DE: Lerne mit meinem Podcast fließend und sicher Deutsch zu sprechen. EN: Become fluent and confident in speaking German with my podcast. Learn German Naturally.
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DW's individualized German language learning materials can help you to improve your skills with a host of fun and free materials for all levels. We welcome posts in English and German. However, DW will delete and/or report any content that constitutes hateful, threatening, pornographic or harrassing material. Please respect our netiquette: Legal Notice:,,15718489,00.html
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Learn German with the only German learning podcast that spoon-feeds you vocabulary and grammar, all while you enjoy an exciting story that continues across all lessons. Later episodes each feature one short story for advanced learners! German Stories offers easy German language lessons, helping you whether you’re an absolute beginner, already at A1 or A2, or even more advanced. It’s perfect for building vocabulary, understanding grammar, and practicing listening skills at your own pace in sm ...
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The original European current affairs podcast from Germany’s international broadcaster. Bringing you expert analysis and on-the ground reporting from the European capitals and beyond. Join host Kate Laycock and DW’s network of seasoned correspondents for your weekly dose of euro-politics and culture. Published every Thursday.
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ት እንቅስቃሴ የሚታይበት ዝግጅት ነው።
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የወጣቶች ክፍለ ጊዜ ነው።
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አፍሪቃን የሚመለከቱ ጉዳዮች ይታዩበታል።
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Everything is a brand. In today’s world companies, public figures, countries, institutions, and movements are brands with their own unique values, marketing, and influence. Former CEO and Chairman of Deutsch Inc., innovative political analyst and veteran TV personality, Donny Deutsch, mastered the power of branding when he built the multibillion dollar ad agency. Now, in a hyper-saturated, over-marketed world, our media landscape too often presents one-dimensional figures who are globally se ...
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Looking to reconnect with nature? Want to make better decisions for the health of the planet? Every Friday, Living Planet brings you the stories, facts and debates on the key environmental issues of our time.
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DW AfricaLink is packed with news, politics, culture and more — every weekday. From combating health issues and freedom of expression to finances, tolerance and environmental protection, we have it covered.
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ሳይንሳዊ እና ስነ ቴክኒካዊ ጉዳዮችን እና ለህብረተሰቡ ያላቸቸውን ጠቀሜታ ይመለከታል።
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Willkommen bei THE GERMAN PODCAST! 🎙️ Dieser deutschsprachige Podcast bietet spannende Themen aus Kultur, Medien und Gesellschaft – ideal für deutsche Muttersprachler und Deutschlernende. Ergänzend dazu findest du auf meinem YouTube-Kanal Definitely German unterhaltsame Videos zur deutschen Sprache und Kultur. Tauche ein, verbessere dein Deutsch mit authentischen Inhalten und entdecke die Vielfalt der deutschen Sprache! 🎧 Jetzt reinhören & mitlernen! 🔗 YouTube: Definitely German 💙 Support: P ...
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ይኸው ሳምንታዊ ዝግጅት አድማጮችን የሚልኩዋቸውን ጥያቄዎች፣ ግጥሞች እና አስተያየቶችን የሚያስተናግድ መድረክ ነው።
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The science stories that will actually change your day — and maybe make you laugh. Science unscripted is a podcast, radio show & YouTube channel driven by listeners. Hello from Germany :)
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Independent news and stories from SBS Audio, connecting you to life in Australia and German-speaking Australians. - Nachrichten und Geschichten aus unserer deutschsprachigen Community in Australien, in deutscher Sprache.
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A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Germany, France 24, Cuba, and Japan.
