show episodes

Project 1517

Timothy C. Bourman and Jonathan H. Bourman

On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther posted the 95 Theses. These theses rocked the religious, social, and political establishment of his day. He did not come to his reformation on his own. In fact, it wasn't even his reformation. It was God's reformation won from Luther's deep, heartfelt encounter with the Word of God. We believe that we need world-shaking encounters with the Word of God like that...again. In this podcast, two twins, who also happen to be Lutheran pastors, will take listeners ...
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show series
Why Did He Do It? A SERMON BASED ON Mark 7:31-37 His miracle was for one man and one man alone. He brings him to a private place, heals him, and then tells him to tell no one about it. Why was Jesus willing to take the time to make such a narrow impact when he could have made this man well in front of hundreds? Because it wasn’t about the crowd. In…
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A "Good Person"? A SERMON BASED ON Romans 9:30-10:4 If we are looking for a good person, we’ve found one. No, she’s not living under our roof, he’s not staring back at you in the mirror. We find one “good person” in our life: Jesus. It is Jesus who knows what perfect obedience is. It is Jesus who knows what perfect love is. Jesus is the only “good …
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The Offensive Bread of Life A SERMON BASED ON John 6:51-69 In general, when people are faced with an idea that they find offensive, they do one of two things. 1. They turn their back on the idea, the person, or the movement. Or 2. They wrestle to get comfortable with this scandalous thought. In John 6, as Jesus ends his Bread of Life discourse, the…
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A Lasting Meal A SERMON BASED ON John 6:24-35 Tragically, the best meals don’t last forever. Whether it’s the steak that you spent WAY too much money on or it’s that Thanksgiving meal that you fondly remember, we always find ourselves being hungry again. In these beginning verses of Jesus’ conversation about the bread of life, we find him reminding…
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WITH You A SERMON BASED ON Mark 6:45-56 What does Jesus mean when he tells us he will be with us? And how is that helpful? When you are going through scary situations or rough patches in life, why does the presence of God matter? In our reading for this Sunday, we are reminded of a simple truth: there is no one we would rather have with us than our…
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Everything Means Everything A SERMON BASED ON 2 Corinthians 9:8-11 What can be used to serve Jesus? Often, we shrink the scope of service far beyond the way God presents it in Scripture. God has filled each and every Christian up with exactly what they need AND MORE so as to serve others and serve him. God is so generous with his blessings toward u…
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"It's Not You... It's HIM" A SERMON BASED ON Ezekiel 2:1-7 When a couple breaks up because one party is dissatisfied with the relationship, you might hear him or her say to their partner, “It’t not you, it’s me.” The person is taking responsibility for what is objectionable in the relationship. God tells us that when we face rejection for the gospe…
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Only Sleeping A SERMON BASED ON Mark 5:21-24,35-43 In the account of Jesus dealing with a grief stricken father and raising his daughter from the dead, Jesus’ attitude astounds us. In the face of mourning and tragedy, Jesus shows calm, cool confidence. Why? He knows who holds all of the cards. This attitude is an attitude of faith. It’s an attitude…
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In the Back of Your Boat A SERMON BASED ON Mark 5:35-41 Did he even care? This was the question on the minds of the disciples as they scurried around the boat trying to make sure that it wouldn’t sink. They were doing their part, but by all accounts, Jesus wasn’t doing his. But this was not even remotely true! Even if Jesus didn’t frantically sprin…
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Kingdom Work for Dummies A SERMON BASED ON Mark 4:26-34 Do we make it more complicated than it is? Spreading the Kingdom of God can seem like such daunting work. But do we overthink it. God says, “preach the gospel.” We have to do more than that, right? In his 2 parables that Jesus shares with us today, he tells us not to overthink it. Go forth wit…
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Don't Believe Your Eyes A SERMON BASED ON REvelation 20:1-6 Is Christianity winning? I think most who examine the falling church attendance throughout the country and the lack of respect for Christian institutions would say no. Christianity seems as if it’s on the ropes. But don’t let your eyes deceive you. Christ still sits on his throne. Knowing …
