show episodes Legacy Series presents award-winning western author Stephen Bly speaking on Faith, Family, and Western Wisdom. Stephen Bly authored more than 100 inspirational fiction and non-fiction books for adults, teens, and kids (8-14 years), including the Stuart Brannon Western Series, Code of the West Series, Austin-Stoner Files, Nathan Riggins Western Adventure Series, Horse Dreams Series, and Throw The Devil Off The Train. Theme for all his books and audio: to prepare hearts to receive ...
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Er du interessert i prosjekt, prosjektering og ledelse i bygg-, anlegg- og eiendomsbransjen? Jobber du med prosjekt eller har lyst å lære mer om prosjekt? Synes du vi mangler, eller kan bli bedre på, erfaringsoverføring i bransjen? Vil du bli inspirert, og vil du være med å utvikle bransjen? Alexander Strand i Multiconsult har lang erfaring fra alle sider av byggebransjen og er lidenskapelig opptatt av hvordan god ledelse, kommunikasjon og samspill mellom aktørene kan skape gode prosjekter. ...
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Hvordan kommer man over en bunnløs kjærlighetssorg? Hvordan ha det bra alene? Og hvorfor velger folk å bli sammen, slå opp eller å leve uten partner? I podkasten «Ida med hjertet i hånden» møter Ida Fladen mennesker med ulike syn på relasjoner og kjærlighet, folk som dumper, blir dumpa, som lever alene, er skilt, aldri har hatt kjæreste, ikke kan leve uten kjæreste og har andre interessante historier om kjærlighet. Trykk her for å høre alle episodene eksklusivt hos Podme. «Ida med hjertet i ...
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Siv Iren og Ingunn elsker ergoterapi – et fag med en tankegang som fremdeles er ukjent for mange... Det ønsker de å gjøre noe med! Hvem av oss har ikke følt på at hverdagen kan oppleves vanskelig? Ergoterapi handler på mange måter om hverdagsmestring.Gjennom denne podcasten vil du forhåpentligvis bli kjent med hverdagslivet ditt på en ny måte, oppdage noen av dine skjulte ressurser og se løsninger du ikke ante at fantes. Ergotrip er en lett blanding av hverdagsprat og fagspesialer til glede ...
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You might know her from a show called Princesses Long Island on Bravo TV or a DJ radio host on 106.1 BLI/iheartradio. Now, Chanel Omari is hitting the biggest city in the world and covering the hottest spots where celebrities are spotted , giving us access to all the hot places to check out, getting real with celebrities on how they overcame obstacles in a major city. Chanel Omari is a must listen to podcast! She provides a refreshing experience around the city, creating a community that sup ...
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Mental trening hjelper deg til å bli mer lykkelig, få mer energi, overskudd og motivasjon. Ved å ta i bruk verktøyene som deles i denne podcasten vil du kunne få flere gode dager hvor du føler deg bra, mestrer livet, får gjort det du har planlagt og faktisk når målene dine. Anniken Binz er mental trener og helsenerd, og i denne podcasten deler hun forskningsbaserte verktøy og kunnskap som du enkelt kan benytte i eget liv for å skape det livet du drømmer om. Anniken er forfatter av boken Finn ...
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Uten Filter er Norges første intervjubaserte podkast. Kvar veke vil ein ny interessant gjest snakke ut om det dei brenn for. Etablerte sanninger vil bli utfordra, meiningsmangfaldet vil bli utvida. Gjer deg klar for å bli tatt med utanfor komfortsonen med Uten Filter, podkasten som spør meir.
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Gyldendal Norsk Forlag

Kriminelt er en podkast fra Gyldendal. Her kan du bli bedre kjent med noen av de største og beste krimforfatterne vi har, og lære mer om deres skrivemetode, liv og litterære univers.
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Dina og Maren

Har du noensinne tenkt "ah, jeg burde ha lest På sporet av den tapte tid?" Vel, vi også. Så vi leser, fjaser om og siterer verket, og så kan du slippe. Eller bli inspirert. Kanskje underholdt? Hvem vet.
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This is a true account by American woman journalist who, in 1889, set out to see whether she could beat the fictional journey in Jules Verne’s 1873 novel, Around the World in Eighty Days. Wearing one dress and carrying one handbag, Elizabeth Cochrane Seaman (pen name “Nellie Bly”), reported her travels back to avid readers in America.
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You Had Your Chance

