show episodes
Protiviti, a global consulting firm, presents Powerful Insights. This podcast features leaders and subject-matter experts from around the world offering insights on key issues facing organizations in our dynamic, challenging and competitive global business climate.
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Rast je rezultat svakodnevnog i kontinuiranog rada. On se ne nasljeđuje već se uči, trenira i stvara. I baš prema tome vas vodimo i pokrećemo kroz ovaj Reiki Dojo podcast show.. Danijel Salijević internacionalni je reiki majstor učitelj, predavač i mentor. Podučava reiki dugi niz godina te vas usmjerava prema uspješnom osobnom i poslovnom rastu. Reiki Dojo podcast show sadrži obilje korisnih i zanimljivih audio - radijskih emisija. Družimo se u novim emisijama koje možete preslušavati dok še ...
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We are all building something whether it’s a business, a skill, a house, a relationship, a family or a life. Casey Grey is a husband, father, entrepreneur and leader in the construction industry. Learn how to become a conscious builder through these informative interviews and personal sharings.
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show series
Koliko vremena imate u danu? Isto kao i svi ostali. Vrijeme je najvrednija valuta i danas ćemo pričati o tome kako bolje iskoristiti svoj dan. U ovoj epizodi ćemo se družiti i učiti o planiranju dana i tjedna kako bismo živjeli bez pritiska i stresa. Budite sa mnom dok istražujemo kako pravilna organizacija može poboljšati kvalitetu života. Cijeli …
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In this episode of Powerful Insights, we talk about all things around readiness for an initial public offering, or IPO. And spoiler alert, there is a lot to address: accounting, financial reporting, cybersecurity, and even ESG and climate reporting. Our guests are Stephen Alicanti and Kristy Balsanek from DLA Piper, and Charlie Soranno and Andrea V…
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My latest Quantum Tech Pod with Enrique Lizaso Olmos, Founder and CEO of Multiverse Computing, is live!Enrique has a degree in mathematics, a PhD in biostatistics, an MD, and an MBA. He is also a former university professor, having taught engineering, mechatronics, statistics, finance, and marketing at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.For 22 y…
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Supply chain management continues to be a hot topic in countless organizations in light of ongoing geopolitical challenges, evolving impacts of climate change, new tariffs, changing labor markets, and much more. How can supply chain and procurement leaders attack these and other challenges? It starts with building and implementing a strategic sourc…
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U ovoj epizodi Reiki Dojo podcasta, raspravljam o značaju zdravijih prehrambenih izbora i njihovom utjecaju na naše fizičko i mentalno zdravlje. Govorim o problemima modernog načina prehrane, te naglašavam problem modernog pristupa prehrani punog antibiotika, šećera i prerađenih namirnica, što dovodi do povećanog stresa, pretilosti i manjka hranjiv…
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Ovaj put ćemo razgovarati o tome kako preventivno riješiti stanje izgaranja ili stresna stanja kroz tjelesnu aktivnost. Naučit ćete kako jednostavne svakodnevne aktivnosti, poput šetnje, plesa ili plivanja, mogu značajno smanjiti razinu stresa, poboljšati vaše fizičko i mentalno zdravlje te vas učiniti sretnijima i ispunjenijima. Cijeli članak…
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My latest Quantum Tech Pod with Zhanet Zaharieva, Chief Operating Officer of Quantum Dice, is live!Zhanet earned a DPhil from the University of Oxford in Materials Science where she designed novel methods for the development of quantum dot technologies.As the result of creating a patent application from her doctoral research, Zhanet began consideri…
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Nedostatak sna može izazvati umor, loše raspoloženje, smanjenu produktivnost i ozbiljne zdravstvene probleme. Kronični umor dovodi do fizičkih bolova i mentalne iscrpljenosti. Rješavanjem ovog problema znači da ćete direktno utjecati na vrijeme koje uzima trećinu vašeg života, na način da to vrijeme i procesi u pozadini koji se dešavaju, rade za va…
