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Social Security workers aren’t allowed to read this story, but heading into the weekend, David Waldman and KITM have remained under the DOGE radar! Keep your fingers crossed! The first thing we do is… let’s kill all the Democratic consultants. Ok, that sounds “a little harsh”, and the one thing any consultant will tell you, is that you absolutely d…
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David Waldman serves up a lot on today’s KITM, but no nothingburgers! You need to head over to Bondi’s for those. Greg Dworkin tried unplugging and replugging Connecticut this morning but they’re still offline up there. Place your bets right now. Will Republicans or Democrats destroy the United States first? Of course, Dems are the “good guys”, rig…
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No, David Waldman did not watch the speech, or the Oscars, or the Super Bowl, all right? (The TV’s been stuck on the History Channel since David lost the remote.) Greg Dworkin is still on Skype, which is now shutting down, forcing an alternative. Greg will be choosing between Zoom or his dial-up fax machine in the basement, whichever has the most p…
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Fat Tuesday! Grab your donuts and breakfast beer and March 4th with David Waldman this morning. This year for Mardi Gras, Cybertruck-shaped piñatas will be roaming the streets! Happy Tariff Day! Trees, a major source of income for both Canada and Joyce Kilmer, will be going up like eggs, as will just about everything, since just about everything co…
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Ok, where was I? Oh yes, I finished Friday’s summary describing the time Donald K. Trump extorted Ukraine President Zelenskyy to falsely promote Russian interests. Back in those days we used to impeach Presidents for that kind of stuff. Anyhow... David Waldman is here with the KITM Oscars Analysis. He has heard some “good buzz” about this movie “Op…
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David Waldman delivers us to the end of the month, and yes, the end of the week. KITM’s superpower is to not work on weekends. You don’t see Donald K. Trump work weekends, or weekdays. It’s too much work for him to remember what he said yesterday. Elon Musk is the go-getter, destroying civilization, trolling billions, uploading federal grants with …
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David Waldman gives us a few more things to think about, laugh about, get kind of grumpy about, on today’s KITM. Guess what? Dr. Greg Dworkin says America’s got a fever! And the only prescription... is more F-bombs! Covid “alarmists” were closer to the truth than anyone else. (IMO, “alarmist” has been pretty much the way to go for around a decade.)…
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Right pukka, innit? Another KITM today featuring the brilliant púcaí doodlebugging of David Waldman and Greg Dworkin! The Gop big beautiful awful bill passed the House last night. Clever and feisty Dems were clever and feisty but not quite successful... yet played a great game. Should Democrats strategize and triangulate and stick up for minorities…
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David Waldman counts down the days until our national apocalypse, yet with so many tied down the backstretch, this race is a tough call! For supposed “auditors”, nothing about DOGE adds up. Monday, Elon gave federal workers until three to… Uhm, today Elon gave federal workers until three to… Tomorrow, Elon will give federal workers until three to… …
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This weekend KITM Headquarters sent David Waldman and Greg Dworkin an email directing them to list five ways that they contribute to the civil discourse. These overachievers came up with something like two hours' worth! Gop town halls are experiencing F5 blowback from constituents, but it’s a gentle breeze compared to what they’re expecting to be h…
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It’s Friday, the day David Waldman pitches us into the maelstrom. We get today’s last dangle before we drop. The weekend is when Elon Musk really lets his Big Balls loose. Well not “his”, per se, those are in a jar at some IVF lab. The rest of us are menaced by whatever his giant ketamine cookie jar of a head is coming up with. The weekdays are for…
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Greg Dworkin walks us through some familiar and relevant Watergate history, beginning with the saga of John Mitchell, which serves as necessary background to today’s corruption, only part of which manifests itself in the form of Eric Adams’ corruption. Another fun development on this front: a NY Bar Association complaint against Count Boveula. Of c…
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David Waldman is not here today! But what is “here”, anyway? David recorded a brand-new show that went over by four minutes — that’s hundreds of extra words! So, he is virtually here today… but what is “virtually”, anyhow? KITM is still OG podcasting, the way they did it back in the twenty teens, none of that funny new stuff, or the funny old stuff…
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David Waldman and Greg Dworkin return in a Tuesday KITM that feels like a Monday KITM but is more like a Friday KITM that feels like a Thursday KITM. You will understand once you hear the Wednesday KITM. A Delta airliner landed on its roof in Minneapolis yesterday. Is that how they are supposed to land? It doesn’t seem so… unfortunately the people …
