show episodes
To help support this podcast, please consider giving a tax deductible contribution here: --- Rabbi Dovid Katz, PhD is lauded for his extensive knowledge of Jewish History, his engaging and insightful lecture series, and eye opening historical international tours. Follow him weekly. New content released each week, including Personalities in Jewish History, Insights into Tefillah and Perspectives on the Haftarah and Parshah. Spons ...
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Maamarim and Sichos of our Rebbe are translated into English and (hopefully) into our lives. Rabbi Moshe Levin is a world-renowned scholar and author. He serves as Rabbi and Spiritual leader of congregation Bais Bezalel Chabad in Los Angeles. 📲If you have any questions or comments, feel free to WhatsApp Rabbi Levin @ +1 323-252-3159 or email
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This is the “classic” text-based shiur, covering the entire Sicha, and geared to those somewhat familiar with Likkutei Sichos. Rabbi Moshe Spalter serves as the Administrator of Chabad Lubavitch Community Centre in Toronto, ONT and spearheads the popular weekly Television Show.
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Rabbi Moshe Levin is a world-renowned scholar and author. He serves as Rabbi and Spiritual leader of congregation Bais Bezalel Chabad in Los Angeles. 📲If you have any questions or comments, feel free to WhatsApp Rabbi Levin @ +1 323-252-3159 or email
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Start your day with an inspiring meditation! Listen to a thought-provoking Torah minute. This is the Best Way To Start Your Day! Rabbi Moshe Levin is a world-renowned scholar and author. He serves as Rabbi and Spiritual leader of congregation Bais Bezalel Chabad in Los Angeles. 📲If you have any questions or comments, feel free to WhatsApp Rabbi Levin @ +1 323-252-3159 or email
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Rabbi Walter's podcast is rooted in Halachah, Minhagim, and Mitzvos based upon classical Rabbinic sources, blended with a strong emphasis on the philosophy, history, and background of each of the above. Rabbi Walter is the Rav of Woodside Synagogue Ahavas Torah, is the executive director of the Rabbinical Council of Greater Washington, and is the author of the three works of Jewish Law. This podcast has covered Pirkei Avos, the Positive Mitzvos from The Sefer HaMitzvos HaKatazar of the Chafe ...
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A journey to the essence of life's issues from the perspective of the weekly Torah message, G-d's instructions for life. Rabbi Moshe Levin is a world-renowned scholar and author. He serves as Rabbi and Spiritual leader of congregation Bais Bezalel Chabad in Los Angeles. 📲If you have any questions or comments, feel free to WhatsApp Rabbi Levin @ +1 323-252-3159 or email
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In Hebrew “Gal Einai” means: “open my eyes.” This name was adopted from the verse: “Open my eyes that I may behold wonders from your Torah” (Psalms 119:18)–thereby expressing the institute’s commitment to rendering the hidden, inner dimension of Torah, a source of wonder, inspiration and insight for all. Under the leadership of Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh, our goal is to open the world’s eyes to Divine consciousness, spreading G-d’s good light to every household, classroom, and community on earth.
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Moshe Zeldman

We live in times of unprecedented change and confusion – identity politics, war, loneliness, social division, the promise and the threat of artificial intelligence, woke culture… I believe that Judaism has answers. But these answers need to be unpacked. SHMOOZING is more than a podcast. It’s a platform to create a community of thoughtful voices on important topics, from personal to social, from communal to global. Let’s explore how Torah can provoke us to deepen our understanding of the time ...
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Regarding Consciousness is an exploration into how our consciousness can be harnessed both personally and professionally. Host Jennifer K. Hill is passionate about holistic medicine, consciousness, science and spirituality. Her company focuses on matching people with the right holistic practitioner for them. Her deep desire to bring this wisdom to the world is what birthed this podcast where she interviews thought leaders such as Deepak Chopra to energy practitioners such as Hol ...
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Rabbi Dov Tepler learned in the Philadelphia Yeshiva, and then went on to learn and receive Semicha in Beth Medrash Govoha. He is currently a Rosh Chabura in BMG, and has been giving popular Shiurim on Chumash and Halacha for many years. He also serves as a Rav in the Beis Ho’raah of Harav Shmuel Meir Katz Shlita in Lakewood, as well as in the Beis Ho’raah of Harav Binyomin Forst Shlita in the Five towns and Far Rockaway. Rabbi Tepler can be reached at
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Mishnah Madness!