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German for advanced learners: Join Andreas and his mysterious ex on their exciting adventures. Grammar: Passive, subordinate clauses, reflexive verbs, subjunctive. [English Version]
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ዶይቼ ቬለ የዕለቱን ዋና ዋና ዜናዎች ከኢትዮጵያ እና ከመላው ዓለም በየቀኑ ያቀርባል። የኢትዮጵያ እና የአፍሪካ ፖለቲካዊ እና ኤኮኖሚያዊ ጉዳዮችን ጨምሮ የመላው ዓለምን ውሎ የተመለከቱ ጠቃሚ መረጃዎች በሰባቱም የሣምንቱ ቀናት ከምሽቱ አንድ ሰዓት ከዶይቼ ቬለ ያድምጡ። የዶይቼ ቬለን ዜናዎች በአፕል ፖድካስት እና በስፖቲፋይ ማድመጥ ትችላላችሁ። የዶይቼ ቬለ ዜና በራዲዮ፣ በሳተላይት እና በፌስቡክ በየዕለቱ በቀጥታ ይደመጣል።
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AufnahmeProbando Cover art photo provided by Cobro on Unsplash:
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A podcast that explores intelligence and the search for Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) through the lens of the Popper-Deutsch Theory of Knowledge. David Deutsch has argued that Quantum Mechanics, Darwin's Theory of Evolution, Karl Popper's Theory of Knowledge, and Computational Theory (aka "The Four Strands") represent an early 'theory of everything' be it science, philosophy, computation, politics, or art.
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Uplevel Your German is a weekly podcast and your go-to resource for learning and speaking German. Charlotte is a passionate German teacher and language expert with thousands of students around the world. In this podcast, she will share simplified audio lessons: Not only about German Grammar, but she'll also give you the best strategies for learning German, speaking German in everyday life with confidence, and mastering German pronunciation. Uplevel Your German will accompany you on your lang ...
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Let there be Light - The American Israelite Newspaper Podcast is a weekly podcast that’s gives an overview and personal insight into articles of the week from The American Israelite newspaper, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Though published in Cincinnati, and the oldest English Speaking Jewish newspaper in the country, The American Israelite has for nearly 200 years devoted itself to not only local news, but regional, national and global articles of interest to any Jewish community. Podcast 1.0 is hos ...
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This is a podcast largely about the work of David Deutsch and his books ”The Beginning of Infinity” and ”The Fabric of Reality”.
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Lerne alles über Deutschland!
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Business German for advanced learners: The "Marktplatz" language course provides an introduction to topics related to work, career and economics. [English Version]
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Witness the come up during the come up.
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Profis gesucht – Deutsch im Job | Videos mit Untertiteln | DW Deutsch lernen
DW.COM | Deutsche Welle
B1 | Deutsch für Fortgeschrittene: Profis gesucht stellt dir verschiedene Berufe und die dafür notwendigen Wörter und Redemittel vor. Zusätzlich erhältst du Informationen zum deutschen Arbeitsmarkt sowie zu beruflichen Schlüsselkompetenzen und Einstellungsvoraussetzungen.
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Highlights from Elliot Deutsch BIG BAND's recent gigs.
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The Authentic German Learning Podcast: Deutsch lernen wie ein Baby | Learn German online | Personal Development
Mark Rösler: deutscher Muttersprachler & Deutschlehrer, Genießer des Lebens und Philosoph
Learn German like a baby would by listening to the language and getting a "feel" for it. We're not only learning German here though: We are passionate about personal development of all kinds. Our motto: Improve your German. Improve your life. Listen to the podcast and let the German language wash over you, like music. Lerne Deutsch wie ein Baby, indem du der Sprache zuhörst und ein "Gefühl" für sie bekommst. Wir lernen hier aber nicht nur Deutsch: Persönliche Entwicklung jeder Art ist unsere ...
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Shirin al´adu, addinai da kuma zamantakewa tsakanin al´ummomi dabam-dabam a duniya. Taba Ka Lashe shiri ne da ke duba batutuwan da suka shafi al'adu da zamantakewa tsakanin al'ummomi da mabiya addinai dabam-dabam a duniya da zummar kyautata zamantakewarsu, zaman lafiya da kuma fahimtar juna tsakani. Muna gabatar muku da shirin ta rediyo a kowane mako, kuna kuma iya sauraronsa a shafinmu na Internet da kuma ta kafar Podcast.
