you think about why you can do these things in our country? Primarily it…
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From earliest times, God commanded His people to see their national home through His holy eyes. In other words, countries around the world are to follow the Lord. Of course, many don’t. Jeremiah 30:22 says, “So you will be my people, and I will be your God.” Many great civilizations have risen, but few last beyond a couple hundred years. Although h…
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We as Americans tend to relish our history—and most countries do. Famous eras and the glory of battle and all that. Americans love the beautiful land that we’ve been blessed with, as well. The Bible tells us the true source of our blessings. It points us to the One who made all things possible. Psalm 115:1 tells us, “Not to us, LORD, not to us, but…
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Today in America, two million men and women serve in our armed forces. More than 200,000 of them are deployed to various points around the world. Joshua 1:9 reminds us, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” The Lord has told us directly …
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Have you ever wondered what it would have been like to be one of the original settlers in America? As a person leaving the safety of England to come to the New World and start over? Those people came here for religious freedom and risked it all. When they landed in New England, they literally put down roots as they built and planted the beginnings …
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Have you ever hunted and hunted for something—maybe your car keys, and you finally find them? The old saying goes (and it’s very unhelpful!) that you find them in the last place you look. There’s a lot of truth to that. It also is very relevant to our walk with Jesus. Often, we work really hard to solve our own problems, then we give in and ask Jes…
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The Bible tells us that King Solomon was a very wise man. He ruled over his kingdom from Jerusalem, and built the famous Temple there. He was also very human. This son of King David eventually let his wealth and power go to his head, and he began to follow other religions and almost seemed to enjoy sinning. And yet God loved him. In his later years…
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Do you feel like you’re falling apart today? It’s okay to say yes. Life is life, and we all have obstacles to overcome. Maybe your issue is ongoing, or maybe it’s a sudden thing. But please think of it this way: Jesus is alive and He knows who you are—and He cares about you and your problems. Colossians 1:17 says, “He is before all things, and in h…
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Do you find it hard to trust some people? Do you find it hard to trust anyone? Our society is full to the brim of people who have been hurt, wounded, and devastated. It puts up a wall and we live behind it in silence and fear. After the fall of Saddam Hussein in Iraq, the people of that captive country were free for the first time to tell their sto…
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There is a common metaphor of life being like a road, and with good reason. We are in essence walking a path in life, from beginning to end. For each person, the journey is at different times joyous, grueling, and full of wonder. 2 Corinthians 5:7 says, “For we live by faith, not by sight.” This week we’re talking about walking by faith, something …
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We often hear that it’s harder to raise kids today than ever before. That isn’t true, of course. All eras down through history have been challenging. We live in a world scarred by sin, after all, and children grow up among all sorts of temptations. That’s why the role of a parent is something to take seriously, as a sacred duty. We’ve been discussi…
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Noah was far from perfect, but he was a humble man, and protective of his family. He stands out among fathers in the Bible as a man who remained loyal to God, in spite of the wickedness of the world around him. Doesn’t that sound a lot like life today? Fathers who choose to follow a life of faith are surrounded by temptation and downright evil in t…
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What is your relationship with your father like? That’s kind of a personal question, right? And for some people, it may be a topic they really don’t enjoy discussing. Sometimes people who don’t have a meaningful relationship with a father or father figure, struggle to grasp just how much God, our creator and provider, loves us. It can be challengin…
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Joseph was a hardworking tradesman who God hand-picked from all the men in the world to be the earthly father of His own Son, Jesus Christ. What an honor! And in some ways, what an incredibly challenging task. Joseph wasn’t a king, a politician, or a recognized leader of any kind when he was betrothed to a young woman named Mary. A simple carpenter…
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One of the things that mark a healthy society is the consistency between generations. In other words, adults who care about the future of their children will invest the time to make sure tomorrow is bright. God the Father is the ultimate parent, and we would do well to model His love for us. Luke 18:1 says, “One day Jesus told his disciples a story…
