Let’s get biblical with KD is hosted by former stand-up comedian KD the comic. Broadcasted to 17 countries, worldwide and 15 different podcast platforms. KD has seen the darkness of the entertainment industry in the light of Jesus and shares the Bible in a unique fresh humorous way from time to time. We take topics that are going on in the world world around us and wrap them around scripture from the good old Bible. If you’re a nonbeliever, we dare you to listen more than anyone. If you’re a ...
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In todays jammed packed show we talk about Listening to our Father when we ask we recive but sometimes the answers we get we dont like so we dont listen! Psalms 28:9 Along with that our New ARTIST MUSIC SPOTLIGHT starts with music of BEN FULLER! All that and more in a very BIG SHOW!By Kelly Doane
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Every Monday we start your week and walk with The Boook of proverbs and Prayer! This week 1 series we start in Chapter3. 3:1-3:16 The rest is up too you! ;)By Kelly Doane
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In this episode, we talk about how idols in this world are taking away from the true source. We also talk about how TikTok being taken away from Americans may be a blessing in a lot of ways. What other idols are blocking you from achieving greatness in this world with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ all that and more on this quick faith break epis…
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in this episode we come fast and furious! We talk about the FAKE WORLD we live in. From So called Social Media infulancers to Celebs and people in CHURCH! We cover whats next for a world of FAKENESS in 2025!By Kelly Doane
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Welcome to our 1st CELBERTY SPOTLIGHT in 2025 we will highlight a transformation in a celberty or leader, or one that has always had faith! its about testimony and what a great way to start then with a Rock & Roll comedian/actor that has seen it all from Drugs, Sex, court alligations and more!By Kelly Doane
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Its all Noise... Noise that keeps us from knowing Jesus closer. But how do we BALANCE the Good, the Bad and the Ugly of NOISE in this Chaotic world? Find out on this broadcast!By Kelly Doane
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Do you have to forgive someone, something that maybe holding you back? In this episode we pray for you and open up a new way to forgive!By Kelly Doane
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PROMO for some of the shows on Lets get Biblical with KD and some new installmentsBy Kelly Doane
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Love Christ. We talk about a Spoken word done by Jefferson Bethke years ago about the difference between RELIGION and a RELATIONSHIP.By Kelly Doane
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Cancer has hit Kd's Home hard in the hoilday season. How to cope? whats next? all things we ask in hard times! But, how can Jesus show you CONFORMATION youre going to be ok,how hes uses us and more are shown in this episode. A heartfelt transparent episode. A must listen.By Kelly Doane
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We fall into the same NEW YEAR NEW ME every year. Wouldnt it be nice if we could have a way to always just be BRAND NEW with out the start of the calander year...every year? Well it is possible.. and in this episode..find out how you DONT NEED a NEW YEAR to have a NEW YOU and REMAIN NEW!By Kelly Doane
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In this episode we talk about all the DRONE talk... are you scared? Nervous? Questioning? Well, what can we do? How can we lead? Who can lead us? All that and more in this episode!By Kelly Doane
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IN a season when sometimes we give into the bad... DYK there are blessings in your life? No matter what position youre in? We talk about that and more in this episode of LETS GET BIBLICAL WITH KDBy Kelly Doane
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In this episode, We know it a tough time of year,,, a tough election in USA, hurt from hoildays and more. But, how do you cope? A bottle.drugs..sex? KD sahres an amazing testimony again about his father diagnosed with cancer in this hoilday season... how can he be joyess? Findout how he is and how you can be as well!…
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Are we Disciples..Like the BIG 12 in Bible?
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30:30When we are disciples of anything..we tend to compair that we are not good enough like the ones that paved the way before us... but DYK, thats NOT the TRUTH? Far from it! Find our HOW and Why in this episode! Follow us on Social media INSTAGRAM: letsgetbiblicalwkd X: comediankdBy Kelly Doane
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In this faith break we discuss basic principles and getting back to basics to get us THROUGH.... "IT"! 1 PETER 3:8By Kelly Doane
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Special: TD Jakes and The Fall of the church?
