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Casting Broad

Tom Harper and Matt Orchard

A weekly podcast hosted by two New Zealand broadcasting students. Each week we discuss everything that there is to discuss about a particular subject. Subscribe on Itunes or any good Android podcasting application!
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50/50 is a series of hour long interviews with controversial subjects. The aim of this show is to conduct those interviews in the most biased manner both directions. The first 30 minutes of each interview is as cordial as possible with nothing but soft-balls. The last 30 minutes is as contentious as possible. Email:
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Welcome to the Hustle Harder Podcast. Here we will publish interesting, commonly asked and controversial topics around areas of sport science, motivational and mentality coaching, and general tips and advice to get the most of your training and improve your lifestyle habits and outlook.
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show series
Be Magnified By God- Guest Preacher Kristy LaBarge Exodus 3:1-4 When we say yes to God's call, even when it seems mundane or insignificant, God can do great things with our lives. ________________________________ Orchard Community Church 8180 Telephone Rd Ventura CA 93004 Contact us at Orchard's Stream…
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Romans 15:14, 1 Thessalonians 5:12-14, 1 Cor. 4:14, Acts 20:31 We are called to instruct/admonish one another when we see another believer getting off track in their life or faith. This is incredibly hard to do well and very hard to receive well, and yet when we get off track, we need people who are willing and able to warn us and call us to correc…
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Romans 15:5, Romans 12:16, Philippians 2:5, Romans 8:5, Romans 12:3, 1 Corinthians 13:11, Philippians 3:15 We are called to be of the same mind and therefore in harmony in that way. This comes from seeking to have the same mindset as Jesus rather than focusing on human desires. _______________________________ Orchard Community Church 8180 Telephone…
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Galatians 5:13 and Mark 10:35-45 We are called to serve one another in love. Serving others is a way to put our love for one another into practice in concrete ways in this world. Serving others is also the model that Jesus set for us, and at the very heart of who he was. Having a servant's heart is one of the greatest attributes we can have in God'…
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"Honor and be Humble with One Another" Romans 12:10, I Peter 5:5 and Philippines 2:1-11, Matthew 23:12. Scripture calls to honor one another, which means to put others above ourselves, and to humble ourselves means to put ourselves below or behind others. Jesus is our best example of both of these things, and we also see from Him that, in the end, …
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"Encourage and Build Up One Another" 2 Corinthians 13:11, Romans 14:19, 1 Thessalonians 5:11, Hebrews 3:13, 1 Thessalonians 4:18, 1 Timothy 5:1-2, Hebrews 10:23-25 Life and faith are hard; for these reasons, scripture calls us to "encourage one another" and "build one another up. We are to be a support system for one another to carry us through har…
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"Members of One Another" Romans 12:3-8 and Matthew 12:46-50 Christianity is not a solo quest, nor is it something we do together with no responsibility to one another. Scripture says that we are "members of one another," which means we share a deep spiritual bond and commitment to one another in Christ. _____________________________________________…
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"Love and Forgive One Another" John 13:34-35 and Colossians 3:13 To begin this series, we'll look at the two "one another" statements that are most fundamental to our life together in community, the call to love and forgive one another, and note how they both flow from our relationship with Jesus. ___________________________________________________…
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“Worship vs Ritual” Matthew 15:8, Isaiah 29:13, Psalm 29:1-2, John 9:39 When we’re just going through the motion spiritually, our worship degenerates into an empty ritual because our desire is not for God, so our hearts are not in it. It’s about worshipping Jesus. _____________________________________________________ Going Through the Motions (Tent…
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“Conformed vs Transformed” Romans 12:2 Mark 1:16-20, Romans 8:29 When we’re just going through the motions spiritually, we inevitably begin to conform to the patterns of this world rather than seeking to be transformed and conformed more and more into the likeness of Christ. It’s about becoming like Jesus. “Good Deeds vs. Serving Jesus” James 2:14-…