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አዝናኚ ዝግጅት ነው።
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🎬 🅂🄲🄷🄰🅄 🄹🄴🅃🅉🅃 : ☛☛ [ ] Sprouse📥 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐧 : ☛☛ [ ]
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An Introduction to Online-Journalism and Web 2.0
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Aachen, Hotel Evropa. Tu radi Andreas i na taj način zarađuje novac za svoj studij žurnalistike. Uzbudljivo postaje onda kada iz sobe broj deset iznenada nestane poznati muzičar. Važnije lekcije iz gramatike: promjena glagola, zamjenice, jednostavna pitanja, akuzativ.
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SCHAU JETZT 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 ➤➤ [[ ]] ➤➤ [[ ]]
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In einer Welt, die von A.I. geprägt ist, dreht sich Beyond Creativity um das, was uns als Menschen ausmacht. Ich bin Schauspieler, NLP-Coach und habe einen Doktortitel in Kreativität. Hier geht’s um persönliche Entwicklung, Kreativität und Filmschauspiel – von Stimmnutzung über Resilienz bis zu Kameraarbeit. Auch Drehbuch, Produktion, Sound und Business gehören dazu. Es gibt Folgen auf Deutsch und Englisch mit internationalen Gästen. Lass uns entdecken, wie wir kreativ und menschlich bleiben ...
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Ahen, Hotel Evropa. Këtu punon Andrea, për të financuar studimin e gazetarisë. Puna e tij bëhet vërtet interesante, kur zhduket papritur nga dhoma 10 muzikanti i famshëm. Elemente të rëndësishëm gramatikore: zgjedhimi i foljeve, përemrat, pyetje të thjeshta, rasa kallëzore.
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A globetrotter and German teacher who has lived and worked in different cultures shares her experience through podcasts, videos and much more :) Follow me for lots of interesting content and extra material. You can also find me on Facebook or send me an email: [email protected] Support this podcast:
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▶Schau Jetzt ==> ( ) 🎬 Drama, Historie, Kriegsfilm Von Aaron Schneider Mit Tom Hanks, Stephen Graham, Elisabeth Shue Produktionsland USA ZUM TRAILER
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Schau Jetzt => [ ] Anschauen => [ ] Genre: Drama, Thriller, Science Fiction Sterne: Marion Cotillard, Matt Damon, Laurence Fishburne, Jude Law, Kate Winslet, Jennifer Ehle
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Brands of the Week: Eagles with the Super Bowl, no more pennies, Dick Vitale is back, Kobe Bryant sneakers, rising age of first time home buyers, and more
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12:59In this episode, Donny Deutsch highlights the brands that are currently trending up or down, with a focus on the recent Super Bowl and its commercials. The conversation shifts to the importance of storytelling in advertising, the cultural implications of reading and home buying trends, and social insights regarding wedding spending and teen phone u…
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“In my opinion, the German Federal Foreign Office is doing everything possible. ” - „Das Auswärtige Amt tut meiner Meinung nach alles, was möglich ist.“
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31:02The early federal election on February 23 poses challenges for many Germans abroad in Australia. In particular, postal voting could be a problem for some voters, as voting documents may not be delivered and returned on time. Why isn't there a faster way? What are possible legal consequences? We spoke about this with constitutional law expert Prof. …
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Deutsch lernen (C1/C2) | Das Konzept Kindergarten – eine Erfolgsgeschichte
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7:43Testet euer Wissen mit interaktiven Übungen: aus dem Alltag in Deutschland: Arbeit, Freizeit, Gesellschaft, Traditionen. Lern Landeskunde und Wortschatz mit Beiträgen über verschiedene Berufe, Hobbys, Probleme oder Gewohnheiten der Menschen in Deutschland. Ein Audio-Format für Fortgesc…
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#193 - German Love Idioms: Romantic & Funny Sayings Explained!
