Alai Ormazabal ekoizle eta dj-arentzat fantasia bat diren kantuak lantzen dituen ULUA hedabidearen podcasta.
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Exploring strategies and tool moving towards metis-rich instruction, successfully guiding students as they struggle to achieve understanding of the complexities of mathematics.
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A Lista Negra é o espazo de Eduardo Herrero reservado ao blues en Radio Galega Música e Radio Galega Podcast. O blues é a máis negra de todas as músicas. Nel mestúranse os cantos de traballo afroamericanos, a propia tradición do continente de orixe dos que chegaron a América como escravos e compoñentes do gospel, a música espiritual que xermolou nos Estados Unidos. Cada programa da Lista Negra está dedicado a un dos grandes deste xénero, desde Howlin’ Wolf a John Lee Hooker, desde Robert Joh ...
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A teoría dos seis graos de separación di que dúas persoas calquera do mundo están ligadas entre si por seis lazos de amizade. En cada programa de “Seis graos” falamos cunha persoa sobre seis temas, escoitaremos seis cancións e ao remate daranos unha lista de seis persoas que coñece que lle recomendaría vir ao programa. Ata que grao chegaremos? Que persoas coñeceremos? Equipo: Isaac González
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Tre Män Tycker är en podcast där tre män tycker om olika filmer. Varje vecka väljer en av oss en film som vi alla sedan tycker olika saker om. Vi avslutar varje avsnitt med en Top 3-lista.
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THE BIBLIO FILE is a podcast about "the book," and an inquiry into the wider world of book culture. Hosted by Nigel Beale it features wide ranging, long-form conversations with authors, poets, book publishers, booksellers, book editors, book collectors, book makers, book scholars, book critics, book designers, book publicists, literary agents and many others inside the book trade and out - from writer to reader.
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Luz y rugido.
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New podcast weblog
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Immunotec business and product virtual sessions. Sesiones virtuales de negocio y productos Immunotec.
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Podcast by Gåtfulla landskap - Svensk Age of Sigmar podcast
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Michael Erdman on the history of magazines (and women's rights) in Turkey
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1:00:54Michael Erdman is Head of Middle East and Central Asian Collections at The British Library with overall responsibility for all manuscript holdings in Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Chagatai, Coptic, Hebrew, Kurdish, Ottoman Turkish, Persian, and Syriac. I talked with him about my recent magazine hunting exploits in Istanbul, and how what we found f…
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Andres M. Zervigon on Illustrated Magazines
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1:12:12I first came across Andrés Mario Zervigón’s (Cuban) name while researching a magazine that filled me with awe the first time I saw it. AIZ, the Arbeiter-Illustrierte-Zeitung (Workers Illustrated Magazine) is an illustrated, mass circulation German periodical that was published in Berlin during the 1920s and 1930s (in Prague after 1933). It contains…
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Tony Fekete is a book collector who for years specialized in collecting erotica. He's best known for the catalogue he produced for a Christie’s auction that took place in 2014 that featured highlights from his collection. More than 200 books, manuscripts, lithographs and erotic photographs went up for sale, including a first edition of My …
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Bueno, zer esango dizut Adeleren inguruan... Londreseko ahots ezagunenetarikoa. Aipatuko dugun disko honek barrua jo zidan. Ea zuri zer iruditzen zaizun.By ULUA
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Atal honetan Alaik Jungle taldearen fenomenoa izan du aitzaki pop musikak egungo gizartean jokatzen duen paperaz solasteko. #DenaEntzutekoDagoBy ULUA
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Atal honetan ALAik 'brat' fenomenoaren parte den kantu bat izan du aztergai, Charli xcx artistaren 'So i'. Hyperpop generoan aintzindari izan zen eta duela gutxi zendu zen Sophieren inguruan aritzen da Charli lan honetan, bere lagun-talde artistikoaren parte zen pertsona garrantzitsuaz.By ULUA
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Atal honetan Alaik 'Venus As A Boy' abestiaren ekoizpen berezia aztertu du indiar, japoniar eta jazz musikako erreferentzietan oinarritzen dena. Gainera, Björkek txikitatik musikarekin izan duen harreman bereziaz ere aritu da. #DenaEntzutekoDagoBy ULUA
