Kvæðasending í útvarpinum.
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Styttri tónleikasendirøðir og einstakar tónleikasendingar við skiftandi vertum.
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Sjónvarpið sendir møti og gudstænastur frá ymsum samkomum og kirkjum í Føroyum hvønn sunnudag klokkan 16:00.
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Sjónvarpið sendir møti og gudstænastur frá ymsum samkomum í Føroyum hvønn sunnudag klokkan 16:00.
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Útvarpið sendir beinleiðis gudstænastu hvønn sunnudag í árinum úr føroysku fólkakirkjuni. Harumframt verða gudstænastur eisini útvarpaðar um kirkjuligu høgtíðirnar. Sagt verður, hvør er prestur, deknur, urguleikari og klokkari, og hvørjir sálmar verða sungnir.
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Morgunlesturin er eins gamal og sjálvt Kringvarpið. Prestarnir í fólkakirkjuni skiftast at skriva hvørja viku. Sendingin byrjar við einum sálmi, síðan kemur bøn, skriftorð og so nakrar linjur um tekstin - ofta sett í eitt nútíðarhøpi - og endar við Faðir vár og einum sálmi.
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Góðan morgun Føroyar er á skránni gerandismorgnar frá klokkan 7:35 til 9:50. Sendingin loftar aktuellum evnum, hevur fastar tættir og leggur upp til interaktivitet. Alt er kryddað við tónleiki, nýggjum og eldri. Samband: gmf@kvf.fo, telefonnummar +298 347500
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Marjun í Kálvalíð, prestur, skrivar hetta kirkjuárið. Presturin skrivar og lesur tekstin. Sendingin byrjar við, at lisið verður prædikuteksturin til teir ávísu sunnudagarnar. Teksturin verður tulkaður og viðgjørdur. Sendingin endar við sangi ella sálmi, sum prestur velur.
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Gerandisdagar: Mánadag – fríggjadag, 10 sendingar frá klokkan 7:00 – 18:00 Vikuskifti: Leygardag og sunnudag, tríggjar sendingar frá klokkan 10:00 – 18:00 Tíðindasendingin í útvarpinum varpar ljós á samfelagið, og tíðindaflutningurin greinar og perspektiverar núlig evni í einum samansettum heimi. Tíðindaflutningurin hjá Kringvarpi Føroya er óheftur av politiskum, handilssligum, átrúnaðarligum og øðrum seráhugamálum.
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Umframt at veita føroyingum tey nýggjastu tíðindini, fer sendingin eisini í dýpdina við tí núliga. Meginparturin av tíðindunum eru føroysk, men fer ein stórhending fram úti í heimi, verður hon sjálvsagt fylgd í Degi og viku. Dagur og vika er alt frá politikki og búskapi til prát við fólk á gøtuni.
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Skiftandi vertir spæla føroyskan og útlendskan jazztónleik.
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a podcast to learn Spanish which offers reports about music, news, curiosities and all about Hispanic culture. Official blog: www.farospanishpodcast.wordpress.com Transcriptions are available only for the blog subscribers. Cover art photo provided by Abel Y Costa on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@abelycosta
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☛☛| VER PELICULA |☛☛ https://bit.ly/2SAhrKw ☛☛| DESCARGAR |☛> https://cine.verpelisgo.com/movie/503919/the-lighthouse.html
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Savnssending Tilfar frá oyggjaleikunum 2013 á Bermuda.
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News, music, politics, and culture from the Faroe Islands.
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The Alabaster Jar Podcast is a weekly conversation that takes on current issues impacting women at the intersection of faith, theology, and ministry. Dr. Lynn Cohick, Kelly Dippolito, and Sareen Musselman pour out their wisdom from years in ministry and academia to inspire women to continue advancing God’s mission in the world.
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Einstakar sendingar, sum ikki eru partur av eini sendirøð ella sum ikki eru regluliga á skránni í Kringvarpinum.
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Improving digital skills mastery will make you stand out in a competitive business environment. Digital skills mastery lab offers valuable knowledge that will help you better understand the value of learning digital skills.
