show episodes

Yesodei HaTorah

Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky

In this series, R’ Aaron Lopiansky learns through the fundamental Rishonim on the Parsha, collected in his essential Sefer ” Yesodei HaTorah” (for sale at week, R’ Aaron picks up from where he left off on that parsha the year before. He learns through this important Rishonim, elaborating on them, and teaching us how we can learn from them.
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Rabbi Moshe Chaim of Yeshiva Aish HaTorah is an expert Jewish educator, specializing in teaching about happiness, personal development, and many deep aspects of the mystical Torah. Kollel Toras Chaim was established to learn Rebbe Nachman torah in depth and to live with his torah for several months with chaburas in various cities learning together.
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Harav Yussie Zakutinsky is the Rav of K’hal Mevakshei Hashem in Lawrence, NY. His unique ability to blend nigleh, chassidus and kabbalah together reveals the unity of Hashem and Torah. Harav Yussie Zakutinsky utilizes the teachings of the Baal Shem Tov and his talmidim, to transform the deep esoteric ideas contained in penimius hatorah, into relatable and actionable lessons.
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K'hal Mevakshei Hashem #2

KMH - K'hal Mevakshei Hashem

Renowned for his unique ability to teach lofty Chassidic concepts in a down-to-earth way makes Rabbi Yussie Zakutinsky a highly sought after lecturer. Rabbi Zakutinsky learned in Yeshivas Shaar HaTorah where he received semicha from the Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Kalman Epstein shlita. Rabbi Zakutinsky is the author of Sefer Yam HaTefila as well as Sefer Mei Moed. He is the Mora D’asra of K’hal Mevakshei Hashem in Lawrence, NY. He is a Maggid Shiur in Kollel Emek HaMelech in Woodmere and the Mashpia ...
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Ratzon HaTorah

Yitzi Horowitz, LCSW

Hi! I invite you to join me as I explore the intricacies of our inner-world, our lives and our relationship with Hashem. The episodes on this podcast are about my passionate belief that the Torah speaks to us, personally, intimately and timely. Studying the wisdom of Torah and our rich legacy is a part of Torah and our rich legacy itself. As our world embraces the powerful possibilities that psychotherapy offers us, I humbly wish to add my own thoughts and ideas about what it means to be hum ...
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The Bais Medrash fills with Talmidei Chachamim and laymen when Rav Gershon Ribner Shlita, son-in-law of Rav Shneur Kotler, is scheduled to give a Shiur or Vaad at Bais Medrash Govoha, Lakewood. Years of tutelage by Rav Yitzchok Hutner and learning in Yeshivas Brisk, have combined to prepare Rav Gershon for the position of Primary Instructor of Talmud at Bais Medrash Govoha. He has succeeded in applying classical talmudical analysis methodology to understanding all areas of our religion, brin ...
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Migdal Dialogues

Yeshivat Migdal HaTorah

Migdal Dialogues is a forum to discuss important questions about life, philosophy, science, and Judaism. We will think through critical questions, focusing on the process of how we think as much as the conclusions we reach. In this way, we will extend our community beyond the confines of the Migdal HaTorah Beit Midrash. Get ready to expand your mind, nourish your intellect, and discover ideas at the cutting edge of Torah Judaism.
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The D'var Mussar program started in Cheshvan 5779, to learn some mussar every day. 5 minute audio shiurim plus a transcript are delivered to subscriber's inboxes five days a week, Sunday through Thursday. The shiur is given by Rabbi Michoel Frank, Marah D'Asra of Ohr Hatorah of Silver Spring MD. The program has already learned through volume one of Bilvavi Mishkan Evneh, and most of She'arim Bi'Tefillah, and is currently learning the Ramchal's Derech Hashem. All transcripts and past shiurim ...
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Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein is a well known Torah scholar, Tanach expert, and Historian. He has lectured in the Mir Yeshiva, Torat Shraga, and many Shuls internationally. These podcasts integrate his broad knowledge of many different facets of Torah and History. Join in weekly to gain accurate and in depth knowledge of some of the most important and controversial topics in Jewish History. For tours, speaking engagements, or sponsorships contact us at
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Short on time? We’ve got you covered. Welcome to the 5 Minute Torah, where you can digest BIG thoughts on the weekly Torah portion, in about 5 minutes. The 5 Minute Torah podcast is a Messianic commentary on the weekly Torah portion that is about 5 minutes in length. Emet HaTorah is a Messianic teaching & publishing ministry based out of Macon, GA committed to connecting disciples of Yeshua with the eternal Torah of God.
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K'hal Mevakshei Hashem