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Siegfried Lukatis on Insel Bucherei, the iconic German book series
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58:26Siegfried Lokatis is a retired professor of book history, and former head of the University of Leipzig's Institute for Communication and Media Studies. He is the author of Book Covers of the GDR and is currently working on a history of the S. Fischer publishing house, due out in 2026. We met in Leipzig recently where Siegfried treated me to a tou…
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Alai Ormazabal ekoizle eta dj-arentzat fantasia bat diren kantuak lantzen dituen ULUA hedabidearen podcasta. #DenaEntzutekoDagoBy ULUA
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Richard Charkin on Lessons Learned from 50 Years in Book Publishing
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1:10:31Richard Charkin has held senior posts at many major, and some minor, publishing houses in the U.K. over the past 50 years, including: Harrap, OUP, Pergamon Press, Reed Elsevier, Macmillan, Bloomsbury, and Mensch Publishing. He is former President of The Book Society, the International Publishers Association and the UK Publishers Association. His bo…
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Book scholar Jonathan Rose on who used to read Playboy magazine and Why
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48:48The last time I ran into renowned book scholar Jonathan Rose (at a SHARP conference) he mentioned that he was doing some work on Playboy magazine. ‘Way more women readers than you’d expect!’ he told me. Rose is an accomplished author. His groundbreaking and award-winning book, The Intellectual Life of the British Working Classes, first published in…
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Michael Lista on writing true crime, and getting optioned
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57:31Michael Lista is an investigative journalist, essayist and poet who lives in Toronto. I’ve followed his career now for some fifteen years. He’s written true crime for the better part of a decade. His story “The Sting” is being adapted by Adam Perlman, Robert Downey Jr., and Team Downey, into a television series for Apple TV+. We talk here about Mic…
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Ian Birch is "former editorial director of Hearst UK and Emap. He began his magazine career in the late 1970s as a reporter for Melody Maker before moving to Smash Hits where he was assistant editor for three years. His first launch and editorship came in the late 1980s with Sky Magazine. At Hearst UK he was publisher of Company, Esquire and Harper…
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Paul Wells on Writing Politics for Newspapers, Magazines, Books & Substack
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52:57Paul Wells is a leading Canadian political journalist and author. We met at his offices in Ottawa to talk about his impressive career, and his craft writing about politics for newspapers, magazines, books, and now Substack. Topics covered include: observing and interviewing politicians; reading and remembering history; putting events into context; …
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Christopher Long on the Genius Graphics of Lucian Bernhard
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51:42“Lucian Bernhard (1883-1972) was one of the great founders of modern graphic design. In a career spanning nearly five decades in Berlin and New York, Bernhard laid the foundation for a new language of form and communication. His brilliant posters, advertisements, book designs and typefaces created the very look of the twentieth century and beyond. …
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Nick Anthony on AI, and writing his first Novel
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39:31I interviewed Nick Anthony a year or so ago about his experience writing a first novel and getting parts of it work-shopped. Today I catch up with him to find out what he’s been doing and where he’s at now on the road to getting his first book published. We talk about, among other things, how AI has helped him in the writing process; subjective and…
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John Sargent on beating Amazon & Google, and saving Books
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1:19:06John Sargent was too young to fight in WW ll but he spent years battling Amazon and Google in the trenches on behalf of publishers and authors, protecting copyright and defending book prices. John grew up on a cattle ranch in Wyoming. Over forty years he worked at six publishing companies, including Simon & Schuster where he was the publisher of th…
