show episodes
Ever need a word of encouragement and a story that feels like a warm hug for your soul? Join life coach Blaze Schwaller as she explores what it means to be imperfect, human, and striving for a fully engaged and colorful life in this series about stretching to reach your highest potential while honoring the full range of your emotions and experiences. Whether she's talking about crippling self-doubt or the joy of befriending feral cats, expect these poignant conversations to be your weekly bo ...
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show series
It's been a wonderful three years of creating and producing this podcast, but for now it's time for a break. I am so appreciative to all of you who have joined me for each episode, supported me on the journey and contributed to its success. I figured an appropriate topic for this last episode would be looking at how we decide when we are complete w…
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It’s important to refuel yourself regularly if you want to have the energy and inspiration to take care of others or make a huge impact on the world around you. It is often our most selfish hobbies and downtime that allows us to have the energy to serve others. This week we look at the signs and symptoms of overwhelm and explore ways we can provide…
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When life presents us with difficult situations, we often forget to pause and assess ourselves for all of the things we are capable of and offer. But when we do, we can bring so much more to the situation and give ourselves a lot more appreciation in the process. Last week I listened to Matt Khan giving a Loving Kindness Meditation and this podcast…
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When we’re stretching for a goal, we often find ourselves procrastinating and not understanding why we aren’t doing it. We can easily self-sabotage when working toward a goal by believing that it’s not worth bothering to try because we have unreasonable expectations about timelines. One of the lies we tell ourselves is that we can start tomorrow, a…
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Sometimes we have feelings about the hobbies we choose to pursue, despite starting with all good intentions. Part of learning any new skill is coming to terms with being terrible at it in the beginning and facing our own frustration with this each time we show up to learn more. We can get through a lot of the initial frustration by focusing on curi…
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Friendships change throughout the course of our lives. As children, it seems like friendships are much easier to initiate than as adults. Friendships grow easily with shared experiences. When we are kids, we are put into the same environment and mutual situations as entire classrooms of peers, whereas in our adult lives, people live separate lives …
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Depending on how you work best, you might prefer a schedule that is fairly rigid and has smaller bursts of scheduled activities, or you might thrive when you clock out multiple hours for work that fits a certain theme. When I feel like there isn’t enough time to immerse in a subject, I avoid that activity like crazy. I can find all kinds of reasons…
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Our bright and large emotional reactions to small things stem from earlier situations that we’re still dealing with emotionally. It’s easy to roll with inconveniences when they are few and far between and we are otherwise happy, cared for, and well. When we are depleted emotionally and mentally, anything that impedes our progress in the day can set…
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How do you use technology? Do you feel it benefits you? This week I share my experience using fitness trackers and the ways it has both helped me and stressed me out. How was my life different when I could only use analog feedback like writing down my workouts and weighing myself on the scale each day? What is it like now when I have instantaneous …
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What’s the emotion that’s sparked the most often by the sources of information and entertainment you consume or are exposed to? Having a big emotion sparked makes it more difficult for you to respond to situations, it instead elicits reactions from you. Some basic truths about what sparks emotional reactions in us can be helpful. When we watch some…
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How do you value your time? Is there a threshold of excellence you strive to achieve that holds you back from enjoying hobbies? Sometimes we compare ourselves to people who make their living doing the craft that we’ve made into our hobby. And when we do that, it can eventually stop us from showing up and having fun. Is there value in doing an activ…
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Researching my own ancestry opened my eyes to some patterns that seemed to emerge several times that surprised me. I feel like I have a deeper understanding of how money moves and flows through generations, the frequency with which people travel, and the general trials and tribulations of wars, diseases, and famines that strike all over the world a…
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This time of year is about a quieter execution of goals. The exuberance of the Spring and Summer have come to an end, and while that brings with it a sense of loss and listlessness – there is something wonderful about flowing into a slower pace of being. There is a rhythm to life, and right now it wants to slow down and allow inertia to complete yo…
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What is reasonable to accomplish in only three months or 13 weeks? As the end of the year approaches and panic sets in that we haven’t gotten everything done off of our lists of goals for the year, the kindest thing we can do is look back at what we DID accomplish. Believing that there is some way to do everything on your list in such a short amoun…
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Technology is always changing and disrupting industries. But the shift into using artificial intelligence on the scale that is being offered today seems deeper than any other shift that came before. Perhaps that is because this is the moment I am living through. I’m concerned that the source material will continue to feed on itself and the less we …
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Knowing that you have agency in your life and have the capability of making choices rather than having life imposed on you, allows you to choose your experiences and defines who you are. The power we have as individuals is to choose the flavor of the experiences we have by filtering them through our particular lens. Asking how you want to experienc…