David Bly & Nick Ciavarella

Film fanatics David Bly & Nick Ciavarella invite filmmakers to pick a classic, seminal film that they have always wanted to watch but never got around to it. Spoilers abound, but these films have been around for a long time, so if you haven't seen them, too bad, you had your chance! Support this podcast:
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En podkast om de som lager podkast. Her får du tips til hva du kan høre på og bli bedre kjent med menneskene både foran og bak mikrofonen. Kommer også med info og oppdateringer om det som skjer i denne spennende bransjen :) Følg gjerne med på @podpurripod for episoder og nytt, for alle som elsker podcast eller er nysgjerrig på podd-universet :)
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On November 14th, 1889, two female writers entered a race to go around the world in under 80 days. Nellie Bly went east, and Elizabeth Bisland headed west. This eleven part series will unpack their whirlwind adventure and what it was like to circumnavigate the globe alone as a woman at a time where women had no rights. Storyteller and travel writer Adrien Behn brings Nellie Bly and Elizabeth Bislands’ experiences, emotions, and adventures to life in this serialized podcast. A Race Around the ...
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Fire helt vanlige karer fra Gjøvik lager podcast i håp om å få bli med på 4-stjerners middag innen 2020. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Oppland Arbeiderblad

Toten Idag-redaksjonen skravler med totninger og om Toten. Bli bedre kjent med oss i hele Totens nettavis. Du finner oss på Kontakt oss på Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Kunskapens träd

Per Johansson & Eric Schüldt

Genom att knyta samman teorier i vetenskapens och teknikens ytterkanter med mänsklighetens urgamla myter tecknar vi en annorlunda bild av vår tids snabba utveckling. Fortfarande undrar vi allra mest: Vad är en människa? Vad kan en människa bli?
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Carl Frolund & Co

I Crowdcoast samlas era avsnitt i en lång ström utan avbrott. Kanske delar någon med sig av en tanke, spelar en nyskriven låt, bekänner sin kärlek eller väcker debatt. Det är upp till er! Vill du också spela in? Gå in på för att bli en del av strömmen!
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Actuary Voices

American Academy of Actuaries

Actuary Voices is the official podcast of the American Academy of Actuaries. This podcast brings you thoughtful conversations on the role of professionalism in both actuaries' day jobs and the Academy’s public policy work.
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A media-literacy podcast from a horror lens, exploring the unique and raw way society and culture influence film and media. We review media and discuss the history and psychology behind our fears. Support this podcast:
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Prosjekt døden

Human-Etisk Forbund

Det blir ofte sagt at vi burde snakke mer om døden – men hvor skal man starte? Vi følger Eivind, som er dødsekspert og Siri som helst ikke vil snakke om døden, i deres søken etter måter vi alle kan bli litt flinkere til å snakke om døden.
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Föda barn