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8:44Rabattcode: LIEBE gefallen ja Sprichwörter, es ist irgendwie immer lustig, wenn man versucht diese direkt zu übersetzen. Und natürlich gibt es auch viele Sprichtwörter zum Thema Liebe. Und bis zum 14.2.25 kannst du den Rabattcode LIEBE für meine Mitgliedschaft nutzen.You can also join my:🗣️ Conversation Club, apply here: …
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ትኩረት በአፍሪቃ፤የጋዜጠኝነት ገጽታ በአፍሪቃ እና የሰብዓዊ ቀውስ በምስራቃዊ ኮንጎ
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13:15By DW
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አዛውንቱ ደንበኛችን መሀመድ ሀሰን ከሀብሩ «ደስ ብሎኛል ደስ ይበላችሁ» ይላሉ። የነዳጅ ጉዳይ፣ የዩናይትድ ስቴትስ ርዳታ መቅረትን እና ሂጃብ መልበስን የሚመለከቱ አስተያየቶች አሉን። እንደተለመደው ከዚህ ዝግጅት የማይጠፉት እና አዲስ ደንበኞቻችንን አስተያየቶች አካተናል።By DW
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78: Paul muss es Laura sagen | Paul has to tell Laura
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34:25Understand online comments & question words and pronouns in the accusative and dative: wem, wen, welcher, welchen, keinen, keinem, jemanden, jemandem, .... Working online has become a good income source for Paul. He reads some blog comments during the train ride to Sylt: Among other things, people write that at first Paul only took advantage of Lau…
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ጦርነት በትምህርት ሥርዓት እና በትምህርት ጥራት ላይ ከፍተኛ ተጽእኖ እንዳለው ግልፅ ነው። ተጽእኖው ምን ያህል ከፍተኛ ሊሆን እንደሚችል ደግሞ ብዙም ሳንርቅ በኢትዮጵያ አማራ ክልል ያለውን ወቅታዊ ሁኔታ መመልከት ይቻላል። ይህ ዘገባ ጦርነት በተማሪዎች እና የትምህርት ስርዓቱ ላይ ስለሚያሳድረው የተለያዩ ተጽእኖዎች ላይ ያተኩራል።By DW
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Ep 230: David Deutsch’s ”The Fabric of Reality” Chapter 12 ”Time Travel” Part 3
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1:33:17The best part! If you missed the others, don't miss this one. All four strands come together to explain the possibility of time travel and the intrigue that arises when considering travelling to "your" past or future to visit "yourself". Rough timestamps follow: 00:00 introduction and the significance of virtual reality 04:03 Physically possible re…
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Ko kun san wani abun busa da aka fi amfani da shi a gidajen sarauta wato "kakaki", ku biyo mu cikin Shirin Taba Ka Lashe.By DW
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„Manchmal muss man lachen, weil es so absurd ist“
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22:15Der Schweizer Regisseur Piet Baumgartner spricht im Interview über seinen Film Bagger Drama, der beim Europa-Europa-Festival zu sehen ist. Ein Drama mit autobiografischen Wurzeln, das eine Familie in der Trauer zeigt und zugleich humorvolle und absurde Momente einfängt. Baumgartner spricht über Filmfestivals, die globale Resonanz seines Films, die …
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The Ludwig Leichhardt Mystery: Celebrated Hero in Australia (episode 3) - Das Rätsel um Ludwig Leichhardt: Gefeierter Held in Australien (Folge 3)
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8:12The German explorer Ludwig Leichhardt is known for three extraordinary expeditions. In 1844, he traveled with his companions almost 5,000 kilometers from the Darling Downs in Queensland to Port Essington near Darwin. His second attempt to get from Darling Downs to Perth in 1846 failed. In 1848, he made another attempt, but he and his companions dis…
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Push for stronger whistleblower protection - Mehr Schutz für Whistleblower gefordert
