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Devenir Triathlète x Opentri

Devenir Triathlète x Opentri

Devenir un.e (meilleur.e) triathlète, c'est ici que ça passe ! 🏊🚴🏃 Chaque semaine, un épisode pour vous aider à débuter et progresser en triathlon. Des interviews, rencontres, discussions, avec des pros, des amateurs & des passionnés, rejoins-nous 🎧 Devenir Triathlète x Opentri 💙 Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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In this podcast I share the trials and tribulations of a middle-aged amateur triathlete. Take me along with you during your workout to hear about my personal experiences of training and racing and get some motivation to utilize for your own workouts. I'm not a coach. I'm not an interviewer. I'm a fellow triathlete! Feel free to reach me with comments or feedback at Feel free to check out my YouTube channel as well: ...
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The Strong Savvy Cyclist & Triathlete Podcast presented by Human Vortex Training & USA Cycling Expert Level Coach Menachem Brodie gives cyclists & triathletes of all levels & abilities the opportunity to learn about Strength training, Physiology, Psychology, Nutrition, & much more, as Coach Brodie shares his experience and talks with other top experts. Taking YOUR questions, we're here to help you get more out of your training, and to learn how to "Train Smarter, Not Harder, because it is al ...
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We help iron distance triathletes get the most out of their training time - from Kona qualifiers, top age group triathletes to those striving for a personal best. Following the FCMethod, we train triathlon as ONE DISCIPLINE, knowing that each portion of the triathlon significantly impacts the total outcome. We build durability and resilience to allow for peak performance in all our athletes.
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The Triathlete Beat: A Beginner Triathlon Podcast helps beginners get into the sport of triathlon - join us for swim/bike/run tips, stories from the everyday athlete, and more! We truly believe that completing a triathlon is a much more attainable goal than it seems. Your host, Jeremy Tri, is an age grouper triathlete who fell in love with triathlon during his last semester of college. Since then, he’s competed in many races over the past 7 years and loves to encourage others to just get out ...
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Are you an aspiring or beginner triathlete but don’t know where to start? Or, maybe you’ve participated in multi-sport events, but you’re looking for ways to improve. The OFFICIAL Triathlete Podcast is the show you need to listen to. In each episode, board-certified registered nurse, triathlon and wellness coach, and certified race official Donita Jacobs, who is also a seasoned triathlete, shares tips, strategies, and advice to take you to the next level. Combining more than 20 years of heal ...
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show series
🎙️ Aujourd’hui on accueille Paulin Philippe, récent 9ème Pro de l’IRONMAN® 70.3 d’Aix-en-Provence. 💬 On y parle de trouver l’équilibre entre ambition & pression, d’apprendre de ses erreurs et d’oser se lancer des défis. 😊 Une discussion pleine d’énergie et de positivité, sans langue de bois ! 🎧 Écoutez - Abonnez-vous - Partagez ! → Suivez notre inv…
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It’s an area where recommendations have evolved rapidly in the last few years with new research. In this episode, we speak to Dr Alannah McKay, one of the researchers whose work has led to these changes. You’ll learn whether it’s better to take tablets or liquid iron, the formulation of iron in supplements that’s most effective, the optimal dose an…
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🎙️ Dans cet épisode, on reçoit Nicolas Hauptmann : le sportif novice qui démarrait le triathlon sur la pointe des pieds, devenu organisateur d’épreuve. 💬 On y parle de ses débuts sportifs atypiques, de sa drôle d’histoire avec le triathlon de Gérardmer, et de la création d’une nouvelle épreuve Longue Distance, le HAUT’MArN Triathlon. 🚀 Un témoignag…
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Are you rushing through life? Are you hurriedly trying to get to that next interesting event? Do you feel impatient? Are you stubbing your toes and banging your elbows into things? Have unexplained bruises? That's me! And I figured out the cause! Can you relate? Drop me a line at and let me know I am not alone.…
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In this bonus episode for the T -12 podcast series, we catch up with our guest athlete Brett, less than 48 hours after completing the 100km Ultra Trail Australia. We find out how the race went for him, the ups and downs on the day, as well as how our planned strategies for accommodation, eating the day before the race, and the gut training he’d wor…
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Rouler 40 000 km par an, le chemin vers la performance en ultra-cyclisme 🎙️ Dans cet épisode, on reçoit Ralph DISEVISCOURT, recordman du monde des 24h en cyclisme 💬 On y parle d’entraînement et de logistique pour l’ultra, de rouler 40 à 45000 km par an et de tenir mentalement sur des épreuves de 10 jours et + 😲 Une plongée folle dans l’univers de l…
