show episodes

Village Pres Sermons

Village Presbyterian Church

Join us for worship in person Sundays at 9 & 11 a.m. or 5 p.m. at our Mission Campus in Prairie Village or at 9:30 a.m. at our Antioch Campus in Overland Park. Worship with us live online at
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From KYW Newsradio 103.9 FM in Philadelphia, Bridging Philly connects our communities to the issues that matter to you. Host Racquel Williams examines the most critical issues facing underserved communities in the Philadelphia region, with insight from experts and regular people making a difference. And KYW reporter Shara Dae Howard explores Philadelphia's hidden gems on Shara in the City. Produced by Sabrina Boyd-Surka. Presented by Gift of Life Donor Program.
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The Fountain Of Youth Med Spa

The Fountain Of Youth Med Spa

Unleash your true potential with The Fountain of Youth's Medical spa with facials, Hydrafacials, eyelash extensions, body contouring, laser hair removal, injectables, feminine rejuvenation, and much more. We cater to Greenwood Village and surrounding Denver cities, including Denver Tech Center, Littleton, Englewood, and Centennial. Because life is too short to not look exactly how you feel.
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Sponsored by Hakka Affairs Council, ICRT's "We Love Hakka" program is a window into the fascinating language, food, art and culture of the Hakka. Hakka make up more than 10% of Taiwan's population and boast a proud heritage dating back hundreds of years. The Hakka language and culture has significantly influenced Taiwanese society, so tune in ICRT to explore and learn with "We Love Hakka!" Monday through Friday program is aired 5 times a day during the 7AM, 12PM, 3PM, 5PM and 10PM hours. -- ...
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Not In Isolation: Voices of Youth

Not in Isolation: Voices of Youth

Not in Isolation: Voices of Youth elevates the voices of young people directly impacted by incarceration and solitary confinement, as co-creators, co-hosts and guests. Not in Isolation examines how our history and our legal systems combine to harm youth, with shocking disparities for youth of color and LGBTQI youth. We’ll look at how the punishment paradigm in these systems tears at the fabric of our families and communities. Join hosts Ronnie Villeda and Swey Pineda for in-depth dialogues f ...
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More than 40,000 children and youth experience homelessness in Pennsylvania, posing a significant barrier to succeed in school. In partnership with Pennsylvania Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness (ECYEH), join Center for Schools and Communities staff Melissa Turnpaugh and Matthew Butensky as they interview state and national experts, homeless liaisons, service providers, and those experiencing homelessness. These conversations will dive deeper into resources, partners ...
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Welcome to Macon Atlanta - where we interview inspiring Atlantans about big questions, bold ideas, and better living. Join host Brent Macon as he delves into thought-provoking discussions on professional purpose, wellness, and community. Together, we'll learn, discover, and grow.
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Welcome to "Opening Dharma Access," a podcast where we hear stories from BIPOC teachers & practitioners about their Dharma experiences and practice, and how those inform the ways they are sharing & practicing the Dharma today. Season 3 description: Hosted by Rev. Liên & Rev. Dana Takagi This season, we will have a new focus: Uplifting and Forwarding Asian American/Asian Diasporic Buddhist Experiences in the West. With our guests and audience, we will explore the specificities of Asian Americ ...
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The Reconstructed Man

