show episodes
Awaken Radio is the go-to podcast for awakening women wanting to learn practical ways to live with greater self-love, personal power, feminine flow, abundance and magnetism. Join Connie Chapman, certified Life Coach & Women's Empowerment Mentor, as she offers you soulful guidance, tips and tools that will activate you into the woman you truly desire to be.
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show series
When life brings us challenges we can either fight against them, try to escape them and become victimised by them… or we can learn how to move through them with ease, grace and power. This is where we become artful in the feminine descent - we learn how to surrender and descend into our pains, challenges and hurts, open to what they are gifting us,…
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Many women find themselves trapped in ‘good girl conditioning’ which leaves them people-pleasing, avoiding conflict, playing small and feeling held back in their expression. For a woman to step into her healthy, mature divine feminine energy, become fully expressed and embody your full power, her inner good girl will need to die. In this episode, I…
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So many women these days are feeling depleted, exhausted and burned out, because they are stuck in patterns of rushing, pushing, forcing and overriding the true pace and capacity of their body. It is not until a woman can learn how to slow down and listen to her body that she can truly drop into her feminine and feel nourished and regulated. This e…
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Many women come to my work feeling that they are ‘too in their masculine’ However, the truth is that these women aren’t masculine, they are actually deeply feminine at their core. Yet they have built an outer exterior of masculine energy (their masculine shield) which is blocking them from accessing their feminine. In this episode, you will learn w…
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Feminine energy is cyclical, yet so many women are trying to force themselves to show up in a linear and consistent way. This pursuit of consistency leaves a woman needing to step into her masculine energy and override her body and feminine to get results. In this episode, you will learn how to stop glorifying consistency, embrace your cyclical nat…
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One thing that keeps women playing small, hiding and holding back their full expression is fearing the judgement of others. This fear keeps them trapped in their wounded feminine energy, lacking confidence and struggling to be their authentic selves. In this episode, you will learn 4 powerful steps for overcoming the fear of others judgment so you …
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Do you tend to resist feeling uncomfortable emotions, sensations or feelings when they arise? Do you try to get rid of them, fix them and make them go away? Do you find yourself overthinking them and getting more stuck? The solution is to learn the feminine art of emotional alchemy. This practice invites you to open to your felt sense and body’s ex…
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Ready to learn how to expand and uplevel your life in a way that doesn’t involve hustling, forcing, burning out or over-working? In this episode, I am sharing 5 feminine keys that will support you to expand and uplevel your money, business, career and relationships in a deeply embodied, sustainable, feminine and nourishing way. In this episode, I c…
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The biggest area that I see transform for women when they begin doing their feminine healing & embodiment work is their RELATIONSHIPS.⁣⁣ It is through reconnecting with your feminine energy that you can begin to attract healthy, loving partnerships, heal old relationship patterns, get your needs truly met, feel deeply held, seen and heard and show …
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If there is any part of your life that is not thriving right now, there is likely a wounded pattern running in this area.⁣ Our wounding comes from childhood and keeps us stuck in patterns of people-pleasing, over-working, over-giving, worrying what others think and seeking externally for love, validation and approval.⁣⁣ Through healing these wounde…
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Working with feminine embodiment practices changed my life, and they hold the power to change yours too. ⁣⁣⁣⁣These practices will support you to heal your relationship with your body, awaken your feminine energy, deepen your self-love and confidence, nourish yourself and awaken your magnetism.⁣⁣⁣⁣ In this episode, I share why feminine embodiment wo…
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So often there is the misconception that being in your feminine energy means doing nothing.⁣⁣ This leaves so many women feeling stuck on how to be connected to their feminine energy while still showing up for the commitments in their life.⁣⁣ In today’s episode, I am sharing how you can have both. You will learn how you can be deeply embodied in you…
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When we are caught in a pattern of overachieving it can cause our self-worth to become tied to how much we do and achieve. ⁣⁣ We will feel that we have to keep giving, doing, working and achieving in order to feel good enough. ⁣⁣ In today’s episode, I am offering you 5 steps to heal from overachieving so you can allow yourself to slow down, come ba…
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The key to thriving in your feminine energy is having healthy inner masculine energy.⁣⁣ Healthy inner masculine energy allows your inner feminine to feel safe, grounded and protected. ⁣⁣It supports your feminine to get her needs met, set boundaries, achieve her dreams and create rituals, habits and structures that nourish her. ⁣⁣In this episode, I …
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For a woman to feel safe embodying her feminine energy, she needs to be anchored in her power.⁣⁣ Without a connection to her power, a woman will be stuck in her wounded feminine energy and will often feel weak, insecure, needy, passive and powerless. ⁣⁣⁣ In today’s episode, I am offering you 3 keys to activating your feminine power so you can awake…
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Do you want to feel more magnetic so you can draw what you want towards you with ease? ⁣⁣In this episode, you will learn 3 key steps to creating and embodying a magnetic energy and frequency so that you can attract what you want into your life.⁣⁣ You will learn how to feel and become more magnetic as a woman, how to become energetically magnetic to…