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I tend to discount small actions as if I only get a little done it’s not enough. But, I don’t need to get everything done all at once, and what I’m capable of doing and showing up for is enough. Each day will be different, and it’s OK that sometimes you get lots done, and sometimes just waking up and getting through the day is all we can do. The sm…
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What can we do when our mood has tanked and we’re in a loop of doom? This week’s podcast talks about depression, negative thoughts, and anxiety and recognizing the flow of emotion and thoughts so that we can head ourselves toward calmer waters. We all experience low points. Returning to a place of empowerment asks us to consider what we’ve been hol…
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A chronic symptom of the culture we are in is that we want to consume more, do more, and be more all the time. Our expectation is that self-growth is the most positive thing in the world for us, but in the pursuit of having everything already done to perfection, we wear ourselves out and feel awful. We should always ask of any thought or belief tha…
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This week’s episode explores how I inadvertently self-sabotaged myself while pursuing my sewing goals and how I got back on track. Sometimes despite our best intentions, we overwhelm ourselves and not only tank our progress on the new thing but sap our energy everywhere else, too! Listen to today's podcast if you need inspiration on uncomplicating …
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Where do you look for confirmation that you’re on the right track in life? We sometimes wait for the feedback we get from the world to be positive to keep moving forward on a project, and we find negative feedback stops us or makes us question everything. When we try to do new things or are in the process of growing, the feedback we get from our ow…
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What is it about a company’s values that attract the right customers? This week I’m sharing a moment of recognition I had when a mentor shared his story of how he eventually became the center of his brand. When hiring, others ought to supplement your values and help you bring your vision to life, but not fundamentally alter the vision and values th…
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Mental and physical exertion both take a lot of energy, but we often forget how much learning costs our energy reserves. Back in 2008, I went to the first Illustration Master Class for a week in June, and it upleveled my artwork forever. Being in that environment was inspiring and kept my brain working hard not only during that week but for the fol…
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It’s good to take down some notes on where you are now before you start any kind of self-improvement journey. This year I want to maximize my health so I decided it would be a good idea to get some kind of a record in place to set a baseline of my current health and fitness. This way I can check back in over the years and find out if I’ve managed t…
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How do you use your body and mind? Do you think about them as two separate parts of you? Do you appreciate one half more than the other? Recovering from the wildfire smoke has revitalized my commitment to caring for my body. I’ve added in some new self-care and movement routines that disrupted my usual patterns in interesting ways. I recently heard…
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What does it mean to have your independence as an individual? What do you personally believe that freedom means to you and for you? I notice the difference in what one perceives as freedom vs the intention of the enforcer of rules or boundaries the most when I observe my daughter. Often when my intention is to set her up for the most freedom and ab…
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It’s important to remember that when we found a business, we are the captain, and the business thrives best when we build the business around our values and vision. While hiring people can certainly expand our creation and their priorities and values can contribute to the success of the endeavor – ultimately, we need to steer the ship and attract t…
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There are events that happen only once a year, or only in a certain season. And if you’re like me, you don’t want to miss out on all of the opportunities that the season provides. But, there is only ever so much energy available to us to put into all these activities. We need to be mindful of how much effort we are putting out so that we don’t find…
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Today I want to share an adventure I’m taking with my family to an organization that I absolutely adore. Wildlife diversity and wolves in particular have a big place in my heart. From the time I was a little girl, I wanted to study wolves and contribute to wildlife conservation. As I grew up I realized that working with animals in person probably w…
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Allergy season caught me out this year, and I have had to make peace with a reality that I really didn’t want to be true. This week’s podcast is about accommodating our reality even when we deeply prefer not to experience what’s happening. Having asthma and needing to deal with it made me aware that sometimes I choose to ignore clear negative sympt…
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Whenever we say yes to too many things, we have to rearrange our energy to accommodate the activities we’ve taken on board. Somewhere, something has to be sacrificed – and we have feelings about that. Taking care of ourselves means having reasonable expectations about what is possible at any given time, and realizing that not everything is going to…
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Mothering and nurturing is showing up for another person no matter what, whether you have a lot to give or not. What does this concept look like when we apply it not only to child raising, but also to ourselves, our goals and our dreams? When we are at our worst, feeling the least motivated and the moodiest, it is when we need the most nurturing, l…
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Whenever anyone tells us something to do, we have pushback against that idea to see if they really mean it, and also to reinforce what we’re doing instead of changing. It happens even when we ask ourselves to do something different. Instead of telling ourselves to do something, we should let ourselves opt in. We change much easier when we are able …