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“Living for Self vs. Living for Jesus” James 4:13-15, Psalm 24:1-2, Romans 12:1, 1 Thessalonians 2:4 When we’re just going through the motions spiritually, we begin to believe we belong to ourselves and live for ourselves rather than remembering that we belong to God and seek to live for Him. It’s about belonging to and living for Jesus. __________…
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Religion vs. Faith Matthew 13:15, 15:8, Hebrews 11:1-3, 6, John 6:68-69 When we’re just going through the motions spiritually, we can easily slip into religion in the worst sense of the word, which simply means doing religious stuff rather than seeking to have vibrant and alive faith in Jesus. It’s about believing in Jesus. ________________________…
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One Crazy Farmer Mark 4:1-9 and Ephesians 17-18 In this parable from Mark, Jesus tells about a farmer who sows seed in some strange places where it’s unlikely to grow, but the seed that does grow produces an amazing yield. The point is that God reaches out to everyone, and those who respond experience amazing transformation, which the Ephesian pass…
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Remember Esther 9:20 - 10:3 As God's people are saved, they respond with a celebration, the Jewish festival of Purim. It's a celebration of looking backward and remembering but also moving forward. All the stories of deliverance in the Bible, including Esther, foreshadow the ultimate deliverance of God's people through the salvation we have in Jesu…
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"Saved" Esther 9:1-19 In another stunning reversal, the decree of life is carried out. People marked for death are spared and given a new lease of life. This reversal feels harsh to us, but it would have been seen as equal justice in the time. And yet this event foreshadows a much greater reversal, one in which life also came out of death—the Cross…
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"A Decree of Life" Esther 8:1-17 God's providence leads to another reversal. An irrevocable decree that brought death to the Jews had been given, but now a counter degree bringing life. In the same way, a decree of death stands against us for our sin that can't be revoked, but the counter decree of the gospel has been issued, bringing life. When we…
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"Justice of a Sort" Esther 7:1-10 God provides another amazing reversal; justice is served, and Hamman meets the fate that he had set for Mordecai. The death of a substitute satisfied the King's wrath. With Mordecai and Haman, it was the guilty dying in the place of the innocent; with Jesus and us, it is the innocent dying in the place of the guilt…
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"The Man the King Delights to Honor" Esther 6:1-14 God's providence leads to a great reversal; Mordecai is honored instead of Hamman. This is really no surprise since scripture says that God "opposes the proud and shows favor to the humble." Both Hamman and Mordecai were servants of the King, but Mordecai had the humble heart of a servant, so he wa…
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"The Prequel" John 14:15-31 At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit was poured out with power on all believers, and the church was formed. With this passage for today, Jesus helps us understand that the Holy Spirit comes to help us to know Him more, to live our faith in Him, and to continue His ministry in the world. Orchard Community Church 8180 Telephone R…
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"Approaching the King" Esther 5:1-14 In this passage, we have contrasting characters. Esther approaches the king by faith and with humility. Haman has an approach, too; his is one of foolish pride in his accomplishments. With God, it's never about accomplishment; it's always about relationships. Do we know and belong to Him? _______________________…
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"Seize the Moment" Esther 4:1-17 God will accomplish His purposes. The question is whether He'll do so through or in spite of us. In this passage, Mordechai and Esther's faith comes to life, and they begin to follow God's lead. No matter where we find ourselves, we can be confident that God can use us for his purposes. God's providence leads Esther…
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"Buckle Up" Esther 2:19-3:15 We live in a broken world where life is often hard and unfair, and we often sin and suffer, but God is always near and at work for the good of His people. So we always have hope, not least of which is for a greater King! ________________________________________________________ Esther God Behind the Scenes Esther is the …
