
Content provided by Steve J Larsen. All podcast content including episodes, graphics, and podcast descriptions are uploaded and provided directly by Steve J Larsen or their podcast platform partner. If you believe someone is using your copyrighted work without your permission, you can follow the process outlined here
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SFR 230: Designing A Launch Campaign...


Manage episode 230546161 series 1257885
Content provided by Steve J Larsen. All podcast content including episodes, graphics, and podcast descriptions are uploaded and provided directly by Steve J Larsen or their podcast platform partner. If you believe someone is using your copyrighted work without your permission, you can follow the process outlined here

If people are learning about your product for the first time on the day it launches, it's a massive blow to your sales..

Launch campaigns are starting to die.

There are a few books out there that’ll teach you how to launch something, but proper campaigns are kinda becoming a thing of the past... :-(

I was talking with Russell about six months ago, I said, “Dude, I feel like the term campaign is starting to die. People are forgetting what it is. They're forgetting the fact that a campaign is NOT setting up a Facebook ad.”

  • When you set up an ad Facebook calls it a campaign...
  • If you set up a YouTube ad they call it a campaign...

But you have to think back to before any social media platforms existed…

  • How did these old-school guys create noise?
  • How did they launch and bring a product to the marketplace?
  • How did they do that without social media and without the Internet?

A: They Created A Campaign.

An ad can be part of a campaign, but it's NOT the campaign as a whole.

A campaign is NOT freakin’ Facebook ads. Facebook and Google and YouTube are destroying the term campaign.

Old school campaigners and direct response marketers, when social media wasn't around, those were campaigns.

Ads are part of the campaign, but it's NOT the campaign itself!!! (Urrg… Another riff there.)

So I want to show you how I design and structure a Launch Campaign in away that’s far more methodical than I think most people realize.

There's a pattern I use whether I have a week or six months to launch…

I am a pattern seeker.

So I wanna teach you the pattern with an actual launch I did recently.

A lot of times, I've found is when someone's product doesn't sell well it's NOT because the funnel wasn't good or the sales message wasn't good or the offer wasn't good.

Sometimes they just didn't accurately create pressure ahead of the launch.

So I want to show YOU how to create that pressure. It's pretty valuable stuff!


I've coached a lot of people and helped them design their:

  • Messaging
  • Positioning
  • Offer
  • Funnel

… and here's what happens.

They build the funnel, and then they push the launch button, (even though there's no launch button in ClickFunnels), they press launch... and literally, nothing happens…

NOBODY sees it because there’s NO PRESSURE created.

So I wanna teach you how to create pressure ahead of time... A LOT of pressure.

You have to understand that a marketer is an event thrower. We build pressure to events whether they’re virtual or not.

There are multiple campaign styles:

  • Launch campaigns
  • Evergreen campaigns.

Sadly, most people sidestep Launch campaigns and go straight to evergreen.

What they'll do is:

  1. Turn on the funnel
  2. Start driving ads

I'm not saying it's wrong, but…

There's a lot of cash that you're leaving on table when you go straight to ads. If that's the first time someone's heard about your product, that's a problem.

That should NOT be the case, EVER!

It's just like Hollywood…


If the first time you heard about a movie was on the day that Hollywood released it, they wouldn't make much money...

Literally, the entire business model of Hollywood is to build insane pressure... lots and lots and lots of pressure for a specific time and date so that people talk about it and mark that date on their calendar.

… and it's because of this whole thing about anticipation.

Russell (and a lot of other people) have always said that Scarcity and urgency are some of your biggest tools as a marketer, but there's another one…

Scarcity and urgency are your biggest tools of a marketer post-launch, but pre-launch, (or before receiving whatever you purchased), your biggest tool as a marketer is anticipation.

So how can you structure and build anticipation to create emotion so that people start telling their friends, and it's so talkable that they literally put the date on their calendar???

I swear if you do this, the chances are that you’d make MORE money.

You ready for this, my friend?


What I do, (and my strategy behind it), is this:

  • I build a launch campaign for whatever I'm putting out there.
  • I launch the campaign
  • The day of the launch, all this cash comes in.
  • I take all that cash and I dump it into my evergreen campaigns.

In my brain they're separate; they're very different roles, but they're both equally important.

Evergreen campaigns are gonna include things like:

  • Facebook ads
  • Doing podcast interviews
  • Getting on influencer's shows

Those are things that are evergreen and that will stay there forever. They just continually drip traffic to whatever I launch.

The actual launch campaign though, that's a VERY different beast.

A launch campaign is about making people feel like an event is coming up. It's about building that anticipation.

The scarcity and urgency of the event is the fact that it comes only once... and then, it's gone.