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7:47Legal aid groups and independent members of parliament are calling for the establishment of an independent authority to protect whistleblowers. In their opinion, the current legislation is not appropriate. - Rechtshilfegruppen und unabhängige Mitglieder des Parlaments fordern die Einrichtung einer unabhängigen Behörde zum Schutz von Hinweisgebern, …
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Deutsch lernen (B1) | Unterseekabel: verwundbare Datenstraßen im Meer
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3:17Testet euer Wissen mit interaktiven Übungen:ßen-im-MeerMit dem Top-Thema könnt ihr euch gleichzeitig über Neues aus aller Welt informieren und euren Wortschatz erweitern. Wir bieten euch zwei leicht verständliche Berichte mit Vokabelangaben und Fragen zum Text pro Woche. Hier geht's zur Ü…
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Deutsch lernen (B2/C1) | Langsam Gesprochene Nachrichten vom 11.02.2025
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9:34Klickt hier, um zum Manuskript zu gelangen: Die Langsam gesprochenen Nachrichten der DW bieten von Montag bis Samstag aktuelle Tagesnachrichten aus aller Welt. Das langsam und verständlich gesprochene Audio trainiert das Hörverstehen. Zusätzlich gibt es den vollständigen Text zum…
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Absentee voting: “There must be no privilege given to a particular group” - Briefwahl: "Es darf keine Privilegierung einer bestimmten Gruppe geben"
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10:11The short deadline for the upcoming early federal elections is a concern among Germans in Australia willing to vote. The members of the Electoral Law Reform Commission of the German Bundestag have addressed the issue and sought solutions. We spoke to Sebastian Hartmann about this. He is a member of the German Bundestag, domestic policy spokesperson…
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የየካቲት 3 ቀን 2017 ዓ.ም. አርዕስተ ዜና የተመድ ፣የሱዳንን ጦር የሚወጋውን የሱዳን ፈጥኖ ደራሽ ኃይልን እርዳታ በማገድ ከሰሰ የድርጅቱ የሱዳን እርዳታ አስተባባሪ እንደተናገሩት ፣ በተለይ በሱዳንዋ ግዛት ዳርፉር የሚገኙ ሰብዓዊ እርዳታ አቅራቢዎች አስፈላጊ የሆኑ እርዳታዎችን ለሚያስፈልጓቸው ሰዎች ማቅረብ አልቻሉም።በጋዛ የተኩስ አቁም ቀጣይ ደረጃ ላይ ለመነጋገር ባለፈው ሳምንት መጨረሻ ዶሀ ኳታር ሄዶ የነበረው የእስራኤል የልዑካን ቡድን ወደ ሀገሩ መመለሱን የእስራኤል ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር ቢሮ አስታወቀ። ትራምፕ ወደ አሜሪካን በሚገቡ ብረታ ብረቶች…
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ኢትዮጵያውያን አትሌቶች በተለያዩ የዓለም መድረኮች ድል ቀንቷቸዋል ። በእንግሊዝ ኤፍ ኤ ካፕ ግጥሚያ፦ ፕሌይማውዝ አርጊል በአስደንጋጭ ሁኔታ ሊቨርፑልን 1 ለ0 በማሸነፍ ከአራተኛ ዙር ውድድር አሰናብቶታል ። በስፔን ላሊጋ በዐሥር ተጨዋቾች የተወሰነው ባርሳ ተጋጣሚው ሴቪያን በሰፋ የግብ ልዩነት 4 ለ1 አሸንፏል ።By DW
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Vom Café zum Kino: Wie echte Dialoge in Drehbücher gelangen
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47:01In dieser Folge nehme ich euch gemeinsam mit Sarah mit auf unsere Reise von der ersten Idee bis zur finalen Szene. Wir sprechen über die Kunst des Drehbuchschreibens, die Entwicklung realistischer Charaktere und was eine Geschichte wirklich packend macht. Sarah zeigt Einblicke in ihre visuellen Prozesse, wir diskutieren die Bedeutung von Dialogen, …
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Why are Kenyans opposing carbon offset projects?
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24:48A Kenyan court has dealt a blow to a major flagship carbon offset project, and it's seen as a landmark ruling. The project was used by Meta, Netflix, British Airways and other multinational corporations, but had long been opposed to by Indigenous activists. Josey Mahachi talks to Dr. Mordecai Ogada, Kenyan writer and ecologist and Daniel Plafker, D…
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What is stopping Swiss people from voting pro-environment? - Was hält die Schweizer davon ab, für mehr Umweltschutz zu stimmen?
