show episodes
About Sex Knowledge. Gender Equity & Love. Self Doubt. Self Awareness. Self Trust. Self Love. Intimacy. Relationship. Mental Health. Performance Art. VoiceOver. Dance. Story. Healing. I am Umy Chang. 關於性知識、情感教育、性別觀點、我是誰、自我成長、信任與欣賞、修養與諒解、親密關係、感情、身心狀態、行為藝術、聲音藝術、肢體舞動、生命故事、情感療癒。 我是 Umy 張亦萱。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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The Kathy A. Davis Show. Helping you crack through the armor to find your true Self, to find your inner power, to unleash that power, so you can begin to feel as though you are coming back home, back to who you were before the world told you who to be. The Kathy A. Davis show is for anyone on their own self-improvement or personal development journey! It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been on it, in it, or walking alongside it… we all start somewhere, and we all carve our own path. This podc ...
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show series
In this solo episode, Kathy Shares 3 Steps to Take Action Today and Stop Overconsuming Information. You have more than enough information, but often, we get caught in the loop or cycle where we think that we need more before we can get started. Stop the cycle today and use this 3 step practice to put the bookmark in the book and take action today! …
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Kathy sits down with Social Media Strategist and Founder of Savvy Bee Marketing, Courtney Starkey, to discuss how to be more YOU! And Courtney shares Social Media Content Creation Tips and Strategies you don't want to miss! But this episode isn't just for content creators or entrepreneurs - We explore Human Design, share stories and examples to be …
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Kathy sits down with Fleur Batrouney, a Certified Trauma Trained Coach and Breathwork and Reiki Practioner, to talk all things Somatics and Nervous System Regulation. Topics Covered: courage connecting to the body through breathwork nervous system regulation and somatics questions to ask yourself & so much more. Click to learn more about Fleur and …
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In this episode, Kathy sits down with Cecilia Rivera to talk all about Moms Creating a supportive village to help them thrive in parenthood. And what they need to overcome to do that. Stories, tips, and benefits of creating your village and how people without kids can provide support in a specific way. Points Covered: Vulnerability, Fear Asking for…
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In this episode, Kathy answers the question, What are limiting beliefs, AND how a hike help her conquer her limiting beliefs? She shares some tips and questions you can ask yourself about the beliefs and stories you have. What are limiting beliefs? How can we conquer our limiting beliefs? Self Awareness Hiking 💖Thank you for tuning into this episod…
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In this episode, Kathy sits down with Melanie Daigle, the Founder of The Conscious Journal and the Conscious Journaling Framework. 👉🏼Grab Mel's Journaling Companion Audios. Melanie shares how the Conscious Journaling Framework evolved and how it has helped her take control of her life and live the life of her dreams. Together, they explore Consciou…
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In this episode, Kathy shares a BIG Life Change for her - Going Plant-Based! While this episode does focus on plant-based eating, which is a large part of Kathy's life and one of the businesses she founded and runs (VegInspired), you will also learn: Tools for Change Processing Change And more! 💖Thank you for tuning into this episode of The Kathy A…