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Are you struggling right now? Are you listening to this while gripping the steering wheel, wondering how you’re going to go on? 1 Thessalonians 5:23 says, “May God himself, the God who makes everything holy and whole, make you holy and whole, put you together—spirit, soul, and body—and keep you fit for the coming of our Master, Jesus Christ.” He ha…
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The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci is widely looked upon as the most famous painting in the world. By some historical estimates, the Mona Lisa took as many as 16 years to finish! Capturing Mona Lisa’s famous smile on a poplar plank was no hack job; Leonardo accepted a commission for the work in the year 1503, and completed his masterpiece supposedl…
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Do you struggle to wonder what God’s will is for your life? Many of us do. Although it isn’t a quick answer, the best way to find God’s will for your life is to read His Word. The Bible will tell you the answer to that question. Romans 8:31 tells us, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” Actually, finding God’s will isn’t the hardest part. Dec…
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Roaming, travel, wandering…all have been part of the human psyche since the beginning. Because we all have that God-shaped hole in us, needing to be filled with Him, we search. Some find God, and some don’t. The sense of aimlessness and lack of purpose haunts some. We think of the classic novel “On the Road,” which is the story of two characters tr…
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Have you ever wondered what your place in this world is? Of course, you have. That’s the human experience. Alone with our thoughts, we wonder who we even are, and what we’re meant to do. It’s a mysterious journey, but the fog lifts and the way becomes clear when we get to know King Jesus. Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are his workmanship, created in…
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We as people tend to be goal-oriented. Even if you think you’re not, you really are. Maybe you don’t have a burning ambition to work in finance on Wall Street, or you aren’t going to be a pro athlete any time soon. But you do want to earn a living for your family. Hey, maybe you even want to get your chores finished before your favorite show comes …
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Francis was just 6 weeks old when she became ill in the spring of 1820. The family doctor was out of town, and a charlatan pretending to be a doctor prescribed a treatment that rendered the baby completely blind, although she recovered from the initial illness. A few months later, her father died, and her mother went to work as a maid to support th…
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Tim closed his laptop and wondered what to do next. He had a degree. Great job experience. Enthusiasm and passion for his work… But the job market was tough in his new hometown, and his savings was running out fast. “Lord,” he prayed, “please help me find a job. You know my talents, and what I need to help support my family. Please provide.” He’d b…
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Judson Van DeVenter was an art teacher and artist when he became a layman in the Episcopal-Methodist Church. He was passionate about his work, but also actively devoted to the evangelistic meetings held at his church. Seeing his abilities, Judson’s friends urged him to quit his job and become an evangelist. For five years, he wavered between the mi…
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Nick Vujicic, born without arms and legs, faced obstacles few could fathom. Less than 10 people worldwide have this condition. He’s now a person of faith, and one of the top motivational speakers in the world. Oh—and he’s married with four kids. Oh—and he graduated from college with a double major. Nick, now 35, was born with a condition known as T…
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The action of sharing the Good News—the Great Commission—means that we don’t just sit in our houses and shut away the world. Scripture is an action item. Isaiah 60:1 says, “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you.” If the Bible is true—if God’s story intersects with our story—then a hurting world is in need o…
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If you’ve ever wondered what the best way might be to share your faith and defend it in the modern world, it might help to look at past examples. In the Bible, the husband-and-wife team of Priscilla and Aquila shared Christ with Apollos, who would become a famous early evangelist. In colonial England, the abolitionist William Wilberforce shamed his…
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Defending your faith can sometimes be a subjective thing. As examples of extremes, we’ve seen the Crusades, and at the other end of the spectrum, it’s perhaps an aggressive “pitch” to someone who isn’t a believer. The thing is, it’s great to be zealous for our faith, but let’s also be disciplined. We don’t want to alienate a person who might otherw…
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In every generation, it falls to believers to spend time in defending our worldview as Christians. And honestly, it’s not the nicest part of the gig—but it is part of the gig. Usually, it involves simply explaining what your faith is all about. Followers of other religions do the same thing, but for us, we’re sharing the person of Christ with someo…