The Reconstructed Man Podcast

A filmed podcast exploring Trans issues—and more—from a Trans Masculine perspective, hosted by Layne Ingram. Through real, emotional, and hilarious conversations, Layne shares personal stories, interviews guests and dives deep into the often missed, often purposefully ignored stories of the Transgender and Trans adjacent community. Everyone is welcome —Trans, Cis and everyone in between—who is interested in important conversations around our ever-evolving and fascinating world of gender iden ...
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show series
Estimates say that over 300,000 women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2024. The good news is that mortality rates have dropped, and we’ve made tremendous progress on detection and treatment. During Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we’re featuring a special series of conversations about breast cancer - the journey through it and th…
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📧 Subscribe to our newsletter for weekly insights on better living in Atlanta and discover more ways of mindful living, delivered straight to your inbox: 📖 Read more about this episode on: [] 🎧 Watch the full episode on YouTube: ⭐ Featured Guest: Soumaya Khalifa …
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Dr. Paula Arai talks with Dana about being brought up by her Japanese mother, and how she realized the way that she embodied Buddhism in her body and mind not through intellectual study or what Westerners view as formal practice, but through the simple actions and embodied guidance of her mother. PAULA ARAI (she/her) (Ph.D., Buddhist Studies, Harva…
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為了推廣公平貿易咖啡並促進市場活絡,國際咖啡組織(International Coffee Organization)聯合全球各地的咖啡協會,於2014年決定每年10月1日舉辦世界咖啡日。這一天,全球咖啡愛好者、企業、餐廳和門市會像過節一樣,提供免費咖啡或優惠折扣,感謝大家的支持。 今年臺灣咖啡節10月26日在雲林古坑舉辦,大家可能會好奇,真的有「Made in Taiwan」的咖啡嗎?其實,臺灣咖啡歷史已超過百年;從1884年英國商人引進咖啡樹苗開始,到日據時代的大規模種植,臺灣還曾一度是東亞最大的咖啡豆產地,而這其中一個重要的推手,就是我們的「客家人」。 根據農糧署的調查,臺灣生產咖啡的前十大縣市中,有超過一半位於客家聚落,例如南投縣國姓鄉、雲林縣古坑鄉、嘉義市紅毛埤、嘉義縣梅山鄉、臺南…
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「後生文學獎」中的「後生」是客家話年輕、年輕人的意思,顧名思義是主辦單位專門為年輕人設立的文學獎。因為在2015年第一屆「後生文學獎」舉辦之前,各官方單位已舉辦多年的客家文學獎,得獎者都是熟捻客庄人文歷史及客語漢字書寫,年輕人較少有客庄生活經驗且不熟悉客語漢字書寫,很難與經驗豐富的前輩競爭。因此臺北市政府客家事務委員會舉辦第一屆的「後生文學獎」,明確定義參賽者年齡須在40歲以下,此點正好符合客家人對「後生」的定義。 「2024後生文學獎」正好邁入第10年,徵文主題以「十年.拾光」為主軸,書寫內容為客家故事、議題與文化特性。已經在9月30日截止收件。徵選類別有1.短篇小說:主要以華語書寫,內容、題材不限,惟須含客家元素與意象。2.散文:以華語書寫,以實地尋訪或跨世代訪談方式搜集題材方式為佳,須…
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在幸福台九線尋找客家聚落,沿著縱谷地帶由北到南依序是花蓮市、吉安鄉、壽豐鄉,再次是農牧產興盛的鳳林鎮、光復鄉、瑞穗鄉,最後落在玉里鎮、富里鄉。在花蓮每三個人中就有一個是客家人,客家人口比率為全臺第四名,因此花蓮不難找到客家美食。 花蓮鳳林、玉里都有賣炸到香酥的臭豆腐,店家均有其特製的醬料及泡菜。富里鄉羅山村有用泥火山滷水製成的豆腐,口感綿密紮實清香,是羅山必嘗鮮的小吃。「校長的故鄉」鳳林鎮除了獲得國際慢城認證外,「鳳林三寶」值得順便品嘗,三寶即臭豆腐、檸檬汁、豬腳。每年5月至6月皆會舉辦鳳林西瓜節,微帶沙沙口感的鳳林西瓜,曾被選為國宴中的餐後水果,有「總統瓜」的美名。每年7月的鳳林花生節是以剝花生及臉夾花生等趣味活動,讓民眾體驗樂活的農耕生活。花蓮光復有煎到兩面酥香的手工花生糕。每年3月至4…
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創作歌手王鍾惟來自新竹新埔,最近發行了全新單曲《跈等自家走》,靈感來自他個人的回憶,用海陸客語和英語來唱,歌曲呈現從前那個在房間聽著音樂、熱愛籃球的男孩,滿懷力量和單純的熱情,這也正是他覺得最珍貴的東西 ! Singer-songwriter Vuize, hailing from Xinpu in Hsinchu, recently released a new single titled "Follow My Trace." The song draws inspiration from his personal memories and is sung in Hailu Hakka and English. It paints a vivid picture of a boy who …
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黃鎮炘,來自台中石岡客家山城,用大埔腔唱相思豆,這首歌收錄在「轉轉轉」專輯,他以人生的歷練切入,從客家山城的日常生活中,看見大時代的變遷,探討農民的辛酸、環保議題、異國戀情,體會到不管路有多遠、地有多大,遇到困難沒關係,山不轉路轉,不怕困難勇敢去面對,無論結果如何,至少努力過,就值得為自己喝采。 Huang Zhen-xin黃鎮炘who comes from a Hakka mountain town in Taichung, sings about red beans of love in the Hakka Dapu dialect. This song is part of his album Turn Your Life Around. Drawing from his life e…
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火焰蟲,來自屏東六堆的客語電音樂團,2022年獲得客語新曲獎第2名,除了創作表演外,也在講客電台擔任主持人,分享音樂大小事。2023年發表了 “阿婆的老伙房”這首歌,藉由EDM輕快的曲風,搭配客家音調旋律,傳遞小時候與阿婆一起在伙房的點點滴滴。 FlameBug, an electronic Hakka music band from Liudui, Pingtung, made waves in 2022 by winning second place in the Hakka Melody Award. Besides creating and performing music, they also host a Hakka radio show, where they share al…
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In Matthew’s gospel, the last charge of Jesus Christ to his disciples was to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…” (Matthew 28:19). This has always been the task of the church—to share the good news of Jesus Christ with all peoples and to invite them into a loving relationship with him and with his body, the church. In this sermon serie…