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In this episode, Kathy chats with Wendy of Av Jorden about Living Life. This conversation touches on spiritual journey, healing trauma, darkness, and practices and modalities you can look into and try to get started on Living life as YOU! Connect with Wendy on Instagram: @Av.Jorden Topics Covered: Spiritual Awakening, Healing, Wendy's journey, new …
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In this episode, Kathy answers questions about her mantra, "Be More Kathy!" What does it mean to Be More Kathy? How do you see Be(ing) More Kathy play out for you? Is there an example of what Be More Kathy looks like? What would you tell someone who wants to "Be More ME?" (7 tips - the gold is in these nuggets!) She also touches upon the embodiment…
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"It's when we take personal responsibility and claim our personal power that we unlock our unlimited potential." This episode digs into the victor mindset (versus the victim mindset) and how to take back your personal power! Personal Growth is a journey... great takeaways here to unlock your personal power! Chapter 7: Power of Awareness Buy the Boo…
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In this episode, Kathy provides real-life examples of experimenting with your human design type, especially for our sacral-defined generators and manifesting generators. *Hear Kathy's experiences trusting that inner response and experimenting with her strategy and sacral response as a Generator! 💖Where can you tap into your inner awareness and sacr…
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I held that vision in my mind and my heart through all the events leading up to this unconventional path. In this episode, Kathy shares the journey and mindshifts along the path to living the RV life. Read the full story & chapter "Cue the Butterflies" in Absolute Vision. E-Book Paperback *links in the show notes might be affiliate links or Amazon …
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I'm Unleashing myself and stepping into my Be More Kathy Era, unapologetically! In this episode, Kathy shares her story about how she got here AND answers the big questions you are all wondering, starting with, Why a podcast?! From Teaching Stuffed Animals to Leading Companies, Kathy has "lived many lives," she is ready to share the wisdom, lessons…
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The Kathy A. Davis show is for anyone on their own self-improvement or personal development journey! It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been on it, in it, or walking alongside it… we all start somewhere, and we all carve our own path. This podcast will help you find your pathway to YOU and that, my friends, that journey is where the adventure is! Yo…
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當不堪被壓在心底時,只要難過傷心,它們會悄悄翻攪,不自覺呼吸急促!手心冒汗!肩頸僵硬!眉頭深鎖。 現在,翻開它們吧 從心裡深處。使勁勾出身體,擺在手上把玩,然後放在眼前。 盯著最近的不堪,從這裡 看見它們 Youtube: Music by StudioAlivioGlobal from Pixabay -------------------- 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: …
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When we suppress our instinct feelings in the bottom of our hearts, as long as we encounter frustrations, those hidden unbearable will quietly come out, making people more aggressive or powerless. Find those hidden unbearable! From the bottom of our hearts. Pull them out from our bodies with a strong hook, and place them in front of us. Keep each o…