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You know that weird piece of gym equipment you've seen people throwing around? Ya, that hunk of cast iron that looks just too heavy to actually pick up, let along swing around your head? The kettlebell. It's a miraculous ball of metal! Little did I know that a single piece of equipment would be able to transform my body into a quivering, aching, so…
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It's one thing to talk about the theoretical needs of nutrition for altitude, but what does it actually feel like? In this episode we chat to US pro triathlete and sports dietitian Megan Foley, who experienced relocating from her home town near sea level to a much higher altitude, and then going even higher for training. Podcast Guest: Megan Foley …
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Triathlon is expensive! The gear, tech, gels and whatnot can cost thousands, even tens of thousands of dollars. I'll never be able to afford to race :( But wait! You actually don't need that much stuff to participate in triathlon. I'll break down the basics for you. Did I miss something essential? Let me know at…
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Passer pro en triathlon, un défi fou ? 🎙️ Aujourd’hui, on accueille Maxime RIVRON, qui nous raconte son passage au statut de triathlète pro ! 💬 On parle de conseils, de stratégie et de planification pour les triathlons Longue distance. 🏃‍♂️ Une belle histoire qui nous plonge dans les défis de ceux et celles qui basculent vers le statut pro. 🎧 Écout…
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In the final episode of this special 6 part podcast series, we catch up with our athlete guest Brett Kone last time before the 100km Ultra Trail Australia. We focus on some final preventative strategies to reduce the risk of gut issues, how to troubleshoot if things go wrong on the day, and Brett discovers a gem of an idea for carrying your drink m…
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Rêver des Jeux Olympiques… mais toujours garder les pieds sur terre. 🏆 2 titres de champion de France jeune, 4 années passé au pôle Espoirs et déjà une belle expérience en équipe de France : on a eu le plaisir de recevoir Briac Tencé dans notre dernier épisode de podcast. 🎤 Une discussion passionnante avec un athlète de seulement 21 ans, mais à l'e…
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Major props to The Stoic Coffee Blog for the content of this week's podcast. I've been thinking about the problem of opinions this week. I had a run in with someone on Reddit that centered around opinions. We don't have to have or share an opinion with anyone about anything! How freeing! Disagree? Share your opinion with me at thelonelytriathlete@g…
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In the fifth episode of this special 6 part podcast series, we catch up with our athlete guest Brett Kennedy in his preparations for the 100km UItra Trail Australia (UTA). We review Brett’s "dress rehearsal" of his race nutrition plan, and discuss taper nutrition for the final 2 weeks before race day. T-12 is a brand new, unique podcast series that…
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💫 Dans cet épisode spécial, on a le plaisir de retrouver Olivier De Schutter au micro : le co-fondateur du podcast est de retour après quelques mois d’absence et il nous raconte ses projets du moment, dans et en dehors du triathlon… 👋 Nous sommes accompagnés de Charly, le créateur d’, la plateforme d’entraînement qui aide les triathlètes …
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Whether you're travelling to altitude to train, or using an altitude tent at home, nutrition can make a big difference to how much benefit you'll get from the lower oxygen environment. In this episode we're joined by Beccy Hall, a sports dietitian and researcher who’s worked with, and studied, elite athletes before and during altitude training camp…
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🚀 "Démarrer le triathlon en 2019… et devenir champion du monde groupe d'âge en 2023 !" Nous avons l'honneur de recevoir Pierre Stieremans, un athlète qui a décroché le titre de Champion du Monde Ironman en groupe d’âge, seulement 4 ans après ses débuts. Pierre partage avec nous des anecdotes sur son parcours, ses stratégies d'entraînement et des co…
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We all spend so much time swimming and biking and running. Should we also throw in strength training? Who has the time? I have a great solution for you - bodyweight training at home! Do you want a link to the video I've been training along with for the past 6 months? Email me at and I'll share, no questions asked,…
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Join us in this episode as we delve into "The Evolution of Strength Training in Endurance Sports: Insights from Leading Coaches." I'll guide you through the significant transformation that endurance sports are witnessing in terms of strength training. And we explore the shift from the conventional approach of lifting weights to understanding the nu…