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6:02The Swiss population has voted against the Greens' initiative “For a responsible economy within planetary limits.” But why did the initiative for more environmental responsibility fail and what does this mean for Switzerland's future climate? - Die Schweizer Stimmberechtigten haben sich gestern gegen die Volksinitiative “Für eine verantwortungsvoll…
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Donald Trump belegt Zölle auf Stahl- und Aluminiumimporte / Waffenruhe in Gaza hält / Friedrich Merz (CDU) vor Olaf Scholz (SPD) nach Fernsehduell / Preisobergrenzen für entlegene Regionen Australiens / Litauen, Lettland und Estland koppeln Strommetz von Russland ab
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Deutsch lernen (B1/B2) | Jemandem Honig um den Bart schmieren
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2:06Testet euer Wissen mit interaktiven Übungen: bedeutet es, wenn man einen Korb kriegt und wieso geht Liebe durch den Ma-gen? „Das sagt man so!“ präsentiert häufig verwendete deutsche Redewendungen und Sprichwörter und erklärt den Kontext, in dem sie angewendet werden. Viele weitere Redewendu…
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Deutsch lernen (B2/C1) | Langsam Gesprochene Nachrichten vom 10.02.2025
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7:54Klickt hier, um zum Manuskript zu gelangen: Langsam gesprochenen Nachrichten der DW bieten von Montag bis Samstag aktuelle Tagesnachrichten aus aller Welt. Das langsam und verständlich gesprochene Audio trainiert das Hörverstehen. Zusätzlich gibt es den vollständigen Text zum …
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* የዓለም አቀፉ የገንዘብ ድርጅት (IMF) ኃላፊ በኢትዮጵያ የተደረጉት የኢኮኖሚ ማሻሻያዎችን አወደሱ ።* ሊቢያ፤ 50 የሚጠጉ የስደተኞች አስከሬን ተገኘ* የመጀመሪያው የናሚቢያ ፕሬዚዳንት ሳም ኑጆማ በ95 ዓመታቸው አረፉ* ዱባይ፤ አትሌት ያለምዘርፍ የኋላው የዱባይ ግማሽ ማራቶን አሸነፈችBy DW
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የጋዜጠኝነት ገፅታ በአፍሪቃ እና የሰብዓዊ ቀውስ በምስራቃዊ ኮንጎ
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13:15በአፍሪቃ የጋዜጠኝነት ገፅታ ሲታይ በሰዎች ታሪክ ላይ አተኩረው የሚሰሩ ዜናዎች 7 በመቶ ብቻ ናቸው።ቀሪዎቹ 87 በመቶ ዜናዎች ፖለቲካን በመሳሰሉ ጠንካራ ጉዳዮች ላይ ያተኮሩ ናቸው። በሌላ በኩል በዲሞክራቲክ ሪፐብሊክ ኮንጎ ምሥራቃዊ ክፍል የ የኤም23 አማፂያን የማዕድን ማውጫ አካባቢን ከተቆጣጠሩ ወዲህ፤በአካባቢው የሰብዓዊ ቀውስ ጨምሯል።By DW
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በምሥራቃዊ ዴሞክራቲክ ሪፐብሊክ ኮንጎ የሚንቀሳቀሱ ሁሉም ታጣቂ ቡድኖች ግጭት እንዲያቆሙ የኬንያ ፕሬዝደንት ጥሪ አቀረቡ። የሱዳን ጦር በኻርቱም ባሕሪ የተባለ አካባቢ መቆጣጠሩን አስታወቀ። በማሊ በሀገሪቱ ጦር እና የሩሲያው ቫግነር ቅጥረኛ ወታደሮች አጀብ የሚጓዝ የተሽከርካሪዎች ቅፍለት ላይ በተፈጸመ ጥቃት 32 ሰዎች ተገደሉ። ሐማስ ሦስት ታጋቾችን፤ እስራኤል 183 ፍልስጤማውያንን በቀይ መስቀል በኩል ተለዋወጡ። ዩክሬን በሩሲያ ኩርስክ ግዛት ጥቃት መጀመሯን ፕሬዝደንት ቮሎዶሚር ዜሌንስኪ አረጋገጡ። ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር ጀስቲን ቱሩዶ ዶናልድ ትራምፕ ካናዳ…
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Deutsch lernen (B2/C1) | Langsam Gesprochene Nachrichten vom 08.02.2025
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8:07Klickt hier, um zum Manuskript zu gelangen: Die Langsam gesprochenen Nachrichten der DW bieten von Montag bis Samstag aktuelle Tagesnachrichten aus aller Welt. Das langsam und verständlich gesprochene Audio trainiert das Hörverstehen. Zusätzlich gibt es den vollständigen Text zum…
