show episodes
Peggy Joyce Ruth, aka "the Psalm 91 Lady" is author of a variety of Psalm 91 book titles with over six million copies in print. She taught a weekly Adult Bible Study for more than 35 years in her church in Central Texas as she shared how to make God’s Word your final authority. Known for her easy-to-understand style of communicating the Word of God and warm storytelling, Peggy Joyce's heart is that her books and teachings will bring you into the same freedom from fear she experienced and hel ...
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Every Sunday, Pastor Jack would say, “If you will grab hold of this message, it will change your life,” and we can all vouch that it did. Pastor Jack Ruth, or Pastor Jack, as we called him, and Peggy Joyce started Living Word Church in Brownwood, Texas. They pastored together from the '80s to “retirement” in the early 2000s. Jack’s childlike faith set the vision and foundation for the church and the Psalm 91 ministry that followed. At one of the recordings with Sid Roth where Peggy Joyce was ...
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Angelia Ruth​

Are you ready to be put to work for God's End-Time Army? It is NOW or NEVER! Angelia Ruth, “Angie”, has ministered in over 35 countries in some of the most dangerous places in the world. Author and co-author of over a dozen books, she has led mission teams and college groups over the past 30 years and is recognized for her prison ministry program by the State of Texas. She teaches God has a hilariously exciting life for every believer who will take Him at His Word and follow Him into R-I-S-K ...
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show series
Are we going to choose the high road or the low road? People ask, "Why would I receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit? I received the Holy Spirit when I was saved." And you did. It is impossible to get saved without the Holy Spirit, but there are two experiences. Jesus breathed on His disciples in John 20:22, and they received the Holy Spirit. It w…
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The past sets the standard for the future. God sets a standard through history for the next generation to build upon. We live in times where everything in the world is trying to tear down past precedents instead of building upon them. Precedence is what we are judged by but it is also a ladder that takes us to the next level. It makes you responsib…
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It takes true wisdom to work around people who are only about themselves, people who are in the flesh. Abigail chose to act even though by the definition of the roles she should have "submitted." In today's world what we call submission is our excuse for doing nothing; God is calling us to act. Abigail acted and even prophesied to David before he w…
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God has given each of us free will and the power to choose. This is the most important right we have been given and our decisions set the course for our life. God has placed much of our destiny in our hands. So it is vital that we don't give our authority over to the enemy as Adam did in the garden. He handed our authority over to the enemy. But Je…
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Are people who care about you having to work around your flesh? Are you having to work around other people's flesh? Nabal, Abigail's husband is the definition of a flesh workaround. Abigail understood Godly submission is to God and HIs Will first, and then to the leadership over us. If someone in leadership makes disastrous mistakes and we do nothi…
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When we take what the enemy is doing and put God's name on it, that is suffering teaching. There is a type of suffering that is biblical and there is a type of suffering that is non-biblical. When we intentionally suffer to further the gospel or die to our flesh to get a breakthrough in prayer, that is Godly suffering. But suffering from the enemy:…
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Prophecy opens you up to see what you are not seeing—especially what you don't want to see. God's correction is a deep form of love. It is truly a sign God is your Father. But we must sustain the change God is doing in our hearts. Only dead things refuse to grow. The Word of God is living and active and meant to change us into a different man.…
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Many people are robbed of God's blessing because they lack an understanding of what God has for them. The law of sowing and reaping governs all other laws. The more we give in any area of life, the more we will increase. The more we hoard back, the more we fall into poverty. If you are only giving to receive, you'll be stuck, but if you give to giv…
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Important teaching for this hour. There are spiritual laws that are just as sure and reliable as physical laws. When this becomes a reality to us, we're going to start thinking through every action, every word that comes out of our mouth, through even the tone of our voice and our attitudes. We're going to realize that all of these things are causi…
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You can still choose to believe God even if things haven't gone down right in the past. A lot of times things that we view as "out of reach" we deem as sour and undesirable not truly knowing what God has for us on the other side. It is more difficult to face the truth after the fact but if you keep loving the truth it will always set you free.…
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Do you have family members who are not born again? This teaching is to help you pray effectively for family members who have yet to know the Lord. Even if your children and grandchildren are grown and out of the home your prayers still have authority in their lives. God is wanting to partner with us to bring our family into His kingdom.…