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Committee of Seventy provides essential voter information, not just on how to vote, but on what happens to your ballot after it’s submitted. How can you be sure your ballot is counted? Who is at polling places assuring security and safety? Host Raquel Williams speaks with C70’s CEO, Lauren Cristella, about their work for a fair and transparent elec…
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Every year, KYW Newsradio and Bridging Philly present an hour-long special during Suicide Prevention Month to break down the stigma surrounding mental health. Suicide is the 11th leading cause of death in the US, but there is help. Host Racquel Williams and our team of reporters and anchors talk with experts about some of the biggest mental health …
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📧 Subscribe to our newsletter for weekly insights on better living in Atlanta and discover more ways of mindful living, delivered straight to your inbox: 📖 Read more about this episode on: 🎧 Watch the full episode on YouTube:…
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In Matthew’s gospel, the last charge of Jesus Christ to his disciples was to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…” (Matthew 28:19). This has always been the task of the church—to share the good news of Jesus Christ with all peoples and to invite them into a loving relationship with him and with his body, the church. In this sermon serie…
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PECO does more than just keep your lights on - they’re marking 20 years of their Green Region Open Space Program, which has provided over $2.5 million in grants to preserve, protect, and expand green spaces throughout southeastern Pennsylvania. Spaces like gardens and parks are vital for our physical and mental health, but they can be hard to find …
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📧 Subscribe to our newsletter for weekly insights on better living in Atlanta and discover more ways of mindful living, delivered straight to your inbox: 📖 Read more about this episode on: 🎧 Watch the full episode on…
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Rev. Liên Shutt and Bo Hee Moon continue their conversation on Asian American diasporic identity, and Bo Hee reads the finished version of her poem "Meeting with my Asian Sangha Tonight." Read the poem here! Guest: BO HEE MOON was adopted at three-months-old from South Korea. Her poems have appeared in AGNI, Poetry, swamp pink, and others. Omma, Se…
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In Matthew’s gospel, the last charge of Jesus Christ to his disciples was to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…” (Matthew 28:19). This has always been the task of the church—to share the good news of Jesus Christ with all peoples and to invite them into a loving relationship with him and with his body, the church. In this sermon serie…
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Only 1 in 3 fourth graders in Pennsylvania is reading proficiently - a statistic that Teach Plus hopes to change. The organization works to improve student outcomes by empowering teachers to advocate for policy change, as well as helping to recruit a diverse teacher workforce. Laura Boyce, Teach Plus Pennsylvania’s Executive Director, joins host Ra…
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In Matthew’s gospel, the last charge of Jesus Christ to his disciples was to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…” (Matthew 28:19). This has always been the task of the church—to share the good news of Jesus Christ with all peoples and to invite them into a loving relationship with him and with his body, the church. In this sermon serie…
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Domestic abusers want to have control over their victims, and often, that involves knowing where they are at all times. Tracking devices have made that easier, and devices that look like a phone charger or a child’s toy are readily available. Amanda L. Murray, Center for Hope & Safety's Domestic Violence Liaison to New Jersey’s Division of Child Pr…