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In today’s raw and honest episode, I am sharing the story of a moment that changed my life.⁣⁣ It was a moment that took me out of playing small, living inauthentically and begin ruled by fear, and put me onto the path of my soul purpose and the creation of my desires in an instant. ⁣⁣ This experience was the number #1 reason I have manifested the l…
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Want to know how to create and manifest your desires in a way that feels embodied, nourishing and easeful? ⁣⁣In today's episode, I am diving into a conversation on embodied manifestation, which is an approach to manifesting that is guided by your body, your intuition and your feminine energy and is deeply supportive of your nervous system.⁣⁣You wil…
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Do you struggle to receive? If so, this episode is for you.⁣⁣ Today I am sharing the keys to expanding your capacity to receive so that you can not only call in and manifest more of what you desire, but you can also hold it. ⁣⁣ You will learn to open, soften and receive, come deeper into your feminine, regulate your nervous system and develop a gre…
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For years I lived from wounded feminine and masculine energy which not only ruined my relationships but also sabotaged my success in my business.⁣⁣ When I began to heal these core parts of me, everything began to change. ⁣⁣I began to rise into an empowered divine feminine energy and create a healthy inner masculine that deeply supports me. ⁣⁣ Today…
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Embodiment work is absolutely necessary for any woman who wants to break free from her limitations, access deeper levels of power, pleasure, worth, wholeness and magnetism and come into a deeper experience of her feminine energy.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣I truly believe this work is the missing piece for women. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Your body is the portal into all that you desire, and…
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I am excited to bring you my very first episode of 2023.⁣⁣⁣I am calling 2023 my year of devotion to the feminine and in this episode you will learn exactly what that means. ⁣⁣⁣I am devoting to a new way being this year, and in this episode I am sharing the powerful principles that I will be working with this year to support myself to live as a nour…
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My annual end-of-year episode is here!⁣⁣In this 2022 reflections episode, I review my year, walk you through all that I learned, and share my biggest lessons, achievements and challenges from my year of healing, embodiment and manifestation.⁣⁣Join Creatress: ⁣⁣Apply for 1:1 Coaching in 2023⁣https://form.typeform.…
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I am excited to dive into a juicy chat on magnetism today!Magnetism is your ability to draw what you desire into your life through your energy rather than having to chase after it through your action.This is a deeply feminine principle that is all about leaning back, receiving and manifesting what you want in your life with pleasure, ease and flow.…
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Today’s episode is all about desire and the importance of living in devotion to your own desires.⁣⁣⁣Because your desires are your feminine wisdom moving through you and in order to create a life you love, you need to be claiming and owning your desires rather than ignoring and denying them.⁣⁣⁣⁣Today’s conversation will help you more powerfully clar…
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Today I am talking about one of my favourite topics - intuition.⁣⁣Living from your intuition is about reclaiming your feminine wisdom, trusting deeply in yourself, embracing the unknown and living from your body wisdom.⁣⁣Your intuition is your inner truth and although following it may take you into the unknown, it will always guide you to exactly w…
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Today I am offering you 8 powerful keys to embodying your divine feminine energy.⁣⁣Awakening your divine feminine energy is not just about becoming more feminine. It is a journey of awakening your full power and potential as a woman.⁣⁣It is about living guided by feminine wisdom, healing your relationship to the masculine, trusting in your body and…
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Inner child healing is one of the most powerful processes you can use to create deep and lasting change and transformation.⁣⁣It allows you to get to the root cause of your challenges, re-program deep limiting beliefs and patterns and heal your relationship with yourself.⁣⁣In today’s episode, I am sharing my 5 step process for inner child healing an…
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This episode is a powerful deep dive into what it truly looks like to walk the path of feminine living.⁣⁣⁣⁣I share why feminine embodiment is not just about dancing in flowing dresses, being sensual and exploring your pleasure, but truly it is a path of descent, deep healing, shadow work, and self-liberation.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣I bring lots of divine feminine fir…
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Today’s episode is for any woman who finds it difficult to put herself first and prioritise her needs, and instead gets stuck over-giving, people-pleasing and putting everything and everyone ahead of herself.⁣⁣In this episode, I unpack how to unravel from this pattern and stop feeling guilty, selfish or indulgent for prioritising what you need and …
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For us to thrive as women, we need to be living in deep connection with ourselves and our body. We need to attuned to what we are feeling, what we are needing and what fills us up from within.⁣⁣It is easy for us to fall into patterns of self-abandonment when life gets busy - we begin to prioritise what needs to get done and what others need above o…
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I recently put a Q&A poll on my Instagram stories where I asked you how you wanted manifesting your desires to feel, and the responses came through with some very clear common themes. ⁣⁣You shared that you wanted manifestation to feel natural, easeful, fun, effortless and enjoyable where you could trust the process and relax into the journey withou…
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It is currently in Eclipse season, and I don’t know about you, but under this energy, I am feeling a big inner push to uplevel! I can feel that my next-level desires are asking for me to step into a new version of myself.  So I felt inspired to come on the podcast under this Eclipse energy and talk further about this process of uplevelling.  In thi…
