show episodes
Welcome to Wisdom Talk Radio, where host Laurie Seymour explores the depths of conscious living and what it truly means to live an expanded life. In this podcast, I dive into the whole range of conscious living, including energy, creativity, spirituality, purpose, self-awareness, conscious business, and so much more. Join me on this journey as I speak with some of the most insightful and inspiring thought leaders and experts in the field of conscious living. I delve into their personal exper ...
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show series
We are here together again today at WTR, and I am so glad you have joined me. Awareness is certainly an inner journey. But that doesn’t leave out the world we live in. Even (or especially) when the news of the day is disturbing, or even horrifying. Ignorance is not bliss. It’s actually cutting off the opportunity to stand in the face of separation.…
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Here we are, once again ready to journey together. I’m always excited to explore consciousness in all its aspects and to see what gets revealed today. What does it mean to live an expanded life? What becomes possible when you attend to the energetic level of your life? We will get to explore this deeply with my guest today, Patricia Lindner. Stay w…
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What if you could map the unknown? What if that map allowed you to navigate this unknown so that you could successfully traverse it to reach your goal? When you activate your capacity to tap into your inner guidance system, and use it to create in the world, you are tapping what my guest today calls, “First Intelligence”. She is revolutionary in he…
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What gets in your way of moving forward with your plans and desires for your life? When you recognize that there IS something, and then take a clear look, often what shows up is something that you are holding tightly to. A relationship. A career that doesn’t inspire you. And then once you KNOW, once you have let yourself know the truth, you can’t U…
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You may not often think about the impact your intergenerational history has on you. Contained in our cells are the patterns of those who have gone before us. That impacts us both individually and collectively, so it can be a profound healing and creative opportunity to explore the ways in which we can cross the bridges into a new personal operating…
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I live and breathe and work every day with higher consciousness energy symbols that dissolve old patterns and activate the creative intelligence in our cells. Symbols are really geometry. You may be familiar with Sacred Geometry. So, what makes Sacred Geometry sacred? How does it actually impact or playout in human lives? What did the Druids, Mayan…
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When you feel you have a mission in life, it’s important to act with confidence. Yet that is sometimes elusive, especially when you are stepping onto the road less traveled. That’s where doubt can creep in, undermining your efforts, and even your belief in yourself. What does it mean to be truly confident? That’s not bravado. How could becoming mor…
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You may not know about me that I love all things French. So, it was the fact that today’s guest is a French clothing designer that first caught my eye. But that’s only a thread in a larger tapestry. Bigger questions like, what is the feminine soul? What does that mean? How does claiming this essential part of who you are bring new potency to your s…
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As much as we truly want to have a great life---and that means something different to each of us---we also are excellent at getting in our own way. Sometimes that’s easier to see in other people. Ever wonder why your very smart best friend keeps making choices that don’t work out? How you think about yourself has great impact on your actions. Your …
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So much of what I am about, I have come to in searching for the connections between systems and overlaps and lens to look at the world. It’s at the intersections of these where I find the true transformative power lies. Psychology and science and metaphysics; alchemy and energy; quantum physics and everything else. My guest today used to be a chemi…
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There are so many situations in the world that are challenging. Many of us struggle to stay connected to our hearts, to hold love as our center, in the face of what we see and experience. I suspect that everyone can use some guidance on ways to cultivate the qualities that transform the world from the inside out. That’s what my guest today has to o…
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One thing that we at Wisdom Talk Radio hold as true is that each of us is on an inner journey. It is ours alone, yet there is also an essence that connects us. We can speak about it as a search for love, as a process of remembering who we really are, as a connection with the Divine. If you have ever struggled to reconcile a sensing you have of the …
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What if you knew that you are always being led in your life? That life works! That’s actually one of my fundamental operating principles. So much of what I learned in my early life was about struggle. Now, as I look at that, I see that it gave me tools to build bridges for people who are stuck on one side of the bridge and feel desperate for someth…
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I’m in the midst of planning a retreat in Barcelona this month. Reflecting on what we are creating, the outer environment is such an important aspect, as the energetic support for the transformation of the participants. Then, thinking about where we live and work, a whole world of potential opens up when you actively bring consciousness to those en…
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For as long as I can remember I passionately wanted to know how life worked. I used to think that others had access to a grand rulebook and that I was missing out. When I began to develop my inner relationship with Source, I discovered how to be an inner researcher. Inner research requires a courageous heart. One that is willing to explore the unkn…
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A fundamental truth about life is that everything changes. As you try and count on something remaining constant, whether that’s a relationship, a job, your life situation, the realization comes in---sometimes smacking you in the face---that nothing is indeed certain. Except change. How do you navigate this? Martial arts might not be your first thou…