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My latest Quantum Tech Pod with Andrei Dragomir – Co-Founder and CEO of quantum company Aquark Technologies is live!Andrei grew up in Romania in a house with a scientific focus: his mother is a professor of physics, and his father is an engineer. He remembers as a kid going to his mom's lab after school, where his toys of choice were the devices ly…
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Burnout je tihi neprijatelj suvremenog radnog okruženja. Sa stresom na svakom koraku, mnogi se nalaze u klopci konstantnog iscrpljivanja bez vidljivog izlaza. Spoznajte kako prepoznati znakove burnouta i naučite koja su rješenja dostupна kroz terapije poput reiki tretmana koje donose brzo olakšanje i pomažu u vraćanju životnog balansa. https://reik…
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My latest Quantum Tech Pod with Lawrence Gasman, President of IQT Research, is live! Lawrence Gasman, a renowned expert in quantum technology, hails from North London and is an alumnus of Manchester University, where he studied mathematics and philosophy. He further honed his skills with an MBA from the prestigious London Business School. Over the …
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My latest Quantum Tech Pod with Carmen Palacios-Berraquero, Founder and CEO of quantum company Nu Quantum, is live! Carmen grew up in Spain and received an MSc in Physics from Imperial College London and a PhD from the University of Cambridge. Nu Quantum was a spin-out of the University of Cambridge’s Cavendish Laboratory in 2018. They are building…
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Otkrijte kako prepoznati toksične odnose koji nas iscrpljuju inaučite kako postavljanje granica, jačanje vlastite energije i njegovanje pozitivnih veza transformira i energiju i zdravlje u vašem životu. Zaštita sebe nikada nije bila važnija. Naučite prakticirati samoljubav i okružite se ljudima koji vas podupiru! Cijeli članak…
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U ovoj epizodi govorili smo o značaju smjera energije u našem tijelu i kako to utječe na našu sposobnost primanja i davanja u životu. Istaknuli smo važnost razumijevanja razlike između lijeve i desne strane tijela, te kako to utječe na energetski balans. Također, raspravljali smo o primanjima i problemima koji se mogu javiti na stranama tijela i ka…
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My latest Quantum Tech Pod with Jan Goetz, Co-CEO of leading quantum company IQM Quantum Computers is live! Jan is a quantum physicist who earned his superconducting quantum circuits doctorate at Technical University of Munich.His company IQM Quantum Computers was founded in 2018 and is building Finland’s first commercial 54-qubit quantum computer …
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U ovoj emisiji istražujemo ključnu važnost energetske higijene za održavanje našeg fizičkog, mentalnog i emocionalnog zdravlja. Predstavljam praktične tehnike i savjete, od reiki čišćenja do mentalne higijene, kako biste unaprijedili svoje energetsko tijelo i prostor u kojem živite. Pridružite nam se u otkrivanju svega onog što vam ovdje može donje…
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Danas razgovaramo o transformaciji teških životnih trauma uz pomoć reiki tehnike, jedne od najljepših metoda koje harmoniziraju duh, tijelo i um. Reiki se ne postavlja kao zamjena za liječničke terapije, već kao njihova snažna podrška. 🚑 Iz svjedočenja i iskustava cijeli svijet prepoznaje reiki praktičare kao važan dodatak liječničkim timovima, oso…
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My latest Quantum Tech Pod with Peter Chapman, President and CEO, of leading quantum computing company, IonQ, is live! Peter had an atypical childhood. He grew up near the Johnson Space Center in Houston because his father was an astronaut who used to fly over the house in his trainer jet. In high school, Peter went to study with the well-known cog…
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Znate li da Reiki može transformirati vaš život na bolje? Mnogi misle da je učenje Reikija složeno, skupo ili vremenski zahtjevno. No, istina je mnogo ljepša! Reiki tečajevi prilagođeni su današnjem brzom načinu života, ne zahtijevaju predznanje i predstavljaju investiciju u vašu sretniju budućnost 😍 Cijeli članak:…