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Hvørt sunnukvøld klokkan 19:50 senda vit andakt í sjónvarpinum. Tað er ymsu samkomurnar í Føroyum, sum skriva og lesa sjónvarpsandaktirnar. Prestar í fólkakirkjuni skriva og lesa andaktirnar, tá høgtíðir eru. Mynd: Michael Morse
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We are bilingual fellowship of Spanish & English speaking Christians; we seek to encourage one another by ministering His love, life and healing power; to reach the world for Christ one person at a time. We are a multicultural group of people from highly diverse backgrounds and nationalities united by love for the Lord Jesus Christ, and a desire to share that love with those around us, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Somos una congregación bilingüe de cristianos que hablan español e in ...
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Dokumentarsendingar eiga sín fasta part í sjónvarpsskránni. Dokumentar er ein breið sjangra. Her verða gjørdar bæði featuresendingar við menniskjaligu frásøgnini í sentrum, magasinsendingar og gravandi sendingar við fokus á óreglusemi í samfelagnum. Innihaldsliga fevna sendingarnar um alt frá søgu, siðsøgu og lívsstíli til sosialrealismu og portrett.
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Savnssending Sunnudagsløtan er serliga upplestur av framhaldssøgum til børn. Søgurnar eru fjølbroyttar – nýggjar, gamlar, siðsøguligar, veruligar ella fantasisøgur. Tá upplestur ikki er á skránni í Sunnudagsløtuni, er tað átrúnaðarligt tilfar til børn. Vertirnir hava til dømis vitjað í einum sunnudagsskúla og greitt frá bíbliusøgu.
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Brunsj er beinleiðis útvarpssending hjá Kringvarpinum, ið bjóðar øllum føroyingur til hugnaligt og undirhaldandi útvarp við gesti, samrøðum og tónleiki hvønn leygarmorgun millum kl. 10:05 og 12:00.. Vertur: Eyðfinn Jensen, eydfinn@kvf.fo Brunsj á Facebook (letur upp í nýggjum kaga)
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Are you looking for a new and fun way to learn Spanish? Come hang out with Francisco, Gise and Félix from Bogotá and Murcia city and have fun while you improve your Spanish listening skills! Faro de Lenguas Magazine is an Spanish as a Second Language podcast for intermediate to advanced learners around the world. Teachers will show you how to use everyday vocabulary and natural idioms, expressions, and phrasal verbs and how to make small talk in Spanish through the different sections in a pr ...
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Ongoing fantasy/sci-fi narrative, in podcast form, written and narrated by Carlos "Chase" Faro. For podcast news and other fun stuff, visit my Tumblr page at http://orbisaetherum.tumblr.com!
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Savnssending Dilemma er ein sending, har etisk evni verða tikin upp. Tríggir gestir, ið á ein ella annan hátt eru kendir úr almenna rúminum, tosa um sínar áskoðanir á evni sum eitt nú deyðan, rúsdrekkatrupulleikar, aktiva deyðshjálp og fosturdiagnostikk. Slag av sending: Kjak Málbólkur: Vaksin, við áhuga fyri etiskum evnum Sendilongd: 25 min. Vertur: Solby Christiansdóttir Redaktørur: Solby Christiansdóttir, solby@kvf.fo
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Sendirøðin Meg minnist byrjaði í 2009. Í røðini leggur Jógvan Arge dent á at fáa fólk at siga frá slíkum, sum tey vita og hava upplivað. Sjálvt heitið á sendirøðini er ikki nýtt. Niels Juel Arge brúkti navnið í mong ár til sínar samrøðusendingar, og Jógvan ásannar, at ringt er at finna eitt betri felagsheiti fyri slíkar sendingar.
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This podcast shares the incredible stories of Yukon people with the “outside” world. Sit back and fill your gold poke with nuggets of knowledge, as we pan through stories of desperate struggle, wild adventure, love, despair and untold fortune. Recounted by those with the tenacity, determination and grit to survive and thrive amidst the magic and mystery of Canada's Yukon.