The launch that I’m gonna share with you know, (no one freak out), is for a product that you probably aren't even interested in... and I understood that when I decided to share it.

I wanna teach you how to structure a launch campaign... and that doesn’t change depending on the product.

True marketing comes down to beliefs changing.

So check this out…


I’ve been working with the CEO of Pruvit, (as well as some of their top people), to create something for their specific MLM.

I want you to see how I've been creating the launch campaign for the product.

All marketing, whether I'm creating a message or a launch campaign, I start the exact same way.

I write down the WHAT and the WHO:

  1. I'm selling Wealth
  2. I'm selling to the MLM space
  3. It’s specifically for Pruvit

… so I'm thinking through who the dream customer is?

If you've watched OfferMind at all, (OfferMind's coming up, September 2nd-3rd)... OfferMind is the funnel we're building right now, so that'll be COMING SOON!

Q: What did I just do there?

A: I just built a little anticipation for our future launch campaign that you don't know about yet… ;-) BOOM!


In OfferMind, I talk about how:

It's easiest to sell people who are already consuming a similar thing to what you're selling.

If you're like, “That doesn't make sense Stephen because I'm trying to make a blue ocean…?”

My answer is, “Yeah, but NOT always a ‘blue product’, right? That's very different.”

So here’s how I do it…

I walk through and write down some of the characteristics of that red ocean consumer. who'd be the easiest person to sell to?

If I'm selling to somebody in the MLM space, I'm going to sell somebody who's already:

  1. In MLM - (#Pruvit)
  2. Using funnels. (I don't want somebody who's brand freaking new. Are you kidding? I’d have to sell them on the concept of funnels too. That's a harder customer)
  3. Knows how to drive traffic
  4. Publishing

So you go through and you figure out how to talk to people who are buying things that are already similar to what you're selling.

Your offer is different, but your products people are buying similar.

That’s a MASSIVE hack to the game.


I start by writing down the offer, (it’s basically done) and we could just launch and start telling people about it, but…

That would be a mistake.

I can NOT turn around and just start dropping this thing out to people.

People are like, “What? Why not? Start telling people, man! Get traffic.”


  • I need to keep the waiting list page up
  • I need to build pressure
  • I need to create an event

… and I'm going to share with you, how... and why I do that... And the easiest way to make this happen.


Now that I understand more of who I'm going to be speaking to and the offer I'm leading to…

I start thinking through hooks.

I’ve got the major marketing piece down; I’m very clear on the who at this point... and what needs to have happened already for someone to be considered a prospective customer.

At this point, the next thing is to start writing down all the audience lists that I have that might be interested in what I'm launching.

We have people who are:

  • On the MLM side
  • Listening to my MLM podcast
  • Specifically asking for the offer I've created
  • Sales Funnel Radio and who wanna know how to do an onboarding case study or a launch campaign.
  • The Science of Selling Online group

So zooming back here, I think through all the audiences that I have that I could go and talk to about this and I give everyone a number to identify them.

So if I have 7 audiences I’ll give them a no. from 1 - 7, (I’ll show you why in a minute).


My message changes for each group of people.

The major mistake people make with launch campaigns is that they create ONE message and they send it to everybody.

...but this is specifically for Pruvit, and you may not be interested in that?

So the question is:

How can I repurpose what I’m doing and add value to *THIS* audience, aka Sales Funnel Radio?


I could teach you about launch campaigns.

...which is exactly what I'm doing ;-)

Check this out:

Sales Funnel Radio = there'll be an episode called Launch Campaigns... (you guys are reading it right now.) WHAT? Oh my Lanta! #repurposing ;-)

So I think through ALL the different hooks that each of these has.

  • Secret MLM Hacks podcast = “Hey, you guys want to be a fly on the wall? There's no pressure.”
  • Sales Funnel Radio = I'm going to tell you guys about my onboarding case study and launch.

The squares are for the podcast episodes that I'll drop.

For example:

This one’s for Sales Funnel Radio so you can learn how I structure a launch campaign.

… so think through:

  1. Who you're talking to... (you should already have that figured out)
  2. What’s the offer you're building
  3. All the audiences that you have reach with

Next, you need to identify the:

  • The Hook
  • The Intro
  • The beginning message

... that would be interesting to each audience.

  • One audience might just want to be a fly on the wall, but it still lets me put the offer in front of them. What do you think happens when that happens? I sell more.

  • Some audiences are specifically asking for this offer, so I'm just going to tell them about it... (and I'll tell you how I'm doing that).
  • The Science of Selling Online might be interested in hearing about this with the hook: “Hey, check out this onboarding case study!”?
  • The Affiliate Outrage Group are very similar to the MLM group, so I'm going to tell them: “This is how you make your own training program. I'm gonna teach what I did and how it's structured the whole course.”
  • The One Funnel Away people might be interested in this because a lot of them are in the MLM space and they always just go nuts on my door asking me: “Does this work for MLM?”
  • People who are on who are already on the waiting list.