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አርስተ ዜና፤ -በዴሞክራቲክ ኮንጎ ጦር እና በሩዋንዳ ይደገፋል በሚባለው የM 23 አማጺዎች መካከል ውጊያው መባባሱ ተነገረ። ኮንጎ በሲቪሎች ላይ ለደረሰው ግድያ እና አስከፊ የሰብአዊ መብቶች ጥሰት የተመድ ሩዋንዳን ተጠያቂ ያድርግልኝ ብላለች። --በአማራ ክልል ምዕራብ ጎንደር ዞን መኪና በማስቆም በተደረገ እገታ አንድ ሰው ተገደለ፤ አራት ደግሞ መቁሰላቸውን የዓይን እማኝ ተናገሩ።--የአሜሪካው ፕሬዝደንት ዶናልድ ትራምፕ ዓለም አቀፉ የጦር ወንጀል ተመልካች ፍርድ ቤት ላይ የጣሉትን እገዳ በርካታ ሃገራት ተቃወሙ። ትራምፕ የICCን ንብረት በማገድ፤ ባለ…
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2/7 Conversations with Co-host Samantha Wolkoff
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50:08This week, Ted welcomes co-host Samantha Wolkoff back onto the podcast to read and discuss the latest edition of the American Israelite.By Ted Deutsch
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Why Africa's regional blocs are failing to resolve crises
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25:18Following an East African Community (EAC) meeting on the escalating DRC conflict, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) held an extraordinary summit. SADC is committed to peace after at least 16 troops were killed in clashes with M23 fighters. Why are regional blocs like EAC and SADC struggling to restore stability in Africa?…
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A Pacific island starts packing for metaverse move – but what to take?
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27:10What would you do to save your home from disappearing? As sea levels rise, the tiny Pacific island nation of Tuvalu mulls a permanent move to the metaverse to save its culture. But not everyone is giving up just yet.By DW
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I can vote but I don't want to. Why - Darf wählen, will aber nicht. Warum?
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4:45Jasna Michalak has lived in Australia for 22 years, is eligible to vote and is very interested in political processes in Germany. She can vote, but she doesn't want to. She explains why in the following conversation: - Jasna Michalak lebt seit 22 Jahren in Australien, ist wahlberechtigt und interessiert sich sehr für die politischen Vorgänge in Deu…
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The election campaign in Germany is on the home straight. Voting will take place in just over two weeks. More than 60 million German citizens are eligible to vote. However, 4 million Germans live abroad and many there are also eligible to vote, but overcomplicated bureaucratic hurdles prevent them from casting their votes. This upsets many, but com…
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Was ist ein Liebestöter? Kann man Kabelsalat essen? Und warum gibt es keine Hexen, aber einen Hexenschuss? Oft bedeuten diese Wörter etwas anderes, als man denkt. Viele von ihnen stehen nicht im Wörterbuch. Jede Woche erklären wir hier ein kurioses deutsches Wort zum Beispiel aus der Umgangssprache oder aus Redewendungen – lustig, ernst oder einfac…
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Deutsch lernen (B2/C1) | Langsam Gesprochene Nachrichten vom 07.02.2025
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8:38Klickt hier, um zum Manuskript zu gelangen: Die Langsam gesprochenen Nachrichten der DW bieten von Montag bis Samstag aktuelle Tagesnachrichten aus aller Welt. Das langsam und verständlich gesprochene Audio trainiert das Hörverstehen. Zusätzlich gibt es den vollständigen Text zum…
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