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I am finally emerging after going through a big transition of moving interstate and manifesting a dreamy new home, and today I am walking you through the whole process!⁣⁣⁣⁣I take you back to when this desire very first came to me, the inner and energy work I did to align with it, how I navigated the unknown, practiced surrender, and trust the divin…
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I am excited to bring you my first episode of 2022! ⁣⁣⁣⁣In today’s episode, I am sharing my themes and feeling words for this year (and I offer tips on how you can embrace them too), what you can expect from me and my work, what I will be investing in, plus I share the details of a big change I am navigating personally.⁣⁣⁣⁣This is a big, juicy epis…
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I am excited to share my annual end of year reflection episode that I love to do every year. I am reviewing my year, reflecting on my key lessons, learnings and takeaways from this year and sharing with you what worked well for me in 2021!⁣⁣This was yet another powerful, transformative, expansive (and at times challenging) year which was full of gr…
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Today’s conversation is a powerful exploration into how you heal your relationship with your body. I have had many struggles with my body and my appearance over the years, and in this episode, I walk you through how I healed this.I offer you a range of practices to help you feel more of a loving and accepting connection with your body and how to co…
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When a woman is connected to her pleasure is connected to her life force. She is radiant, alive, juicy, full and overflowing. She is lit up and she glows from within. Pleasure is nourishment for her inner feminine.In today’s episode I am sharing 5 simple yet powerful ways to start integrating more pleasure into your every day life so you can feel r…
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I have been moving through a season of rest and slowing down over the past month. It has been deeply nourishing and restorative but has also required me to navigate feelings of guilt and self-judgement that have arisen from being less productive.So today on the podcast, I am sharing more about my experience and offering you some tips on how to allo…
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Join Divine Femme (Doors Close Sunday 26th September) on the podcast we are doing something a bit different!I am sharing the recording of a recent training I hosted where I explored how to clear the inner blocks that stop you having what you want and being the woman you desire to be.We dive into the differe…
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Embodying your feminine power is about realising that you do not have to be tough, unbreakable, always confident, kicking goals or achieving things in order to feel powerful.You do not have to follow a masculine paradigm. Feminine power is a more subtle and inward experience that lies in your energy, your embodiment, who we are being and how you fe…
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Self-love isn't about always being your best self or falling head over heels in love with yourself.Rather it is about building a healthy, supportive and empowering relationship with yourself. It is about releasing patterns of self-judgement, guilt, self-criticism and unworthiness and opening up to more self-compassion, kindness and unconditional lo…
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Feminine energy is cyclical. We are not the same emotionally, energetically or hormonally each day and we are always moving through seasons, ups and downs, ebbs and flow, and various waves of emotion.But I see many women struggling to embrace the seasons and cycles of feminine energy. Instead they try to force their energy to function in more of a …
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Today I dive into comparison, envy and feeling triggered by other women.⁣ ⁣ I explore why seeing a woman expressing the fullness of herself, her feminine essence, her success or her power can make us feel triggered, uncomfortable, judgemental or even envious.I share how to work through these types of triggers so you can finally resolve this pattern…
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Today I am diving into a conversation about perfectionism because if I were to be completely honest, this is something I am really navigating at the moment.Perfectionism has been playing out in my business in a big way lately and it has been stopping me from expressing my messages and sharing my creations.Breaking free from perfectionism is not alw…
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In today’s episode, I dive into a raw and honest conversation about boundaries and I share some of my current challenges in this area.⁣⁣I talk about the importance of clearly communicating our boundaries so they are not just 'unspoken expectations' that when broken leave us feeling resentful and unsupported. ⁣⁣And I dive into the reason why many of…
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Working with regular self-care practices and rituals is a powerful way nurture yourself, connect in with your feelings and needs, and fill yourself up from within.These consistent rituals can support you in feeling grounded and clear and can serve as anchor points when you are feeling overwhelmed and out of alignment.Personally for me, working with…
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In today’s episode, I am diving into my personal themes for 2021, my core guiding feelings and my intentions and desires for the year ahead. I also share how to navigate the energy of 2021 so you can experience flow and ease this year regardless of whether challenges present.While none of us know what 2021 will bring, in this episode I offer you gu…
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2021 is only a few weeks away, and so today I am sharing some powerful practices that you can use to prepare yourself for the new year.After all that 2020 has brought us, it is important that we take time to pause, reflect and fully integrate all of the lessons and learnings this year has delivered. So, in the episode today I share some rituals and…
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When we are working towards what we want, it is easy to become disconnected from our feminine energy. Instead, rely too heavily on our inner masculine energy and we end up feeling exhausted, over-worked and burdened.So in today’s episode, I share with you how to create and manifest your dreams and desires while staying connected to and embodied in …
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