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Savnssending Hvørt fríggjakvøld í vár er nýggja sjónvarssendingini mælt á skránni. Sendingin snarar rundanum lyklaorðini gaman, álvara og aktualitet. Við gestum, innsløgum, kjaki, matgerð og tónleiki skal sendingin taka samanum farnu vikuna í einum løttum tóna í einum hugnaligum og áhugaverdum umhvørvi. Vertur: Høgni í Jákupsstovu Redaktørur: Høgni í Jákupsstovu Ábyrgdarhavandi: Solby Christiansdóttir, solby@kvf.fo
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Conversations designed to help partner with God to take back your story
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Adolfo Castañeda
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Featured True Stories Episodes on Player FM
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A kowace Litinin da Juma'a a shirye-shiryen Safe da Dare ana gabatar da Shirin Duniyar Wasanni akan batutuwa daban-daban da suka shafi wasanni a sassan duniya.
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In a podcast series by the shipping industry newspaper TradeWinds, we investigate the sinking of the cargoship El Faro, which took the lives of all 33 onboard as it sank in October 2015. Visit tradewindsnews.com
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Sendingin er ikki á skránni í útvarpinum í løtuni. Væntandi byrjar sendingin aftur fyrst í 2015. Kringlan er barnaútvarp, ið snýr seg um núlig evni ella fer í dýpdina við einum ávísum evni. Tá Barnaútvarpið hevur temaviku, verður vikan ofta longd við Kringluni. Ein partur av Kringluni er Kringlusvararin, har børn kunnu ringja inn og ynskja sær eitt lag. Ynsk tær eitt lag Telefonnummarið hjá Kringlusvararanum er 342089, og tað eru bara børn, ið sleppa framat. Søgan Kringlan hevur verið til sí ...
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Podcast tocado em 78 países. Conversas inspiradoras conectadas aos mares e oceanos. Assinantes têm acesso a todos os episódios completos, antecipadamente. Saiba tudo através da seção "Apoie", no site: https://podcastmaresonora.com/ ENGLISH: Inspiring chats on experiences connected to the oceans. Host: Marina Guedes. To access all the exclusive content, you can subscribe on YouTube for a very small monthly fee. All the info at: https://podcastmaresonora.com/ under the section "Support".
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Savnssending Í Speki eru sjónvarpsfyrilestrar til teirra, sum vilja vita meira. Fyrilestrahaldararnir koma frá ymsum stovnum, ið hava við gransking at gera. Speki er eitt úrslit av samstarvi millum Kringvarp Føroya og Fróðskaparsetur Føroya. Hugskotið aftanfyri Speki er at bjóða dygdargóða fólkaupplýsing um ymisk viðurskifti. Talan er um klassiskar fyrilestrar. Karmurin er minimalistiskur. Talaða orðið er í miðdeplinum. Fyrilestrarøðin kom fyrstu ferð á skránna í 2007, og er - eftir ein steð ...
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Savnssending Moldvarp Føroya - ein føroysk satira í seks pørtum. Moldvørpan er kanska blind, men hon er ikki býtt. Treiskliga gravar hon seg gjøgnum ta myrku føroysku moldina, fyri at finna nøkur av teimum evnunum sum vit alt ov sjáldan síggja á skíggja. Moldvørpan er eisini ein njósnari sum sníkir seg inn á stovnar og felagskapir, fyri at avdúka hvat veruliga gongur fyri seg handan stongdar dyr. Moldvarpa er eisini ein lítil túgva av skarni, sum reyðmaðkurin leggur upp á jørðina um várið - ...
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This is a podcast where we combine storytelling with original music to put you at the heart of mystery, murder, and mayhem. Some episodes will be my own stories, others will be classics that helped shape the mystery genre we know today. These are arrangements, which means instead of word-for-word readings, you get a performance meant to be heard. My piano player, Jack, and I perform these live, front to back, no breaks, no fakes, no retakes. This is a podcast for people who love storytelling ...
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A weekly podcast of immigration case summaries and practice insights from your host, Kevin A. Gregg, a partner at the law firm Kurzban Kurzban Tetzeli & Pratt P.A. Each Monday, the Immigration Review podcast reviews the latest published opinions from the U.S. Supreme Court, the Board of Immigration Appeals, and all U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeals—discussing some in depth, providing holdings for others, and always giving practical insights, rummaging through the week’s decisions so you don’t h ...