KMH - K'hal Mevakshei Hashem

Renowned for his unique ability to teach lofty Chassidic concepts in a down-to-earth way makes Rabbi Yussie Zakutinsky a highly sought after lecturer. Rabbi Zakutinsky learned in Yeshivas Shaar HaTorah where he received semicha from the Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Kalman Epstein shlita. Rabbi Zakutinsky is the author of Sefer Yam HaTefila as well as Sefer Mei Moed. He is the Mora D’asra of K’hal Mevakshei Hashem in Lawrence, NY. He is a Maggid Shiur in Kollel Emek HaMelech in Woodmere and the Mashpia ...
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12 Minute Halacha

Rabbi Eli Markowitz

We all try to dedicate time for learning Torah. Many people attend Daf Yomi, have a chavrusa, etc. Yet, most people find it difficult to learn Halacha in a consistent and clear way. We either spend too much time on one subject or try to breeze through a summary of all the laws in a few minutes. Neither of these approaches work. The concept of 12 Minute Halacha Daily (Monday through Friday) is to spend one hour a week learning Halacha from the sources all the way through the contemporary posk ...
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Videos of these shiurim are available at . This podcast consists of recordings of our in-person events (yemei iyun), which pay special attention to contemporary religious and social issues. Our speakers include Rabbi Hershel Schachter, Rabbi Mayer Twersky, Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz, Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky, Rabbi Mordechai Willig, and Rabbi Michael Rosensweig.
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Struggling With God

Rabbi Yonasan Bender LCSW, Psychotherapist

What is morality, faith, and our place in the world? Not easy questions. Many look to religion to answer these questions. Religion certainly does provide answers but not in the way we're used to. The answers we're given are really only starting points to help guide us on a path to greater wisdom. That path is a difficult one because it demands us to be present. To think outside the box. It demands us to struggle with God as opposed to thoughtlessly receive "the answer." In the struggle and t ...
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Choosing a yeshiva is a crucial decision, but students and their parents often lack the necessary information in order to make an informed choice. Join Scott Kahn as he transcends the platitudes and simplistic descriptions, and, through interviews and discussions with yeshiva heads and recruiters, discovers what really differentiates each yeshiva from the others. Go to for additional podcasts.
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This week’s episode is dedicated as a merit for peace for Israel, and healing by all those injured by a listener, and also by an anonymous listener. In this episode we look at the attitude of the Vilna Gaon and his son to science. Was it abnormal for the Vilna Gaon’s son to translate a science book into Hebrew? How did they understand the relations…
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Donate to Rav Gershon Ribner's Yom Tov fund for Talmidei Chachamim! Each Talmid Chacham is personally vetted by Rav Gershon Ribner to ensure the real need of funds for Yom Tov, and an exceptionally fine character. Almost all are high level, serious talmidei chachamim. Funds are distributed with proper kavod as befitting these exceptional תלמידי חכמ…
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In this episode we look at another of the important lessons of the Gaza War. What can we learn from the extreme obsession people have about Israel? What is the Tanachic precedent for this? We go back and look at R Avrohom Vilner’s commentary on Tehillim ch 23 - ה׳ רועי לא אחסר. What style of parshanut is he using? What important insights can we see…
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R' Eade LM II Torah 73 Pt. 4 The Mystical Connection between Tehillim, Torah, and Personal Redemption This shiurdiscusses the deep spiritual significance of the times of day when the sun rises and sets, as found in Rabbinic literature. It explores questions about finding one's purpose and connection in the world through the lens of Torah and the te…
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R' Eade LM II 73 Pt. 3 The Journey Through the 49 Gates of Tshuva This episode delves into Torah Ein Gimmel in Tinyona, exploring the spiritual journey of understanding the awe of King David and the essence of Tshuva (repentance). Rabbi Nachman’s teachings on the three stages of Tshuva are discussed, emphasizing the importance of awakening to repen…
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כונת הבריאה מתקיימת בעם ישראל וזאת היא זכות קיומו רמב”ן (pg. 1186) ישראל מתעוררים לתשובה כי שורשם טוב רמב”ן (pg. 1187) [09:10] אני – משמותיו של השי”ת פירוש המשניות להרמב”ם סוכה ד, ה (pg. 1188) [19:28] רבנו בחיי (pg. 1188) [23:48]By Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky
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