Danderyds Sjukhus

Föda barn tar upp aktuella områden inom graviditet, förlossning och eftervård som det finns många onödiga myter kring. Vi vill med hjälp av specialister från Danderyds kvinnoklinik berätta hur verkligheten ser ut ur ett medicinskt perspektiv. Avsnitten kommer att handla om när du är gravid för första gången, vad som händer på förlossningen, förlossningsrädsla, kejsarsnitt, att bli regnbågsförälder, vilken smärtlindring och olika förlossningsställningar som finns, bristningar, amning, anknytn ...
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Velkommen til Bar Liberal – et sted hvor Anders Wengen og Herman Ekle Lund pluss gjester har rolige og romslige samtaler om frihet. Vi diskuterer hva et fritt samfunn kan og bør være, hvorfor det er viktig, og hvordan vi kan skape, bevare og forsvare liberale måter å leve på. Bli med på bar!
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Think history is a boys club? Think again. In this podcast History Gap we are looking back to pull up the women throughout history that might have fallen through the cracks. Join (extremely) amateur history fans comedy writer Mollie Goodfellow and creator and producer Jorja McAndrew as they educate themselves on some of the cool women from the past that they didn’t learn about in history lessons - mostly because they weren’t listening. From Junko Tabei, incredible mountain climber, to Anne L ...
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Dette er podcasten for deg som er interessert i idrettsforskning. Alt fra trening, ernæring, søvn, treningsutstyr etc. vil være aktuelle tema for episodene. Alt av innhold skal forhåpentligvis formidles på en slik måte at folk flest kan forstå hva det snakkes om, som igjen er vår hensikt med både podcast og våre sosiale medier. Sjekk oss ut på facebook, instagram og twitter for våre lettfattelig og vitenskapsbaserte infografikker. Kom med feedback, spørsmål, tips og triks. Vi høres!
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Diverse Thinking · Different Learning, a ChildNEXUS podcast, is hosted by pediatric neuropsychologist, mom of two, and ChildNEXUS founder Dr. Karen Wilson. Each week, Dr. Wilson provides support and guidance for parents raising kids with learning differences. Diverse Thinking · Different Learning features informative and inspiring interviews with top experts in their fields, and gives parents and educators the tools and takeaways they need to better understand neurodivergence, learning disab ...
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Nå kun hos Podimo! Gå hit for de nyeste episodene: . Kjærlighet er ikke alltid like lett. Ekteparet Niklas Baarli og Benjamin Silseth har vært sammen i over 10 år, men opplever stadig nye utfordringer. Hver uke inviterer de med seg en kjent gjest som parterapeut, sånn at både de og du kan bli klokere på temaer som sinnemestring, hvite løgner, sextørke, konflikthåndtering, aldersangst og mye mer! Ny episode hver mandag. Produsert av Fenomen for Podimo ...
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Som et oppspark mot Frivillighetens år 2022 fikk Frivillighet Norge og Norsk Tipping idéen om å lage en podkast av og for frivillige. Solveig Kloppen har barn som er aktive i både korps og idrett, og stiller selv opp som én av mange tusen frivillige her i landet. I denne podkasten snakker Solveig med og om de frivillige menneskene og organisasjonene våre – slik at vi kan bli bedre kjent med Norges viktigste lagarbeid og kanskje også lære litt av hverandre. Hosted on Acast. See ...
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The Radical Sex Witches