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Joshua Doležal is a writer and award-winning teacher with 20 years of experience in publishing and editing. His mentor was Ted Kooser, former Poet Laureate of the United States and Pulitzer Prize winner. Josh's work has appeared in more than 30 magazines including The Kenyon Review and The Chronicle of Higher Education. His memoir Down from the Mou…
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Gary D. Davis pasou á historia co alcume do Reverendo. Non en van, está considerado un dos puntais do gospel blues e un dos artistas que mellor aproveitaron o revival tradicionalista de comezos dos anos 60. Davis tiña todo o necesario: boa voz, boa técnica coa guitarra e unha soberbia actitude interpretativa. No episodio de hoxe a dose galega de bl…
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A historia do blues non sería a mesma sen Eric Patrick Clapton. Curtido en bandas como os Yardbirds ou os Bluesbreakers de John Mayall antes de formar os míticos Cream para despois triunfar tamén como solista, Clapton segue en activo aos seus case 80 anos. É un dos grandes nomes da historia do rock británico, pero a diferenza doutros compatriotas d…
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Blind Lemon Jefferson é unha das figuras máis relevantes da Historia do blues. Foi o primeiro intérprete masculino do xénero que acadou o éxito comercial masivo, nunha época, a década dos anos 20 do século pasado, en que as que máis discos vendían eran mulleres como Bessie Smith, Ma Rainey ou Ida Cox. A diferencia delas, Jefferson compuxo boa parte…
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Slim Harpo é seguramente o maior expoñente do que deu chamarse swamp blues ou blues do pantano, o que agromou nalgunhas das zonas máis inhóspitas de Louisiana. Devoto de Jimmy Reed e da súa economía de medios en busca dunha maior efectividade, Harpo soubo incorporar elementos do zydeco ou do cajun entre outros estilos. A súa é unha proposta repousa…
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Lead Belly foi un tipo duro que pasou moitos anos no cárcere antes de ser descuberto como artista. Pero non é menos certo que era tamén un cantante e guitarrista talentoso, que sabía de memoria centos de cancións. Lead Belly pode considerarse un bluesman metido a folksinger ou á inversa. El é o protagonista nunha nova entrega da Lista Negra en que …
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A Lista Negra chega ao medio cento de programas. 50 horas, 3.000 minutos dedicados ao blues. E para celebralo repasamos a intensa traxectoria dun dos mellores guitarristas de todos os tempos, o irrepetible Stevie Ray Vaughan. Responsable do rexurdimento do Texas blues, Stevie viviu ao límite, morreu novo e deixou un oco que ninguén poderá encher xa…
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William Mae 'Big Mama' Thornton acadou un éxito masivo con Hound Dog antes de que Elvis borrase calquera pegada previa coa súa propia versión do tema escrito polo binomio Leiber/Stoller. Cantante, compositoria e harmonicista á que a sorte lle foi sempre bastante esquiva, Thornton escribiu Ball & Chain, peza coa que Janis Joplin tamén triunfou. Nest…
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Washboard Sam foi un dos bluesmen máis populares de Chicago nos anos inmediatamente posteriores á Segunda Guerra Mundial. Protegido de Big Bill Broonzy, con quen estaba emparentado, Sam triunfou como vocalista e grazas tamén a que cantaba mentres tocaba a táboa de lavar, un instrumento de percusión de reminiscencias africanas, que o blues soubo inc…
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The Rolling Stones son a banda máis grande da historia do rock and roll. Con máis de 60 anos de carreira ás costas e un elepé quentiño do forno no mercado, os Stones sempre reivindicaron a súa ascendencia no blues. E ese é o sustrato que repasamos neste episodio, a conexión de Jagger, Richards e compañía coa música máis honesta que existe. E para r…
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Blind Willie Johnson considerábase un predicador antes que un músico ou un artista. Non é casualidade que este guitarrista extraordinario quizais sexa o maior referente do gospel blues, o subxénero que emparenta a música que nos ocupa coa que se inspira nas Sagradas Escrituras. John son é o progonista dunha nova entrega da Lista Negra en que tamén …
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John Mayall está considerado o gran impulsor do blues rock británico desde mediados dos anos 60 do século pasado ata a actualidade, xa que segue activo aos seus case 90 anos. Á fronte dos Bluesbreakers, a súa banda, Mayall foi o mentor de guitarristas excepcionais como Eric Clapton, Peter Green, fundador de Fleetwood Mac, ou o ex Rolling Stone Mick…