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David Waldman delivers the first KITM following the declaration of the historic Luigi Doctrine this weekend. Dems in exile plot their counterattack to be waged once they find the Elmer’s to glue together their big piece of posterboard onto that easel that goes behind their outraged speeches. Greg Dworkin is out fighting weather not fit for man nor …
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Today, whether you’re planning a romantic evening for two or two hundred, you’ll want to hear David Waldman, the “Barry White of political podcasts”, on KITM, home of the hottest takes. Elon Musk doesn’t know his SQL from a hole in the ground, but how hard is it really to sucker punch US government agencies defended by only strong rhetoric? Dems se…
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David Waldman and Greg Dworkin are back and will continue to return until we straighten up. Today in political procedure efficaciousness: Democratic Representatives aren’t really into leading a peaceful revolution at the moment, which will probably end in… something not so good… that they won’t be leading anyhow. Therefore, it falls upon Gops to be…
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IYL to KITM, YK but David Waldman only has two hours, weekdays, to tell you. Somedays, like today, Greg Dworkin shows up to assist via his many helpful interruptions. Democrats will never bring a gun to a knife fight. They won’t bring a knife to a knife fight. They bring Robert’s Rules of Order to a knife fight. Dodgy Doges performing illegal acts …
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On today’s KITM David Waldman reviews the freshest havoc being delivered direct to your door. Donald opened the gates on Arkham Asylum yet again, Rod Blagojevich scurried out. Eric Adams will be allowed to remain “New York City” Mayor as long as he remembers whose mayor he really is. Trump streamlines the process and just legalizes bribery and corr…
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It’s Superbowl Monday! There may be some problem with saying that, but it also seems that most have bigger things on their plate. David Waldman is here to help carry our metaphorical plates Greg Dworkin somehow hauls in his Raft O’ Stories™ while riding in on the new FAFO Express™. Jeff Stein over on the NOT-Z website describes what he sees as the …
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To no one’s surprise, the excuses the Trump White House is issuing for Elon Musk’s attacks on USAID are not true. Eleven of the 12 offered are just flat lies or inaccurate. The twelfth is just dumb. Meanwhile, Trump continues to insist on the dumbest possible reading of everything, including his claim that USAID subsidized Politico. Which, duh. Alt…
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Gluttons for punishment or eternal optimists? David Waldman and Greg Dworkin are back, and so are you! Be on the lookout! Someone has stolen 100,000 eggs, and the suspect is still at large... grade A, extra-large! Alas, there are worse cartoon supervillains on the loose. Elon Musk is attacking his enemies, USAID and USA, while his chief henchman Tr…
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We and David Waldman have made it to the Wednesday KITM! Now, let’s try for Thursday! Greg Dworkin bursts through the door, cinders in his hair, shirt torn, exclaiming “The State of the Union is not... sound” before collapsing. Really? I read that The Sims is 25, but are things that bad out there? Why yes, things are that bad. You won’t be reading …
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David Waldman spins the big wheel of awfulness, let’s see if your number comes up! Our digital Pearl Harbor continues, and we continue to lose. Federal workers are reeling from the ongoing surprise attack. A 25-year-old working for Musk now has a few trillion dollars of his very own. You say it was your money? Try proving that with a deleted Social…
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On today’s KITM, David Waldman and Greg Dworkin attempted to sum up what happened over the weekend. Now, let me try to sum up that. Musk and Trump are about halfway in their overthrow of the United States. Democrats who stick with procedure as Gops violate norms, now consider violating norms as Gops violate laws. We wish them and the mainstream med…
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There is nothing wrong with your media device. Do not attempt to adjust the sound. We are controlling transmission... Well, we were for a while. On Libsyn and Patreon versions of today’s KITM David Waldman might have recorded a sign off, on others though, if you aren’t hearing anything after 1:42:18, that is not a very dramatic pause, you’re just o…
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This is it y'all..... since 12-1-2011 EMAC has been giving you some wicked tunes to groove to. While this show concludes, The Jay King Network continues. Youtube, Facebook Live, Instagram Live & other platforms. And since this is the last show, it's only right to replay the very first show. Lots of special people that have passed on since the begin…