Does that make sense? (I’m trial closing you? ;-) )

I'm thinking through:

  • Who it was made for
  • All the audiences I have reach with
  • The hook that would be interesting to them


Now there are two other things I want to share with you real quick about how I actually structured the launch itself.

Okay, so now I know who I'm talking to. I know about the hooks and the themes I'm going to talk about…

A campaign is just a vehicle to deliver a message


  • What's the actual campaign?
  • What's the Vehicle?
  • What's the Message?

So check this out:

*THIS* is how I launched my first product when I left ClickFunnels…

I wrote the days of the week on my whiteboard, and then drew out weeks horizontally...

I think through the ways I could reach out to all of these people?

For example:

  • Facebook live into groups
  • Facebook messenger
  • Slybroadcast texts
  • Email

Next, I identify what group I’ll talk to on which day?

Monday = Facebook live to the Science of Selling group.

To find out what I'm gonna do on each day, I just look at my chart…

That way takes all the thinking out of it and I can just focus on the message.

I know what I'm supposed to be doing every single day for the launch.

A lot of reasons why people don't make a lot of money with their funnels is because they don't actually structure a campaign.

They just finish the funnel and then they just start kind of telling people about it... but there's NO PRESSURE behind it, so it dies. They got nothing!

So look at this…

I'm gonna drop out an email for number one, two and six.

Q: What am I doing?

A: Building pressure and anticipation.

I know that I'm launching on Friday; so what I'm going to do on the first four days is pressure, pressure, pressure, pressure, pressure.


Q: What are all of the messages going to be inside of this?

  1. Vehicle
  2. Internal
  3. External
  4. Launch

... that's it!

I can check to see what's going out each today.

You have to understand that there's a vehicle, internal and external false belief related individually to each one of those groups.

Now, while some people are in multiple groups, collectively the belief of each group is different.

So I need to understand the vehicle, internal, external false belief as fast as possible.

So when I write an email, I'm NOT talking to each audience in the same way…

You see what I'm saying?

For Example:

I know you're probably not in an MLM, so I'm NOT here to pitch you. I'm here telling you what I'm doing so you can structure the exact same campaign.

But when I talk to some other groups, I will be pitching. I want them to go to my offer.

However, I can still repurpose my content and talk to a whole bunch of other people to make noise.

I'm in the business of making noise. So a campaign is the vehicle that delivers the message.

Most people don't do this... and their campaigns SUCK.

They’ve got:

  • Good products
  • Good funnels
  • Good offers

… they're just terrible at launching them, and they get no money.

So they go straight to:

  • Evergreen campaigns
  • Facebook ads

... stuff like that.

There's no feeling of: “I can't wait for it to come out. Take my credit card!”

...and that's what I wanna create.

MY CAMPAIGNS Here's the campaign structure itself for the Science of Selling Online Group:

  • Monday = Facebook live
  • Wednesday = an email with a lot of internal hangups stuff

  • Friday = an email so you can watch and follow what I'm doing.

The number twos are the people this product was specifically built for, so I'm gonna drop an email to them just announcing the fact that we've got it ready for them.

Then we have more emails covering:

  • Vehicle
  • Internal
  • External
  • Launch
  • Another 2x email

But then, we're going to drop out a text message because I have phone numbers for almost all of them; so I'm gonna drop out a broadcast text message.

The text will be something like, “Hey, on a Friday I emailed and sent you a voicemail as well. I just want you to know that it's available. The thing that you've been wanting all along is here.”

So the modalities interact with each other. Does that make sense?

I own real estate and for a while (like two, two and a half years ago), I thought I was going to go and do more stuff on the real estate space…

The way I did it was like, “Hey, put your home address in here and I will send you a quote for how much you could probably sell your house for.” they put in their:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone number

… they opted in.

15 minutes later I automated a text message to them which said:

“Hey, let me look this up real quick and I can give you a call.”

Then about 30 minutes later, I automated a Slybroadcast that said:

“Hey, I texted you saying I’d call. This is me calling. I just want you to know we got some cool information for you, just make sure you call us. Go check your email because I'm gonna email you something.”

An hour after that, I automated a pdf that was kind of applicable to anybody.

Every single message was, “Call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me…” 'Cause I know if they called me it's worth waaay more than me calling them.

I'm parsing out all the easy people to grab.

Each one of these things in the campaign interacts with each other!

If you’re thinking, “Steven, and this is deep!” Yeah, no Duh! I love what I do, okay?