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我是什麼樣的人,我旁邊的人就是什麼樣子。我如果變了,我旁邊的人也會跟著改變。 所以我一直提醒自己, 轉變的過程才是關鍵。 比起知道我痊癒,我更想讓自己知道:我曾經病得很重,我曾經自我懷疑,我曾經無法接受自己。 我正清楚地看到「我怎麼走出來」,看明白後,我感到相當安全,我全然信任自己。 現在、我相信自己, 這裡、我是安全的, 那我要,走出自己。 Music by beetpro from Pixabay -------------------- 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法:…
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I am the reflection of the people around me. Thus if I change, the people around me will change as well. So I keep reminding myself, The process of my change is the key. The key to the power of self-healing. Rather than knowing that I'm healed, I want myself to know the fact that: „I've been very sick for quite a time, I’ve been suffering from ment…
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跑步時,我的腳踝像橡皮筋一樣有彈性,不再緊繃劇痛。因為腳趾頭和腳球有了力量,他們正盡責地做自己。 我也想做自己。我想站到傷痛的背後,我想聆聽所有人的難受。尤其是有關性的難受,因為性是人的本質。 我沒有被侵害過,但我遇見這樣的人,我聽過他們的故事,我看過他們講述的表情。我的想像力很豐富,所以我會有畫面。 後來我發現了一個秘密:如果這些故事被自己或他人壓抑、變更或竄改,才是無止盡傷害人的行為。 「在被侵害的那一秒,我已經死了。」 那種說法、那種掙扎,我永遠記得。 我想體認這些傷口,我想陪伴那些拉扯, 我要用成熟的方式,理解與尊重這些傷痛。 繼續跑吧!我做自己。 Music by MichaelKobrin from Pixabay -------------------- 小額贊助支持本節目: …
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When running, my ankles are no longer tight and painful, but flexible like rubber bands. Because my toes and the balls of my feet got strength, and they are caressing the ground equally. They are balancing each other. I also want to balance myself. I want to relocate people’s pain. Especially pain about sexuality, because sexuality is our essence. …
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自戀的時候,我覺得「我左手寫字比較優秀,右手拍照擺姿勢比較好看。」 自信的時候,我喜歡到處欣賞別人的手寫字。可是我看著看著,不禁會想,他寫得比我的右手差!他的字體比我的所手美,慘了!我被比下去了!! 我回去一直盯著雙手練字,終於在昨天:我的手痛爆了。 我握筆握太緊了,非常緊。我擔心一鬆手我會解體,所以我不放開比。雙手互相模仿彼此的字跡,我一直比較,我愛比較,我和他人,我和過去的我比較,我和現在的我比較,我也和未來幻想的我,較勁。 我發現了這些荒謬的事情! 我還發現了一個天大的秘密: 「每當我閱讀自己時,我常常打斷自己的聲音,換手重寫這些文字,沒來得及讓它講完。 有一天,我想嘗試一點新奇的感覺,所以我停止給自己評價與意見了。我聽完所有的內容...誒我怪怪的喔!我的話裡面,好像有些潛藏的語氣,還…
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Day 6&7: Hands When I lose my self-confidence, I think, "My right hand is worse than my right hand at doing everything, that’s why I am always worse than everyone." When I have self-confidence, I admire all people's handwriting everywhere. But then, once I looked at it cautiously, I couldn't help but think, hahaha, he writes worse than my left hand…
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我發現平常走路時,我的右腳腳球尾端,沒有碰到鞋墊。我的左腳腳球下壓的力道,比右腳來得重。有多重呢?我踩踩看: 踩踏心底深處的脆弱 女性貞節的討論,是我遇到最揪心、隱晦、也最脆弱的議題。 尤其當它與我的未來(家庭與親密關係)、人際(交友與性別感受)、世界觀(我怎麼看待「人」)交織在一起時, 我無力無法抗拒它, 只能一直看著它。 我還看到,自己想脫離時間積累的性恐懼,拉近性與我這個人的距離,重構「性與生命本質」的初心。 我是 Umy 張亦萱。 --------------------- 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法:…
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Day 3&4: Ball of Foot I notice that when walking, the ball of my right foot partially attaches to the ground, and the ball of my left foot pressed harder than the right one. How hard did I press it, let’s see: Touch the ground of my heart. The discussion of female virginity is the most embarrassing and vulnerable issue of my generation. Especially …
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我是一個很平凡的人,平凡的很珍貴。「像跑完馬拉松的那瓶礦泉水一樣!」我好愛長跑,總是一直跑、一直跑⋯ 有一天,我收到一則訊息: 「謝謝您的作品,我很感激!」 我這一回頭才發現,我已經跑這麼遠了!原來關於「性」,我想表達的意思都完成了。那就書寫更本質的事情吧,我需要狠狠地打下基礎。 開始吧!100天我與身體的和解計畫。 「我多瞭解自己?」 曾經,我感覺自己透明,我開始流浪,現在,我選擇透明如水, 因為我想成為每一個自己。 第一與第二天:腳趾頭 右腳後三趾縫已可自由撐開, 左腳趾卡住了無法自主撐開, 可能和左腳腳踝緊繃有關係。 我是 Umy 張亦萱。 --------------------- 小額贊助支持本節目:…
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I am common, preciously common: "Like the bottle of mineral water after running a marathon!" I love long-distance running, I was always running, running for care, for love, for myself... One day, I got a message from a passerby: "Thank you for your artwork, it saves me!" I was surprised at the moment, and I suddenly realized that I had come this fa…
