show episodes

Land of dreams


An audio documentary presenting true stories about foreigners in Slovenia. We visit them, peek into their lives and daily routines. Take a different look at the people that have come from abroad! Has Slovenia fulfilled their expectations? Is it their land of dreams?
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Euranet Plus


Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.
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Today’s journalism rarely offers a chance to get behind the face of many people in our society. My Life, My Music offers conversations that allow time to understand how the guest has reached their goals and what is important to them. Along with 8 tracks of music chosen by the guest the programme takes a journey though many different personal philosophies with inspirational guests from all walks of life.
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Study abroad


We take a peek into the lives of foreign students living in Slovenia. Did they come to party, study or just shake up their everyday lives? What makes these young people tick and what do they think about the country they've come to? Listen to the challenges they face and what they miss from home. Has this experience changed them? Are they considering staying here? Every Monday at 11:25 only on Radio Si. Do you want to share your experience? Just write to and maybe you are our ne ...
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Second hand


Second hand looks at the trend of recycling existing music in the form of samples, remixes and covers - although sometimes these modifications are actually flagrant violations of copyright laws... Some artists use without acknowledging where they got it, so we decided to take a closer look. The result: a huge number of hits are credited to the wrong musician, while the people who really wrote it remain ignored. Listen to the original and the adaptation and familiarize yourself with what's go ...
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Sweet Spot


For music lovers, curious one and the belly dancers Captain Soul takes you to the one spot where all kinds of diffeent music ganres melt through rhtyhm, sound and the soul in one universal message of pure sonic bliss. The Sweet Spot is the hour for the music lovers, for the curious ones and for all those that let themeselves be moved by the vibrations of the music expressed with the soul. The continnents, the genres, the eras do not matter – it can come from anywhere, from anytime – but it h ...
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The team at MMC go 'Beyond the Hype' with the world’s leading AI technologists, entrepreneurs and corporate executives that are transforming today's industries. This podcast is produced by MMC Ventures, the research-led venture capital firm investing in early-stage technology companies. Visit for more details or find us on Twitter @MMC_Ventures.
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We are Bible enthusiast wrestling with how to grow spiritually, help others grow and bring others to Christ. Through conversation we delve deep into Bible passages and try to figure out what they mean and how to best live by them. Ether produces this podcast, videos and other content through the support of our audince. We thank you for listening and would greatly appreciate your support on Patreon,
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About ten years ago, Michael moved from New York to his new home in Slovenia. In this weekly show, he looks at the things he’s learned (or tried to learn) while settling down in his new home. From language to culture to everything else, it’s a light-hearted look at what it means to live in Slovenia and how to become a proud Slovene.
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At just 19, Luka Dončić is already a double European Champion and the Euroleague MVP. Take a peak at how the Slovenian sensation blossomed into a basketball prodigy. Why he left his home at 13 to play for Europe's top club, why he got punished when he watched a game of his current team, the Dallas Mavericks and what made him a team leader as a teenager? Luka Dončić: Becoming Wonderboy, a story also featuring NBA All-Stars Goran Dragić, Phoenix Suns coach Igor Kokoškov and double Stanley Cup ...
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ANG A young Slovene girl called Fani spent a year in the Emerald Isle working as an au-pair. After falling in love with good-humoured Irish bartender Dave, Fani lures him back to Maribor. But how can he possibly survive without knowing any Slovene? Trying to master »survival Slovene« turns out to be an incredible challenge for the highly motivated Dave, and occasionally a real nightmare for his beloved Fani. A Daily dose of Slovene language for foreigners wanting to improve their everyday Sl ...
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Mazan Movie Club

Steve Mazan Host/Comedian/Writer

Dissecting, discussing, and debating (sometimes destroying?) the IMDB Top 100 Rated Movies list one at a time. Counting down to #1 Got an opinion? Join in! It's a Movie Club.
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The Iron John Podcast