Maybe people don't like checking email. I hate checking email. People are like, “I emailed you months ago.” I'm like, “Sweet, I definitely didn't see it.”

“Steve, I Facebook messaged you months ago.” “Sweet, I KNOW I didn't see that!”

Not everyone wants to consume their communication in the same way... but I'm definitely going to:

  • Point them to it
  • Make it interact
  • Connect with story

The launch campaign is as important as the evergreen campaign

It's one of the major reasons (besides affiliate marketing) why I've NEVER had to spend a dollar of my own on my own business.


  • I structure a launch campaign
  • Put all this pressure on
  • Release it to the people I was building pressure for
  • I take that cash and go dump it back into evergreen style campaigns #ads

...and so it builds off itself like crazy!

In my high-ticket group called OfferLab, this is the kind of stuff we do.

We structure the:

  • Sales message
  • Offer
  • Funnel

.... but then, the next piece is the launch campaign.

How do you get a butt ton of money so you can go dump it straight back into ads, and now everything is pure profit?

You put a dollar in... but it wasn't even your dollar anyways! It came from the launch campaign…

Do you see what I'm saying?

Here’s *A SHAMELESS PLUG*, go to if you want to see more.

Hopefully, you can see that this is ONE of the reasons why my stuff has done so well.

I feel like people just don't understand the launch campaign.


When Russell puts things out, he builds pressure and soft drops.

That's why he creates so many open loops when he's speaking:

  • Just wait…
  • It's coming…

  • Oh, my gosh… here it comes...

He’s creating anticipation and pressure and that really annoys some people, but whatever...

Each day, I go in look at my checklist to see what part of the campaign I’m focusing on next:

  • I've done that, so I'll go do a Facebook live in the next group.
  • I'm gonna drop out an email to that audience, that audience, and that audience.
  • Where am I in the campaign for that audience?
  • Where am I in the campaign on Thursday for that specific audience?
  • Here’s the theme I’m using.
  • I know the specific day it's launching so I say: “Make sure you're on the waiting list!”

….I'm building pressure, pressure, pressure, pressure, pressure.

Call to action, call to action...

Waiting list waiting list, waiting list, waiting list.

...and then all of a sudden, BOOM! The product is launched like crazy.


One of the BIGGEST mistakes people make when they create a launch campaign is they don’t have a way to create A LOT of momentum and pressure.

So how else can I leverage the fact that noise is naturally going to expand further than my own reach?

Check this out:

One of the things that we're doing, (and I've done this on Affiliate Outrage).

After people opt into the member's area, you’ll see a message: “Hey, if you want this other cool thing for FREE, this is how you get it…”

It's part of the members' area, and they can click enter and unlock it after they've shared on social media.

That's me hyper-leveraging what's going on.

I'm taking something that I know is highly attractive to them; very, very sexy, and entering it inside of a sharing contest.

If they share with two or three people, this extremely, extremely attractive, sexy thing unlocks.

The list I’m using will hit probably almost 30,000 people this launch, but then I can probably expect a 25 to 40 percent referral traffic share rate... which means I should get like another 5,000 - 6,000 people that are NOT on my list.

I'm going to ask everyone to share on social media and reward them for it.

It's NOT just what am I selling, it's NOT just how am I selling (sales scripts, sales message, funnel wise), it’s what’s the campaign that launches my funnel?

A funnel is NOT a launch.

  1. What are the mechanisms you’re using to create noise?
  2. What are you doing to create pressure and momentum?

I actually bought and I'm going to do an offer summit…


...’cause it's going to create tons of noise explicitly around the back of the OfferMind event. It will ride on the back of OfferMind.

So many people are like, “It's hard to fill events.” It is hard, but if I structure all the campaigns ahead of time, it's actually NOT that crazy!

Until Next Time: Get Rich, Do Good, Give Back


I know this game can take a few tries to get the money flowing, especially the first time, right? And that can suck.

I also know from experience how frustrating it can be to know your business is just a few tweaks away from your next big payday, but you don't know what tweaks to make. I've felt completely paralyzed by that in the past, and it sucks.

I've been blessed to work with thousands of new and successful businesses over the last three years, and two things have really shocked me.

#1: I began noticing the pattern to success is vastly the same, but everyone's spot on the path is obviously different.

#2: I've been shocked and overwhelmed by the number of people asking for my help, my systems, and funnels in their business.

Well, until now I've never had a system or product in my own business to help you build yours. Now, I'm finally able to be public about all this.

If you'd like my help to build your offer or sales message funnel and even your content machine, go to

The path to online and offline success is 80 percent the same regardless of the product, price point or industry, and it works if you're new, or are already a killer in business.