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Usudite se osloboditi od nezdravih odnosa i pronađite snagu unutar sebe. 💫 Nezdravi odnosi mogu se manifestirati na razne načine - kroz nedostatak poštovanja, komunikaciju koja nije konstruktivna, emocionalno iscrpljivanje, pa čak i manipulaciju. Svi smo, u nekom trenutku, iskusili kako je to biti zarobljenik tuđih drama ili ponašanja koja nam ne s…
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My latest Quantum Tech Pod with Maud Vinet, Co-founder and CEO of quantum computing company Quobly, is live! Dr. Vinet received her Ph.D. in quantum physics from the University of Grenoble Alpes and has authored or co-authored over 300 papers. She owns more than 70 patents related to nanotechnology, and her Google H index is 57, with more than 11,0…
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Dragi slušatelji i ljubitelji dublje energijske povezanosti, dobrodošli u posebno izdanje našeg podcasta. Danas ću s vama podijeliti svoja iskustva s 40-dnevnog putovanja po Japanu, gdje sam tragao za korijenima i dubokim energetskim tragovima reikija. 🗻🍁 Prije dvije godine, na stotu godišnjicu reikija, nisam uspio hodočastiti na planinu Kurama, mj…
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My latest Quantum Tech Pod with Elie Girard, Executive Chairman of quantum company Alice & Bob, is live! Elie has over 20 years of leadership experience in various companies, including his most recent role as CEO and director at Atos.His company, Alice & Bob, focuses on cat qubits, a novel approach that enables them to reduce hardware requirements …
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Dragi slušatelji i gledatelji, danas smo učili važnost svjesnog disanja i njegov utjecaj na naš mir, sklad i cjelokupno zdravlje. Svjesno disanje je više od neosviještenog čina, to je put ka unutarnjoj snazi i miru. Reiki i druge duhovne prakse prepoznaju disanje kao ključan element za iscjeljenje i postizanje harmonije. Život koji udišemo nije sam…
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My latest Quantum Tech Pod with Ken Durazzo, VP of tech company Dell Research, is live! Prior to joining Dell Research, Ken worked at Cisco for 20 years on myriad technologies. In 2016, he started leading research into quantum at Dell.At Dell Research, Ken's current focus includes hybrid quantum computing, quantum-safe cryptography, as well as gene…
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Ovo je emisija za sve znatiželjne duše koje žele saznati više o reikiju, drevnoj japanskoj tehnici energetskog iscjeljivanja. No, danas ćemo proći i kroz 10 ključnih točaka o reikiju koje će vam pomoći da bolje razumijete ovu tehniku i kako ju možete primijeniti u svakodnevnom životu. Svrha ove emisije jest da vam pomognem da uvježbate odgovore na …
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Dragi slušatelji, u današnjoj epizodi Reiki Dojo podcasta, podijelio sam dio svojeg iskustva 40-dnevnog putovanja u Japanu i kako su se događaji u prvim danima 2024. godine reflektirali na energiju. Također sam podijelio ciljeve za osmu sezonu podcasta i planove za godinu punu mogućnosti i rasta. Nudim vam savjete za postizanje uspjeha kroz zahvaln…
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My latest Quantum Tech Pod episode with Kurt Stokbro, CEO of quantum company Sparrow Quantum is live! Sparrow Quantum is a quantum photonics company based in Copenhagen, founded in 2016 by Professor Peter Lodahl. It is widely recognized as a leader in single photon sources, achieving the world's highest light matter coupling efficiency. Kurt is the…
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My latest Quantum Tech Pod with Grégoire Ribordy, CEO of ID Quantique (IDQ)is live! Gregoire went to EPFL (Écolepolytechnique fédérale de Lausanne) - the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - where he studied physics. After working for a year in Japan at Nikon, the camera company, he returned to Switzerland in the mid-90s. Interesting back story:…
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Protiviti and NC State University's ERM Initiative have conducted the 12th annual Executive Perspectives on Top Risk Survey, in which we poll board members and C-suite executives from around the world on the risks they see as most significant for their organizations over the next 12 months and the next 10 years. For this year’s survey, we asked exe…
