show episodes
Helping you better understand Sex, Porn & Love Addiction; guiding you through the neuroscience of the brain and sharing what we now better understand about the brain's involvement, from childhood development. To help you effect change; find the real authentic you (whose truth self went off at a tangent in childhood); so that as you discover and become re-acquainted with the real you, having learnt to like yourself, you are equipped to be the best that you can be.Maximise the living of an inc ...
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Learning to love yourself and embrace your body can be difficult. I for one struggle with it too. However, I want to change the way I think about my body and I want to start loving myself again. That is why I am reclaiming my confidence. Join me each week as I chat with men and women who have learnt to love themselves and embrace their body.
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show series
- On-Demand Programme Link - They are called the 4 Elements tools - which I teach my EMDR ("trauma") clients. These self-soothing - much more healthy and positive impacting (but still are hamster wheel/repetitive/habit/neural pathway activities) - become the new "go-to" practices. In other words, instea…
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- On-Demand Programme Link - If you understand The Stages of Change, may be you will not be so hard on yourself and be liberated! May be you are not defective, weak, a worse case, a hopeless case or an unfixable case. Stop beating yourself up, since you are facing the same Relapses as those trying to qu…
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- On-Demand Programme Link - I need only a few words to summary this episode. The slippery slope of mis-using Technology, will always cost you more than you had bargained, in many aspects of life. The world of AI, VR, Silicone full size sex dolls (childlike or sex slave like), will take you down at some…
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- On-Demand Programme Link - "Sticks & stones can break my bones, but names can never hurt me". That's not true! words do hurt. That means positive words can heal wounds. Hence, the basis for reciting "Pillars" - which are words that are spoken over yourself three times a day, every day. They can re-set…
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- On-Demand Programme Link - For example, the highest download of porn is between the hours of 9am and 5pm. What are those hours? Where are most people, during those hours? What do most contracts say about being caught having downloaded such material at work? What consequences flow from exposure? Then w…
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- On-Demand Programme Link - "Objectification" is not that you noticed the person. It is, that you linker longer or go back for a second or third look. "I am just appreciating God's creating", doesn't cut it! What a nightmare then, for Porn Addicts, are these Paris Olympics (and the holiday abroad in th…
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- On-Demand Programme Link - Porn-Blockers won't stop those who are determined to act out. Their use is, however, essential for those serious about achieving sobriety. It buys you time. It might get you through that day and enable you to add one more day to your sobriety count. Here are some Porn-Blocke…
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Snippet of an interview with Caroline Brown of “This Crazy over 40s Life”: Sex with no strings attached - Part 5 - On-Demand Programme Link - Worth listening to “Sexual Intelligence: More Science stuff” episodes – to recognise that there are consequence for Sex, Porn, Love Addiction patterns of behaviou…
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(Snippets from an Interview by Caroline Brown of "This Crazy over 40's Life Podcast") - Part 4 - On-Demand Programme Link - Something shifted during Covid-19 lockdown. Many women enticed to use phones, computers and tablets during lockdown, crossed their own "values" boundaries, as it seemed reasonable …
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(Snippets from an Interview by Caroline Brown of "This Crazy over 40's Life Podcast") - Part 3 - On-Demand Programme Link - Sameness and/or difference attracts and are bonded together; but something shifted somewhere along the journey. Falling out of love visited the couple, Something about Core Emotion…
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(Interviewed by Caroline Brown of This Crazy over 40's Life Podcast) - Part 2 - On-Demand Programme Link - Navigating life is challenging. Navigating partnered/couple relationship is even more challenging. Add Sex, Porn, Love Addiction to the mix - when you are still trying to understand self. What are …
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(Interviewed by Caroline Brown of This Crazy over 40's Life Podcast) - Part 1 - On-Demand Programme Link - You can break free of the (perhaps) generational baton of inherited compulsive behaviours and decide - "it stops with me" Here is one such past Kairos Centre client's description of her journey: "A…
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- On-Demand Programme Link - Interview by Damian Andrews of What it means to be a man (10) What do you want from Therapy? Where does your view come from? Is it your view or a “hand me down”? Therapy won’t work until you are ready. But if you take too long (as the masses do), then the hand gr…
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- On-Demand Programme Link - Interview by Damian Andrews of What it means to be a man (9) Take your eyes off others and do your own battles and fights ….then, after sorting self, maybe you will have more energy to pick up other things and fulfil your best potential in that area, as you becom…
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- On-Demand Programme Link - Interview by Damian Andrews of What it means to be a man (8) "What! I no longer need to do traditional 'Talk Therapy', to address my past impactful stuff of life? Tell me more!" Call it a little “t” trauma – that I cannot even see in my lovely family upbringing o…
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Interview by Damian Andrews of What it means to be a man (7) “Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest or them all”? How do you answer that question for you? Learn to love self, before you can love others. I use that thing called EMDR to work on the distorted image of self. (I am an Accredited EMDR Practitioner in the UK). What is…