Carla Wainwright & Little Leah

Are you looking for more pleasure, turn on and a deeper connection to your body? Fed up with the patriarchy and ready for more real empowerment? Join Carla Wainwright, Sex, Love & Relationship Coach and Creatrix and Little Leah, harlot of the hocus pocus, on the Radical Sex Witches Podcast to learn how to awaken your inner witch and go from surviving to thriving.
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This is a narrative travel podcast about a solo female backpacker who interviews strangers she meets while backpacking. Stories of adventure traveling like National Geographic, interview style like Fresh Air, and diverse/alternative storytelling like This American Life and Snap Judgement.
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En podcast av unga vuxna, för unga vuxna. Vi bjuder in gäster för att samtala om ämnen som är aktuella när man är ung vuxen. Vi vill finnas där som stöd och visa att man inte är ensam.Har du skilda föräldrar? En kompis med anorexi? Har du nyligen tagit steget ur garderoben? Eller fasar du inför första ligget? Du är inte ensam. Oss Emellan är en poddserie i åtta delar där unga vuxna träffas för att snacka om ämnen som är relevant när man tonåring och päväg att bli vuxen. I varje avsnitt lyfte ...
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WKXL 103.9/101.9 FM, 1450 AM, and continue to be a vibrant New Hampshire media entity. The station first hit the airwaves in 1946 and to this day keeps Granite Staters informed and engaged in the current events of our times. Our goals are very simple to inform and entertain our listeners with interviews and stories that are thoughtful and compelling. From tragedy to triumph, fires to championship celebrations, the New Hampshire Primary to the City Council race, we have you co ...
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Long before Christiane Amanpour, Frances Fitzgerald and Martha Gellhorn blazed a trail in courageous investigative journalism, a pioneering and intrepid writer and journalist whose pen name was Nellie Bly opened up a whole new field in what had previously been a strictly male domain. Ten Days in a Madhouse was published as a series of articles in the New York World during 1887. Nellie Bly was given the assignment by her editor to have herself committed to an insane asylum in New York with a ...
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Hi! I’m Patrick, a psychotherapist, and I created this podcast with both the practitioner, the consumer and just plain curious in mind. Here you will find a range of resources and information around mental health, practical advice, resources, tools and their application to improve your quality of life. The skills discussed in this show will help you better manage anxiety, depression, relationships and productivity. It is my hope that through this platform you will find more effective ways to ...
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Host Steve Stein interviews various best-selling authors, experts, and thought leaders in the self-help community and helps bring their messages down to 'street level' to make these vital concepts accessible to every day people. In this day of digital overload, it’s hard to string together even two moments of mindfulness. Each week, join Steve Stein, a long time member of the personal development community, as he interviews best-selling authors for practical ideas and concepts on mindful liv ...
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show series
Local baseball icon John Bly joined us in studio to talk about American Legion baseball and the team he manages, Post #21 of Concord. They will be opening their season at Memorial Field on June 11th. We also learned about the very successful club baseball team at the University of New Hampshire where John is a member of the coaching staff.…
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FAITH ADVENTURE "How to Get Going Again" audio podcast by award-winning western author Stephen Bly. Sponsored by Legacy Series. "Many Ways for How to Get Going" Blog post article found here: Sign Up on on blog page to receive RSS feed by email for podcast blog notices. Rel…
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I denne episoden snakker vi med lege og doktorgradsstipendiat Martin Bonnevie-Svendsen og professor Bent Rønnestad. Dette er første episode av en "turritt-spesial" denne sesongen. Denne første episoden vil omhandle hvordan man kan trene mest mulig effektivt for å bli bedre på sykkel samt mestre et turritt. Med meg har jeg førsteamanuensis Solveig N…
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Hvordan få et bedre forhold til kroppen din og spisemønstrene dine? Hvordan kan du bruke indre motivasjon få det livet du drømmer om å leve? Både Torunn Ytrehus og jeg har gitt ut bok, og i ukens episode av Level Up får du være flue på veggen når vi snakker om prosessen med å skrive bøkene og hvordan bøkene vil endre livet ditt. Instagram: @torunny…
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Avsnitt 12. Mats fyller snart 65 år! Hur närmar man sig denna symboliskt stora gräns? När Mats fyllde 15 år, 21 maj 1974, var rockmusiken på sin kreativa topp enligt Hans och Mats, som analyserar Kvällstoppen (försäljningslistan) från detta datum och jämför med Fröken Snusk. Uppsnappat denna gång om rubrikernas man Hans, som fastnat i Dagens ETCs g…
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Hey there, welcome back to Diverse Thinking Different Learning! Today, we're diving into a topic that's often overlooked but incredibly important: late diagnoses of ADHD and autism, particularly in women, people of color, and LGBTQ individuals. It's a conversation that's long overdue, and we're so grateful to have Dr. Monica Blied joining us to she…
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Another Bad Babes of History episode, this one about the trailblazing American journalist Nellie Bly. One of the very first investigative reporters, Nellie was also a wild adventurer, who lived by her own creed that “nothing is impossible if one applies a certain amount of energy in the right direction”. She was a true force of nature, fighting fie…