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Most of us feel a deep respect in our hearts for those who have sacrificed so that we can remain free. Loving those who have paid the ultimate price is just something we do as people. We pause to remember each year. Isaiah 56:5 says, “To them I will give within my temple and its walls a memorial and a name better than sons and daughters; I will giv…
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Who do you put your faith in? In the 1930s, as war approached in Europe, the British loved their monarchs. The royal family has been beloved for generations, and King Edward the 8th was ready to take his place on the throne after the death of his father. The people loved the dashing young king, and he seemed to enjoy his role. And then he fell in l…
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If Genesis describes the beginnings of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the book of Revelation finishes the story. Revelation 19 tells us a descendent of Judah, Jacob’s son, will one day come and rule the whole world. And He will be unlike any other king in history. 1 Timothy 1:17, “All honor and glory to God forever and ever! He is the eternal King…
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In the Bible, we read of family records that were the original genealogy sources. People knew where they came from, knew their kin. The 12 tribes of Israel were first outlined in Genesis, and from these 12 came an entire nation. Even Jesus came from somewhere! One of the Bible’s patriarchs, Jacob, had a son named Judah. The father calls the son a l…
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Have you ever heard of the legendary English king, Arthur? An iconic figure in history, he led a defense of his country against Saxon invaders around 1,500 years ago. He has also been immortalized in literature. There’s only one problem: We don’t know if he actually existed. We certainly don’t know where he’s buried. And it’s a sure thing that King…
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Do you know Who Jesus is? Do you really understand His identity? We know from the Bible that He is many things: a child, a carpenter, a leader of men. We know that He is our Savior, the One who went to the cross to take on our sin. He is also our King. 1 Timothy 1:17, “All honor and glory to God forever and ever! He is the eternal King, the unseen …
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Today we wrap up our series on finding contentment by discussing the source of true peace and happiness. John MacArthur once wrote a book called Our Sufficiency in Christ. In it, he revealed the path to finding true peace and contentment, and he says there’s a single word that encompasses all the riches we find in Christ: Grace. What a magnificent …
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Today’s message is really about taking the long view. The human attention span is short, like really, really short. Between the world wars, Winston Churchill warned Europe that Hitler was a threat to the continent at least, but people ignored him. And then when the Nazis turned violent, the people turned to Churchill as their prime minister. Having…
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The big question for today is, can we find contentment in things? Have you ever listened to a very successful person complain about the fact that his wealth doesn’t make him happy? How the success of life has left him or her empty? Of course, you have. We’ve all heard stories like that, but pay attention to that—because it’s really important. Watch…
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Today, our big question is, can we find contentment in relationships? How many times has this scene been repeated? A guy sees a girl he can’t live without. He thinks she will bring him happiness—and for a while, that's how it plays out. But then one day he’s melancholy just like he used to be. Or how about the woman who believes marriage will fulfi…
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The diversity of life on this planet is astonishing, good, bad, beautiful, painful. Our world is a place of blessing and it’s also a struggle for a lot of people. Each of us has a whole batch of issues to deal with every day, ranging from physical challenges to emotional needs. And a fascinating element in all this is how we see contentment. What i…
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Jane was the last child to receive a handmade blanket from her great grandmother. Pink and blue, festooned with angels and sprinkled with stars that sparkled in the light, the much-loved blanket was the little girl’s constant companion. This childhood treasure became even more important when Gramma Ann passed away—a reminder of her love for her fam…
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Sandra was a single mom with little family support. Her ex was not exactly helping repair a tough situation. Her days slowed down only late at night when everyone else was asleep. That’s when fear got into bed with her…and wouldn’t budge. Psalm 23:4 tells us, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for Yo…
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Are you a woman blessed with the gift of a wonderful mother-in-law? We can hardly think of a more important relationship. Through the ages, this mentoring friendship has sealed families and nurtured them. Likewise, we easily see the pain inflicted when this relationship isn’t good. In the Old Testament, we read of a really remarkable mother-in-law.…
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