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On-Demand Programme Link - Interview by Damian Andrews of What it means to be a man (6) Have I said this already - "Childhood has a lot to answer"? Maybe just a few times hey! But are you getting it? Don't start at step 5 or 6 with a Recovery Programme or 12 Steps Support. They are absolutel…
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Interview by Damian Andrews of What it means to be a man (5) What’s a “Russian Doll” (or is it called a Babushka) got to do with Sex, Porn, Love Addiction? I thought you would never ask! “I haven’t bought into that nonsense “Big boys don’t cry”, when I was growing up”. At least, I don’t think so”! That guy called John Bowlby in the 1940…
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Interview by Damian Andrews of What it means to be a man (4) Men are “Wild at heart”. The book (by that title) by John Eldredge – maybe is on to something. (Worth a read guys - and gals). Where there are some things that were not done “good enough” during childhood development, the brain then sets about trying to fill the deficits. Some…
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Interview by Damian Andrews of What it means to be a man (3) Big up the women So much more practical in finding solutions. Teach us please ladies. We need you. Us men have become emasculated by a society. What does masculinity mean? Aren’t there two roles – Masculinity & Femininity? Aren’t they different? Don’t they complement each othe…
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Interview by Damian Andrews of What it means to be a man (2) Impediments to having great relationships Disruption in the bonding in early childhood development with the significant caregivers (usually parents), is a key factor. The male (a father) plays a very important role. Masculinity cannot be supplemented by a mother. It is not "do…
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Interview by Damian Andrews of What it means to be a man (1) What is Man-ness? There is still a caveman instinct inside of us as men. Has the image got distorted as men try to metamorphize ourselves to fit what society tells us a man should be. Trying to fit what we are really not, is hard work. At some point there may be an increased d…
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Interview with Roman Mironov of NOFAP (4) Root causes of negative impact on the brain, to cause it to gravitate to self-soothing behaviours? What do you think were the issues which caused your brain to gravitate to self-soothing from those negative impactful behaviours, during those early developing younger years of life (often before puberty)? Bul…
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Interview with Roman Mironov of NOFAP (3) Is porn bad or inherently bad for the brain? I don’t want to be seen as moralising about anyone’s personal values, ethics, standards or morals. What we do know is that experiments demonstrate that porn viewing can do permanent damage to the brain. (We are dealing with lots of porn use over lots of hours; no…
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Interview with Roman Mironov of NOFAP (2) This Insecure Attachment thing, has a lot to answer….. Stuff set up in childhood development, has its tentacles in how we are doing our adult lives and relationships. Picture the image of a “Russian Doll”; the layers of the Russian Doll has the smallest version deep inside. That represents the Inner child. …
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Interview with Roman Mironov of NOFAP (1) Don't think about having truly achieved sobriety until one year from the last acting out. “A bit arbitrary Gary. Rather too long, don’t you think?” My reply is that the compulsive and addiction behaviours usually have a few decades start on you. In other words, many clients have been doing the behaviours fo…
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Interview with Marci Warhaft of "How to ruin your own reputation" Podcast (5) Getting help is not a sign of weakness. Repeated Negative patterns of behaviours, give a glimpse of a problem. I take me into the relationship and is me being me, doing life how I do life – “What’s the problem?”; the problem must be you. There is no problem if there is no…
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Interview with Marci Warhaft of "How to ruin your own reputation" Podcast (4) You are not weaker and less robust than others. It is a lie. The behaviours are all about managing emotions, in response to issues in the past - still operating the same way in the present. Once repeat behaviours set in, you are on the hamster wheel and it is difficult to…
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Interview with Marci Warhaft of "How to ruin your own reputation" Podcast (3) Seriously!! The highest download of porn during the day is between the hours of 9am and 5pm. (Let me spell it out -- OFFICE HOURS!) “That’s crazy!” Not so crazy for some. The brain has decided that the “Feeling-state” that it gets from the behaviour ie the lushness, is wo…
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More about this thing called “Love Addiction”. What is it? What it is not. “Push you Pull me” is at work. “I want you, I love you…..but you're getting too close; you might finish with me, so I am getting jittery and so I am going to push you away, so I force us to end, so you don’t finish with me when I was not expecting it; that must never happen …
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Defining the difference between Sex addiction & Love addiction: Love addiction is all about trying to getting attention and a sense of feeling wanted, even if the attention is being paid for – since any attention is better than no attention. It has its roots in childhood development causing Insecure Attachment; a sense of rejection and loss – due t…
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Sexual Intelligence: More science stuff (6) Enough now - of this science stuff! Ok then, this is the last one - for now. Delayed childbearing and fewer pregnancies raise the risk of developing breast cancer in women. We are seeing 100% increase in the rates of breast cancer right now. Much more than in the past. Why? A female who has her first chil…
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Sexual Intelligence: More science stuff (5) Let's focus on women - in this Episode: What females need to know about themselves: Early sexual arousal rate will influence later addiction to porn. Females are more vulnerable to succumbing to sex addiction where they experienced frequent sexual arousal at an early age. Alcohol consumption raises both s…