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As more of us are choosing the bear over the man, fighting for our reproductive rights, ignoring the catcalls, the comments on our looks, clothing, how we age, how many people we've slept with ... and just any general comment on what men think women should be, it's no surprise that the 4B Movement has taken South Korea by storm and that women in No…
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The Powerhouse Theatre Collaborative Play Festival @ Prescott Farm in Laconia is once again tackled by NH Unscripted! Today’s guests, Gary Locke (one of the directors) and Chuck Fray (one of the writers) stop in to discuss the Festival in more detail. We talked about things like: Is the shortened format easier or more difficult to work with? What d…
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Ep. 109 Join us for a powerful conversation on The Mental Health Toolbox as we explore the world of holistic health with Amalia, a certified health coach, yoga instructor, and actress. Amalia shares her personal experience overcoming Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, depression, and anxiety, highlighting the importance of listening to your body and finding …
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Denne episoden handler om KI eller kunstig intelligens og hvordan rådgiverdelen av prosjektbransjen tar dette i bruk. Henger rådgiverbransjen med i svingene nå som KI kommer for fullt? Er de egentlig interessert i å henge med, eller strider dette mot forretningsmodellen der man selger sine timer med kunnskap? Er det mulig å unngå den store KI-flodb…
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This week on Facing the Future we’ll talk with Professor Sita Slavov of George Mason University about making tough fiscal choices today to protect future generations. She will discuss her proposals to reform Social Security, and institute a carbon tax among others.By WKXL -
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Allerede som 16-åring flyttet Larvik-gutten alene til USA for å oppfylle sin store golfdrøm. Via jungelen i Sør-Amerika er han nå tilbake i Europa. Søndag vant han sin hittil største seier i Danish Golf Challenge. Verken motgang eller 13-åringer med maskingevær har stoppet Andreas Halvorsen.By Norsk Golf
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Hvilke ingredienser er en del av et lykkelig liv med gode følelser og fantastisk helse? Hvordan jobber du for å komme deg gjennom sorg? Og kan du bare bestemme deg for å ha det bra, når du føler at du har nådd bunnen eller har vært gjennom en traumatisk hendelse? I ukens episode av Level Up er vi så heldig å ha med oss herlige Björg Thorhallsdottir…
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Last of Us is an emotionally charged drama, set in a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by a fungal outbreak, that masterfully intertwines elements of horror and heartfelt storytelling.Gabe explains the horrors of the cordyceps fungus that inspired the game and show's villain. They also talk about the brilliant storytelling that has us in our feels. Ka…
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Today’s episode was all about the upcoming “free to attend” Play Festival at Prescott Farm in Laconia this weekend June 1st and 2nd. Pumping it up with me is K. Stawasz. 14 short plays written by local talent, directed by local talent and performed by local talent will be showcased for free both days. We break down what it takes to accomplish that …
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Miss New Hampshire Volunteer Eliza Fisher made a return visit to the show on Wednesday. Eliza will be participating in the Miss Volunteer America Pageant next month in Tennessee. A sendoff fundraiser for Eliza will be held this Sunday on the MS Mount Washington on Lake Winnipesaukee at 1 PM. For ticket information go to and search NH…
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Två feta, fylliga och fina böcker hyllas av Hans och Mats i avsnitt 13 i den enda pådden du behöver. ”Serier för vuxna : Epix och den svenska serierevolutionen" och "Vi kan inte dö", om punkvågen i Skåne som exploderade 1978. Därtill uppsnappat om de allsvenska spelarnas nya dialekt, Lost in the blåst, och mycket, mycket mer. Vi presenterar även de…
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Episode 221 of Podcast Juventus Club Svezia with guest Jimmi Nordkroggaard Højberg, who is a part of the JuventusDanmark - Podcast. We started with why it was Juventus for him, before jumping into Massimilliano Allegri's time at the club and how the club and he can resolve the final year of his contract as well as discussing likely replacement Thia…
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In today’s episode, I’m thrilled to have Fran Kenton with us to discuss social emotional learning (SEL). Fran holds a Master’s degree in Educational Psychology, along with credentials in General and Special Education, and is a Certified Health and Wellness Coach. She is the founder of Autonome, a dynamic and interactive SEL program designed for tee…
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Recently, WKXL had the pleasure of taking part in a career day at Merrimack Valley High School in Concord. Many area businesses and local employers were represented at the event. During the course of the day WKXL had the opportunity to chat with a number of the participants concerning the careers they were presenting to the upcoming graduates who a…
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From teenage concubine to an Empress ruling China, this is episode is about to get a little bit Game of Thrones. Join Mollie and Jorja as they tell the story of Cixi and how she worked her way up the ranks of the Imperial Chinese Harem. To some she's a trailblazer that brought change to China, to others she's a cunning murderer. What will you think…