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Even though we are only a month and a half into the new year, so many people I’m with are telling me that they long for more spaciousness in their life. And at the same time, they also don’t want to lose anything in their business. Deeper still, there is the feeling of “I know there is more for me—to receive and to do in my life.” That comes from a…
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At a fundamental level, how we use our creative life-force energy determines the trajectory of our personal life. And if we wish to live life aligned with the evolutionary forces at play, that is, expanding consciousness---remembering who we really are---then the whole of humanity can flourish. My guests today share this. “Sexual consciousness is n…
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Our society gives great attention to logical, linear education and training. Information is taken in and processed in ways that are accepted and approved. But what if how you naturally think, the way you are most creative, doesn’t fit into the boxes that you have been given? We are presented with increasingly complex issues that require something d…
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Several months ago, I had the pleasure of spending several days with today’s guest. We had long conversations about our favorite topic, inner wisdom, sparking new insights and deepening the connection between us. That was just before she left North America to spend a year in Europe, exploring new terrain (on every level) as she completed her book, …
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Do you love gardens? Do you worry about climate change? I love how my guest today begins her latest book. “A seed is the dormant dream of a new life. A hope, a prayer, the smallest version of an entire life.” If you are a gardener, yes, you know the fundamental value of seeds, without which life can’t continue. I could ask, where does this become p…
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My teacher Dawn taught me years ago about the transformative potential of business. That business was a place where creativity could shine. That, as my guest today teaches, that the “doing of business can itself be a spiritual practice, and we (can) be nourished in the doing of it.” How could doing business, and doing good in the world not be separ…
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Imagine, if you will, that there is one foundational formula to how the Universe works. First of all, what does that mean? And then, what are the implications for how you live your life, and for what is possible? Join me and my guest today and prepare for your mind to be blown open and to leap beyond your horizons. Quantum physicist and string theo…
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Sound in the form of music is a powerful expression. I grew up with music in my life every day, have studied its effect on consciousness and have used music as a therapeutic modality. One of my favorite quotes about music is: “After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.” – Aldous Huxley. Turns out when I looked…
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“Imagine a feeling of connection to all other humans on earth, with an acknowledgement that humanity is all one family, felt around the planet.” This is the vision that my guest today has been working to make real. So many of the problems we face today, so much of the pain we experience, comes from a feeling of separation: from our deepest selves a…
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I’ve been an entrepreneur for much of my life, first as a psychotherapist in private practice and now as a mentor for conscious entrepreneurs and visionary leaders, activating and amplifying their connection with Source. Soul and spirit are being recognized in business as the great differentiator: often in terms of overall success, but certainly fo…
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Surrender is at the essence of how I live and what I teach. That certainly doesn’t make it easier for me! You know, you teach what you need to learn… The most profound changes and miracles in my life have come through my capacity to surrender; and that continues to this day. Twice each week, I am online with Turaya Meditation. Before we go into the…
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I'm so glad you are joining us for today's episode of Wisdom Talk Radio. We’re diving into the deep end today. Things like surrendering to the gift of the moment, to what God, the Universe, is presenting to you. What happens when you make the leap from your way of seeing your life only from the personal perspective to how it is situated in the grea…
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There doesn’t seem to be a time in recent memory where the impact of change hasn’t been profound. In fact, even after the pandemic has eased, I feel the rumblings of a more profound shift happening in the world. Yes, you can look to the political landscape, transformations in technology and environmental changes and see that. But if you want to und…
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What happens when a public speaking teacher and actress comes up against her own growing edge? What gets revealed? What opens up? Which brings me to: What do you need to move forward? How do you respond to that inner call when it comes to you, often in the guise of what you think should be fearful? Stay tuned for a provocative conversation that wil…
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In my decades of being alive, of working with people first as a psychotherapist, then as a spiritual mentor, I have often noted the nuanced journey of life. How we never know what another is experiencing in their inner life. Of what is moving them to do and be who they are. Of what bridge they need to cross to get where they are going. A few months…
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Being able to reliably turn inside for direction---knowing which next step to take (and not take), who to collaborate with, even who to date (when I was doing that sort of thing) is the foundation of making great decisions in every part of your life. It’s why I created my Inner Guidance Mastery Blueprint course. Your inner guidance amplifies your a…
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Imagine getting to a point where your business fits perfectly into the life you’ve always dreamed of having. That’s one of the questions my guest today asks of you. When you align what you do with the fullness of who you are, it’s like the lights turn on and life flows. My mother always demonstrated to me that life is a struggle. I learned that in …