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20:01In this episode, we talk about all of the craziness going on in the world from what is happened to rap, mobile Sean P. Diddy combs. And now the recent allegations against pastoral leaders, such as TD Jakes, Steven Furtick, Craig Groeschel, and others. Where does this leave us as believers and non-believers if we see these large men of God start to …
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Do you lack hope? What should we do the believer and non believer.By Kelly Doane
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We discuss the horriable incident in GA this moring. 4 Dead in school shooting as the numbers climb in US for school shootings since Columbine. WHAT DO WE DO? WHO CAN HELP? Well we start with its a battle for your KIDS SOULS... and we want revival... NOW! Come Join Us!By Kelly Doane
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We all need REST. not all get it. Family, stress and LIFE get in way at times... how do we cope?By Kelly Doane
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Part 4 of Kds testimony.... he delivers what kept him from knowing God!By Kelly Doane
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I. This episode do you… think you know where your headed in life? Got it all figured out? Of coarse you don’t … none due. I. This episode we talk about how sometimes we think we know where we’re headed but when we’re stopped abruptly, what do we do.By Kelly Doane
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In this Epsiode KD continues to dig into his past with you. Teen years are a struggle and we as adults forget... the small medium and large damage the way we were treaded effected us!By Kelly Doane
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In this episode, KD gets the question asked I don’t see God moving in 2024 is he truly moving? We reveal some quick signs in this faith break on how God is moving and how he’ll move in your life if you let them.By Kelly Doane
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The whole month of August is dedicated to KDs Testimony! Its his Bday month and he wants to give ou the gift of testimony. A former radio dj,comedian and actor using his talents now for God! A story of hurt, pain, romance, glory and victory! You dont want to miss this month on Lets get biblica w KD! Check out LETS GET BIBLICAL WITH KD on DISCORD!…
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In this day and age with so much going on, it’s easy for us to worry. So how do we handle the aspects of worrying find out in this faith break and let’s get biblical with KDBy Kelly Doane
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we have our first music spotlight series on the show. Artist Zach Williams share music with us. Along with some good words from the Lord spoken through KD!By Kelly Doane
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We talk about training up our children and how parents today may have missed the boat on this... but its never too late! Find out this and more on this episode!By Kelly Doane
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Faith Break: I fell in a rabbit hole… again!
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16:01This is somewhat of a part two to this continuation of garbage and garbage out in your life. KD shares testimony on how he slipped back into a subject that was quite dark and the effects it had on him. All this and more on this faith, Break edition of let’s get biblical with KD .By Kelly Doane
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We talk about the recent alligations of Sean Diddy Combs and the evil in this world. We wrap around prayer and more in this episode!By Kelly Doane
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The world as we know, it is getting crazier and crazier by the day. From allegations to superstars doing evil things to other people to governments invading land that aren’t their own. The list goes on and on. In this episode, how do you handle the negativity and the rabbit holes we go down? all that on today’s episode…
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In this episode, we get biblical as always! And we asked the question are you a believer in the middle of your walk and you feel that you’re at the end of the bench not being used? Well, you’re being used find out how in this episode, we will talk about how you can be a part of the coolest club in the world! All that and Moore on this fun filled ep…
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In this episode, we talk about some of the stars that are coming out and speaking about the light of God in the entertainment business. We also talk about why would you hide that light from your children? And who is really raising our children today? We talk about this and more on this addition of let’s get biblical with KD.…
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In this episdoe we talk about JOY... how to obtain it...hold it.. and give it back! I also share an amazing story about a homeless man.. not beging, but SINGING on the corner to me! All that and more in this episode. KEY VERSES for this episode: Philippians 4:4 Romans 12:12By Kelly Doane
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