The Podcast of Calvary Baptist Church of Orlando FL. This podcast is for both those who are lost who are looking for who God is and who they are, and for those who are saved (Trusted in Jesus Christ alone to save them) this podcast can serve to help grow closer to God, not that He loves you more, but that you will grow more in your love for Him. The Christian life is about a relationship with God and allowing Him to effect the lives of others through you. Whether saved or lost, this podcast ...
This is from a recent series at church on some of the One Another's of the Bible. I'm working on editing the other episodes, and I intend to amplify this one because it's so quiet. However, God had been laying it on my heart to get this one out on the internet. So even though you may need headphones, I hope this will encourage you as it did others …
I decided to wait to post this for when the rush was through. Now, perhaps is a better time to listen and enjoy. In our fast paced world that also dose not like the Lamb of God, we ca loose sight of the eternal for the material or what we perceive. Don't loose sight of Who is going to outlast all of this.…
we are starting a new study in the Book of Philippians. As the title shows, there is an episode before this that is in the process of editing. The recorder used and location had a negative effect and it's taking a bit of work to fix. However, I didn't want to wait on the next 2 perfectly fine messages. So, while I hope to get the 1st episode that s…