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A lot of Christians have never been taught what to do about a curse. There was a curse put on the presidents of the United States back in the 1840s. From then forward every twenty years or so a president would die. President Reagan was the first to miraculously escape with his life. The praying Church was able to pull down the curse. We also must b…
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Do you have family members who are not born again? This teaching is to help you pray effectively for family members who have yet to know the Lord. Even if your children and grandchildren are grown and out of the home your prayers still have authority in their lives. God is wanting to partner with us to bring our family into His kingdom.…
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A large portion of Jesus' ministry on earth was casting out demons. Do you remember any Old Testament stories of people being delivered? Any instruction In the Old Testament on doing spiritual warfare? Even today, many believers have not had their eyes open to the works of the enemy. Because of this, the enemy remains hidden and able to cause much …
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Psalms 14:1 says, "The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God,'" and Romans 1:18-19 says, "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness because that which is known about God is evident within them." As believers, we need to be ready to speak the trut…
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Before you rise - you must go down to your knees. Sometimes in life, the battle chooses you, or you receive a report you never would have expected. David and his mighty men had their women and children stolen from them. David's own men were ready to stone him, but David cried out to the Lord. Nothing can’t be changed when you cry out to God with ev…
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Passive faith does not deny the truth. It is quick to say – ‘Yes, I believe the Word’, but passive faith too often believes that God can, but not necessarily that He will. Passive faith is a bigger enemy of victory in our lives than doubt itself. Faith can become such a common word that it loses its significance. The Lord wants us in ACTIVE faith a…
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A storm is something that affects more than just you. This is your response to a storm. It is not being stoic, not being reserved, and not being in control; it is being so desperate that you let go of everything to get to God. It is a reset button. Our cry to God is our acknowledgment that only God can help. (Group discussion at the end)…
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Hearing God's voice is a learned art that each of us as believers must practice. God is always wanting to speak to us but it is a matter of us tuning into Him. My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand. - John 10:27-28…
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Have you experienced the advantage Holy Spirit? We all as believers have been promised the Holy Spirit but has the promise become reality in your life? The Holy Spirit is the person that makes all the difference in our lives. Peter went from being so afraid he denied Jesus to a servant girl on the night of the crucifixion but after Pentecost, Peter…
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The New Testament is God's Will and Testament to each of us as believers. There are so many things God has given us in and through Jesus that many believers are not even aware of. In 1 Corinthians 2:9 it says, "What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived— the things God has prepared for those who love him."…
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This is a series on faith, faithfulness, and trust. If we stop our journey at faith and never go into faithfulness we will be very limited in our relationship with the Lord. Faith without faithfulness can leave us with preconceived ideas about how God will come through but faithfulness will keep us steadfast until God does come through. The Israeli…
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We must understand the power we have over the enemy. If we don't understand our spiritual authority the devil will beat up on us, but if we know our authority we can send him running. When Jesus walked the earth He prayed all night long and then commanded all day long. We are to do the same with the authority that has been given to us.…
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This is a series on faith, faithfulness, and trust. If we stop our journey at faith and never go into faithfulness we will be very limited in our relationship with the Lord. Faith without faithfulness can leave us with preconceived ideas about how God will come through but faithfulness will keep us steadfast until God does come through. The Israeli…
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While we wonder if God's promises will come to pass in our lives, God wonders if we will pull down the fullness of what He has promised for our generation and the next. God’s view is different. Even when we have won many battles, God is looking at the territories yet to be taken. Most of our promises from the Lord are unattained, unoccupied, and no…
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From the story of Deborah, Barak, and Yael. The battle you are in must be won in the heavens before it can be won on the earth. The problem we have today is that the heavens are warring but the men of earth, the believers, have refused to join the fight. The "humility" that leads to inaction is a sin. Just like with Yael, the battle has entered our…
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The world’s logic seems right because most people operate from it. But when we are led by logic or the facts, it is always the fact we don't know that messes everything up. That is why we must grow in faith and be led by the voice of the Lord. God has seen the end from the beginning, and His voice will help us navigate what we don’t see coming. (Ja…
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