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📧 Subscribe to our newsletter for weekly insights on better living in Atlanta and discover more ways of mindful living, delivered straight to your inbox:📖 Read more about this episode on: 🎧 Watch the full episode on YouT…
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Listen in to hear how Bo Hee Moon was inspired by practice in the 3-month course "Lotus Rising from Mud: A Path for Anti-Asian American Restoration. Guest: BO HEE MOON was adopted at three-months-old from South Korea. Her poems have appeared in AGNI, Poetry, swamp pink, and others. Omma, Sea of Joy and Other Astrological Signs, published by Tinderb…
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Rev. Zach Walker concludes the preaching series "Seeing God" with his sermon "Come and See." We live in a world where we can see and learn so much through media. Far flung parts of the world are visible to us. News of struggles and problems that were once trapped now receive a global audience. But what can we do in light of this knowledge? Sometime…
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趙倩筠,來自臺中東勢,是以大埔腔創作歌曲的音樂人,2013年曾發行首張客語創作專輯,2022年她再次推出新歌《頭擺个火車頭》,並回到家鄉拍攝MV,帶領聽眾穿越時光隧道,想像騎著單車遊覽東豐綠色走廊、石岡水壩等東勢景點。每一幕都有著童年滿滿的回憶,也表達了她對家鄉東勢的深刻思念。 Zhao Qianyun (趙倩筠), hailing from Dongshi District in Taichung, is a musician who creates songs in the Dapu Hakka dialect. In 2013, she released her first Hakka-language album, and in 2022, she introduced her ne…
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在台灣,客家戲曲主要分為兩大類:「三腳採茶戲」和「客家大戲」。客家戲曲的劇目涵蓋傳統神話故事到現實社會劇,展現了客家人勤勞、堅韌和智慧的品格。它不僅是一種表演藝術,也反映了日常生活的縮影,使觀眾能夠了解客家文化的歷史與現代面貌。 In Taiwan, Hakka opera is divided into two main categories: "Hakka Tea-picking Trio Opera" and "Grand Hakka Opera." The performances range from traditional mythological stories to contemporary social dramas, highlighting the hardworkin…
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臺灣客語分為五種腔調,其中詔安腔主要分布在雲林縣,當地知名的詔安布袋戲團,團長善於使用閩南語和詔安客語來演出布袋戲。這個布袋戲團去年更獲頒客家貢獻獎傑出成就獎。除了布袋戲團,雲林詔安客家文化節將於9月14號登場,將透過多元豐富的節慶活動來展現獨特的詔安客家文化。 Taiwan has five main Hakka dialects, with the Zhaoan dialect primarily spoken in Yunlin County. A renowned Zhaoan Puppet Theater Troupe in this region is led by a director who excels at performing puppet shows in both …
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彭柏邑,臺灣客家男歌手、詞曲創作者、音樂製作人,入圍多次金曲獎。自學嘻哈創作及編曲,擅長EDM電子舞曲,並將多元風格融入客家歌曲中。在「記得」這首歌中,客語的唱腔自然又輕鬆地融入濃厚的西岸West Coast風格,像是在夏日海邊開車兜風。 Boiii P is a Taiwanese Hakka singer, songwriter, and music producer who has been nominated multiple times for the Golden Melody Awards. He is a self-taught hip-hop creator and arranger, specializing in EDM (electronic dance music)…
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日本每年6到10月的夏季期間,各地都會舉辦各式祭典活動,因此日文中有「夏祭」這個詞,用來描述全國各地夏天舉辦的民俗活動。日本的夏日祭典大多起源於盂蘭盆節和七夕,自古以來便認為祖先的靈魂會在7月和8月的盂蘭盆節期間回來,並且會舉辦各種活動來款待祂們。 說到靈魂,不得不提到最近Z世代的人常用XX魂來描述在某個領域中備受矚目和尊敬的人物。比如在音樂領域,我們常聽到「搖滾魂」或「電音魂」,這些詞語讓靈魂不再讓人感到恐怖,而成為了一種生活態度。對於萬事萬物都充滿敬意的日本人,自然也不會讓這些「魂魄」失望。因此,每年8月與9月,全國各地會舉辦一些音樂祭典,比如給「J-POP日本流行音樂魂」的ROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVAL、在富士山滑雪場舉辦的富士搖滾音樂節,還有發源於美國、同時也是日本最大…
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王喬尹,創作歌手,擅長輕快曲風,曾參加過幾個知名的電視音樂比賽。2024年4月推出全新客語專輯《還記得》,與擅長文化融合的「留聲樂團」合作,以長期受阿茲海默症與中風之苦的阿婆視角為出發點,呈現出阿婆極力地想抓住最後那份記憶的堅持與渴望。 Joyin, a singer-songwriter known for her upbeat musical style, has taken part in several popular TV music competitions. In April 2024, she released a new Hakka album titled “Huan Ji De” (Still Remember.) Collaborating with留聲樂團Reson…
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The transition to college can be tough for both students and parents. Whether it’s your first time moving a kid into a dorm or you find yourself with an empty nest after all your kids are out of the house, life is suddenly different. Racquel Williams hosts a panel of moms and advisors to learn how to parent differently at this stage of life, avoid …
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📧 Subscribe to our newsletter for weekly insights on better living in Atlanta and discover more ways of mindful living, delivered straight to your inbox:📖 Read more about this episode on:🎧 Watch the full episode on YouTube:…