You can get more details on how to get my personal attention and frameworks in your own business by going to

In-person classes are limited to 60 people each, and frankly, I can only do about two of these a year. Get more details, and even jump on the phone with us for free at

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387 episodes


SFR 230: Designing A Launch Campaign...

Sales Funnel Radio

177 subscribers


Manage episode 230546161 series 1257885
Content provided by Steve J Larsen. All podcast content including episodes, graphics, and podcast descriptions are uploaded and provided directly by Steve J Larsen or their podcast platform partner. If you believe someone is using your copyrighted work without your permission, you can follow the process outlined here

If people are learning about your product for the first time on the day it launches, it's a massive blow to your sales..

Launch campaigns are starting to die.

There are a few books out there that’ll teach you how to launch something, but proper campaigns are kinda becoming a thing of the past... :-(

I was talking with Russell about six months ago, I said, “Dude, I feel like the term campaign is starting to die. People are forgetting what it is. They're forgetting the fact that a campaign is NOT setting up a Facebook ad.”

  • When you set up an ad Facebook calls it a campaign...
  • If you set up a YouTube ad they call it a campaign...

But you have to think back to before any social media platforms existed…

  • How did these old-school guys create noise?
  • How did they launch and bring a product to the marketplace?
  • How did they do that without social media and without the Internet?

A: They Created A Campaign.

An ad can be part of a campaign, but it's NOT the campaign as a whole.

A campaign is NOT freakin’ Facebook ads. Facebook and Google and YouTube are destroying the term campaign.

Old school campaigners and direct response marketers, when social media wasn't around, those were campaigns.

Ads are part of the campaign, but it's NOT the campaign itself!!! (Urrg… Another riff there.)

So I want to show you how I design and structure a Launch Campaign in away that’s far more methodical than I think most people realize.

There's a pattern I use whether I have a week or six months to launch…

I am a pattern seeker.

So I wanna teach you the pattern with an actual launch I did recently.

A lot of times, I've found is when someone's product doesn't sell well it's NOT because the funnel wasn't good or the sales message wasn't good or the offer wasn't good.

Sometimes they just didn't accurately create pressure ahead of the launch.

So I want to show YOU how to create that pressure. It's pretty valuable stuff!


I've coached a lot of people and helped them design their:

  • Messaging
  • Positioning
  • Offer
  • Funnel

… and here's what happens.

They build the funnel, and then they push the launch button, (even though there's no launch button in ClickFunnels), they press launch... and literally, nothing happens…

NOBODY sees it because there’s NO PRESSURE created.

So I wanna teach you how to create pressure ahead of time... A LOT of pressure.

You have to understand that a marketer is an event thrower. We build pressure to events whether they’re virtual or not.

There are multiple campaign styles:

  • Launch campaigns
  • Evergreen campaigns.

Sadly, most people sidestep Launch campaigns and go straight to evergreen.

What they'll do is:

  1. Turn on the funnel
  2. Start driving ads

I'm not saying it's wrong, but…

There's a lot of cash that you're leaving on table when you go straight to ads. If that's the first time someone's heard about your product, that's a problem.

That should NOT be the case, EVER!

It's just like Hollywood…


If the first time you heard about a movie was on the day that Hollywood released it, they wouldn't make much money...

Literally, the entire business model of Hollywood is to build insane pressure... lots and lots and lots of pressure for a specific time and date so that people talk about it and mark that date on their calendar.

… and it's because of this whole thing about anticipation.

Russell (and a lot of other people) have always said that Scarcity and urgency are some of your biggest tools as a marketer, but there's another one…

Scarcity and urgency are your biggest tools of a marketer post-launch, but pre-launch, (or before receiving whatever you purchased), your biggest tool as a marketer is anticipation.

So how can you structure and build anticipation to create emotion so that people start telling their friends, and it's so talkable that they literally put the date on their calendar???

I swear if you do this, the chances are that you’d make MORE money.

You ready for this, my friend?


What I do, (and my strategy behind it), is this:

  • I build a launch campaign for whatever I'm putting out there.
  • I launch the campaign
  • The day of the launch, all this cash comes in.
  • I take all that cash and I dump it into my evergreen campaigns.

In my brain they're separate; they're very different roles, but they're both equally important.

Evergreen campaigns are gonna include things like:

  • Facebook ads
  • Doing podcast interviews
  • Getting on influencer's shows

Those are things that are evergreen and that will stay there forever. They just continually drip traffic to whatever I launch.

The actual launch campaign though, that's a VERY different beast.

A launch campaign is about making people feel like an event is coming up. It's about building that anticipation.

The scarcity and urgency of the event is the fact that it comes only once... and then, it's gone.

The launch that I’m gonna share with you know, (no one freak out), is for a product that you probably aren't even interested in... and I understood that when I decided to share it.