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Ep.14: Glutatión, clave en el tratamiento del Alzheimer
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23:31En este episodio exploraremos el mundo del glutatión, el antioxidante maestro, y su papel crucial en el tratamiento y manejo del Alzheimer, a través de una enriquecedora discusión con dos eminencias: el Dr. Hugo Palafox, Vicepresidente de Ciencia y el Dr. Jimmy Gutman, Presidente del Consejo de Asesoría Científica de Immunotec y máxima autoridad en…
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Ep. 13: Regala bienestar: La lista ideal para tus seres queridos
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26:11¿Buscas el regalo perfecto para compartir bienestar y felicidad esta temporada? No te pierdas nuestro último podcast del año con nuestros invitados: Carolina Moreno, Gerente de Comunicaciones, y el Dr. Hugo Palafox, Vicepresidente de Ciencia. En este episodio, nos sumergimos en el apasionante mundo de los suplementos alimenticios, desentrañando cuá…
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Andrew Nash on the value of Publishers' Archives
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1:00:32Andrew Nash is Reader in Book History at the Institute of English Studies, University of London (a leading book history scholar in other words) and Director of the London Rare Books School. We sat down in the stacks at the Mark Longman "Books about Books" Library at the University of Reading (well, actually the Museum of English Rural Life in Readi…
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Otis Rush foi outro deses zurdos marabillosos, curtido na época dourada do blues eléctrico de Chicago. Guitarrista cunha técnica exquisita e cantante dotado dun rexistro de tenor imbatible, Rush tivo unha longa e exitosa traxectoria. Ademais, esta semana escoitamos a estrea do novo álbum da Martins Aneiros Band.…
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Blind Willie McTell foi dos mellores representantes do Piedmont blues. Un mestre da guitarra de 12 cordas, dotado cunha voz fabulosa, que tivo un impacto enorme nos bluesmen da segunda metade do século XX, malia que non acadou nunca o éxito comercial. En palabras de Bob Dylan, "ninguén é quen de cantar o blues como Blimnd Willie McTell"... No progr…
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Joseph Vernon Turner Jr. pasou á historia co seu nome artístico, Big Joe Turner. Curtido nos garitos de Kansas City desde os anos 20 do século pasado, Turner destacou como intérprete de boogie-woogie e jump blues na época da lei seca, antes de se converter nun dos pioneiros do rock and roll. A Lista Negra estrea a súa segunda temporada da man de Bi…
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Charles Brown foi un cantante e pianista de estilo pulcro, elegante, sosegado, que acadou un éxito considerable trala Segunda Guerra Mundial e, tras un prolongado retiro, gozou dunha última etapa de recoñecemento catro décadas máis tarde. A súa foi sempre unha aposta polo blues refinado, nas antípodas dos rudos bluesmen que emigraron a Chicago desd…
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Hudson Woodbridge, alias Tampa Red, foi un dos pioneiros do blues de Chicago e un mestre do slide do que aprenderon outras figuras posteriores como Big Bill Broonzy ou Elmore James entre outros. Tampa Red coñeceu o éxito e o esquecemento máis absoluto. Neste episodio tamén escoitaremos blues galego da man do harmonicista compostelán Marcos Coll.…
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Samuel Maghett, alias Magic Sam é un guitarrista esencial na historia do blues. Malia que morreu moi novo, con só 32 anos, e que a súa carreira profesional apenas durou unha década, o alcumado Rei do Trémolo deixou unha pegada imborrable e asinou algúns elepés que deben formar parte de calquera antoloxía do xénero. Sam foi un músico efervescente, a…
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Referente cultural absoluto do último século, premio Nobel de Litertura, estandarte da contracultura, Óscar á mellor canción, revolución nun só home e artista alérxico ás etiquetas, Robert Allen Zimmerman tamén é un dos bluesmen brancos máis lonxevos e senlleiros. De feito, leva tocando o xénero que nos ocupa desde o inicio da súa carreira ata o dí…
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Como tantos outros, Herman Junior Parker fixo a viaxe desde Mississippi a Chicago. Parker teceu unha ponte do blues ao soul Gran cantante e notable harmonicista, a súa sona non lle fai xustiza ao seu legado. Junior Parker facía moitas cousas e todas ben. Tamén habemos buscar tempo para escoitar os galegos Hermanos Zapruder.…
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Ep. 12: Salud cardiaca: una conversación vital / Heart Health: A Vital Conversation.
