show episodes
Bienvenid@ a tu podcast "Un Viaje de Expansión", un espacio para despertar una nueva perspectiva en tu vida, atreverte a tomar acción hacia tus metas y priorizar tu salud física y desarrollo personal. Compartiremos experiencias y herramientas para conectar y amar cada versión de ti. Y así expandirnos hacia nuestro siguiente nivel. Soy Gaby Arias, entrenadora personal y Life Coach y seré tu host en este podcast para ayudarte a descubrir tu versión más fuerte, sana e imparable. Estas list@ par ...
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Oasis MX のチームはメキシコ市(DF)を見せたいです。メキシコ市のオアシスを見せたいです。博物館や出土地からディスコやバーまで思い立つもいっしょに見ましょう! べつの言語さがしていますか にいってください(スペイン語と英語とフランス語とポルトガル語と日本語)。
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Em Oasis MX queremos te mostrar a cidade do México (DF) e cada um dos Oásis que há aí, vamos recorrer desde museus e sítios arqueológicos até discotecas e bares, e qualquer coisa que se nos atravesse pela cabeça. Lembre que Oasis MX está disponível em diferentes línguas, visite-nos em
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Coffee Break Spanish

Coffee Break Languages

Learn Spanish in coffee-break lessons from the Radio Lingua Network. In each lesson we'll focus on the language you need to know and before long you'll be making yourself understood with native Spanish speakers. Season 1 lessons are for absolute beginners, and the courses increase in difficulty as the seasons progress. 386357 Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Cada semana, Vaticano presenta las últimas noticias desde el Vaticano por medio de aspectos noticiosos y análisis de las audiencia papales del Santo Padre y sus intervenciones, así como de entrevistas y acontecimientos mas significativos en el ámbito desde el corazón de la Iglesia Católica.
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En Oasis MX queremos mostarte tu ciudad, el DF, y cada uno de los Oasis que hay en ella, recorreremos desde museos y reservas arqueológicas, hasta bares antros y lo que se nos ocurra. Además de la ciudad, de vez en cuando visitaremos otros lugares. Recuerda que Oasis MX esta disponible en varios idiomas; checa
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In Oasis MX we want to show you Mexico City (DF) and the oasis in there, we'll show you places as different as museums and archaeological sites, discos and bars, or whatever we want to. Remember that Oasis MX is available in different languages, check
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Conoce las historias de emprendedores y startups en su camino hacia el éxito. Un espacio de preguntas directas, cifras gigantes y consejos esenciales con fundadores de todos los sectores, con el objetivo de compartir conocimiento a todo aquel que quiera emprender. Disponible en nuestro canal de Youtube:
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Authentic Ecstasy

Elisabeth Serra

Wild, deeply soft, and untameable are all ways we can begin to describe the deep feminine nature we all hold within us. Host Elisabeth Serra has been creating spaces for women and men to embody this deep nature, and bridge the disconnection between the material and the spiritual; so that we can once again experience the sacred union of embodied consciousness. Dive deep into the river of wisdom and begin your own journey of self expansion into the intimate freedom that you already are.
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Learn Spanish and Go

Spanish and Go

Do you want to learn Spanish and travel? Learn Spanish and travel the world with Jim and May from Spanish and Go. Advance your listening comprehension through incredible travel stories, cultural conversations, Spanish tips, and interviews with Spanish speakers from around the world. You’ll hear natural conversational Spanish perfect for the intermediate or advanced Spanish learner. With Spanish and Go, not only will you supercharge your Spanish, but you’ll gain the tools to travel abroad wit ...
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True stories for English speakers learning Spanish. From the makers of Duolingo, the most popular language-learning app, comes a new podcast that delivers fascinating real-life stories in easy-to-understand Spanish with English narration. These are not language lessons; they’re life lessons through language. Hosted by Martina Castro, co-founder of NPR’s Radio Ambulante.
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The Let’s Talk Spanish podcast is the place to escape from mind-numbing grammar lessons and finally learn to speak conversational Spanish with confidence. Explore interesting topics like travel, food and Hispanic culture, so you learn Spanish words and phrases for real-life conversations and improve your understanding in a fun, engaging way. Spanish for beginners and low intermediate learners is what we do. Episodes are short, spoken more clearly and designed to ensure you get maximum value ...
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Accelerated Spanish: Learn Spanish online the fastest and best way, by Master of Memory

Timothy Moser: Spanish coach, mnemonist, language hacker, and accelerated

Learn Spanish with mnemonics! Through Accelerated Spanish, Master of Memory presents the fastest way to learn Spanish using timeless accelerated learning principles. Building from a solid foundation, this show will teach you not just to memorize vocabulary at unbelievable rates, but also to speak Spanish idiomatically. If you're looking for the best way to learn Spanish online for free, you've come to the right place.
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Gateway Church of the Nazarene

