show episodes
Welcome to the Digital Desperados Podcast featuring Dark Tales from the Web with Patrick McMurphy. Patrick brings his Irish story telling origins into the limelight as he highlights the Dark Tales of Digital Desperados from around the globe. Cyber Criminal masterminds who are world renowned. Listen in and be prepared to be amazed and intrigued. This podcast is Brought to you by SaferNet VPN.
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Bruce Bruinsma, Jim Brangenberg,

iRetire4Him is the Mouthpiece of The Retirement Reformation online at We help you make the journey from Retirement to Reformation so you can say, I retire 4 him.
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iWork4Him PowerThought

Jim & Martha Brangenberg

Prepping for work each day, chug your coffee and take a short swig of workplace inspiration with the iWork4Him PowerThoughts. Hosts Jim & Martha Brangenberg give you a 1-minute daily challenge to live out your faith at work. Each episode is designed to kick off your day with an idea you can put into practice as soon as you get to work. The iWork4Him PowerThoughts are focused on helping you to recognize that your workplace IS your mission field. Catch new episodes every Weekday.
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Engaging Christians in the Public Arena. Faith Wins is dedicated to educating, activating and mobilizing faith leaders and their congregations, helping them leverage their influence and impact within the governmental and political arena. Help Us Give the Church Its Voice.
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show series
Martha: As you woke up today, did you find yourself celebrating the end of the work week? Jim: We have all been trained to celebrate weekends and to dread our work. Martha: But is that the way God feels? Jim: I grew up thinking that work was a result of original sin. That the reason work was evil was that it came from evil. Martha: But that was a l…
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Martha: Do you ever feel like quitting your job? Even though it’s a good job and it pays well. Jim: We mean quit your perfectly good job so you can go into full time ministry. Have you ever had that thought? Martha: If you are like us, you feel the need for significance in your work and you feel like a job in a church or a Christian non-profit is t…
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With the new reality that my work was in fact my place of ministry, my workplace mission field, I modified my workplace commute prayer time. I still prayed for my family, but I added my bosses, my coworkers, and eventually my employees. I noticed a funny thing happening. I started to see these people differently - the way God saw them. I grew in em…
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It all started with my new job. Commuting 90 miles to work. I made a commitment to not turn on the radio for the morning commute. I wanted to learn how to pray. My new job had so much adventure built in, but I wanted this job to be different. I prayed for my family on the way to work and others who had specific prayer requests but then God rocked m…
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MID-SEGMENT GUESTS: Scott Couchenour Organization: Serving Strong Part 3 of the 3-Part Series Evaluating Your Retirement In part 2 of this series, hosts Jim and Bruce discussed 9 evaluative questions that all believers 55+ need to be asking themselves on a regular basis. This episode introduces the 9 reflective questions that accompany your evaluat…
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Jim: When you woke up today did you find yourself celebrating the first day of the work week or did you find yourself dreading it? Martha: It seems that most of us suffer from TGIF syndrome instead of adopting the TGIM revolution. We need to start Thanking God its Monday. Jim: you see, God designed our work to have purpose and fulfillment. He also …
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Do you want to see your workplace as a place to live out your faith? Your work is a place where you finally get that chance to be involved in fulltime ministry. Then do these things. 1st Start praying for those you work around, by name every day. 2nd look for ways to serve those same people over and above what your job requires you to do. 3rd look …
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What do you do when you’re faced with a problem at work? If you’re like me, you probably go about trying to find a solution, usually starting with Google! We met and interviewed a remarkable woman named Susan. She went to God first, not google. She asked HIM for the answer to the problem. And kept praying in earnest expectation until He answered. S…
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Have you ever thought about what you want to be known for? Stephen, an executive we interviewed, says it starts with your personal brand. And your personal brand starts with asking yourself “What do I want to be known for?” So how about you? If your co-workers were asked about you, and who you are, what would they say? We challenge you today, to ta…
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Today on the Digital Desperados Podcast, the gang dive into the story of Ross Ulbricht, better known on the dark web as the Dread Pirate Roberts. Born in Austin, Texas, Ulbricht was a bright student and even an Eagle Scout who became obsessed with libertarianism during his college years. This obsession led him to create the Silk Road, an anonymous …
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Changing the world. We all have that secret desire, don’t we? Changing the world in Kingdom terms is not measured in the BIG, the BIGGER and the BIGGEST actions in our life and work. It’s the opposite. Changing the world happens, one person, one word and one action at a time. It can be as small as a smile, a kind word, or a self-less act of service…
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Are you stuck in a rut or comfortably nestled in there? Have you been “doing your Christianity the same way, with the same people, in the same ministry, in the same church? In the same type of work? With the same company?” When’s the last time you stopped, poked your head UP OUT OF THE daily rut and asked “Lord, am I doing your will? Am I doing min…
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Life/work balance. How many of us have fallen for that myth and tried to make it happen? Only to fail over and over…a business coach we interviewed has a better concept. How about living an INTEGRATED LIFE? One that brings Christ into each aspect of our life and work, so that we are putting The Lord, not our futile “balance” efforts, first. So how …