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當象鼻向花苞愉快澆水, 我們彼此沉澱激情與感動, 在內心深處與自己沉著對視, When the trunk happily waters the bud, We enjoy the passion and aftertaste, Smiling deeply from eyes to heart, 一顆光點,在不經意的時刻, 伴著好奇和勇敢,安然著床, A spot of light, unknowingly, With wonders and bravery, Settled safely, 我,出現了。 I, appeared. 第三季,全季完。謝謝閱聽,歡迎分享!全新第四季:《性與身體感覺》籌備中。 我是 Umy 張亦萱。 The end of Season 3. Thanks for…
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私密處,是安放快感的地方。 Genital, embraces our ecstasies. 當我手足無措的時候, 私密處就是我的黑洞。 Whenever I leave my body, it takes over all my nerves. 當我細緻呵護的時候, 她是甜甜圈!是花苞。 Whenever I cuddle my body, My genital is a donut, it is blooming as a flower bud. 我的想像力瞬間超越記憶力, 彷彿置身子宮口正準備落地。 It brings me to a space beyond my memory, As if I am in the uterus, waiting to be born. 我是從哪裏來…
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Life flows like water. Our emotions, our bodies, our mental states, are always in this flow. We can say that it is about self-change, self-development or self-growth. When I look back on my past actions, events, behaviors, I often have some messages popping up in my mind. So I wrote them down: When I sense myself flowing like water, I am embracing …
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人是流動的。我們的情感、身體、狀態,時刻都在流動。我們可以說,這是轉變、轉換或改變。 當我回顧過往的行為、情緒、事件、表現時,我心裡常常出現了一段回應。於是我把它們寫了下來: 我的流動性,是什麼呢? 是我正在感受「我所有的樣子」 但大多數的時候,我會隱藏樸質面向、反覆美圖鑿字,以避開各種好奇與揣測。我習慣撇開眼神,無法面對赤裸。 漸漸地,我不舒適了。我不想帶著自責、糾結、壓抑、評判的感受,面對我的人生。我想舒坦地活下來,更想舒服地與他人相處。 於是,我將內心深處「純感受」,經由文字書寫起伏、聲音擬真情緒、肢體即興舞動,不斷嘗試與理解自我張力,呈現出這些作品。 “親愛的我,當內心不安與緊張出現時,請優先面對自我感受。看見與接受感覺,要處理並放下,這對我自己,非常重要。” 這是整部作品, 我最想…
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魅力是什麼呢? 是表達自己的模樣。 我有陽剛強硬的模樣。 也有覺得好丟臉、好軟弱、好羞恥, 躲到虛擬世界,逞一時之快的時候。 我心底柔軟,所以會慚愧。 我心思細膩,所以會多想。 我心聲溫暖,所以將人、關係、和自己攪和一起,總是牽掛。 我以為的情緒把柄, 就是我的豐富質感。 我好有魅力,我喜歡! Music by HarumachiMusic from Pixabay -------------------- 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法:…
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What is charm? It means to express my light and shadow. I show my toughness and tolerance at day. But whenever I feel ashamed and hurt, I cry for care and comfort at night. I separated myself into two sides. My strength for the bright side, and my weakness for the dark one. But last night, I took my light into the darkness. I touched my soft heart,…
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What is solitude for? It’s for appreciating myself. Right now, here, I deeply feel alone, I speak to myself. Hey, I feel terrible. I feel guilty. I feel gone. Who am I? I don’t know. I heard what I said, I saw what I expressed, I understood my messages. I want to help myself. Hi, me, Thanks for being fragile. Thanks for being honest. Thanks for bei…
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孤獨是什麼呢? 是答應看見自己。 現在、這裡,只有我自己。我深刻感受形單影隻,我與自己說話。 哈囉,我! 以前,我是什麼樣子呢? 以後,我想成為什麼樣子呢? 我喜歡什麼樣子呢? 我說不上來。 我真的說不出來! 沒有人懂我。 我看見說話的自己了。我聽見他說的每一句話,我看到他臉上每個表情,我接受他每一種求救。 我想幫助他。 哈囉,自己! 我想對你說: 是你,舒坦了我的脆弱。 是你,書寫了我的真實。 是你,接下了我的挫折。 是你,熱愛著我的生命。 你為我,我為自己, 勇敢地活下來了。 我看見了,自己喜歡的模樣。 Music by DaddysMusic from Pixabay --------------------- 小額贊助支持本節目:…
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What is beauty? Is willing to listen to myself. Now, take a rest, have a seat, and lean on me gently... I know you aren’t spaced out. What’s in your mind? Tell me: I love watching you talking. I love listening to your heart. I love when I am with you. “You are different." Those eyes support me. The calmness guards me. My eyes turn to myself. "I am …