Gateway Church of the Nazarene 23560 Jefferson Ave. Murrieta, CA 92562 Love God. Love Others. Serve The World. Support this podcast:
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A podcast for likeminded individuals who have at somepoint in their lives asked themselves what am I Doing?I will also be interviewing new entrepreneur's who have followed their dreams of becoming business owners.
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Made in Latin America

SDCELAR - British Museum

A podcast brought to you by the Santo Domingo Centre of Excellence for Latin American Research (SDCELAR) at the British Museum. Listen to new insights and interpretations about collections and projects that will deepen and challenge what we know about Latin America. || Un podcast desarrollado para ti por el Centro de Excelencia Santo Domingo para la Investigación en Latinoamérica (SDCELAR) en el Museo Británico. Escucha historias e interpretaciones sobre colecciones del Museo Británico y pro ...
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show series
In this milestone 100th episode, I speak Spanish about the journey of the Let’s Talk Spanish podcast so far! We’ve made it to episode 100! Thanks so much for supporting my podcast - whether this is your first time listening or you’ve been here from the start, I really appreciate you. In this Spanish listening practice, I talk in Spanish about: Why …
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En esta tertulia de Itnig nos sumergimos en el mundo del espacio con Jaume Sanpera (CEO de Sateliot) y Francho García (CEO de Arcadia Space), dos startups españolas que están revolucionando la industria aeroespacial.Sateliot ha desarrollado la primera red de satélites de baja órbita capaz de conectar dispositivos IoT con tecnología estándar, sin ne…
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Why Cholula? That’s a question we get asked a lot, and today, we’re giving you all the details! From its perfect mix of small-town charm and big-city conveniences to its affordability, walkability, and vibrant culture, Cholula checks all the boxes for us. We’ll also talk about its thriving food scene, outdoor adventures, and the unique energy that …
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¡Vuelven los eventos en directo!Hoy Marcel, Jordi, Cesar y Bernat hablan sobre temas de actualidad, nos traen novedades del fondo de itnig y nos enseñarán cuáles son los planes de Factorial para este 2025.Tenemos la suerte de contar hoy con más de 100 personas de público y 10 emprendedores de startups en las que ha invertido el fondo.Un directo lle…
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Do you ever feel like the same disappointments keep showing up when dating or in your relationships? And feeling safe with your partner is essential for you? In this episode, we uncover the answers to those questions AND a common relationship myth: "You have to be healed BEFORE dating/starting a relationship" Discover the power of healing together …
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I speak Spanish about my trip through Bolivia in this intermediate Spanish listening practice! Welcome back to this series of the Let’s Talk Spanish podcast, where I explore different Spanish speaking countries and share some of the most appealing things about them - so you can learn Spanish in a fun, engaging way. In this episode about Bolivia, he…
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We’ve been married for 12 years and spent much of that time thinking kids weren’t in the cards for us. But over the past year and a half, something shifted. In this episode, we reflect on the conversations, experiences, and even a health scare that led us to reconsider parenthood. From our initial doubts to the moment we found out we were expecting…
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En este podcast, Nitya Fajardo, líder de ventas y customer experience en Factorial, nos cuenta cómo es gestionar y escalar un equipo de más de 500 personas en una de las startups más exitosas del sector SaaS. Desde sus inicios en ventas hasta convertirse en una de las figuras clave dentro de la empresa, esta conversación profundiza en los retos de …
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Te enseñaré a cómo planificar tu semana de manera fácil y efectiva. Si buscas consejos prácticos para aumentar tu productividad, reducir el estrés y lograr una mejor organización semanal, este podcast es para ti. He probado varios sistemas y herramientas de productividad y a la final siempre vuelvo a estos 3 sencillos pasos. Espero que te ayuden mu…
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Another blast from the past showcasing the timelessness of soulful & deep house... hope you all enjoy..Mature Music For Mature Ears.All tracks featured on the show/mix are for promotional purposes and can be purchased through all leading download sites...please support the artist…without them…we have nothing.Listen & Download all links now at Link …
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Esta semana en Vaticano: Únete a nosotros para el primer evento jubilar del Año Santo: el Jubileo del Mundo de las Comunicaciones. Disfruta de una entrevista especial con Andrea Tornielli, Director Editorial del Dicasterio para la Comunicación del Vaticano, quien comparte cómo el Jubileo ofrece a los comunicadores católicos una oportunidad única pa…
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En esta tertulia, el CEO de Glovo, Óscar Pierre, nos cuenta cómo es dirigir una de las empresas más grandes de Europa mientras enfrenta regulaciones cambiantes y sanciones millonarias. Desde su paso de emprendedor a líder de una multinacional hasta la reciente decisión de transformar el modelo de negocio de la empresa, esta conversación profundiza …