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Sexual Intelligence: More science stuff (4) Got to admit, this science stuff is interesting - if it is true! There are three areas in the male brain that is over twice the size of the female brain: 1) The area that contributes to men having a roving eye and scanning the terrain for females; 2) A part of the hypothalamus (which is the seat of human …
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Sexual Intelligence: More science stuff (3) A lot of compact info in this episode. I think my post bag is going to be very full this week with comments about.......! Remember, don't shoot the messenger. Men see promiscuity in a female as a deal breaker when seeking a life-long partner. If a man sees a woman as hard to get for sex, he will instincti…
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Sexual Intelligence: More science stuff (2) In all your getting, get understanding. What you can better understand, you have then moved it from the unconscious into the conscious. From the unseen, into the seen. Now you get a chance to go after it and effect change. It can never be the same again, because you know what you are doing! Get it? Rememb…
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Sexual Intelligence: Know the science stuff Oh - yuk! Must we? Well - not preaching to you, but knowing the science done by some very clever people, will help you. Remember what this thing called Therapy is about - certainly Therapy from The Kairos Centre; all about moving as much from the unconscious, into the conscious - then you get a chance to …
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You need to keep your guards up. The stuff (which is now in your past), will keep trying to trip you up. You need to apply effort in order to maintain the hard earned and carved out gains; but gains there are; very tangible; very real. You did it. Not a programme. You did it. I could lead the horse to water, but as a facilitator, I could not make i…
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One such tool - is your Support Structure of people that you can call upon when triggered and the going is tough on a particular day - to get you through that day. Who is in your Inner circle of three close support contacts? Don't go it alone. Don't be an island; "Shame" loves that and rubs its hands with glee - "Got ya". Talk to the three. Tell th…
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When all else fails; when all the tools have not helped; when you're triggered and battling the near eleventh hour; when you are about to act out. You know it; it seems inevitable; deja vu. You have been hear before; oh so many, many times. So annoying; so frustrating. You know the morning after the night before, is coming; you know the self recrim…
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On-Demand Programme Link - Know you, know self, know your brain. It is not always your bestest bestest bff. It often is working against what is good for you, at the behest of what it perceives as being right for you - in the moment. But not all your senses have been consulted beforehand. It does not alw…
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You have heard me repeatedly rabbit on with this mantra haven't you? What you do not understand, you have no hope of influencing; no hope of changing or even embark upon the change process - (and change is a process from A to Z). Why? Because the stuff you don't understand, lives in the unconscious. It works away below the "Mission Impossible" infr…
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We will say that Sex/Porn/Love Addiction is set up in one of three ways - Opportunity, Attachment issues and/or Trauma. Trauma is not necessarily limited to big events that happen in a war zone. It is also the impact on a seven years old, whose Game Console is taken by a friend and when they knock on the friends door to get it back, a parent slams …
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We can't change what we cannot see and do not understand. This is me doing life how I do life. What's the problem? There is no problem (to us), if there is no problem. But the truth is, we know some things are not working right in life, but we don't understand why or what. Change has not and cannot even begin. When we gain greater insight and under…
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Managing triggers is just one aspect of the recovery process. Not unique to sex/porn/love addiction; it manifests in many other trauma areas, such as childhood sexual abuse that keeps on keeping on being triggered in adulthood. How did the triggers get set up. Childhood development holds the clues. EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing) m…
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Just like cave men and cave women or different? The cave man instinct to protect us from the mammoths & sabertooth cats is alive and kicking in our 21st Century way of doing life, as it played out back then. The dangers have changed, but nonetheless, the brain (our cognition) convinces us of a danger that is not real and the body comes to alert rep…
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Oh no - not Neuroscience stuff! ....but it isn't that complicated! At least not when you read the material from public friendly neuroscientists like Dr Caroline Leaf. "The Pleasure Principle" - What's that about? Another very clever Neuroscientist (Dr Struthers) has brought together the individual role played by each of those (neurotransmitters/neu…
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We do need to pay much attention to those Childhood development stages and how they may have shaped how we go on to do our adult relationships: "Come close; I want you close; I need you close; I need to own you for myself; you're too close; move away; give me space; this is stifling; i need more from you; you're not the one for me; blowing you up".…
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Early years fostered, Adopted, Immigrate, parents separation & divorce, verbal, physical, sexual and/or spiritual abuse, Boarding school, premature birth, incubated, mothers post-natal depression, alcoholic, drug use, parent working away a lot, emotionally absent even when they are home - are just some contributing causes for setting up INSECURE AT…
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You feel insecure in close relationship with another and so the brain provides strategies to "control" the relationship, but is so unconscious that you deny you are doing any such thing. Attachment is more accurately Detachment; yet a pining to be close to at least one other. Strange contradiction hey! In your quest for sobriety, don't go for long …
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