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In the past couple of months, I’ve heard one word repeatedly out of the mouths of followers of Christ who bring their faith into the workplace. INTENTIONALITY. Intentionality is a concept defined as "the power of a mind to stand for things, properties and states of affairs". WAS and IS Jesus intentional? You bet. Should WE be intentional? You bet. …
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Do you need to be removed? Sometimes, we start something and think we are supposed to stay in it, lead it, and serve it. And, we stay IN IT…sometimes too long. We no longer seek the Lord’s counsel about IF we should still BE where He placed us. Sometimes He just wants us to START something, sometimes He wants us to “help get it off the ground”, NOT…
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I try to keep my heart pure and intimate with Christ, so I can be a source of light and encouragement to the people I work with. That’s the faith at work philosophy of a millennial professional we interviewed. What a beautiful philosophy of how we can really prepare and BE Christ at work. So how about you? Is your heart pure and intimate with Chris…
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MID-SEGMENT GUESTS: Scott Couchenour Organization: Serving Strong Part 2 of the 3-Part Series Evaluating Your Retirement Feeling adrift in retirement? Yearning for a purpose beyond the horizon of leisure? This episode of iRetire4Him is your wake-up call! Host Jim Brangenberg joins forces with Bruce Bruinsma, founder of Retirement Reformation, to un…
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Heard this great reminder from a manager of a Christian Retail company “The biggest challenges in my life and work have been when I have forgotten WHO God is, or WHO I AM in Christ.” So how about you? Are you in the midst of a challenge at work? If so, CLING to the words of God. Remind yourself right now who you are IN HIM, not the words of what th…
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What’s the fastest way to get what you DON’T want? Tell the Lord “I will NEVER _________________” Yep, just ask any other Christ follower who’s made the mistake of saying something like that. You WILL end up being exactly where YOU said you would NEVER be or DOING something you said you would never do. Our thoughts are not God’s thoughts and His wa…
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Have you ever considered that God wants to use YOUR business influence, the position He’s put you in, as a “platform” for Him? A stage on which to do your work while others watch and see HOW you work? If you lead just ONE person or have interact with groups of people inside OR outside your business, like vendors or, contractors, then you have a pla…
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This Digital Desperados episode explores Roman Seleznev, a hacker who amassed a fortune through stolen credit cards. Born in 1984, Roman's life took a dark turn after his parents divorced when he was young. Tragedy struck again at 17 with his mother's death, followed by his uncle seizing their belongings. It was at a computer hardware store that Ro…
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72% of people who get up and go to work every day think “nobody cares about me”. That’s a WHOLE LOT of hurting people that will never experience God’s love. So, what if we just took God’s love to them? What if there was a chaplain in the workplace that looks just like them, that meets them where they are; to just listen, pray and love them? Workpla…
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Have you ever met someone that lives one integrated life? They seem to flow seamlessly between their work and personal life without pause or care. What is this? It’s authenticity. And its attraction is unparalleled. How is it possible? It’s living a life based on Godly values. I’d hazard a guess a person like this lives their values in this order: …
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Culture. Webster’s defines it in the corporate realm as: the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution or organization. How aware are YOU of YOUR COMPANY’S culture? When’s the last time you really stopped and took a look at it? How does it align with your OWN personal values as a Christ follower? And if…
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Generosity. Is it an action, a state of the heart, or a mind-set? I heard recently that generosity is BEST when it includes all three and we compare it with IMPACT. Have you ever thought about your giving in this way? That your giving could possibly be leveraged for the highest impact for eternity? What if we all stopped and looked and prayed over …
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Ecclesiastes 4:12 says A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken. Are you a Christian standing alone in your work or professional life? Are YOU standing alone in OTHER areas of your life? What if you prayed and asked for a g…
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What do you think would happen to our economy, our country, if all the working Christians decided to “go into ministry”? There would be no “marketplace”, our economy would collapse and we would be thrown into chaos. Could it be that is NOT God’s plan or design for us? What if each of us were CALLED TO MINISTRY IN OUR WORK, right where we’re planted…
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What’s the difference between a career and a vocation? Career is defined as an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life with opportunities for progress. A VOCATION, on the other hand, is defined as a person's main occupation, especially regarded as particularly worthy and requiring great dedication. WOW. That’s a big differ…
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MID-SEGMENT GUESTS: Linda Priaulx Organization: Aging in Place Strategies and Answers Part 1 of the 3-Part Series Evaluating Your Retirement Learn in this episode the importance of asking questions during retirement. It's not meant to be a time of passivity, but rather a chance to discover your purpose. Host Jim Brangenberg and Retirement Reformati…
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We spend more than one-third of our life at work. Yet sadly, Barna research shows nearly two-thirds of churched adults say it has been at least three years or more since they heard church teachings on work and career, and yet, the workplace is where most Americans spend the biggest share of their waking hours. What can YOU do, to introduce your chu…