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美是什麼呢? 是放手讓自己心動。 現在,放下手邊的事情,輕輕倚著我,坐下吧⋯ 我知道妳沒有在發呆。 妳在忖度什麼?說說看: --------------------- 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
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What is intimacy? It means to accept my sorrow. Every time when I feel sad, I am close to my emotions. Soon after, my grief comes. I shouted, I blamed, I cried, I cursed. --------------------- 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by …
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親密感是什麼呢? 是承認自己悲傷。 在悲傷的那一刻, 我和自己相當親密。 當悲傷來時,我會慍怒、厭惡、咒罵、責難直到不能自己。 --------------------- 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
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What is love? Love is allowing myself to be happy. When I am happy, I capture all my feelings. Although I may feel annoyed, depressed, and irritated from time to time, I always know that I have the ability to be happy: From sorrow, pain, tears, to comforts, happiness is just one of my feelings. I obtain all feelings. I am love. ------------------- …
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愛是什麼呢? 是允許自己快樂。 在快樂的那一秒, 我看見自己的情感。 雖然偶爾會懊惱、低落、煩燥,但我永遠可以捕捉自己的快樂: 從悲傷、痛苦、淚水,到舒坦,快樂只是我的一種情感。 我擁有所有的情感。 我是愛。 -------------------- 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
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What does sex mean? It means gazing at myself naked. What is my sex? My sex connects to my nature. My sex means that even if one day I change my appearance, my voice, my attitude, and my expression, I will still embrace my nature. Say it more directly! Darling, even if you change your gender, your body, your look, I still love you. Let’s go command…
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性是什麼呢? 是撫摸自己的赤裸。 那本性呢? 是哪怕有一天,當我換了長相、變了聲音、改了態度、少了表現,我依然擁抱自己的一絲不掛。 說得更赤裸一點吧! 親愛的,如果你換了性別、換了身體、換了神情,我依然愛你。 卸下了! 我與裸身的自己對視。 啟航吧! 我們的親密關係。 Photo credit: Umy C. ---------------------- 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosti…
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An Invitation to Meta-Thinking about Sex and Intimacy Hi everyone, I am Umy CHANG, I am an artist. This is my third artwork "Sex and Intimacy". What am I going to present? I am expressing humans’ feelings after sex and intimacy, from the emptiness and solitude of asking "Who am I?" back to the peace and comfort of realizing "Who I am." This series …
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大家好, 我是Umy 張亦萱,我是一位藝術創作者,這是我的第三部作品「性與親密關係」。 我要呈現什麼?我要表達性與親密關係之後,從「我是誰?」的空虛孤寂,回到「我是誰。」的平靜舒坦。 這一系列的創作呈現,會以兩種方式表達:視覺與聽覺。視覺是影片、左手英文/右手中文的書寫圖像,聽覺則是短影片的前導與Podcast的全文錄音。 上線時間為2022年7月的每個週末,歡迎您的聆賞與思考。 啊!所有的作品「皆可」自由分享喔! 謝謝您。 Umy Photo credit: Umy Chang #umychang #lovesexumy #愛 #性 #性愛 #性別 #親密關係 #自我覺察 #焦慮 #憂鬱 #心理諮商 #藝術表演 #藝術創作 #裸體 #作家 #播客 #旁白 #瑜伽 #呼吸 ---------…
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我是我的觀眾。作者是他。 他不斷自述悲傷與不快的經驗,還有那些怒吼與哭泣聲,我覺得累了。我越來越看不懂他了。 我能理解,將自我的隱私暴露在眾人面前,相當難堪與羞恥,他堅持這樣做了。但我最不懂的是,我被迫去體會他的不堪、壓力與痛苦,這讓我非常不悅與難堪。有些隱密的我被勾起來了。 明明是我在讀他看他,怎麼好像我也被看了? 聆聽與閱讀的當下,我承受不住,我會開始害怕。我為什麼害怕?我想起他的害怕⋯ 他因為所有和性有關的過去而害怕:他的性探索、性取向、性經驗、情慾流動。他知道哪些不對、不衛生、不健康、不成熟。於是我回想了一遍,並且在腦袋裏列了我的害怕。 我將它們按糟糕程度,給了一個排行榜。只有我知道的排行榜。 好誇張,這些的確蠻糟的。我暗自和他比較了,我懂他了。原來,他沒有看到我的難堪與隱私,他只是…
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I am my audience. The author is you. You kept recounting your sad and unpleasant experiences, and your roaring and crying. I felt so tired of it. I don't understand you. I can understand how embarrassing and shameful it was to expose privacy in public. You insisted on doing so. But what I don't understand the most is that I was forced to experience…
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