Rabbi Schaum's Mishnah Classes

Welcome to the podcast of Rabbi Schaum's Mishnah classes at Yavneh Academy! We are almost ready for season two!! In each lively and thoughtful conversation, 6th graders use their knowledge of Mishnah Brachot, Chapter 5 to discuss their opinion about important aspects of prayer. Please send questions or feedback to Enjoy!
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The Jewish n' Joyful podcast brings you Torah thoughts, stories, and inspiration on the weekly Parsha, and everyday life. Tune in to Jewish n' Joyful and let the timeless wisdom and contagious joy of Judaism guide you to a life filled with purpose and meaning. Each episode is a treasure trove of inspiration, brimming with stories of triumph, and the enduring power of faith. The Jewish n' Joyful is brought to you by and Aryeh Fingerer
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The Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe Podcasts Collection gives you the opportunity to listen and enjoy to all the Torah & Insights from Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe in one feed. The The Parsha Podcast, Jewish History Podcast, The Mitzvah Podcast, This Jewish Life, TORAH 101 and The Ethics Podcast in one convenient place. Enjoy!
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Educating, Motivating & Inspiring an ETHICAL GENERATION The Jewish Ethics Institute (JEI), an accredited continuing education resource (CLE & CME credit offered), inspires physicians, attorneys and business professionals to develop authentic ethical perspectives through the prism of Jewish values, enabling them to face contemporary dilemmas while upholding the highest ethical standards.
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The Everyday Judaism Podcast (formerly Living Jewishly Podcast) is dedicated to learning and understanding the laws and basic how-to of daily Jewish living. Presented by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe in a simple and concise manner, easy for anyone to understand and connect. This Podcast Series is Generously Underwritten by Marshall & Doreen Lerner.
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Ebb and Flow, like the chassidic concept of Ratzo V’Shuv (running and returning), aims to provide you with the principles and practices, wisdom and willpower, insights and inspiration, and empowerment to access your higher vision, internalize it, and express it to the world. This podcast integrates Holistic Wellness and Hasidic Jewish Wisdom, so we can each thrive in body, mind, and soul. Each episode, each guest, and each story is another key to express this truth, as well as to open our ey ...
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We are momtrepreneurs and friends on a mission to transform inspiration into action. Drawing from our formal training, exclusive interviews with renowned thinkers and leaders, the wisdom of everyday heroes, and the profound insights of the Chassidic perspective, we deliver thought-provoking insights that ignite purposeful living. Join us on this transformative journey as we provide the tools, guidance, and transformative conversations you need to lead a fulfilling life and make a lasting imp ...
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Machshavah Lab

Rabbi Matt Schneeweiss

My name is Rabbi Matt Schneeweiss. My goal as a Torah educator is not merely to teach my students my OWN hashkafah. Rather, my goal is to equip them with the foundations, the methodological training, and the tools which will enable them to arrive at their OWN understanding of Judaism and cultivate their OWN relationship with Hashem and His Torah. This podcast is devoted to the shiurim I give which are geared specifically towards that end. As such, the range of topics covered here will be div ...
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Gedolei Torah

Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky

Delivered in the yeshiva every Motzei Shabbos Mevarchim, these shiurim introduce us to Gedolim throughout history in way you have never heard before.Always based on primary material, Rav Aaron discusses each Gadol, his era, his accomplishments, his legacy and the impact he has on us to today.This shiur is ongoing so be sure to subscribe for all the latest shiurim in this series.
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During these challenging and uncertain times, the Orthodox Union hosts a daily Tehillim and Chizuk call with a short inspirational lesson from a synagogue rabbi, followed by the recitation of tehillim, psalms. This 15-minute call takes place Monday through Friday at 1:00 pm ET. The call-in numbers are 773-377-9170 or 480-210-2150. For your convenience, click here to access the readings, with translation that will take place during the call. As a merit for those who are ill, to honor someone ...
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show series
דֶער אַלטעֶר רֶבִּי האָט געזאָגט אוֹיף ר' מׂשֶׁה וִוילעֶנקעֶר The Alter Rebbe once said of his disciple, R. Moshe Vilenker: מׂשֶׁה האָט מוׂחִין דְגַדְלוּת “Moshe has mochin degadlus [i.e., an expanded intellectual consciousness]. אוּן אִין דִי צעֶן יאָר וואָס עֶר האָט געֶהאָרעֶוועֶט, האָט עֶר אוֹיסְגעֶהאָרעֶוועֶט מוֹחִין רְחָבִים In the ten years t…
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background growing up and bball regimen Being the tall guy in school Mental performance tips The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho Journey to South America and India during and after playing Soul searching, from Buddhism to Shamanism to Judaism Coming back to Judaism and Torah All to find balance way to live life in body, mind, and soul. Bottomline to be a…
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In this Monday Night Shiur With my Post High school guys, we explore the idea of fasting and the times we are entering now. We reflect on the act of Pinchas and how hidden within his story we can find an original outlook for the upcoming fast of Shiva Asar B'Tamuz.By Rabbi Ari Bensoussan
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Although a paternal grandson of Aaron the Kohein, Pinchas was not initially - prior to his heroic act of martyrdom - a Kohein. The law stated that only Aaron and his sons were to be anointed as Kohanim. All sons born to Kohanim subsequently were to be Kohanim, but Pinchas who was alive at the time of anointing of Aaron and his sons was excluded fro…
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תַּעֲנִית, סְלִיחוֹת, אָבִינוּ מַלְכֵּנוּ A fast day. The Selichos prayers and Avinu Malkeinu are recited [in the Morning Service]. חִלּוּק לוּחוֹת הָרִאשׁוֹנוֹת וְלוּחוֹת הָאַחֲרוֹנוֹת The difference between the First Tablets and the Second Tablets can be outlined as follows: בַּלּוּחוֹת עַצְמָן With regard to the Tablets themselves: הָרִאשׁוֹנוֹת…
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The Living Jewishly Podcast is dedicated to learning, understanding and appreciating the greatness of Jewish heritage and the Torah through the simplified, concise study of Halacha, Jewish Law, thereby enhancing our understanding of how Hashem wants us to live our daily lives in a Jewish way. In this Living Jewishly Podcast BONUS episode, Rabbi Ary…
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What is our relationship with our studies? For some (many?) studying Torah is very important. It is a great priority. But is it the permanent fixture of a person's life? That designation is applied to the few. In this way to wisdom, we learn about the transformative nature of rendering Torah study the primary focus of a person's life, and also lear…
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אַהֲבַת יִשְׂרָאֵל שֶׁל הַבַּעַל שֵׁם טוֹב — אֵין לְשַׁעֵר The Baal Shem Tov’s love of his fellow Jews is beyond conception. הָרַב הַמַּגִּיד אָמַר On this the Maggid of Mezritch once said: הַלְוַאי הָיוּ נוֹשְׁקִים הַסֵּפֶר תּוֹרָה “If only people would kiss the Torah scroll בְּאוֹתָהּ הָאַהֲבָה, שֶׁהָיָה מוֹרִי מְנַשֵּׁק אֶת הַיְּלָדִים with the …
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This Parsha Review Podcast (Ep 4.8) by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe on Parshas Pinchas offers a refreshing, clear and concise review as he does for each Parsha in the Torah. 00:00 Introduction 00:10 Parsha Summary 07:47 Important Lessons Download & Print the Parsha Review Notes:…
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Pinchas was a man of action, a zealot who avenged God’s vengeance and was handsomely rewarded for it. In this parsha we read about his reward, Moses’ succession plan, the methods through which the Land will be divided, and another census is done. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – DONATE to TORCH: Please consider supporting the podcasts by…
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אַאַמוּ"ר כּוֹתֵב בְּאֶחָד מִמַּאֲמָרָיו My revered father, the Rebbe [Rashab], writes in one of his maamarim: תַּעֲנוּג נַפְשִׁי עַל אֱלֹקוּת יָכוֹל לִהְיוֹת מִזֶּה שַׁמְנוּנִית בַּגוּף The soul’s delight in G‑dliness can actually make a person fat. אוֹמְרִים עַל הָרַב ר' נָחוּם מִטשֶׁרְנאָבִּיל It was said that [the holy tzaddik,] R. Nachum of Ch…
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Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text! Length of the article: 2 pages Length of the audio: 6 minutes 31 seconds Synopsis: This is the audio version of the 2-page article I originally published on my old blog on 12/27/13, which I edited and republished on on 7/19/24 entitled: Vaeira: Do You Believe …
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