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In the fourth episode of this special 6 part podcast series, we check in with our athlete guest Brett Kennedy in his preparations for the 100km UItra Trail Australia (UTA). We review Brett’s progress with his sweat rate testing and gut training, his run-through of eating the day before the race, and start to lock in his race day nutrition plan as w…
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🌟 Laissez-moi vous raconter l'histoire d'une triathlète qui a transformé l'impossible en possible. 🚴‍♀️🏊‍♀️🏃‍♀️ 👉 Stephanie TREBUCQ vit au Pays Basque, une région rêvée pour tout amoureux du sport outdoor. Avec l'océan à portée de bras et les montagnes comme décor quotidien, elle a trouvé son terrain de jeu idéal. 🌊⛰️ 🌺 Mère de deux enfants, elle j…
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In the third episode of this special 6 part podcast series, we check in with our athlete guest Brett Kennedy less than 8 weeks out from the 100km UItra Trail Australia (UTA). We catch up on his attempts to collect sweat rate data, and how he's gone with his gut training. We then focus on planning nutrition for the day before his race, and the pre-e…
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Après avoir flirté avec plusieurs disciplines, de la natation à taekwondo, c’est dans les eaux calmes mais exigeantes du triathlon que Cenzino trouve son véritable appel. Lui, qui débuta pour le simple plaisir de se mesurer à ses camarades, ne se doute pas encore des sommets qu'il s'apprête à gravir. Montpellier, avec ses prestigieux entraînements,…
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I think I was wrong about Vitamin E supplementation! I was "tricked" into focusing on the mechanistic behavior of Vitamin E vs. the actual health outcomes. What do I mean? Listen to find out. Do you disagree with me? Send me a note at I won't bite. Studies I reference Great YouTube explanation:…
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Supplements contaminated with banned substances are an athlete's worst nightmare. In this episode we’ll understand how much risk there actually is of testing positive from nutrition supplement use. And if you’re not an elite athlete and don’t think this is relevant to you - think again. We’ll hear how this applies to ALL athletes competing in organ…
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🚀 L'histoire de Victor Lemasson est celle d'une transformation impressionnante et d'un engagement inébranlable. De ses premiers pas incertains dans le monde du triathlon à ses ambitions pro, chaque étape révèle un personnage persévérant, prêt à surmonter les défis. 🏊‍♂️ Parti de la natation, discipline qui ne lui était pas naturelle, Victor a su s’…
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In the second episode of this special 6 part podcast series, we check in with our athlete guest Brett Kennedy 10 weeks out from the 100km UItra Trail Australia (UTA). We review the changes made to his daily training nutrition, his progress on trying the race-provided producst, get him started on collecting sweat rate data for his hydration planning…
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Episode spécial #Podcasthon ! ⏰✨ Quel est VOTRE défis personnel aujourd’hui ? Et si je vous disais qu’il est possible de réaliser vos rêves les plus fous malgré les obstacles insurmontables qui pourraient se dresser sur votre chemin ? 🚣‍♂️ Rencontrez Géraud Paillot de Montabert, un homme qui ne connaît pas le mot "impossible". Atteint de sclérose e…
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Did you know that you have control over your thoughts and beliefs? And because you control what you think you therefore control how you feel? That's right, you are responsible for your own feelings. Imagine the implications that has not only on your sports performance but for your entire life! If you want to share with me what you thought about thi…
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Sounds like a simple question, but for runners, cyclists & triathletes, accurately estimating calorie needs is anything but simple. We're joined by Fuelin co-founder Scott Tindal to discuss how it's done, and the challenges he and I faced trying to accurately predict calories needs for users of the Fuelin app based on their training schedule, when …
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🚴‍♂️ Imaginez un chemin empreint d'obstacles et de défis, un parcours ponctué par la passion, la persévérance, et une soif inextinguible de dépassement. Aujourd'hui, je reçois Romain Garcin, un personnage aux multiples facettes, dont la vie est une source d'inspiration intarissable. 🏊‍♂️ 📚 À l'origine de cette aventure, une découverte fortuite, une…
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We all have dreams. Most of us never achieve them. Why? Because we think having a wish or a dream is enough when it isn't, we need goals! And the great news is that we can all control whether we set goals or not. Have you achieved a dream via goal setting? I'd love to hear about it, send me a note at…