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In partnership with Move Forward Counseling and eLuma, The Bridge Project in PA facilitates FREE access to mental health services for PA children and youth experiencing homelessness. Learn the benefits of teletherapy; how schools, students, and families access services; how the program is addressing technological challenges; and the impact of menta…
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This month we have been looking at where we see God in the movies. God, of course, also shows up in our lives. Today our youth lead us in worship, and we will hear how some of them saw God over the summer – in both expected and unexpected ways. They challenge us to examine our own lives, and to share with others when we have seen God show up. Our s…
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Youth and young adults in Philadelphia can learn about career options and job skills while getting paid through C2L-PHL’s youth work programs, run by JEVS Human Services. Summer and school year job opportunities range from the medical field to government, even working with horses and people with disabilities at Pegasus Therapeutic Riding Academy. R…
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Guest Ryan Lee Wong is author of the novel Which Side Are You On, a finalist for the PEN/Hemingway Award for Debut Novel. He lived for two years at Ancestral Heart Temple and is the Administrative Director of Brooklyn Zen Center. Some of Ryan's publications include: Which Side Are You On, his novel published in 2023. Every Past Life All At Once, a …
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Sam: "By rights we shouldn’t even be here. But we are. It’s like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger, they were. And sometimes you didn’t want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it’s …
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At 55-years-old, Marie-Monique Marthol made a life-changing decision to change careers. She learned carpentry through Rebuild’s Workforce Development Program, where participants learn trade skills while revitalizing Philadelphia’s neighborhoods. Marie-Monique joins host Racquel Williams to talk about her experience. We also hear from Rebuild’s Dire…
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📧 Subscribe to our newsletter for weekly insights on better living in Atlanta and discover more ways of mindful living, delivered straight to your inbox: 📖 Read more about this episode on: 🎧 Watch the full episode on YouTube: …
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"You have forgotten who you are, and so have forgotten me. Look inside yourself, Simba. You are more than what you have become. You must take your place in the circle of life." -- The ghost of Mufasa speaking to his son, Simba, in "The Lion King" Many people draw a clear distinction between the “sacred” and the “secular.” In their worldview, sacred…
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We’ve seen a surge of people facing food insecurity since pandemic relief ended, and the numbers have not gone back down. It’s a particular issue in Philadelphia, where about 22% of people live in poverty - twice the national average. Share Food Program is the city’s leading hunger relief organization. Their executive director, George Matysik, and …
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📧 Subscribe to our newsletter for weekly insights on better living in Atlanta and discover more ways of mindful living, delivered straight to your inbox: 📖 Read more about this episode on: 🎧 Watch the full episode on Yo…
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Guest Ryan Lee Wong is author of the novel Which Side Are You On, a finalist for the PEN/Hemingway Award for Debut Novel. He lived for two years at Ancestral Heart Temple and is the Administrative Director of Brooklyn Zen Center. Some of Ryan's publications include: Which Side Are You On, his novel published in 2023. Every Past Life All At Once, a …
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"But as for Aslan himself, the Beavers and the children didn't know what to do or say when they saw him. People who have not been in Narnia sometimes think that a thing cannot be good and terrible at the same time. If the children had ever thought so, they were cured of it now. For when they tried to look at Aslan's face they just caught a glimpse …
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