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“The Stone Chapel Podcast” is a weekly podcast of the friends and staff of The Lanier Theological Library and Learning Center in Houston, Texas. It is hosted by David Capes, Director of Academic Programming of the Lanier Theological Library and Learning Center. David is an engaging host, a respected New Testament scholar, and the author of Rediscovering Paul and Matthew through Old Testament Eyes. “The Stone Chapel Podcast” features theologians, scholars, and thought leaders from around the ...
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Deirdre Gardner finds a lost cassette tape from 1992 in an attic and embarks on a quest to revive the sound of a generation. A serial fiction musical podcast about what we remember, and what we forget. #rememberWimFaros
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Welcome to The Geographical Podcast, brought to you by Geographical Magazine, the official publication of the Royal Geographical Society. Geographical helps our readers navigate an ever-changing and complex world. Featuring talented and perceptive writers from across the globe, our rigorous and entertaining journalism helps you to keep a global perspective. In The Geographical Podcast, you can listen to excerpts from our monthly print magazine. Each month, we'll share a feature-length story ...
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Folding Space Time? Souped up on the spice Melange? Join the team that folds clothes and sheets instead. Now conversing about Earthly subjects including politics, social issues and the advancement of all things CHOAM.
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Comics artists Reilly Brown (Deadpool, Outrage) and George O'Connor (Olympians) spin silly and sinister suppositional scenarios while stranded at sea. Hypothetically speaking, it's a great time. Also, as comics creators, they talk geek stuff with their geeky guests, who are also pretty much all comics creators too. Comics!
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The Grinders Table Podcast is your opportunity to sit at the table with entrepreneurs, innovators and leaders who are shaking things up in their industry. Each week Uwem will interview these amazing thought-leaders to uncover how they've done it and learn something new in the process. Join me on the regular to hear how they dared to defy the odds and live their own success story... or epic failure!
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Bridges To Excellence brings you conversations with the most fascinating people, on top of their game, across the Payments & Fintech's ecosystems... Leaders, Influencers and Experts who in their own way, have transformed or impacted the industry. Their personal stories are meant to inspire and challenge you to explore your possibilities, unlock your inner superpowers, and live your best life. Join host, Desmond Nicholson a thirty (30) year Payments veteran each week, as he invites you to a f ...
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“Annmarie’s Breaking Ground Podcast” shares interviews with industry leading executives, CEO’s, and product innovators to discuss topics from Engineering to Operations and everything in between. This is your go-to podcast for best practices and industry trends on new products, services and facility operations. Annmarie Bhola is the owner of Enhanced Building Solutions, a company that's committed to transforming the culture in the building industry through training and development.
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Esta madrugada llevamos 'El Faro Absurdo' hasta Francia de la mano de nuestro corresponsal en París Vicenç Batalla para que nos cuente dónde está lo absurdo en el país galo. La banda Niña polaca nos visita en directo para charlar con Mara Torres sobre su trayectoria y la tragedia de la DANA en la que están totalmente volcados yendo a ayudar a Algem…
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Defender la vida es deber de todos. En este programa en vivo desde Miami, Florida, Adolfo Castañeda de Vida Humana Internacional expone los temas más actuales en la lucha contra la cultura de la muerte. Sintonice y únase a la cultura de la vidaBy Defiende la vida
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Yadda aka faro kakar gasar Firimiyar Ingila ta bana
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Shirin a wannan makon ya maida hankali ke kan yadda aka faro gasar Firimiyar Ingila, inda akwa yanzu kowace ƙungiya ta samu nasarar buga wasanni 7-7. Tuni gasar ta soma nisa, inda Liverpool take a saman teburi da maki 18, yayinda Arsenal da Manchester City ke biye mata da maki, 17, kowannen su. Ku latsa alamar sauti don sauraron cikakken shirin tar…