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18:17En esta conversación esclarecedora, Mauricio Domenzain y el Dr. Hugo Palafox exploran el fascinante mundo del corazón y los hábitos diarios que tienen un impacto significativo en su salud. Descubre la ciencia detrás de un corazón saludable, los sorprendentes beneficios de suplementos como el omega, y obtén ideas prácticas sobre cómo estos pueden se…
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Ep. 11: Beneficios de la cafeína como impulsor de energía/ Benefits of caffeine as a stimulant to boost energy
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20:29¿Estás familiarizado con los múltiples beneficios de la cafeína? ¿Sabías que es uno de los estimulantes más eficaces para potenciar nuestros niveles de energía? Acompáñanos en esta fascinante charla en la que Claudio Peñaloza, Gerente de Producto de la Familia Immunocal, y el Dr. Hugo Palafox, Vicepresidente de Ciencia de Immunotec, exploran este i…
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Ep 10: Harmonizing Your Well-being: Embarking on a Mindfulness Adventure with K-21+
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16:20In a world that's constantly accelerating, prioritizing our well-being is crucial. Welcome to this exclusive episode, featuring Jorge Estrada, Director of Finance for Immunotec Mexico, as he leads us through a guided meditation to sharpen our focus and live in the present moment. Take 15 minutes to indulge in a smooth and centered experience! Podca…
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Ep 10: Equilibrando tu bienestar: Un viaje de Mindfulness con Knutric+
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15:25En un mundo cada vez más acelerado, encontrar formas de cuidar nuestro bienestar se vuelve indispensable. Bienvenidos a este episodio especial en el que nos acompaña Jorge Estrada, Director de Finanzas para Immunotec México, quien nos guiará a través de una meditación guiada para entrenar nuestra mente en el aquí y ahora. ¡Regálate 15 minutos para …
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Marta Sylvestrova on Czech Film Poster Design
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47:31Marta Sylvestrova is a curator and art critic, and has headed the graphic design department at the Moravian Gallery in Brno, Czech Republic, since 1986. She is a graduate of Masaryk University where she studied art history, and has, over the years, been involved in the organizing of many Brno Biennieles. They feature and evaluate graphic designs fr…
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Ep. 9: Dr. Bounous’ Legacy: Revolutionizing Wellness with Immunocal / Legado Dr. Bounous: la revolución del bienestar con Immunocal
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25:50Join Vanessa Gómez and Dr. Jimmy Gutman in this thrilling podcast as they explore the incredible legacy of Dr. Bounous, the mastermind behind Immunocal. Discover how his groundbreaking work has sparked a wellness revolution, transforming people's lives worldwide. This podcast is your unique opportunity to grasp the enduring impact of Dr. Bounous an…
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Nic Bottomley on his Reading Spas and the future of Bookselling
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1:02:24Nic Bottomley is a bookseller, and co-owner with his wife Juliette of Mr B's Emporium of Reading Delights, an independent bookshop based in Bath that has twice been named UK Independent Bookshop of the Year. Prior to setting up shop Nic was a capital markets lawyer. He currently serves as Executive Chair of the Booksellers Association of UK and Ire…
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Ep. 8: De los desafíos del liderazgo al éxito / From Leadership Challenges to Success
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26:45¡Episodio especial del Día del Padre! Mauricio Domenzain conversa con Marco Álvarez, Platino Principal y ganador del prestigioso premio Gustavo Bounous en 2022 en Immunotec. En esta fascinante charla, Marco comparte su experiencia y sabiduría sobre los desafíos que enfrenta como líder y cómo ha logrado alcanzar el éxito en su carrera. Exploran tema…
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Nana Lohrengel on booksellers school in Milan
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32:44The Umberto and Elisabetta Mauri Booksellers School was founded in 1983 by Luciano Mauri in memory of his father and his daughter, who died prematurely. "In the course of almost thirty years of teaching activity it has trained new generations of booksellers and has become a laboratory for experimentation and discussion on the possibilities of the b…
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Ricky Cavallero on Book Publishing as Partying
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46:23Ricky Cavallero was CEO of the Spanish-language publisher Random House Mondadori for eight years. In 1995 he joined Mondadori as Director of Marketing Books; two years later he was appointed General Manager of the Spanish subsidiary and launched the Alexandros trilogy by Valerio Massimo Manfredi which became a huge best-seller. In 1999 he inaugurat…
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