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"God Prepares the Way" Esther 2:1-18 While Xerxes is enacting his plan, God's providence leads Esther to become Queen because of the role she will play in His plan. God is often at work in our lives in ways we can't see, and He can use us despite our situations, shortcomings, and sins. _______________________________________________________________…
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“Where is God?” Esther 1:1-22 It may seem to us at times that God is absent when, in fact, He is present behind the scenes. God used one person standing up for what was right, exposing the frailty of this worldly kingdom and creating the opportunity for his plan to unfold. God's power and providence mean we always have hope, not least of which is f…
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“He is Risen!: Two Disciples on the Road” Luke 24:13-35 After Jesus was crucified, two of his disciples encountered an amazing man on the road to Emmaus, and their lives were forever changed when they realized that Jesus had risen from the dead! As we encounter Jesus, may our lives be changed, too, as we realize that He is the Risen Lord! (Easter S…
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The Adoring Crowds Mark 21:1-11 Crowds of people on the road to Jerusalem encountered Jesus, and they adored him because they believed He was the Messiah. As we encounter Jesus, who do we say that He is, and how could that change our lives? __________________________________________________________ Encounters with Jesus (Lent) Throughout the Gospel…
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“A Reluctant Participant” John 5:1-15 A man who could not walk had an encounter with Jesus, and he took a leap of faith that changed his life. As we encounter Jesus, he also calls us to take leaps of faith. ______________________________________________ Encounters with Jesus (Lent) Throughout the Gospels, people had amazing encounters with Jesus. T…
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A Paralyzed Man Mark 2:1-12 A Paralyzed man encountered Jesus, and he was healed and forgiven. As we encounter Jesus, He desires to heal and forgive as well. _____________________________________________ Encounters with Jesus (Lent) Throughout the Gospels, people had amazing encounters with Jesus. These were ordinary people who were forever changed…
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“A Girl and a Woman in a Mess” Mark 5:21-43 A girl and a woman had encounters with Jesus, and they found that He had the power to deal with even the biggest and messiest problems in their lives and that He didn't turn them away because of them. As we encounter Jesus, we find these same things are true of Him for us as well. ________________________…
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“A Dishonest Man” Luke 19:1-9 A dishonest tax collector named Zacchaeus encountered Jesus, and when he did, not only did his life change, but his values changed, too. As we encounter Jesus, our lives and values are also supposed to change. ___________________________________________________ Encounters with Jesus (Lent) Throughout the Gospels, peopl…
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“Some Random Fishermen” Mark 1:14-20 Some random fishermen encountered Jesus. He called them to repent, believe, and follow Him, and their lives were forever changed as they did so and became his first disciples. As we encounter Jesus, He calls us to repent, believe, and follow Him so that we might also become his disciples. (Ash Wednesday) _______…
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“A Woman at a Well” John 4:1-26, 39-42 A woman at a well had an encounter with Jesus, and it changed her life and the lives of others in her town, as she and they came to believe in Him as their savior. As we encounter Jesus, He calls us to believe in Him and receive Him as our savior, too. ____________________________________________________ Encou…
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Effective Prayer James 5:16, Mark 11:20-25 Effective prayers come from seeking to live God's way, remembering to ask, and doing so by faith without doubting that God can do what we've asked for. Prayer Matters As we move into the new year, we'll begin a new series of messages called "Prayer Matters" because prayer really does matter a great deal. A…
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"How Should We Pray?" Mathew 6:5-14, Ephesians 6:18, 1 John 5:14-15 We should pray, seeking an honest and intimate connection with God and using the Lord's prayer as a guide. We should also pray all kinds of prayers constantly and with confidence. Prayer Matters As we move into the new year, we'll begin a new series of messages called "Prayer Matte…
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Does God Really Listen and Answer Prayer? Psalm 139:1-4, Jeremiah 33:3, Proverbs 28:9, James 4:3, Mark 11:24, 1 John 5:14 God hears everything, including our prayers. God does answer our prayers. When people ask faithfully, God frequently grants their prayers, more often than we may realize. However, God does not always give us what we pray for, an…