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In this episode,Beni shares PART 1 of his story of surviving the war in Congo, coming to Kenya and chasing his dreams! Connect with Beni here: https://www.instagram.com/chef_benirumasha/ You’re invited for our final wellness talk of 2024 that will help you survive December financially, but also get a head start of planning your financials for 2025.…
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Touché met zangeres en auteur Nikkie Van Lierop. In de jaren 90 was ze de Queen of the New Beat. Nu is ze één van de ervaringsdeskundigen in het tv programma ‘Menopauzia’. Want taboes zijn er om doorbroken te worden. Of het nu over de overgang, miskenning of misbruik gaat. Er is veel in haar leven dat niet volgens de verwachting is verlopen. Wat ha…
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Die Zubereitung von Speisen, Rezepte, Tipps und Tricks, überhaupt alles rund ums Essen interessiert uns Menschen extrem, ob in Zeitschriften, im analogen Fernsehen mit seinen Kochshows oder in den Sozialen Medien. Rinder, Rührei, Reis - kurze oder kleine Clips gehen viral, plötzlich wird die gemeine Salatgurke wiederentdeckt oder der Apfelessig, ga…
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By Kringvarp Føroya
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When Dianne, a former Amway Diamond reached out to me to help her tell her story and add another piece of the puzzle to our deep dive into Amway, I jumped at the chance. Dianne and her ex-husband were inside the cult for 25 years, and she has quite a few eye opening stories and revelations to share, including what it takes to reach Diamond and what…
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Mary McGonagle told this wonderful story on our October trip to Ballybofey in Donegal as part of the Frances Browne Literary Festival. A piece of living history. She appeared on the tenx9 podcast previously as Mary Johnston but she writes under her birth name.
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Brigitte und Ernst Fries haben auf Teneriffa ihr Glück gefunden. «Die Kanareninsel ist ein Garten Eden, wie Himmel auf Erden», sagt Brigitte Fries. Seit sechs Jahren lebt das Paar in El Tanque, im nördlichen Teil der Insel. Ihre Finca ist eine grüne Oase mit Meerblick.Brigitte und Ernst Fries aus Gränichen (AG) haben sich vor sechs Jahren auf der k…
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By Kringvarp Føroya
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Jefferson Cardia Simões: Brasil, um país polar
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#202. O título deste episódio foi o tema da mesa-redonda coordenada pela delegação brasileira na última edição da Assembleia do Círculo Ártico (Arctic Circle Assembly), realizado em outubro, na Islândia. Pela primeira vez, o Brasil foi representado por uma comitiva oficial, liderada pelo glaciologista do Centro Polar e Climático, da UFRGS, Jefferso…
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In Küssnacht am Rigi lernen sich die Jodlerin Nadja Räss und der Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaftler Boris Previšic kennen.Boris Previšic (52)Professor, Flötist, Direktor, Bauernsohn: Boris Previšic ist nicht auf einen Begriff zu bringen. Mit seiner Vielgestaltigkeit fühle er sich manchmal wie ein exotischer Vogel. Aufgewachsen ist der Professor f…
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[LOVE STORY] Hillary et Bill Clinton, une histoire d'ascension, de scandale et de pardon - Les Fabuleux Destins
Tous les week-end, découvrez de courtes histoires d’amours, tendres ou percutantes, pour engager de vraies réflexions sur l'amour. Quand l'amour dépasse les scandales Jamais un président des Etats-Unis n'aura connu une telle mise à nue de sa vie sexuelle que Bill Clinton... Pourtant, malgré les infidélités, malgré les scandales, Hillary et Bill Cli…
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[GRAND FORMAT LOVE STORY] Elvis Presley et Priscilla Beaulieu, dans l'ombre du king - Les Fabuleux Destins
(Re)découvrez en intégrale les meilleures saisons de A La Folie, Pas Du Tout, le podcast qui vous fait explorer les plus beaux moments d'amours... comme les pires. Dans l'ombre du king Entre gloire et paillettes, la relation entre le roi du rock et son épouse a passionné la presse people, dans les années 60. Mais dès l’adolescence, Priscilla a été …
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[SHORT STORY] Isis et Osiris, une histoire de magie, de jalousie et de résurrection - A la folie, pas du tout
Tous les week-end, découvrez de courtes histoires d’amours, tendres ou percutantes, pour engager de vraies réflexions sur l'amour. Le mythe d'Isis et Osiris est un des récits les plus importants de l'Egypte Ancienne. Pendant plus de trois millénaires, le culte Osirien a perduré, jusqu'à la conquête de l'Egypte par l'Empire Romain et l’avènement du …