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Chris Bishop’s latest Quantum Tech Pod with Kristin M. Gilkes, Ph.D., Global Quantum Leader at EY, is live!Kristin has a Ph.D. in Decision Sciences and a graduate diploma in artificial intelligence from the University of Oxford. She also has an MBA from the University of Colorado and a BBA in computer science from Texas A&M University.She and her t…
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Christopher Bishop’s latest Quantum Tech Pod with Niels Bultink, CEO and Co-Founder of Qblox, a leading quantum company, is live! Chris first spoke to Niels almost two years ago and wanted to check in to see what he and his team have been up to.Qblox provides quantum control stacks that combine unequaled noise performance and low-latency arbitrary …
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As of August 25, 2023, large technology companies providing hosting services, online platforms and search engines, are required to put processes in place to be notified of illegal content and to act on notifications under the European Union’s Digital Services Act (DSA). Tech firms that do not meet a 45-million-user threshold have to comply with man…
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Christopher Bishop’s latest Quantum Tech Pod with Vanesa Diaz, CEO of quantum computing company LuxQuanta is live!Vanesa grew up in a small village in the north of Spain and because she was good at math, she eventually got a degree in engineering.Her early career found her in tech roles, but she wanted to spend less time in the lab and more time wi…
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Danas smo razgovarali o izazovima s kojima se susrećemo kada shvatimo da naša znanja o reikiju nisu bila potpuna. Kada se suočite s situacijom da možda niste dovoljno naučili o reikiju, može se javiti osjećaj panike i nesigurnosti. Razumijem tu situaciju jer sam i sam bio u sličnoj situaciji. Važno je ne odustati i motivirati se da naučite što je p…
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The volume of CFO priorities has increased for years. In the past 12 months, the intensity of these urgencies also spiked, forcing finance leaders to make higher-stakes decisions more quickly and implement major adjustments with far-reaching implications. Results from the latest Global Finance Trends Survey conducted by Protiviti show that CFOs rec…
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Christopher Bishop’s latest Quantum Tech Pod with Théau Peronnin, CEO and Co-Founder of Alice & Bob, is live! As a student, Théau was into both physics and electronics. An innovator to the core, he competed in the International Young Physicist tournament but soon realized he was 50 years too late to develop new groundbreaking low level electronics.…
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Reiki u tišini je poseban način rada s reikijem, koji omogućava primanje najkvalitetnije energije. U ovoj tehnici, ne trebate riječi ili pokrete da biste dobili i usvojili nešto. Samo trebate biti prisutni u energiji tišine i u energiji svog učitelja i dopustiti da informacije dođu do vas. Mnogi ljudi su čuli i osjetili koliko su ove informacije bi…
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Jeste li ikada razmišljali o tome da li reiki tretmani bole? Možda vam je poznato kako nakon neke masaže možete osjetiti bol u leđima ili ramenima, jer ponekad su te masaže malo izazovnije. No, da li taj osjećaj boli postoji i kod reiki tretmana? Kada se javlja? I što nam točno poručuje? O svemu tome ćemo razgovarati u današnjoj emisiji Reiki Dojo …
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To celebrate Cybersecurity Awareness Month, Christopher Bishop’s latest Quantum Tech Pod is a conversation with Konstantinos Karagiannis, Director of Quantum Computing Services at Protiviti. Konstantinos has been involved in the quantum computing industry since 2012 and has worked in information security since the 1990s. Protiviti is a global busin…
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The results from this year's Global Technology Audit Risks Survey, conducted by Protiviti and The Institute of Internal Auditors, reveal a complex and multifaceted landscape of technology risks. Cybersecurity is the top priority and by a wide margin. AI is an emerging risk with gaps in organizational preparedness and audit proficiency. The talent g…
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