I wanna teach you how to structure a launch campaign... and that doesn’t change depending on the product.

True marketing comes down to beliefs changing.

So check this out…


I’ve been working with the CEO of Pruvit, (as well as some of their top people), to create something for their specific MLM.

I want you to see how I've been creating the launch campaign for the product.

All marketing, whether I'm creating a message or a launch campaign, I start the exact same way.

I write down the WHAT and the WHO:

  1. I'm selling Wealth
  2. I'm selling to the MLM space
  3. It’s specifically for Pruvit

… so I'm thinking through who the dream customer is?

If you've watched OfferMind at all, (OfferMind's coming up, September 2nd-3rd)... OfferMind is the funnel we're building right now, so that'll be COMING SOON!

Q: What did I just do there?

A: I just built a little anticipation for our future launch campaign that you don't know about yet… ;-) BOOM!


In OfferMind, I talk about how:

It's easiest to sell people who are already consuming a similar thing to what you're selling.

If you're like, “That doesn't make sense Stephen because I'm trying to make a blue ocean…?”

My answer is, “Yeah, but NOT always a ‘blue product’, right? That's very different.”

So here’s how I do it…

I walk through and write down some of the characteristics of that red ocean consumer. who'd be the easiest person to sell to?

If I'm selling to somebody in the MLM space, I'm going to sell somebody who's already:

  1. In MLM - (#Pruvit)
  2. Using funnels. (I don't want somebody who's brand freaking new. Are you kidding? I’d have to sell them on the concept of funnels too. That's a harder customer)
  3. Knows how to drive traffic
  4. Publishing

So you go through and you figure out how to talk to people who are buying things that are already similar to what you're selling.

Your offer is different, but your products people are buying similar.

That’s a MASSIVE hack to the game.


I start by writing down the offer, (it’s basically done) and we could just launch and start telling people about it, but…

That would be a mistake.

I can NOT turn around and just start dropping this thing out to people.

People are like, “What? Why not? Start telling people, man! Get traffic.”


  • I need to keep the waiting list page up
  • I need to build pressure
  • I need to create an event

… and I'm going to share with you, how... and why I do that... And the easiest way to make this happen.


Now that I understand more of who I'm going to be speaking to and the offer I'm leading to…

I start thinking through hooks.

I’ve got the major marketing piece down; I’m very clear on the who at this point... and what needs to have happened already for someone to be considered a prospective customer.

At this point, the next thing is to start writing down all the audience lists that I have that might be interested in what I'm launching.

We have people who are:

  • On the MLM side
  • Listening to my MLM podcast
  • Specifically asking for the offer I've created
  • Sales Funnel Radio and who wanna know how to do an onboarding case study or a launch campaign.
  • The Science of Selling Online group

So zooming back here, I think through all the audiences that I have that I could go and talk to about this and I give everyone a number to identify them.

So if I have 7 audiences I’ll give them a no. from 1 - 7, (I’ll show you why in a minute).


My message changes for each group of people.

The major mistake people make with launch campaigns is that they create ONE message and they send it to everybody.

...but this is specifically for Pruvit, and you may not be interested in that?

So the question is:

How can I repurpose what I’m doing and add value to *THIS* audience, aka Sales Funnel Radio?


I could teach you about launch campaigns.

...which is exactly what I'm doing ;-)

Check this out:

Sales Funnel Radio = there'll be an episode called Launch Campaigns... (you guys are reading it right now.) WHAT? Oh my Lanta! #repurposing ;-)

So I think through ALL the different hooks that each of these has.

  • Secret MLM Hacks podcast = “Hey, you guys want to be a fly on the wall? There's no pressure.”
  • Sales Funnel Radio = I'm going to tell you guys about my onboarding case study and launch.

The squares are for the podcast episodes that I'll drop.

For example:

This one’s for Sales Funnel Radio so you can learn how I structure a launch campaign.

… so think through:

  1. Who you're talking to... (you should already have that figured out)
  2. What’s the offer you're building
  3. All the audiences that you have reach with

Next, you need to identify the:

  • The Hook
  • The Intro
  • The beginning message

... that would be interesting to each audience.

  • One audience might just want to be a fly on the wall, but it still lets me put the offer in front of them. What do you think happens when that happens? I sell more.

  • Some audiences are specifically asking for this offer, so I'm just going to tell them about it... (and I'll tell you how I'm doing that).
  • The Science of Selling Online might be interested in hearing about this with the hook: “Hey, check out this onboarding case study!”?
  • The Affiliate Outrage Group are very similar to the MLM group, so I'm going to tell them: “This is how you make your own training program. I'm gonna teach what I did and how it's structured the whole course.”
  • The One Funnel Away people might be interested in this because a lot of them are in the MLM space and they always just go nuts on my door asking me: “Does this work for MLM?”
  • People who are on who are already on the waiting list.