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By Kringvarp Føroya
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By Kringvarp Føroya
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– I had a dream fueled by hope but mostly idealistic naïveté With the firmly resounding hammer blow with my pickaxe came a thunderbolt moment of clarity born of every slight, every wound, I had until then ever known. David Lusk is a retired, self-employed consulting arborist/psychologist/writer living in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. He has previo…
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Paula Cardoso (parte 2): “Não se combate fogo com fogo. O amor é a resposta para o que estamos a lidar no nosso quotidiano.” - A Beleza das Pequenas Coisas
Ouça aqui a segunda parte da conversa com a apresentadora, cronista e fundadora da rede ‘Afrolink’, Paula Cardoso que considera o antirracismo um ato de amor para a Humanidade, e dá conta de como o livro “Tudo do amor”, da feminista Bel Hooks, a permitiu estar mais disponível para amar, com menos receios, a viver de forma plena o seu corpo e a sua …
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Does Everything Happen for a Reason? From A Slight Change of Plans - Everything Happens with Kate Bowler
This week we're introducing you to a show we love called A Slight Change of Plans with Dr. Maya Shankar. Kate was actually a guest on the show, where she joined to talk about how her entire belief system was thrown into question when she was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer at age 35. If you want to hear more conversations like this one, listen to A …
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Hetta heilaga evangeliið skrivar 9. novemebr 2024
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Hoyr lesturin her.By Kringvarp Føroya
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Morgunlestur leygardagur 9. november 2024
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Hoyr lesturin her.By Kringvarp Føroya
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The Stephen Lawrence Murder Case - Stephen‘s Brother Stuart Tells His Story. - Anything Goes with James English
Anything Goes with James English Ep/ Stuart Lawrence The Stephen Lawrence Murder Case - Stephen‘s Brother Stuart Tells His Story. You can contact James English on his social media platforms ⬇️⬇️ http://instagram.com/jamesenglish2 http://twitter.com/jamesenglish0
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[INEDIT] Laetitia Toureaux, l’espionne aux multiples facettes : dans les méandres de l’oubli (4/4) - Les Fabuleux Destins
Découvrez dans cette nouvelle saison l’affaire Laetitia Toureaux, le premier meurtre dans le métro parisien. Espionne anticommuniste pour le compte de grand patron, elle se retrouve rapidement au service de l'État pour infiltrer les cercles d'extrêmes droites. Jouant sur plusieurs tableaux, sa vie est en grand danger. Elle est finalement assassinée…
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[SHORT STORY] Melania et Donald Trump, une histoire de fierté, d’image et de distance - A la folie, pas du tout
Tous les week-end, découvrez de courtes histoires d’amours, tendres ou percutantes, pour engager de vraies réflexions sur l'amour. Dans cet épisode, plongez dans l'intimité de l'un des plus célèbres couples présidentiels. Comment conjuguent-ils amour et pouvoir ? Quelle place pour les premières dames dans les campagnes électorales et à la Maison Bl…
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De Nachtzuster biedt hulp en verzachting bij vragen en zoektochten, met respect voor de luisteraar en zijn of haar ervaring en kennis.
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By Kringvarp Føroya
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Esta semana no 'Irritações', Luana do Bem pede a colaboração dos telespectadores e ouvintes para um tema que a tem vindo a chatear cada vez mais - o que denomina como "contador de publicidade", um cronómetro em contagem decrescente que agora aparece "mais vezes" durante a emissão de programas de TV: "Quando termina a contagem, passa de uma publicid…
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This week on Storylines, the voices of Canadian World War One soldiers, sharing their stories of the front lines. You’ll hear these veterans talk about poison gas attacks, shellfire, the mud, the air war, and even the food. The stories come from interviews with World War One veterans done for the CBC program Flanders Fields which first aired on Nov…
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A Joana Fonseca Orvalho "decidiu" aos 14 anos que quando fosse grande ia viver para Londres. Aos 24 quando se mudou para Inglaterra não imaginou que passados 16 anos ainda estaria por lá. 16 anos felizes e com mundanças.