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It comes as no surprise that less than 20 percent of Americans regularly attend church. But just about all Americans have a job. So, we COULD say that not everybody has a pastor, but just about everybody has a boss. So how will the other 80% of Americans find out about Jesus Christ if they are not stepping into a church? The current population of t…
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Relationship. Relational. Is there any better word to describe Christianity that sets our “religion” apart from all others? Our faith is based solely on relationship. And is there any better model for us to follow? In our life, in our work? And the basis of this relationship model is LOVE. 1 Corinthians 13:1-2 If I could speak all the languages of …
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This week's Digital Desperados serves up a side of "accidental hacking" with Guccifer, the hacker who makes social media security questions look like a joke. This guy used Google and a thirst for fame to waltz into the accounts of the rich, famous, and powerful like they were unlocked doors. Colin Powell's emails? Exposed. Rockefellers' secrets? Sp…
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When’s the last time you were UNCOMFORTABLE, OR PUT YOURSELF IN A POSITION TO BE UNCOMFORTABLE in your work? Discomfort = growth, and comfort = stagnation. The people doing the most growing are the ones that submit to spiritual and personal growth, like having a group of fellow Christ followers, who challenge them and hold them accountable, in thei…
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Humility. The term "humility" comes from the Latin word humilitas, a noun related to the adjective humilis, which can be translated as "humble", but also as "grounded", or "from the earth", since it derives from HUmus (earth). The greatest leaders, including our Lord have it. CS Lewis said: “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking …
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There is a word that defines the bible, defines Christ, and defines leadership. That word is LOVE. But isn’t love seemingly contrary to business and how it operates? Or IS IT? Did you ever have a bad boss? What quality of work did you do for them? Did you ever have a great boss? One that got the absolute best work from you? What was the difference …
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Money. We all need it to live. Is your view of money healthy and in alignment with biblical principles? Is the WAY you use it serving man, or God and His Kingdom. 1 John 3:17 says If someone has enough money to live well and sees a brother or sister in need but shows no compassion—how can God’s love be in that person? How about your income? How abo…
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There is a truth about work that has been lost to much of our culture since the creation of the world. It is that GOD CREATED WORK. He created work for us, to do together and for HIS glory. Genesis 2: 19 So the Lord God formed from the ground all the wild animals and all the birds of the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would call the…
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What if our WORK WAS our WORSHIP? The Hebrew word avodah means work, worship, and service, altogether! Work: being productive, worship: praising and glorifying God and service: a form of service to the world and our community. We are MEANT to be of service, to be PARTNERS with God in the ongoing creation of the world. The various usages of this Heb…
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Are you feeling as though you’re just going to work on auto-pilot? That you can do your work now, with your eyes closed, with one arm tied behind your back? When’s the last time you asked God to stretch YOU, in your work? Comfort is not a place Christ-followers should be camping out in. .... So how about you? Are you brave enough, to ask “Lord, wil…
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MID-SEGMENT GUESTS: Donny Vanker Organization: Life Action Part 3 of the 3-Part Series The RJFFA vs. Loneliness This last episode of the series delves into the significant role seniors can play in combating loneliness, emphasizing the importance of being present, flexible, and offering their resources. It highlights specific actions RJFFA (Retired …
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Per a 2015 Barna Group study, only 20 percent of Christian adults are involved in some sort of discipleship activity. And, less than one-quarter of Christian adults (23%) are currently being discipled by someone one-on-one. Discipleship in the context of work is known as “mentorship”. How about YOU? Are you allowing someone to mentor you as a Chris…
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After years of meeting with and interviewing people from all types of work and all organizational levels, there is one major truth that keeps bubbling up to the surface. The investment IN PEOPLE, above all else, pays not only Kingdom dividends, but business dividends as well. This is what Christ did, and it is the ultimate example of Christ’s holy …
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I think it’s safe to say that the media focuses on, and provides negative news these days. Should we just take it, and keep feeding ourselves this negativity? How does this affect your work? Do you take it with you? What are you chatting with your co-workers about? And are you feeding the beast of “all that’s wrong with world”? Or are you speaking …
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This episode of Digital Desperados exposes Alexander Zhukov, aka "Nastra," the King of Fraud. Nastra wasn't your average hacker. He started young, hustling on the streets before moving on to online scams. In the 2010s, he created MethBot, a program generating fake website visits to inflate ad revenue for his fake advertising company, Media Methane.…
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I heard a clever quip the other day about trying to take control from God’s hands. God is writing the story of your life: so STOP TRYING TO GRAB THE PEN FROM HIS HAND! This applies to our work as well. Sometimes we think we are living God’s plan for us in our work when we are actually just “taking Jesus with us”. And only praying to Him to ask for …
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