show episodes
Each week, comedians and best friends Jessica St. Clair and June Diane Raphael take a ‘deep dive’ into their real lives and discuss a wide range of topics including how to pursue joy amidst the insanity of motherhood and family, grief and loss, sh*t they put on their faces, and why they refuse to check their voicemails or unpack their suitcases. The Deep Dive captures the friendship of two women trying to survive adult womanhood. Their motto, shared by their loyal Deep Divers, is "Let Us Live!"
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GoHealth Podcast

Guild of Health and St Raphael

How have you experienced healing in your life? What does healing mean to you? Where do you find healing? How do we talk about healing having lived through a global pandemic? What do we mean by Christian healing? The GoHealth Podcast explores these questions and more through the stories of lived experiences, generously shared. Gillian Straine, director of GoHealth, guides us through deep conversations about personal experiences of the many understandings of healing.
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The Christian Saints Podcast is a joint production of Paradosis Pavilion & Generative Sounds which explores the calendar of The Church Episodes are hosted by James John Marks of Chicago, with oversight by Fr Symeon Kees, a priest of the Antiochian Archdiocese of North America, through which he is currently serving St Raphael Orthodox Church in Iowa City. If this podcast is edifying for you, please consider the entire Paradosis Pavilion catalog as well as the music of Generative Sounds https: ...
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A series of award-winning stories about our region's traditions, institutions, and people, past and present. Rock Island Lines is written and read by Roald Tweet, Professor Emeritus of English at Augustana College, and sponsored by Quad City Bank and Trust.
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Sedevacantism means pre Vatican II council Catholism. Continuation of my original podcast St. Longinus’s Baptism on the Spotify, Amazon music, and Google podcasts platforms. Pintrest: account Saint Raphael@jonquixote67, Tumblr: Slave to the Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart. Podcast Consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Telegram: St_Longinus_baptism. All resources will be in the show notes. Show motto:” My job is inform, NOT to convince”.-St. Bernadet ...
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Seraphim Hamilton

Biblical theology, philosophy, and apologetics from an Orthodox Christian perspective. Become a patron and get exclusive content: I don't claim to offer the final word, only a helpful word. My undergraduate degree is in History (2017) and I have a Master of Arts in Early Christian Studies from the University of Notre Dame (2019) as well as a Master of Theology (Th.M.) from Duke University (2021). Support this podcast: ...
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The BreadCast

Spirit-filled daily reflections on the Mass Readings of the Roman Catholic Church from the book Our Daily Bread by James Kurt (with imprimatur). The daily podcasts are voice only, while the podcasts for Sundays and Solemnities are produced with music and other elements. Another podcast recently added: Prayers to the Saints - a prayer to each saint on the calendar for the US. Also with imprimatur.
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“Mystical Theology: Introducing the Theology and Spiritual Life of the Orthodox Church”, with Prof. Christopher Veniamin Mystical Theology: Introducing the Theology and Spiritual Life of the Orthodox Church, with particular reference to the Holy Bible and the witness of the Church Fathers, past and present. Available Units thus far: Unit 1: Introduction: Holy Scripture, Greek Philosophy, Philo of Alexandria Unit 2: Irenaeus of Lyons Unit 3: Clement the Alexandrian Unit 4: Origen Unit 5: Atha ...
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show series
Sharing something special this week: An appearance Jessica made on the Pop Culture Moms podcast. On Pop Culture Moms, longtime friends and pop culture enthusiasts Andie Mitchell and Sabrina Kohlberg sit down with fellow “scholars” of pop culture to explore the highs and lows of parenting. In this episode, you'll hear how Jessica drew inspiration fo…
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Episode 9: Holy Myrrh and Holy Relics Unit 15: “John of the Ladder: Principles of the Christian Life”, by Prof. Christopher Veniamin Series: “Mystical Theology" “Holy Myrrh and Holy Relics”, Episode 9 in our series, "John of the Ladder, is based on the readings, “About Menas” and “About Saint Acacius”. In it, inter alia, Prof. Christopher Veniamin …
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O great interpreter of holy Scripture, seeking the wisdom and power of God you listened to what the Lord says in His Word and so served to dispel ignorance of Christ; from your hermitage you came to serve the Church just so, to enlighten the minds of the faithful – pray the Lord shall send forth today the light of His wisdom and grace upon those wh…
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(Job 1:6-22; Ps.17:1-3,6-7; Lk.9:46-50) “Naked I came forth from my mother’s womb, and naked I shall go back again.” In the beginning and in the end, we have nothing: and so should be our attitude toward all things we are given – that they are not our own, that we do not possess them… that they shall pass from us unto eternity again. As shall we al…
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O mighty messengers of the Lord, ministers of His will, bringing His word and His power to all poor souls on earth, you serve to lead us unto Heaven… you who do the bidding of God, you who are first among those who stand around His throne and sing His praise, you who are so faithful in defending His Kingship and keeping us from harm – cast the devi…