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David Waldman, Greg Dworkin and we are under the cloud of a domestic commercial airline disaster, just a few days after Trump/Elon fixed it. ON BLUE SKY, experts have predicted something like this for a while in the area. President Why Don’t They Just demanded to know why didn’t they just avoid colliding up there, then realized that black and gay p…
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We are on Monday through Friday and every third Saturday of the month each morning at 8am Pacific, which is 9am Mountain, 10am Central, and 11am Eastern. Everything goes. Everything. When you are on, do not be disruptive, we have fun, but we like the show to run smoothly. If you have noises in your background, they are magnified, so keep a quiet at…
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the weekend yesterday…David was just checking to see if you had a calendar! Remember, always ask to see the paperwork! Because today is not Saturday, Greg Dworkin showed up to review the breathtaking amount of FA occurring, with the inevitable FO upcoming. Just because Trump “can’t” impound doesn’t mean he can’t “impound” … or maybe he can’t! That …
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Get Ready”, “Get Ready” “ Get Ready” for the SIMMIE BRAXTON SHOW “Simmie to the Max”.Now, Brace Yourself for Braxton, he’s in a bracket, all by himself. Saturated, verbal Rapp-Ability, with a twist and an Urban Pop Culture feel….Simmering with updates on trending news and current events, informing and enlightening, AND, educating the masses with un…
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Two-fisted drinker of breakfast beverages, David Waldman tells it like it is this Tuesday. WAR! Trumpskrieg is in full force, finding the calvaries of MGs Schumer and Jeffries still tamping down their muskets. Of course, reporters aren’t used to the news being so damn “new” either. MAGA forces have already scored massive, albeit imaginary victories…
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It’s Infrastructure Week! The second week of razing civilization while laying a foundation of chaos, disinformation, and fear. I guess our job, with the help of David Waldman and Greg Dworkin, is to chip some away as Gops and MAGAs lay it down. Tariffs are a bad idea. Does anyone know why… Anyone? Well, everyone knows, but threatening tariffs gets …
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David “Golden Voice” Waldman mellifluously orated us through the week and off the ledge. We’re on our own now, but first: President Why Don’t You Just is out there just getting things done every minute. What things? Why? Don’t ask him, he doesn’t know and doesn’t care. He has staff for that. But Trump, like any boss will tell you, is the only one g…
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David Waldman answers the pressing questions of today, accompanied in close harmony by Greg Dworkin. It sure is a great time to be a jackbooted thug in America. Soon there will be more prison camps than Super 8s. Experts warn that deportations threaten the US food supply. Farmers say that too. MAGA farmers could have sworn that Trump was only talki…
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David Waldman retains his faith in democracy and the rule of law, otherwise what would we talk about in a couple of weeks? Greg Dworkin declares this the year of FAFO. There is plenty of FA for sure as the Felon Authoritarian President gets his treason party started. Out goes anything that Biden ordered with “equity”, “lawful”, “ethics”, “civil”, “…
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Progress on David Waldman’s memecoin, $KAGRO, is moving along slow and steady… Kidding! 15 years and we don’t even have a t-shirt! In the meantime, you can show your solidarity and enthusiasm right here. Welcome to 2025... Project 2025 has commenced with President Why Don’t Cha farting out whatever EOs and affixing his skid mark to most of them… ma…
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RIP, Charles “Big Chuck” Schodowski. Man, that’s the end of an era that no one will ever recapture. You won’t see times like that again, guaranteed. David Waldman and Greg Dworkin are here to interrupt each other and some of our doomthinking for a couple of hours. The thumb-in-the-eye president is back to stick his thumb in more eyes. Voters with p…
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We are on Monday through Friday and every third Saturday of the month each morning at 8am Pacific, which is 9am Mountain, 10am Central, and 11am Eastern. Everything goes. Everything. When you are on, do not be disruptive, we have fun, but we like the show to run smoothly. If you have noises in your background, they are magnified, so keep a quiet at…
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The John Bolton book – and excerpts from it that may prove the President WAS guilty of stuff, BUT as Congressman Lamar Alexander said, makes no difference. And this goes for both sides – they do WHAT THEY WANT TO DO, NOT WHAT IS GOOD FOR YOU – and what can you do about it? YOUNG PEOPLE who will inherit the earth, are the only ones who can change it…
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Bob Uecker and David Lynch are hanging out together in Heaven’s waiting room, laughing (slowly, and in reverse, naturally), looking down as Hell freezes over so that Donald Trump can return to the Presidency. But... why are we still here though? Probably to listen to David Waldman on the Friday KITM. Don’t turn to Republicans to answer your questio…
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