show episodes
The Carnegie Politika Podcast delivers world-class analysis on what’s happening in Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia. Every month, Russia expert Alexander Gabuev talks to Carnegie scholars and regional analysts on the ground to respond to emerging regional trends, the future of Russian geopolitics, and how the region is shaping the world.
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Jan Kok, Samo R. Stergel

Brlog je podcast, ki ga ustvarjata Jan Kok in Samo R. Stergel z gosti. Jan je improvizator, ki se ga morda spomnite iz oddaje Slovenija ima talent in mladinske serije Razred zase, čeprav po vsej verjetnosti nimate pojma, kdo je, kar pomeni, da imate življenje in vas zato toliko bolj spoštuje. Je študent prava, ki ga zanimajo področje prehrane, evolucije, znanosti, prava in politike. Zgleda morda resno, ampak večino časa se rad zajebava. Samo R. Stergel je študent ekonomije, ki še bolj kot st ...
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Barruan gaude

EITB Radio Televisión Pública Vasca

Elkarrizketa podcasta, baina, ez edonolakoa. Astero astero Oier Aranzabalek pertsonaia baten etxera sartuko gaitu, berarekin solasean jardun eta istorio berriak kontatzeko. Sortzaileak, musikariak, aurkezleak eta zerbait interesgarria esateko daukan oro.
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show series
In August, the Ukrainian armed forces managed to pull off an incursion into Russian territory. Unlike previous forays executed by small paramilitary groups, the incursion into Russia's Kursk region appears to be more strategic and serious. Russia was forced to retreat, leaving behind a lot of conscripts who were taken as prisoners of war by the Ukr…
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Russia’s unjustified aggression against Ukraine has revitalized NATO, and this new energy was on display at the recent 75th anniversary summit of the alliance. While there were some long-term decisions to boost European deterrence against the Russian threat, other key questions were left unanswered. Can Ukraine become a full member of the alliance?…
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The war in Ukraine has left a group of “in-between” European countries more vulnerable and insecure than ever before. These countries—Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Moldova, and Serbia—find themselves in what we have termed an “arc of instability” between Russia and the European Union.By Rosa Balfour, Thomas de Waal, Alexander Gabuev
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Putin has visited North Korea for the first time in 24 years. The visit reflects the two countries' deepening alignment amid Pyongyang's active support for Russia's aggression against Ukraine. Andrei Lankov provides insights into the signals being exchanged between Moscow and Pyongyang, and addresses the question of whether a real alliance might be…
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Following his fifth presidential inauguration, Russian President Vladimir Putin has approved a new government. The most significant change is to the Defense Ministry, which will now be led by Andrei Belousov, a Keynesian economist and former deputy prime minister. Coming amid the ongoing war in Ukraine and notable arrests within the Defense Ministr…
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Responsibility for the March 22 terrorist attack at the Crocus City concert hall has been claimed by the Afghanistan-based Islamic State Khorasan (ISIS-K), and most of the suspects are migrants from Tajikistan. Yet Russian authorities remain steadfast in their insistence that Ukraine and "Western forces" orchestrated the indiscriminate murder of ov…
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Four years ago, Belarus reached a point of no return in its delicate balancing act between Russia and the West. Desperate for support, Alexander Lukashenko's regime has become increasingly reliant on Moscow since 2020. Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine has further solidified Belarus's position as a close satellite state. What does this mean f…
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Russia’s presidential election this month shattered all previous records, with president Putin "securing" an unprecedented 87.3 percent of the vote. The critical question now is: how will Putin’s re-election be perceived, both domestically and internationally? Is he a legitimate leader in the eyes of Russians and the global community?…
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The sudden death of the jailed Russian opposition leader was a shock, though it was not unexpected. For the last decade, Navalny had been the most vocal critic and opponent of Putin's regime, while his Anti-Corruption Foundation had supporters in almost all Russian regions and cities. Only Navalny was able to consolidate people across Russia in wav…
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The Western sanctions imposed against Russia in response to its full-blown invasion of Ukraine were not just designed to put a cost on Moscow’s actions, but also to stem the flow of materials and money enabling it to wage war. Why did this hope fall short, and how is Putin’s wartime economy faring as we approach 2024 and the second anniversary of t…