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Do You Really Deserve a Break? A SERMON BASED ON MarK 2:23-3:6 People get burnt out when they continuously work without a rest. It should be no surprise, then, that the same applies to our spiritual lives. If we spend our time loving and serving those around us without any time for spiritual R&R for ourselves, we inevitably burn out. Thankfully, th…
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The Triune God Doing "Triune God Things" A SERMON BASED ON Romans 8:12-17 Every other religion has a god. This god is described in a variety of ways: powerful, wise, angry, loving, perfect, flawed… every religion thinks something about their god. What should we think about our Triune God? Who he is is revealed to us by what he has done. This week, …
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Selling the Holy Spirit Short A SERMON BASED ON Acts 2:1-21 The power of God is present inside the walls of our church on Sunday morning. Some people might even say that they can feel it. But as you exit the doors, it might feel like things go “back to normal.” Just you, your strength, and the problems of the day. In our reading from Acts, we learn…
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His Ascension Draws Him Closer A SERMON BASED ON Ephesians 4:7-16 In many ways, the ascension of Jesus ties a boy on his earthly ministry. He had defeated sin, the devil and hell itself. But that doesn’t mean Jesus is done. He still has an agenda even as he sits at the right hand of God the Father. Hear about that agenda in this Sunday’s sermon.…
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Remain, Remain, Remain A SERMON BASED ON John 15:1-8 Your connection to Christ need not be tenuous. When he says, “Remain in me,” he isn’t calling on us to do the impossible. Instead, he is calling us to make use of the means that he has established to keep us near to him. In all of this, we understand a critical point: Jesus and Jesus alone is the…
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Don't Settle for the Hired Hand A SERMON BASED ON John 10:11-18 Paying someone to do a job usually works out. You give them a sum of money, sometimes a large sum of money, and they do their work well and on time. But that’s not always the case. Sometimes, the one motivated by simple money isn’t willing to sacrifice what it takes to get the job done…
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"Stop Doubting and Believe" A SERMON BASED ON John 20:19-31 When Jesus says “stop doubting,” we can’t help but notice an edge in his voice. In fact, he says that those who believe without seeing are blessed because they didn’t NEED to make God prove himself. When the doubts of life come our way, how should we react? Do we wallow in them and allow t…
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Real Sacrifice A SERMON BASED ON John 19:17-30 On Good Friday, Jesus isn’t beaten just to gain pity. He’s not nailed to a cross to score your sympathy. He doesn’t die for your tears. Here at the cross, we see these beautiful juxtapositions. At the same time, we see the wrath of God, the innocent helpless looking sacrifice, and the seeming defeat of…
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Unity Worth Preserving A SERMON BASED ON 1 Corinthians 10:16-17 Keeping a group of people together isn’t an easy thing to do. A church is no different. Personalities loom large. Opinions are stated (maybe overstated). Things fall apart. So how do we preserve and defend the unity in a church? At the Lord’s Supper, God gives us a rich opportunity to …
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Making A Strong Entrance A SERMON BASED ON Mark 11:1-11 Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem isn’t exactly understated. It is one of the few times that Jesus indulges the fanfare. The expectation of those in the city was that he would be this strong warrior on their behalf. They believed that he had the strength to answer their cries of “hosanna” which m…
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Is This Some Kind of Joke to God? A SERMON BASED ON Genesis 22:1-18 When God asked Abraham to do the impossible, Abraham gathered his things and was determined to carry out exactly what he had been called to do. Abraham was willing to do whatever the Lord had called him to do for two reasons. Check out Abraham’s reasons and make them your reasons!…
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A Transfiguration Unlike Any Other A SERMON BASED ON Mark 9:2-9 As the Lord Jesus prepared to approach his suffering and death, he undergoes this transfiguration. It is one of those moments in which it seems that heaven connects with earth. Holiness and perfection are on miraculous display. Jesus is finally seen as he really is. But that still leav…
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An Unworthy Enemy A SERMON BASED ON 1 Peter 5:6-11 You might not like to think about it, but the devil does actually exist. He is our adversary and the adversary of the church of Jesus. I don’t think most of us wake up with that prowling lion on our minds, but that doesn’t mean that he isn’t hard at work. In our reading, Peter tells us that while t…