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(Nm.11:25-29; Ps.19:8-10,12-14; Jas.5:1-6; Mk.9:38-43,45,47-48) “Would that all the people to the Lord were prophets! Would that the Lord might bestow His Spirit on them all!” There is of course a striking similarity in our first reading and our gospel today. In one, Joshua, “who from his youth had been Moses’ aide,” comes to his master to inform h…
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O simple and devout layman, husband and father and clerk, suddenly you were forced to flee your homeland and family with your missionary companions, but death for the faith each one of you met without wavering upon disembarking in a foreign land – pray, O blessed martyrs, our faith shall be strong as your own, that should we be called to witness ev…
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O faithful ruler whose devotion served to bring your death, though you loved all your subjects, caring especially for the poor, and loved God and His Church above all, your care and your faith caused you to be killed by those so jealous and selfish – pray for us, good king, and for the rulers in our midst, that they will be inspired as you with a s…
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(Ec.11:9-12:8; Ps.90:1,3-6,12-14,17; Lk.9:43-45) “The dust returns to the earth as it once was, and the life breath returns to God who gave it.” “As a watch of the night” is our life, passing unnoticed while souls slumber. “You make an end of them in their sleep,” Psalm 90 prophesies (as we hear the same verses of this same psalm for the second tim…
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What in Creation caught your attention today? Do you have a sense of why that might have been? These are some of the many questions explored in this beautiful conversation between Gillian Straine and Steve Aisthorpe. Steve is the Director of Kilmalieu, a retreat centre on the west coast of the Highlands, part of the Abernethy Trust. He is a coach, …
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O blessed help of the poor, slave to widows and orphans and all those most outcast and in need, the least of Christ’s brothers you indeed gave your life to serve, completely spending yourself in their assistance and leading your own brother priests to do the same… and so Christ Himself you waited upon day in and day out upon this earth – pray that …
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(Ec.3:1-11; Ps.144:1-4; Lk.9:18-22) “He has made everything appropriate to its time, and has put the timeless into their hearts.” Yes, “there is an appointed time for everything, and a time for every affair under the heavens”; and there is a time for time to cease and the timeless to come to the fore – a time for the things above the heavens. And t…
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O highly honored martyrs whose tomb drew many pilgrims and brought about many miracles, you laid down your lives as one in the Lord, taking up His bitter and saving cup of suffering all for your faith in Him and His Church, and so, precious in His sight was your death in His name – from beyond the grave pray for us this day, that the healing blood …
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(Ec.1:2-11; Ps.90:1,3-6,12-14,17; Lk.9:7-9) “See, this is new!” Here is He who is “new under the sun.” For it is not so that “John has been raised from the dead,” nor that “one of the prophets of old has arisen”: He has not “already existed in the ages that preceded us.” He is the Christ! He is the Messiah! He it is who has come to “fill us at dayb…
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This week, Jess is a jet setter, June announces the golden age of the cinema is back and both girls share their deep fear of Spring Break. Then, conversation circles back to the dreaded dance circle as Deep Divers have opened their eyes to its untapped potential and its layered possibilities. To all you Pink Pony Girls and invisible double dutch in…
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(Prv.30:5-9; Ps.119:29,72,89,101,104-105,163; Lk.9:1-6) “Take nothing for the journey.” How can he who takes nothing with him for his journey be provided for? Does not such action contradict the wisdom of the king who asks in his book of Proverbs – “Give me neither poverty nor riches”? Is it not poverty the Lord recommends to His disciples? The eva…
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(Prv.21:1-6,10-13; Ps.119:1,27,30,34-35,44; Lk.8:19-21) “My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and act upon it.” Our readings today are filled throughout with one line pearls of wisdom culminating with Jesus’ above instruction in our brief gospel. And though each individual proverb or paean to the command of the Lord seems a …
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O holy priest who bore the wounds of Christ in your hands and in your ministry, who served the Lord so greatly in casting out many demons in your confessional, and whom He thus blessed with miracles of the Spirit – pray for us of lukewarm faith who falter day to day in following our dear Jesus’ path. So close to Him you were in His suffering and Hi…
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(Prv.3:27-34; Ps.15:1-5; Lk.8:16-18) “The curse of the Lord is on the house of the wicked, but the dwelling of the just He blesses.” Light fills the house of him “who walks blamelessly and does justice; who thinks the truth in his heart and slanders not with his tongue,” for he who does these things is as light itself, having no part with darkness.…
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This week we're presenting something new: How Did This Get Made? Time to enter the Red Room of Pain. That's right, all star guest Jessica St. Clair joins Paul, June, & Jason to bite their lips while breaking down the least sexy movie about sex ever—2015's Fifty Shades of Grey starring Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan. LIVE from Largo, the HDTG-BDSM …