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It is human nature to want to know more about ourselves. And for many people, astrology, the study of how celestial bodies may influence our lives, is an important way to come up with signs, answers and predictions. Humans have been looking up at the stars to plan their lives for millennia, and even today in our modern, scientific world, astrology …
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The very first episode of The Sports Machine with Slim was on December 4, 2020. During that show at the 14:40 mark Slim made this prediction: The Boston Celtics are going to win the NBA title this season. Those of you who wish to listen to that first show can find the link here: it turns out, that prediction h…
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Today guest was Tom Seiler. As a stage actor he has appeared in over 197 plays including the leads in such shows as The Man who came to Dinner, Rumors, Dam Yankees, Cheaper by the Dozen, and many others. He spent 10 years in television news working for CNN for the first three years they were on the air. He spent 4 years on the New Hampshire Film Co…
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This week on Facing the Future we'll talk with Jason Furman, a former top economic advisor to Presidents Clinton and Obama. He now teaches economics at Harvard University. We discussed the prospects of a "soft landing" for the economy and the crucial role of interest rates in projecting future debt.By WKXL -
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Tomorrow will be the last day of The Sports Machine with Slim on WKXL Radio. We use today's show to review some of the interesting takes that Slim has had over the past 6 months. Caitlin Clark would score how many points in a game if Slim was guarding her? The Boston Celtics are going to win the NBA title this season. The NY Rangers are the best te…
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New Hampshire filmmaker Adam Newman of Dreamscape Productions was our guest on Thursday to discuss the success of his first full length motion picture, "Everwinter Night" which now has over 10,000 streams on Tubi and Amazon Prime. Adam also previewed his latest film, "Round The Decay" which is set to be released in October. One of the other topics …
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Hvordan kan du tenke rundt mat så det blir enklere for deg å ta gode valg? Hva er de hemmelige triksene for at du skal kunne balansere en hektisk hverdag, spise sunt og ta vare på deg selv? Hvordan bør du tenke for å bevege deg fremover i livet ditt og coache deg selv? Denne episoden med Linn Stokstad vet jeg at du vil elske, og du vil sitte igjen …
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Do the Celtics get pizza for winning Game 1 of the Eastern Conference Finals? No. Happy Pizza Day refers to the day Laszlo bought two pizzas for 10,000 BTC. Today is the 13th anniversary of that day, and in some circles, it is a huge day to be remembered. Yesterday may well be a huge day to be remembered for Celtics fans moving forward. Jaylen Brow…
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What I know about opera is pathetically slim. That’s right nobody comes to me when they have questions about it, but, I needed to get a little more “culcha” in my life and so I broke down and went to NH Opera Idol recently held at the Bank of NH Stage in Concord. I was intending to quietly slid in as an audience member, but, was quickly pressed in …
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Our Wednesday guest for the full program was Ernest Thompson, best known his Academy Award winning screenplay of the classic movie, "On Golden Pond", which was filmed in New Hampshire. Mr.Thompson is a playwright, director, actor, lyricist as well as an in-demand public speaker, teacher and mentor. He will be delivering the keynote speech on June 8…
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Hvordan går det egentlig med boligmarkedet? Hvilke prosjekter jobber OBOS med for tiden? Hvordan jobber de med prosjekter nå? Hvordan fungerer godt samarbeid i prosjekter? Disse tingene og mer diskuterer Alexander Strand med Jorunn Nerheim og Roger Wiksnes OBOS Nye hjem, i denne episoden av Prosjekteffekt Podden.…
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Welcome back to another episode of Diverse Thinking Different Learning! Tune in this episode as Dr. Karen Wilson welcomes educational therapist Hunja Koimburi to the podcast to discuss end-of-year strategies for students with learning differences. As the school year winds down, students and parents alike face many challenges, including but not limi…
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22. mai 1999 ble Norge rystet av et brutalt trippeldrap på Orderud gård. Mediedekningen ble enorm, og vi diskuterer hvordan det var å stå midt oppi dramaet som journalist for 25 år siden. Deltakere er ansvarlig redaktør i RB Mads Yngve Storvik, politisk redaktør Lars MJ Hansen og journalist Bjørn Ivar Bergerud. See for priva…
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Avsnitt 220 av Podcast Juventus Club Svezia med JCS-Gästen Hardy Lezan. Vi startade varför det blev Juventus för hans del innan vi tog generationen från klubben på 90-talet fram till dagens trupp och vi hoppade fram och tillbaka mellan Antonio Conte, Massimiliano Allegri, Maurizio Sarri, Andrea Pirlo och potentiellt Thiago Motta eller vem som tar ö…
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What do the NBA experts think about the Celtics/Pacers series? 14 out of 16 "experts" on ESPN predict the Celts to win. More importantly though, what do the "experts" on The Sports Machine with Slim think about the series? Let's hear what they have to think about Celts/Indy and the Minn/Dallas series as well. It is full throttle NBA talk today!…
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On today's episode of Artful Living, Jane will chat with Ernest Thompson, an award winning novelist, playwright, and director who also lives here in NH! Ernest will be the keynote speaker for NH Writer's Project June 2024 Conference event. Also, we will talk with Kaitlyn Patterson Gagnon about the many exciting Summer programs offered at Good Life …
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