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By Kringvarp Føroya
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Welcome to Mysteries to Die For and this Toe Tag. I am TG Wolff and am here with Jack, my piano player and producer. This is normally a podcast where we combine storytelling with original music to put you at the heart of mystery. Today is a bonus episode we call a Toe Tag. It is the first chapter from a fresh release in the mystery, crime, and thri…
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By Kringvarp Føroya
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Matthew Bannister on Quincy Jones, the music producer, composer and arranger who worked with artists ranging from Frank Sinatra to Michael Jackson. Janey Godley, the comedian who used her challenging childhood and youth in Glasgow as material for her shows. Lyudmila Trut, the Russian geneticist who dedicated her life to a revolutionary – and evolut…
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By Kringvarp Føroya
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By Kringvarp Føroya
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Christian Heine, ehem. Betreiber Atomic-Café: hat Brit-Pop in München groß gemacht - Eins zu Eins. Der Talk
19 Jahre lang leitete Christian Heine das Münchner Atomic Café, einen der bedeutendsten Clubs in Deutschland. Er war mit seinem Geschäftspartner Roland Schunk mit verantwortlich, den Britpop in Deutschland groß zu machen.
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Finanzen regeln, Altersvorsorge, Geld investieren: Wie viele andere hatte Orryana Berührungsängste. Für sie war der Einstieg ins Aktiengeschäft dann doch leichter als gedacht. Denn selbst bei geringem Einkommen können wir Geld anlegen. Schlagworte: +++ Geldanlage +++ Börse +++ Aktien +++ Investition +++ Kapital +++ Dividende +++ Zinsen +++ ********…
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Cue the gasps.... Look, Jack Daniels is really bourbon. We will go over that in this episode, but more importantly, we will introduce you to some REAL Tennessee Whiskey. And it's dang good. 🟧 PATREON - patreon.com/bourbonrealtalkplus 🟩 BOURBON REAL TALK MERCH -https://www.bourbonrealtalk.com/collections 🟦 BOURBON REAL TALK COMMUNITY - https://www.f…
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Chris was afgelopen weekend bij vrienden in Gent. Even een uitje tussen Pauliens bestralingen door. En dat was fijn, want daar in Gent mag je met je sloffen aan op de bank een boek lezen. Bij boekhandel Bookz and Booz vertelde eigenaar Ief zó enthousiast over het boek 'Ossenkop' van Manik Sarkar dat Chris het onmiddellijk kocht. Op de bank las hij …
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Luther Lockwood and the McColl-Lockwood Lab: A Family’s Love Leads to a Medical Breakthrough - Crazy Good Turns
When Luther’s daughter, Jane Lockwood, was just 5 years old, she was diagnosed with a rare and incurable form of muscular dystrophy. Luther and his family resolved to do something about it. During the two decades since, they founded the McColl-Lockwood Laboratory and dedicated enormous resources to creating more effective treatments for the disease…
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Die Autorin Alina Bronsky kam als Teenagerin mit ihren Eltern aus Russland nach Deutschland. Sie lebte in Marburg und Darmstadt und arbeitete nach abgebrochenem Medizinstudium als Werbetexterin und Redakteurin beim Darmstädter Echo. Heute schreibt sie erfolgreich Romane.
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Im Schatten des russischen Angriffskrieges auf die Ukraine hat Putin längst einen anderen Kontinent fest im Blick: Afrika. Es geht um Rohstoffe, Rüstungsdeals, internationale Anerkennung - und darum, den Westen zurückzudrängen. Wie geht Russland dabei vor? Welche Rolle spielen Söldner? Und: geht diese Strategie auf? In der ARD Audiothek können sie …
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Esther Groh veranstaltet seit 2014 Hauskonzerte der eigenen Art. Denn sie finden nicht in der kleinen Stube, sondern in der eigens dafür freigeräumten Wohnhalle statt.(Wdh. vom 06.09.2024)
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Zum letzten Mal in dieser Gartensaison ist Hubert Siegler von der Bayerischen Gartenakademie bei Edith Schowalter zu Gast. Er gibt Ratschläge für die Wintervorbereitungen und beantwortet Hörerfragen. Außerdem hat er Ausflugstipps für Sie. Die Bayerische Gartenakademie: Ratgeber für den Freizeitgartenbau Auch in der vegetationslosen Zeit stellen sic…
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