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Improve your Spanish listening skills while learning fascinating facts about Argentina - its people, attractions and food! In the last episode, I gave a brief introduction to Argentina alongside other Spanish speaking countries. But I’ve had a change of heart - every country deserves its own episode! Get your weekly intermediate Spanish practice as…
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Connect with DJ Tony Kosco:- Instagram: Facebook:…- Twitter: Megavibe Tribe MixShow is not just a show; it's a vibrant celebration of life through the pulsating rhythms of house music. Each episode is a meticulously crafted journey, designed to captivate liste…
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We’re back with part two of our deep dive into uniquely Mexican expressions! In this episode, we explore more fun and fascinating phrases that reveal the heart of Mexican culture. Whether you’re continuing your language journey or just love learning about Mexico, this episode is packed with insights you won’t want to miss. Key Takeaways: Learn 10+ …
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Esta semana en Vaticano: Sé testigo del crecimiento de la fe en Escandinavia mientras la Iglesia Católica crece en Noruega. Escucha un conmovedor testimonio de fe de una sobreviviente de Boko Haram y visita la exposición del cuadro favorito del Papa Francisco, junto con su profundo significado espiritual.…
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En la tertulia de hoy estamos con Hilario Tomé, CTO de @Keybotic, para comentar la situación actual del mundo y, sobre todo, para charlar de robótica. Hablamos de cómo la inteligencia artificial y la robótica están revolucionando el mundo, desde robots cuadrúpedos que operan en entornos peligrosos hasta su capacidad de imitar habilidades humanas co…
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Explore the best of Argentina, Bolivia & Chile in this Spanish listening practice! In this new series, I’ll take you on a journey through Spanish speaking countries, helping you learn Spanish while discovering the best things to do, see and eat in the Hispanic world. Listen to improve your Spanish and learn about: Why Argentina is paradise for meat…
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Understanding when to use “señora” or “señorita” isn’t as straightforward as it seems. These terms carry cultural and social implications that vary based on context, personal preferences, and even regional customs. In this episode, we discuss how to approach these words thoughtfully, avoid uncomfortable interactions, and become more culturally sens…
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¿Has probado alguna vez comida fabricada en 3D?Podcast Patrocinado por Paypal:https://www.paypal.comEn este episodio, Giuseppe Sciont, fundador de NovaMeat, nos cuenta cómo su startup esta revolucionado la industria alimentaria. Desde la creación del primer bistec impreso en 3D hasta la construcción de una fábrica en Barcelona desde donde venden ca…
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Esta semana en Vaticano: Únase a nosotros para celebrar la Semana de Oración por la Unidad de los Cristianos mientras destacamos los esfuerzos del Vaticano en el diálogo ecuménico. Durante este Año Jubilar, todos los cristianos conmemorarán la Pascua en la misma fecha. Entrevistamos al P. Roberto Pasolini, nuevo Predicador de la Casa Pontificia, y …
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Improve your Spanish understanding with this podcast created to help you learn conversational Spanish! When I was learning Spanish, the weather topic was pretty boring. But it doesn’t have to be! In this Spanish podcast episode, I speak Spanish about weather-related topics, including: Whether I prefer hot or cold weather (and why) The weather in Lo…
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En este episodio, Dennis Poulette discute los cuatro tipos de jóvenes que asisten a grupos juveniles cristianos y te ayuda a aprender cómo identificar y ayudar a cada tipo a crecer espiritualmente. 00:00 Introducción: Entendiendo la Diversidad Juvenil 00:49 Serie de los Cuatro: Contexto y Propósito 01:37 Jóvenes Indiferentes: Desafíos y Estrategias…
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Have you ever wondered what type of traveler you are? In this episode, we dive into adventure travel, cultural explorations, relaxation trips, food-focused adventures, and even business travel. Learn how to blend these styles to create unforgettable experiences, discover inspiring destinations like Mexico’s Copper Canyon and Costa Rica, and get tip…
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Hola and welcome to Let’s Talk Spanish, the place to escape from mind-numbing grammar lessons and finally learn to speak conversational Spanish with confidence. I’m Shandon. I have 15 years of experience learning Spanish and have lived in three Spanish-speaking countries. Over the past six years, I’ve helped countless learners progress from beginne…
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Una platica que impartió Dennis Poulette sobre "La Apatia en el Ministerio Juvenil" en la conferencia "Aesthetic" del Seminario Teológico Bautista Mexicano en 2024. En esta platica Dennis habla de como ayudar a los jóvenes a tener una pasión por el servicio de Dios. Los jóvenes no son apáticos. Solo, en algunos casos, tienen una pasión mal dirigida…
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¿Quieres saber cómo una pequeña startup de apps móviles se convirtió en un holding que factura más de 22 Millones de Euros?En este episodio, Alfredo R. Cebrián, fundador y CEO de 480, nos cuenta los secretos de su éxito y cómo ha pasado de una deuda de miles de euros a una empresa que cotiza en la bolsa.Desde proteger bancos y aerolíneas con cibers…
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