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(Ws.2:12,17-20; Ps.54:3-8; Jas.3:16-4:3; Mk.9:30-37) “Where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every foul practice.” And can there be any greater foul practice come from jealousy and selfish ambition than that of which we hear in our first reading from the Book of Wisdom, for here the wicked plot the death of the Son of God …
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How Can I Begin to Pray? Reference materials for this episode: The Art of Prayer The Inner Closet of the Heart St Dimitri of Rostov pg 43, 45 St. Gregory of Sinai, “Instructions to Hesychasts”: Scripture citations for this episode: Psalm 140/141 Matthew 6: 6-15 Matthew 24: 36-44 The Christian Saints Podcast is a joint production of Generative sound…
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O faithful apostle who so readily answered the call of the Lord, leaving your station in this world to follow in His footsteps and so find your place in Heaven, who even with these first steps brought others to the Christ as you opened your heart as well as your home to Him and to the least of His brothers – pray, dear brother through whom the Spir…
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(Eph.4:1-7,11-13; Ps.19:2-5; Mt.9:9-13) “Through all the earth their voice resounds, and to the ends of the world, their message.” “Till we become one in faith and in the knowledge of God’s Son, and form that perfect man who is Christ come to full stature,” the Word of the Lord shall be carried forth by all His “apostles, prophets, evangelists, pas…
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O blessed, holy martyrs who won for yourselves the crown of salvation by your undying faith in God, who cherished well the prize of persecution the Lord offered your souls, who stood fast despite the death that raged around you – pray we shall know as you that all the hairs of our head are numbered by God and in His all-embracing providence He has …
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(1Cor.15:12-20; Ps.17:1,6-8,15; Lk.8:1-3) “Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep.” This is the heart of our faith. This is the “Good News,” the Gospel preached in our midst. This is our firm belief. Upon it all our hopes stand. Christ has been raised, and His disciples will follow Him. As surely as w…
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O protector of your sheep, you laid down your life for them, giving your blood for the service of souls that all might witness the surpassing love of the Lord and the glory that awaits those who die in Him – pray for shepherds who feed their sheep, not lording it over them or seeking what gain they might find for themselves, taking the milk and woo…
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(1Cor.15:1-11; Ps.118:1-2,16-17,28; Lk.7:36-50) “I am the least of the apostles.” Brothers and sisters, “little is forgiven the one whose love is small.” And it is in the sweet tears of repentance that we discover the love held in the merciful heart of the Lord. Paul speaks the truth of himself when he claims that he does “not even deserve the name…
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This week Deep Divers, we face a season of possibilities. Jess reflects on the incredible gift that is forgetting, and June is on some Big Hulk Energy as they ponder how to help the kids decompress after the odyssey that is an average school day and what it takes to start new traditions. See for privacy information.…
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(1Cor.12:31-13:13; Ps.33:2-5,12,22; Lk.7:31-35) “We piped you a tune but you did not dance; we sang you a dirge but you did not wail.” “Like children squatting in the city squares and calling to their playmates,” seeking to have them comply with their own selfish will, so are “the men of today” according to our Lord. And so is their song not “a noi…
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O wise doctor whose intellect served well in defense of the Church and her teachings, who bore well the light yoke of Christ that leads to eternal life and shepherded your flock in following you along this path of our Lord – speak to us this day your words of grace that the souls of all within the Church’s gates might be founded well on the truths …
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(1Cor.12:12-14,27-31; Ps.100:1-5; Lk.7:11-17) “A great prophet has risen among us.” A great prophet, yes, and so much more; for here is He who is Himself the “one body” upon whom the “one Spirit” rests, and in whom all find their home. “The body is one and has many members; but all the members, many though they are, are one body; and so it is with …
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O brothers in Christ, in death and in life you gave yourselves as one for the sake of the flock; for the cause of the faith readily you shed your blood to serve the growth of God’s Church – pray we today will be zealous as you in defending the faith with our lives; by fasting and by prayer, by standing courageously before the courts of the world an…
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(1Cor.11:17-26,33; Ps.40:7-10,17,1Cor.11:26; Lk.7:1-10) “Just give the order and my servant will be cured.” By a word from His mouth what cannot be done? For those who have faith this is all that is needed. Listen, brothers and sisters, to the centurion’s explication of “the meaning of an order”: “I say to one, ‘On your way,’ and off he goes; to an…
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Series: Mystical Theology Episode 22: Augustine of Hippo: An Orthodox Perspective, Part 3, Revelation of "I AM" (Exod. 3:18), with Prof. Christopher Veniamin In Part 3 of “Augustine of Hippo: An Orthodox Perspective”, Episode 22 of our series in “Mystical Theology”, we discuss St. Augustine's understanding of the revelation of "I AM", given to Mose…