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"Why Should We Pray?" Colossians 4:2, Matthew 6:5-7, James 5:16, Mark 14:36, Matthew 6:6 We should pray for a number of reasons: we are called to pray in scripture because prayer is powerful, but most importantly, we should pray in order to grow a deep and intimate relationship with God. _____________________________________________ Prayer Matters …
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"What is Prayer?" John 17:1-2, 11: 20-21, Matthew 14:23, Matthew 6:6, 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Prayer is communication and communion with God, which is central to the Christian life. _____________________________________________ Prayer Matters As we move into the new year, we'll begin a new series of messages called "Prayer Matters" because prayer real…
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"Walking Through the Messes with Him" (Magi) Matthew 2:1-12, Ephesians 3:16-17 The Magi could have let the messes they encountered stop them. Instead, they sought Jesus in the mess, and they found Him. May we follow their lead, seek Jesus in the messes, and learn to walk through them with Him. Epiphany Sunday _______________________________ Messy C…
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"Jesus at Work in the Mess" (Us) John 4:39-42 On this Sunday, a few members of our Orchard family will share stories of how God has been at work in their lives, and together, we'll lift up prayers for the New Year. Faith Stories Sunday featuring Neepa DeVries Micheal McQuillan June Verloop ___________________________________________________________…
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“A Savior Who Meets us in the Mess" (Jesus) Luke 2:1-20, 1 Timothy 1:15 In Jesus, God himself came to meet us in the mess of this world and the mess of our lives in order to be our Savior. ____________________________________________________________ Messy Christmas The first Christmas was messy: an unwed mother, a father thinking of leaving, a chil…
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“Love in the Mess" (Joseph) Matthew 1:18-25, 1 John 4:9-10 An angel appeared to Joseph in a dream with the news that he would have a son, Jesus the Messiah, who would bring with Him the gift of love in the midst of a messy world and our messy lives. ___________________________________________________ Messy Christmas The first Christmas was messy: a…
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“Joy in the Mess" (Angels) The angels announced the amazing news that Jesus the Messiah had been born, who would bring with Him the gift of joy in the midst of a messy world and our messy lives. Choir Sunday - To hear more of the amazing, joyful worship of our choir, visit our YouTube page and watch the whole service. ______________________________…
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“Peace in the Mess" (Shepherds) Luke 2:8-15, John 16:33, John 14:27 An angel appeared to the shepherds with the news that Jesus the Messiah had been born, who would bring with Him the gift of peace in the midst of a messy world and our messy lives. _____________________________________ Messy Christmas The first Christmas was messy: an unwed mother,…
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“Hope in the Mess" (Mary) Luke 1:26-38, Jeremiah 29:11, Titus 2: 11-13 An angel appeared to Mary with the news that she would bear a child, Jesus, the Messiah, who would bring with Him the gift of hope in the midst of a messy world and our messy lives. Messy Christmas The first Christmas was messy: an unwed mother, a father thinking of leaving, a c…
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"Offering Our Resources" Matthew 6:19-24 & Proverbs 3:9-10 The resources we have in this life are gifts from God that we're called to offer to God by seeking to use them according to His will and for His glory. _________________________________________________________________ Offering When it comes to stewardship, many people think of offering fina…
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"Offering Our Gifts and Talents" 1 Corinthians 12:1, 4-7, 1 Peter 4:10-11 Everyone has been given gifts and talents from God, and we're called to offer these gifts and talents to God by seeking to use them according to His will and for His glory. Offering When it comes to stewardship, many people think of offering financial gifts and tithes, but Bi…
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"Offering Our Time" Psalm 90:12, Exodus 20:8-11, Colossians 3:17, 1 Samuel 12:24 Time is a precious gift from God, and we're called to offer our time to God by seeking to use it according to His will and for His glory. Offering When it comes to stewardship, many people think of offering financial gifts and tithes, but Biblical stewardship is much m…
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