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When our goal is too broad or vague, it’s too difficult for our brains to get on board and make it happen. Our bodies don’t know what we want them to do. Making decisions that could get us closer to the goal becomes super difficult because we have no real sense of what succeeding at the goal looks like. The first challenge is recognizing why you ha…
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As an adult, I need to remind myself that I am getting better at things and improving in my life, but as a kid, we believe in ourselves as a matter of course. We need to let go of perfection and embrace ourselves as being on a journey in order to receive the delight of believing we are getting better in every way every day. If we believe we are don…
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Ever notice how freakin’ busy life gets this time of year? As the sun is up more often I have a lot more desire to be out and about and do things I want to do. And, so does the rest of my family and the rest of the world, and sometimes their schedules and needs get in the way of my own. This episode is about dealing with the frustration of conflict…
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How can you raise your expectations for what is possible in your life? This week I come at the subject from a different angle and ask you, what are you tolerating in your life? Where are the places where you can raise the bar on what you allow to keep happening in your life and expect things to go better? I share my journey of wanting to become som…
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In life we tend to lean towards the side of action – but there is a necessity for rest and quiet and stillness. When we are faced with moments of rest, a break, or vacations, we find it difficult to dwell in the quiet. This episode explores what to expect when we take a break and attempt to recuperate from burnout and hard work. It turns out, this …
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This year I am working on upgrading my expectations of myself and what is possible for me, and it’s something I want for everyone in the world. It takes some deeper awareness of where I have beliefs that cause me to struggle, and some deeper kindness towards myself to overcome these limitations. Learn how to recognize the patterns and feelings that…
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There is a tipping point that we rarely notice – and it’s when we have put in so much good effort, love, and energy, that those vibes have an automatic return and snowball. When we zoom out and give our lives an honest assessment and look for where we have improved, we have a chance to see this law of exponential returns. What we are currently rece…
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Being masterful with our time doesn’t happen without planning and deliberate actions. We must plan for what we want to happen, and we have to make space for what we want to happen. We think about the actions we need to take and the resources, but we fail to consider the space we need to allow our dreams to grow, to become real, and to become our tr…
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Right around this time of year, we start to feel the hustling energy, and we can begin to take advantage of the momentum of people doing stuff around us to start putting our own projects into action and manifestation. It’s a good time to assess how you’ve spent the winter – did you spend it accumulating thoughts and feelings that serve you well, or…
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Connection and community are so important to our well-being and ability to thrive. Even though there are times when I desire to be a hermit and only drink tea, read books, and have a cat on my lap – this need for quiet is balanced by a need to get feedback and love from others, and I can’t do that on my own. Recognizing my need for community, this …
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Thanks to Iskra, my very first paid subscription podcast supporter! I appreciate you and am so happy you’re here. This week we explore why we do and don’t do things. Do we move toward accomplishment, or away from punishment, disappointment or discomfort? How can we approach our ambitions in a way that honors these two warring desires within us? We …
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The end of January is a time of seeking comfort and coziness and resisting work and effort. Or at least that’s how it is for me! It feels like a great time to get cozy, enjoy hot beverages, sleep as much as possible, and avoid working hard. Despite a belief that I ought to be productive all the time and always push forward in my business and my lif…
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Let’s talk about pride, doing what feels true to your soul, and putting boundaries into place to help you live with the highest personal integrity. When we are young, it’s so easy to declare how awesome we are and how well we did something. And as we get older, it becomes harder to praise ourselves for our accomplishments or the way we handle situa…
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Thriving doesn’t mean only feeling happy and awesome all the time. To truly thrive, we need to connect with our values, understand what we care about the most, and show up with integrity to face our lives and the situations in our lives in alignment with those values. We can thrive in our lives even when things suck. A sense of pride and accomplish…
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The winter season calls us to slow down and relax, to recuperate from the hard work of the previous year, and to dream for a while before the activity of the Spring. Yet most of us are panicky in this season worrying over what we haven’t yet accomplished and comparing ourselves to a standard that is unobtainable. It is a good time to listen to your…
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I love the actual physical act of dreaming, but I also am a fan of consciously dreaming up new ideas and new thoughts about how I might be if I tried out something new. By thinking about how I might feel or act if I already had what I think I want now, it lets me understand if there’s a deeper need underneath my desires, or if I already have a lot …
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Inspiration to me means something that is exciting and possible and makes me feel motivated to do my best and attempt to create an experience in my life, even if I haven’t had success in that area before. One of the most inspiring things for me is hearing someone sing a song that speaks to a universal emotion – the big ones like sorrow and grief, o…
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