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Since Russia launched its "special military operation" against Ukraine, Russian society has adapted to living amid conflict. Despite initial predictions that public outrage would topple the regime, the majority of Russians have consolidated around the Kremlin, viewing it as a defender against a perceived threat from the West. How accurate are warti…
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Bi etxe ditu Kaki Arkarazok. Usurbilen, familiarekin bizi dena, eta Garate estudioa. Musikarekin ezkonduta bizi da betidanik. Gurasoen etxeko sukaldean aulkiei buelta eman eta bateria jotzen zuenetik, M-ak, Kortatu eta Negu Gorriak taldeetan jotzen zuenera arte. Eta orain ere bai, Garate estudioetako nagusia baita. Hamaika diskoren ekoizpena egin d…
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Fokoen azpian egotera ohitua dago Estitxu Fernandez. Aurkezle izan delako eta bertsolari ere bai. Baina azken boladan amatasuna izan du ardatza. Amatasuna politikoki jantzia. Eta, Psikologoa izaki, hainbat liburu kaleratu ditu gaiaren inguruan. Zaintzaz eta bortxa obstetrikoaz besteak beste. Donostiako bere etxeko ateak zabaldu dizkigu.…
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It's been more than a month since Hamas attacked Israel, reigniting the Middle East crisis once again and switching the focus of other political players to the region. Is Russia benefiting from the escalation in the conflict? How is it affecting the war in Ukraine? And what are the long-term consequences for Russia's position as a global player in …
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Minbizia topatu zioten bularrean Maider Estensorori. Eta ondoren metastasia. Bizitza aldatu zitzaion eta lehentasunen piramidea irauli. Ez zaigu gaixotasunen inguruan hitz egitea gustatzen. Heriotza ere tabua da. Baina heriotzaz hitz egitea bizitzari aurpegira begiratzea da. Konsziente izatea, eta gauzei dagokien garrantzia ematea da, funtsean. Bar…
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Ardantza lehendakariaren gobernuan bozeramale izan zen. Baina politika uzten jakin zuen lau urteren buruan. Ekonomista da, eta kazetaria, eta idazlea. Euskal Herriko izen handi asko elkarrizketatu zituen gazte gazterik. Koldo Mitxelena eta Lezo Urreztieta, besteak beste. 2021ean "Los Sota: Esplendor y Venganza" liburuaren bidez gerra aurreko Bilbon…
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Atal honetan sartuko garen etxeko katuak denetarik entzun du. Entzun ditu Arnaldo Otegi eta Jesus Egiguren eztabaidan. Entzun ditu Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, Pernando Barrena, Eduardo Madina, Frantxoa Maitia eta Larralde. Etxe hontako mahaian jarri zen Euskal Herriko azken bake prozesuko lehen harria. Eta, hein handi batean Pello Rubio anfitrioi…
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Just two months ago, Yevgeny Prigozhin, head of the infamous Wagner mercenary army, dominated global headlines after his short-lived mutiny against the Russian military and political leadership. Until recently, Prigozhin was considered a leading Russian politician, with some even believing he could rival President Vladimir Putin. Yet his highly sus…
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Podcast host Alex Gabuev is joined by Sophia Besch, a fellow at the Carnegie Europe Program, and Eric Ciaramello, a senior fellow at the Carnegie Russia and Eurasia Program, to discuss the outcomes of the NATO summit in Vilnius. The recent NATO summit in Vilnius is being labeled by many as a historic moment for the future of European security, and …
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Oria ibaian, itsasoan eta "putzuan" sentitu izan da aske beti. Gerra betean jaio zen, nahiz eta ez akordatu ezertaz. Etxean ere ezer gutxi kontatu zioten. Frankismoa baina bertatik bertara bizi izan zuen Orion. Eskolan euskara debekatu zioten eta 12 urterekin alde egin zuen gehiago ez itzultzeko. Ordutik ibaiak eta itsasoak emandakotik bizi izan da…
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Hizkuntzak maite ditu, euskara maite du. Euskal Filologian doktorea da eta EHUko irakaslea. Hitzen pistei segiz, euskararen galderaikurrei erreparatzen die. Akademiatik politikarako saltoa ere eman zuen, Patxi Lopezen gobernuko Kultura Sailburu izan zenean, eta urte zailak bizi izan zituen lehen lerro politikoan. Gasteizen jaioa izaki kalekumea bad…
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Aktore moduan lanean hasi zenetik hona, mundua asko aldatu da. Oholtza gainera lehenengoz bertsotan egitera igo zen, eta gero txaloek sorginduta antzerkian murgildu zen buru belarri. Zineman, telesailetan eta telebistan jardun izan da, erreferente bihurtzeraino.Suizidioa gertutik ezagutu zuen gazte gazterik, eta buru osasunaren inguruan askotan hit…