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The Kindness in His Calling A SERMON BASED ON 1 Samuel 3:1-10 Our approach to God matters quite a bit. Whether it is in worship or in our daily study of his Word, the way we come before him matters. Will we come before him with pride in our hearts, thinking we know best. Or will we go before him humbly with nothing on our tongue other than: “Speak,…
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It Begins with Baptism A SERMON BASED ON Romans 6:1-11 “So, what does your church teach about baptism?” Romans offers our explanation for us! The simple truth found in God’s Word, that he is delivering on his promise of forgiveness, life and salvation in Baptism, is found in clear terms in Romans 6. If you have any questions about Peace’s teachings…
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Here for YOU A SERMON BASED ON John 1:1-18 Why on earth did Jesus leave his throne in heaven? Why would he descend from perfection and enter a world that is full of pain and turmoil? Why would Jesus be willing to show up in this world and face ridicule and rejection? We answer all of these questions in our sermon on Christmas Day!…
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A Faith Found in Details A SERMON BASED ON Luke 1:26-38 When you watch someone fall short on their promises over and over again, you are likely to assume that they won’t break that pattern any time soon. Does it sometimes seem like we treat God that way? Do we treat him like a loved one who says nice things, but never comes through? Or do we treat …
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Joy > Happiness A SERMON BASED ON Isaiah 61:1-3,10-11 Does God care about your happiness? He cares about your salvation, he cares about your physical body, he cares about your mental state… how could he not care about your happiness, right? But what happens when the things that make you happy run contrary to what God wants for your life? Today at P…
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Sheep Don't Need to Be Told to Be Sheep A SERMON BASED ON Matthew 25:31-46 What do you think of when you hear the words “judgment day”? People think of all of the ominous pictures that come with those words. In fact many people, even Christians, are left feeling afraid when they think of judgment day. But can we look at it from a different angle? R…
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What Makes Service "Faithful"? A SERMON BASED ON Isaiah 1:10-18 In Isaiah, the people give God their best. However, it seems as if their best isn’t enough for God. In our sermon based on Isaiah, we’re going to talk about what exactly makes our service to God faithful. How can we know that we are living God pleasing lives? Isaiah gives us a path.…
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A New Job A SERMON BASED ON Luke 5:1-11 When you start a new job, there is almost always one moment in which you go, “I’m not sure I’m going to be able to do this.” That seems like it would have been an acceptable response if that’s what Peter said to Jesus. In our reading from Luke this week, we learn a little something about Peter’s new job. In t…
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“We Feebly Struggle… They in Glory Shine!” A SERMON BASED ON Revelation 7:9-17 Jesus says that his followers will endure tribulation. Paul tells us that Christians will put up with all sorts of hardships. In our reading from Revelation 7 for this Sunday, we see what the ending looks like. It might be difficult to see how all of this turns out okay……
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“I Know” Trounces “I Think” A SERMON BASED ON Romans 3:19-28 There are things that it is okay to be uncertain about, but your eternity isn’t one of them. Throughout Christianity, there are denominations whose teachings cause their followers to say, “I think my relationship with God is good.” But that’s not good enough. No, based on Scripture, we sh…
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God’s or Caesar’s? A SERMON BASED ON Matthew 22:15-22 “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.” Great. Now all we have to do is figure out what is Caesar’s and what is God’s. As we look at the words of Jesus in their context and we look at what Paul has to say on the matter, we find out that although church is certainly not the pl…
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A Story of Insane Rejection A SERMON BASED ON Matthew 22:1-14 Who would say no? There are invitations we receive that are just too good to pass up. Who would say no to going on an all expenses paid vacation? Who would say no to a free meal at the finest restaurant in town? In fact, these offers likely seem too good to be true. Jesus tells us a stor…
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