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O sorrowful Mother whose heart was pierced by a sword, who stood at the foot of the Cross dying in spirit as your Son died in the flesh… Jesus was sent to suffer and die for our sins, and how intimately you shared in the profound pain He carried about all His life; how preeminently you filled up what was lacking in His suffering, suffering the whol…
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(Is.50:5-9a; Ps.116:1-6,8-9; Jas.2:14-18; Mk.8:27-35) “I shall walk before the Lord in the land of the living.” A simple enough statement made by our psalmist today, or so it seems. For what does it mean to walk with Jesus along the way of the Almighty God? What does such travel entail? Is it but to impart a word of peace and blessing to those in n…
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(Nm.21:4b-9; Ps.78:1-2,7,34-38; Phil.2:6-11; Jn.3:13-17) “God greatly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name.” And why is it that “at the name of Jesus every knee should bend”? Why does “every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord”? It is because “He humbled Himself, becoming obedient to the point of death, even deat…
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O you of golden tongue, how well you proved the Word of God cannot be chained; how well you revealed its radiance to our ears and hearts… unconquered by threats of death and the sufferings the world imposes, you proclaimed the glory of God and His presence with us until the very end – pray, O dear shepherd, who held your flock so close to your hear…
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(1Cor.9:16-19,22-27; Ps.84:2-6,8,12; Lk.6:39-42) “Although I am not bound to anyone, I made myself the slave of all so as to win over as many as possible.” How like His Lord is Paul in his declaration, “To the weak I became a weak person with a view to winning the weak.” For as Jesus descended from heaven to take on flesh and save those corrupted b…
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O Mary, sweetest of creatures, whose name on our lips brings joy to our hearts… inflamed with love toward God and you we become in speaking your blessed name – pray we shall call your name, dear Lady, in our time of need, that you will be quick to intercede with your Son for our salvation. Washed in the water from His side and in His holy blood, pr…
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(1Cor.8:1-7,11-13; Ps.139:1-3,13-14,23-24; Lk.6:27-38) “The measure you measure with will be measured back to you.” And what is your measuring stick, brother? Is it the ruler of this earth, limited by eyes of flesh? Or is it the yardstick of heaven, which reaches unto the Lord’s side and finds us in His sight? Do you toil on this plane alone, or do…
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The girls are quite literally melting from the heat, but before the puddles dry, Jessica reveals her ancient gift for dream interpretation and uses her skills to unlock June’s unconscious mind. Then, Jess is still reeling from a once in a lifetime wedding that was so full of special touches, even an aggressive dance circle couldn’t get in the way o…
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(1Cor.7:25-31; Ps.45:11-12,14-17; Lk.6:20-26) “The world as we know it is passing away.” And so, “hear, O daughter, and see; turn your ear, forget your people and your father’s house,” for the King is calling you from this passing world to the heavenly marriage feast – “He is your Lord, and you must worship Him.” This call is for every chosen soul,…
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(1Cor.6:1-11; Ps.149:1-6,9; Lk.6:12-19) “You have been washed, consecrated, justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.” Yes, “power went out from Him which cured all.” And as all were “healed of their diseases” and “those who were troubled with unclean spirits were cured” by His touch, so we, too, are made whole in…
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O slave to the slaves, to those who came in chains to the new world, those whose dark skin made them seem to eyes of flesh less than men… to you these were children of God, souls to be saved by His love and through His Church, and so the thousands baptized by your hands celebrate your glorious sacrifice this day in God’s presence – pray for us, dea…
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(1Cor.5:1-8; Ps.5:5-7,9,12; Lk.6:6-11) “Let us celebrate the feast not with the old yeast, that of corruption and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.” For indeed, “Christ our Passover has been sacrificed”; indeed, the new Sabbath has come. And on the Day of the Lord only goodness remains. “Get rid of the old yeast to m…
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O Virgin who bore the Son of God, who became the divine dwelling place for the Creator of us all, should we not celebrate your birth this day, the blessing of the generation of you who signal our salvation? Pray for us, dear Mother, pray for all your children, all who would call themselves sons of God and brothers of our Lord Jesus Christ... pray t…
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(Is.35:4-7a; Ps.146:2,6-10; Jas.2:1-5; Mk.7:31-37) “He makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.” The Lord makes all whole. He “sets captives free” from all their afflictions as He redeems us from all our sin. “Here is your God, He comes with vindication; with divine recompense He comes to save you.” This is He who “has done all things well”; this is…
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(1Cor.4:9-15; Ps.145:17-21; Lk.6:1-5) “God has put us apostles at the end of the line, like men doomed to die in the arena.” “Up to this very hour we go hungry and thirsty, poorly clad, roughly treated, wandering about homeless,” the great Apostle Paul tells us of the persecution and slander all the Lord’s apostles must undergo. And yet “when we ar…
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