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Aizkolari, harrijasotzaile eta txingalari leinu batean jaio zen Arraiozen. Bere haurtzaroko soinuak basoaren soinuak dira; orbelak zapaltzerakoan ateratzen duena, aizkorak egurraren aurka ateratzen duena. Herria txiki egin zitzaion eta bere istorioa idazteko Madrilera egin zuen alde. Bere iraganarekin hautsi zuen, urrundu egin zen, gehiago hurbiltz…
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Tolosan bizi da 70. Etxea zabalduko digun pertsona. Bateria-jolea da, solaskide bikaina, irrati esataria eta telebistako aurkezlea. Baina, azken boladan, umoregile gisa nabarmendu da oholtza gainean. Euskaraz Stand up bira bat egin du, "Nekatutak" izenekoa eta Euskal Herriko txoko askotan ibili da umore zorrotza banatzen. Enekoach, bere alter egoak…
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Alex Gabuev is joined by Tom de Waal, a senior fellow at Carnegie Europe, and Anna Ohanyan, a nonresident senior scholar at Carnegie’s Russia and Eurasia program, to discuss developments in and around the contested region of Nagorno-Karabakh. As the long-running conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh appears to be inching tow…
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Why did Xi Jinping choose to visit Moscow at a time when Russia has been ostracized by the global community for its invasion of Ukraine? Did both sides get what they wanted from the visit? Has Russia resigned itself to being the junior partner in this burgeoning relationship? What is China’s agenda in putting forward a peace plan for Ukraine? Podca…
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Podcast host Alexander Gabuev and Sergei Vakulenko, a new non-resident senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment, discuss the energy dimension of the ongoing battle between Russia and the West. How successful was Russia’s plan to wreak economic havoc in Europe by choking gas supplies? Can Europe breathe a sigh of relief, or will Russian energy blackm…
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Podcast host Alexander Gabuev discusses what the next few months may have in store together with Dara Massicot, senior policy researcher at the RAND Corporation, and Mark Galeotti, CEO of Mayak Intelligence. As the first anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine approaches, Ukraine is set to receive Western battle tanks, while Russia is believed …
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Erraria izan da June Fernández. Etxea soinean daramaten horietakoa. Nola Getxon, Mungian edo Managuan. El Paisen hasi zen lanean eta gerora Pikara Magazine sortu zuen. Hedabide askotan kolaboratu izan du, hala nola Argian, edo El Salton. Bere ofizioa militantzia feministak zipriztindu du beti. Orain Larrabetzun bizi da eta etxeko ateak zabaldu diki…
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As we relaunch our Russia-focused podcast under the Carnegie Politika brand, FT correspondent Polina Ivanova and economist-in-exile Sergei Guriev join podcast host Alexander Gabuev to discuss how access to both data and sources has changed since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and whether people inside the Russian government itself also have a poorer…
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Bertsolari Txapelketa Nagusia zalegotik bizi du 14 urte zituenetik lehenengoz Igor Elortzak. Baina ez dio utzi bertsotan aritzeari. Orain nitasunetik jarri dizkio bertsoak ziurtasun urri eskaintzen dituen aro honi. Eta baita iraganari ere. Hazten ikusi zuen Durangoko langile auzo berean bizi da. Eta ezkaratzean itxaron gaitu etxeko ateak zabaltzeko…
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Donostia Ospitaleko Zaintza Intentsiboetako Unitateko zerbitzu burua da. Pandemiari hortzetara begiratu dion medikuetako bat. Dibulgatzaile lanak egin izan ditu, besteak beste, Euskadi Irratian eta jakintza, kultura den heinean, partekatu egin behar dela aldarrikatzen du. Bertsolaria ere bada bokazioz eta puntuz puntu aletu dugu elkarrizketa, bere …
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Etxera sartu orduko ehizeko txakurrak egin digu ongietorria. Eta anfitrioia eibartarra dela salatu digu. Enpresa munduan nabarmendu da Nuria Lopez de Guereñu. 2005ean Ibarretxek Garraio eta Herri Lan Sailburu izateko deitu zuen eta gerora Confebask-eko Idazkari Nagusia izan zen, besteak beste. Txikitan hegazkin pilotoa izan nahi zuen, eta azkenean …
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Bizitza bidegurutzeak dira. Bide zidorrak eta bide luzeak batzutan. Erabakiak funtsean. Jon Mayak futbolaren eta dantzaren artean dantza aukeratu zuen. Egunkariaren itxieraren ostean Kazetaria da ikasketaz, Berriaren erredakzioa utzi eta Kukai dantza taldea sortu zuen mende hasieran. Euskal dantza tradizionala abiapuntua izan da berarentzat, dantza…
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Saiatzea, ekitea eta egitea. Eta askotan asmatzea. Denetarik egin du atal honetako anfitrioiak. Beasaingo industriak eraman zuen mundura, eta munduak ekarri espektakuluaren industriara. 1977an Kilomentroak ekimena sortu zuen bere sorterriko lizeoa bultzatzeko. 80ko hamarkadan ETBren sorreran parte hartu zuen eta ordutik ekoizle lanak egin ditu. Dis…
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