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In my own journey, remembering the truth of who I am has been the foundation for living my purpose. In the 35 years that I have been teaching and mentoring others, facilitating this remembrance has been the quantum leap that brings everything else that people say that they want: abundance, love, joy, health, sense of purpose, clarity, ease. My gues…
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Freedom is often something we say we want, with the implication being that we don’t have it. We aren’t free, because of x, y, or z. Then we look outside ourselves to find fault, laying the blame for our situation (whatever that may be) out there. When nothing changes, the ego is safe in the notion that the situation isn’t our fault. The means to ch…
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Optimism is not merely looking on the “bright side” of things. It’s being willing to act even when the way isn’t clear. It’s often stepping forward into unknown spaces, trusting, simply because a part of you KNOWS there is more for you. My guest today knows this intimately. She will inspire you. My guest today is Sabrina Victoria. From a struggling…
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What does success mean to you? Does it include the way in which you live your life? If you see yourself as part of the human “family,” then how is your success both a part of that, and a reflection of that? Having been on both sides of the spiritual student and teacher relationship, I’m excited to welcome a spiritual master, Justin Gold, to Wisdom …
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My guest today is one of the most courageous people I know. Not because she climbs the sheer faces of mountains, or bungee jumps off rocky cliffs. It’s because her commitment to her own deep personal exploration shines so brightly that we can’t help but be inspired to do the same. The result? Standing firmly in the truth of who we are. This is how …
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The exploration of the unknown has always drawn me. So, for me, travel has always been one of the ways that I find a deeper connection to myself and to my place in the world. Courage, trust, willingness are all needed, sometimes in multiples! Travel gives us a mirror to discover who we are. Today I’ve invited my friend Beebe Bahrami back to Wisdom …
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Many of us have had experiences that are not only inexplicable but change the trajectory of our life in ways that we don’t immediately understand and cannot predict the outcome. Sometimes they presage a change of a magnitude that would be unthinkable and unmanageable if we knew what was ahead. What if that experience was a calling to a greater life…
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We have something special for you today. Wisdom Talk Radio and The Expansive CEO are joining forces to bring you today’s episode that will run on both of our podcasts. How do love and money vibrate in the same field? What would that look like? How would it feel? Stay tuned to discover all that and much more. Hannah Chapman is a Certified Financial …
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I’m a journeyer. Part of what that means is that I’m an explorer at heart: of ideas, of cultures, of possibilities and our human potential. Today you get to be part of a trailblazing journey into awakened beingness through the vehicle of Indian goddess archetypes. This is a journey to your own sovereign being, accessing your full power. Stay tuned!…
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As a podcast host, you never know where you will meet your next guest. While traveling earlier this year in Eastern Europe I met a woman whose deep roots in the theater led to many intriguing conversations. No, she isn’t my guest today. But she introduced me to her long-time friend with equally deep roots in the theater, and whose passion for freed…
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Let’s talk about frequency. Every living thing (including the earth) has a particular frequency. Every cell in your body has a frequency. What does your frequency have to do with manifestation? What does it have to do with your health and well-being? Your business? Your purpose? In a word, everything. If you’ve been hanging out here, you know I don…
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Today's episode is a little bit different. Not only am I not alone, I'm joined by a real dream team of coaches' coaches, Cat Valentine, Hensley Ellefritz, and Nicky Billou. Cat Valentine Cat Valentine is a highly sought-after trainer, speaker, and passionate transformation who initiates transformation through 1-on-1 sessions and group masterclasses…
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YouTuber Brenden Kumarasamy, founder of Mastertalk (@MasterTalks) helps people with the art of communication and presenting. Here he shares his top tips for becoming a public speaking legend. Connect with Brenden: --- Send in a voice mes…
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Each part of life has a different set of provoking situations---the ones that push you or pull you with questions about purpose and fulfillment. You can be successful in your life, and in your career, and still come to a moment when it feels like something has changed. That you have changed. Maybe it’s an internal shift that leaves you questioning,…
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Gregory Cooke suffered from PTSD that took him to the brink of suicide at 16, transformed into a successful global entrepreneur with 30+ staff in his early twenties, and & was told he would have a heart attack by 30 if he didn't change. He Transformed into a discomforting seeking, high-performance & purpose-driven entrepreneur who today is the CEO …
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Jason Cercone is a podcast guesting strategist, author, voice-over talent, and experienced podcaster. He helps value-driven coaches and consultants establish authority and become thought leaders in their niche via strategic, impactful podcast guest appearances. He is also The Voice of Evolution of Brand, a podcast featuring authentic entrepreneurs …
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One of the biggest challenges that people have who take my Inner Guidance Mastery Blueprint course is about whether or not to trust their guidance. That’s part trusting themselves and their inner senses. It’s also part trusting the Universe, Presence, the energies, the Divine. This requires a nuanced exploration to bring it into your everyday life.…
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