Does that make sense? (I’m trial closing you? ;-) )

I'm thinking through:

  • Who it was made for
  • All the audiences I have reach with
  • The hook that would be interesting to them


Now there are two other things I want to share with you real quick about how I actually structured the launch itself.

Okay, so now I know who I'm talking to. I know about the hooks and the themes I'm going to talk about…

A campaign is just a vehicle to deliver a message


  • What's the actual campaign?
  • What's the Vehicle?
  • What's the Message?

So check this out:

*THIS* is how I launched my first product when I left ClickFunnels…

I wrote the days of the week on my whiteboard, and then drew out weeks horizontally...

I think through the ways I could reach out to all of these people?

For example:

  • Facebook live into groups
  • Facebook messenger
  • Slybroadcast texts
  • Email

Next, I identify what group I’ll talk to on which day?

Monday = Facebook live to the Science of Selling group.

To find out what I'm gonna do on each day, I just look at my chart…

That way takes all the thinking out of it and I can just focus on the message.

I know what I'm supposed to be doing every single day for the launch.

A lot of reasons why people don't make a lot of money with their funnels is because they don't actually structure a campaign.

They just finish the funnel and then they just start kind of telling people about it... but there's NO PRESSURE behind it, so it dies. They got nothing!

So look at this…

I'm gonna drop out an email for number one, two and six.

Q: What am I doing?

A: Building pressure and anticipation.

I know that I'm launching on Friday; so what I'm going to do on the first four days is pressure, pressure, pressure, pressure, pressure.


Q: What are all of the messages going to be inside of this?

  1. Vehicle
  2. Internal
  3. External
  4. Launch

... that's it!

I can check to see what's going out each today.

You have to understand that there's a vehicle, internal and external false belief related individually to each one of those groups.

Now, while some people are in multiple groups, collectively the belief of each group is different.

So I need to understand the vehicle, internal, external false belief as fast as possible.

So when I write an email, I'm NOT talking to each audience in the same way…

You see what I'm saying?

For Example:

I know you're probably not in an MLM, so I'm NOT here to pitch you. I'm here telling you what I'm doing so you can structure the exact same campaign.

But when I talk to some other groups, I will be pitching. I want them to go to my offer.

However, I can still repurpose my content and talk to a whole bunch of other people to make noise.

I'm in the business of making noise. So a campaign is the vehicle that delivers the message.

Most people don't do this... and their campaigns SUCK.

They’ve got:

  • Good products
  • Good funnels
  • Good offers

… they're just terrible at launching them, and they get no money.

So they go straight to:

  • Evergreen campaigns
  • Facebook ads

... stuff like that.

There's no feeling of: “I can't wait for it to come out. Take my credit card!”

...and that's what I wanna create.

MY CAMPAIGNS Here's the campaign structure itself for the Science of Selling Online Group:

  • Monday = Facebook live
  • Wednesday = an email with a lot of internal hangups stuff

  • Friday = an email so you can watch and follow what I'm doing.

The number twos are the people this product was specifically built for, so I'm gonna drop an email to them just announcing the fact that we've got it ready for them.

Then we have more emails covering:

  • Vehicle
  • Internal
  • External
  • Launch
  • Another 2x email

But then, we're going to drop out a text message because I have phone numbers for almost all of them; so I'm gonna drop out a broadcast text message.

The text will be something like, “Hey, on a Friday I emailed and sent you a voicemail as well. I just want you to know that it's available. The thing that you've been wanting all along is here.”

So the modalities interact with each other. Does that make sense?

I own real estate and for a while (like two, two and a half years ago), I thought I was going to go and do more stuff on the real estate space…

The way I did it was like, “Hey, put your home address in here and I will send you a quote for how much you could probably sell your house for.” they put in their:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone number

… they opted in.

15 minutes later I automated a text message to them which said:

“Hey, let me look this up real quick and I can give you a call.”

Then about 30 minutes later, I automated a Slybroadcast that said:

“Hey, I texted you saying I’d call. This is me calling. I just want you to know we got some cool information for you, just make sure you call us. Go check your email because I'm gonna email you something.”

An hour after that, I automated a pdf that was kind of applicable to anybody.

Every single message was, “Call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me…” 'Cause I know if they called me it's worth waaay more than me calling them.

I'm parsing out all the easy people to grab.

Each one of these things in the campaign interacts with each other!

If you’re thinking, “Steven, and this is deep!” Yeah, no Duh! I love what I do, okay?


Maybe people don't like checking email. I hate checking email. People are like, “I emailed you months ago.” I'm like, “Sweet, I definitely didn't see it.”