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In the first episode of this special 6 part podcast series, we meet our athlete guest Brett Kennedy and begin the process of preparing him for the 100km UItra Trail Australia (UTA) race in 12 week's time. We discuss his daily training nutrition, and start with a look at race logistics - accomodation, support crew and drop bags. If you're racing UTA…
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🎙️ Dans cet épisode, Ermanno accueille Aurélien Appriou, jeune entrepreneur et triathlète passionné. 🏃‍♂️ Ayant surmonté une crise d'appendicite sévère, un tournant dans sa carrière sportive, Aurélien partage son histoire de résilience. 💡 Passionné d'intelligence artificielle et de science du sport, il co-fonde FlitRun, une app révolutionnaire pour…
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For the last 15 years, we've recommended that athletes space out protein evenly across the day, in 20-40g serves. But is this based on poor assumptions? A new study, published in December 2023, put this narrative to the test. The lead author, Jorn Trommelen, joins us to discuss the results and what it means for you. Podcast guest: Assistant Prof. J…
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🤩 Découvrez l'histoire incroyable de Gaspard Tharreau, le jeune athlète exceptionnel de 19 ans 🌟! 🏊‍♂️🚴‍♂️🏃‍♂️ 📖 Né en 2004, ce petit génie du triathlon défie les limites et repousse les horizons. Membre éminent de l'équipe des Sables Vendées Triathlon sur les Grands Prix de D1 et du pôle Espoir de Triathlon à Montpellier, il combine parfaitement s…
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The forgotten (or minimized) tool for optimal performance - recovery! You have much more control over your physical and emotional recovery than you may think. I run though a bunch of "keys" to optimize your recovery with an emphasis on sleep. I then end with a discussion on Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and the benefits that can occur from measuring…
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The craze for flashy, complex fitness regimes dominates the social media landscape, often contrasting with the disciplined, focused demands of endurance sports like cycling and triathlon. In this episode, Menachem Brodie dispels the misconceptions swirling around complex equates to better. He emphasizes the importance of investing time to master fu…
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🌟 Il était une fois, dans l'est de la France, un jeune homme nommé Victor Henry, promis à un avenir lumineux dans le monde exigeant du duathlon et du triathlon. 🚀 Sa passion pour la discipline, partagée lors de cet épisode captivant, résonne comme une source d'inspiration sans pareille. 🏊‍♂️ Dès l'aube de sa carrière, Victor plonge dans le duathlon…
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You have 100% control over what you put in your mouth. So why do you eat things that you know are not good for you? I argue that it is a combination of: history, social and cultural influence, family and friends, laziness and perhaps a lack of intention. But that can be overcome! You can change what you eat (over time) which can have a tremendously…
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When things go pear-shaped on race day, it's one thing to keep your head and come up with a plan, but how do you know it's the right plan that's going to work? In this episode we're joind by sports dietitian and ultra-runner Erin Colebatch to talk through strategies you can use when disaster strikes mid-race, from bonking to flavour fatigue, gut is…
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🌌 Une nuit étoilée, sous le ciel de la Race Across France, naissait une légende de l'ultra-cyclisme : Noélie Alexandre. 🚴‍♀️ Initiée puis passionnée par le triathlon, son voyage prend un tournant inattendu vers des horizons plus lointains, guidée par l'amour et la quête de soi. 🔄 Transitionnant vers l'ultra-cyclisme, elle s'immerge dans un monde où…
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I had a terrible week, health-wise. And yes, you will learn if I, as a mighty triathlete, decided to poop in my shorts this week. But as you will learn, I actually had more CONTROL over whether I did or not poop my pants than I thought OR, at the very least, how I felt about doing or not doing that thing. Folks, it was a hard week.…
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In this eye-opening episode of The Strong Savvy Cyclist & Triathlete, our host Menachem Brodie examines the broader scope of endurance strength training. Going beyond subjective opinions, he unveils the critical nuances involved in achieving excellence in the field. Dive deep into the fascinating intricacies of balancing intensity and recovery, opt…
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🌍 Dans cet épisode, nous accueillons, à nouveau, Marie Léautey, aventurière extraordinaire qui a couru le monde. 🏃‍♀️ Son aventure, riche en défis et en découvertes, est au centre de notre discussion. 🏆 Marie, aventurière exceptionnelle, a relevé un défi monumental : courir autour du globe. On part avec elle dans son voyage à travers les continents…
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