“Steve, I Facebook messaged you months ago.” “Sweet, I KNOW I didn't see that!”

Not everyone wants to consume their communication in the same way... but I'm definitely going to:

  • Point them to it
  • Make it interact
  • Connect with story

The launch campaign is as important as the evergreen campaign

It's one of the major reasons (besides affiliate marketing) why I've NEVER had to spend a dollar of my own on my own business.


  • I structure a launch campaign
  • Put all this pressure on
  • Release it to the people I was building pressure for
  • I take that cash and go dump it back into evergreen style campaigns #ads

...and so it builds off itself like crazy!

In my high-ticket group called OfferLab, this is the kind of stuff we do.

We structure the:

  • Sales message
  • Offer
  • Funnel

.... but then, the next piece is the launch campaign.

How do you get a butt ton of money so you can go dump it straight back into ads, and now everything is pure profit?

You put a dollar in... but it wasn't even your dollar anyways! It came from the launch campaign…

Do you see what I'm saying?

Here’s *A SHAMELESS PLUG*, go to if you want to see more.

Hopefully, you can see that this is ONE of the reasons why my stuff has done so well.

I feel like people just don't understand the launch campaign.


When Russell puts things out, he builds pressure and soft drops.

That's why he creates so many open loops when he's speaking:

  • Just wait…
  • It's coming…

  • Oh, my gosh… here it comes...

He’s creating anticipation and pressure and that really annoys some people, but whatever...

Each day, I go in look at my checklist to see what part of the campaign I’m focusing on next:

  • I've done that, so I'll go do a Facebook live in the next group.
  • I'm gonna drop out an email to that audience, that audience, and that audience.
  • Where am I in the campaign for that audience?
  • Where am I in the campaign on Thursday for that specific audience?
  • Here’s the theme I’m using.
  • I know the specific day it's launching so I say: “Make sure you're on the waiting list!”

….I'm building pressure, pressure, pressure, pressure, pressure.

Call to action, call to action...

Waiting list waiting list, waiting list, waiting list.

...and then all of a sudden, BOOM! The product is launched like crazy.


One of the BIGGEST mistakes people make when they create a launch campaign is they don’t have a way to create A LOT of momentum and pressure.

So how else can I leverage the fact that noise is naturally going to expand further than my own reach?

Check this out:

One of the things that we're doing, (and I've done this on Affiliate Outrage).

After people opt into the member's area, you’ll see a message: “Hey, if you want this other cool thing for FREE, this is how you get it…”

It's part of the members' area, and they can click enter and unlock it after they've shared on social media.

That's me hyper-leveraging what's going on.

I'm taking something that I know is highly attractive to them; very, very sexy, and entering it inside of a sharing contest.

If they share with two or three people, this extremely, extremely attractive, sexy thing unlocks.

The list I’m using will hit probably almost 30,000 people this launch, but then I can probably expect a 25 to 40 percent referral traffic share rate... which means I should get like another 5,000 - 6,000 people that are NOT on my list.

I'm going to ask everyone to share on social media and reward them for it.

It's NOT just what am I selling, it's NOT just how am I selling (sales scripts, sales message, funnel wise), it’s what’s the campaign that launches my funnel?

A funnel is NOT a launch.

  1. What are the mechanisms you’re using to create noise?
  2. What are you doing to create pressure and momentum?

I actually bought and I'm going to do an offer summit…


...’cause it's going to create tons of noise explicitly around the back of the OfferMind event. It will ride on the back of OfferMind.

So many people are like, “It's hard to fill events.” It is hard, but if I structure all the campaigns ahead of time, it's actually NOT that crazy!

Until Next Time: Get Rich, Do Good, Give Back


I know this game can take a few tries to get the money flowing, especially the first time, right? And that can suck.

I also know from experience how frustrating it can be to know your business is just a few tweaks away from your next big payday, but you don't know what tweaks to make. I've felt completely paralyzed by that in the past, and it sucks.

I've been blessed to work with thousands of new and successful businesses over the last three years, and two things have really shocked me.

#1: I began noticing the pattern to success is vastly the same, but everyone's spot on the path is obviously different.

#2: I've been shocked and overwhelmed by the number of people asking for my help, my systems, and funnels in their business.

Well, until now I've never had a system or product in my own business to help you build yours. Now, I'm finally able to be public about all this.

If you'd like my help to build your offer or sales message funnel and even your content machine, go to

The path to online and offline success is 80 percent the same regardless of the product, price point or industry, and it works if you're new, or are already a killer in business.

You can get more details on how to get my personal attention and frameworks in your own business by going to

In-person classes are limited to 60 people each, and frankly, I can only do about two of these a year. Get more details, and even jump on the phone with us for free at

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