Minnesota Men's Conference

The Iron John Podcast is a production of the Minnesota Men’s Conference (MMC). The Minnesota Men's Conference was founded by poet, author, and storyteller, Robert Bly in 1984. In the past decades, the conference as reached out to men of all ethnicities, orientations, nationalities, backgrounds, life experiences, and ages. Any person who identifies as a man is welcome to participate. We welcome men from all over the country, from large cities to rural communities, and from all over the world. ...
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Welcome to Built Environment Matters. A monthly podcast brought to you by Bryden Wood, an international company of technologists, designers, architects, engineers and analysts working for a better built environment. Bryden Wood believe in design to value to cut carbon, drive efficiency, save time, make beautiful places and build a better future.
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WSP Anticipate is WSP Middle East’s thought leadership platform, where you will find a series of regular articles, podcasts, interviews and more, with special features from WSP’s experts, clients and thought leaders from across the engineering and construction industry. On this platform, we regularly share content that is created with the goal to capture unique perspectives, expert knowledge, and Future Ready insights. Our experts anticipate trends, explore industry hot topics, challenge the ...
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Join Timo Boldt, Founder and CEO of leading unicorn recipe box company Gousto, as he talks to top company founders, CEOs and business leaders about their journey so far, what makes them tick, and how they achieve their ambitions. Guests include the 'nation’s PE teacher’ Joe Wicks, Peanut founder Michelle Kennedy and Bobby Healy, founder and CEO of Manna Drones.
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Alprazolab belongs to anxiolytic drugs. It is an intermediate-acting benzodiazepine derivative used to treat panic, anxiety, and social anxiety disorders. The drug is being sold under the ‘Xanax’ trademark, proving itself to be the world’s most effective anxiety medication. Official Website:
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Monday Morning Coffee is a show where I go over life updates and talk with chat, all while drinking coffee. Join the Discord: Patreon: Sponsors Rasa - Code JACOB44451 for 15% off Astukari Redbubble - JBR - Support this podcast:
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Tune in to conversations for the curious about fintech and cybersecurity. The team at DVELP - a London-based software development company specialising in secure platforms for sensitive data - invite you to join them as they chat to tech thought leaders to discover more about the newest trends in this rapidly evolving industry. We will be covering cybersecurity issues as well as all sorts of fintech, from regtech to insurtech. Plug in and charge!
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Hello! I’m Julia. I created this podcast as a way to express my thoughts, feelings, and experiences. My goal is to allow everyone to relate to me, if not allow everyone to become more understanding and knowledgable about “taboo” topics. I don’t want anyone to ever feel “alone” in life as I have sometimes felt. Please never hesitate to reach out to me via Instagram @mrsjuliashannon to continue our conversations!
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show series
Kevin Smith's game changing DIY indie film from the magic year of 94 dcomes to the club. It's "Clerks" Is Kevin Smith an inspiration for everyone? Was B&W the right choice? How close was Silent Bob to not being Kevin? Is Jason Mewes the greatest actor in the film? How good is the soundtrack? All these questions and more get answered on this week's …
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ZDA in Evropa sta ključni trgovinski partnerici, z rekordno dvostransko trgovino in naložbami. Volitve v ZDA bi lahko pomenile prelomnico čezatlantskih odnosov. Trumpova administracija bi lahko prinesla unilateralizem in protekcionizem, medtem ko Harrisova obljublja multilateralizem in odprto ekonomijo, boljšo za EU. O tem med drugimi tudi s prof.D…
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V luči prihajajočih ameriških predsedniških volitev se bomo o čezatlanstkih odnosih stare celine in Združenih držav, ki ostajata druga drugi najpomembnejši trg, pogovarjali s dr.Ano Bojinović Fenko, profesorico za mednarodne odnose na Fakulteti za družbene vede Univerze v Ljubljani.By RTVSLO - Radio SI
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Tudi tokrat smo pod drobnogled vzeli dogajanje v Evropski Uniji v preteklem tednu. Predvsem se posvečamo začetku sojenja Marine Le Pen zaradi zlorabe evropskih sredstev, zavzemanju za ponovno utrditev odnosov med Unijo in Združenim kraljestvom, izpostavili pa smo varnostne razmere na Bližnjem vzhodu in ponovni poziv evropskih zunanjih ministrov k p…
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Dobrodošli v oddaji Second Hand.Danes si bomo ogledali ozadje pesmi Alibi od Sevdalize v sodelovanju s Pabllo Vittar in Yseult.Pesem je prvo sodelovanje iransko-nizozemske izvajalke Sevdalize, francoske pevke Yseult in brazilske drag queen Pabllo Vittar ter združuje množico kultur in stilov v zmagovalno mešanico. Besedila so zapeta v nič manj kot š…
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This week in The Sweet Spot Captain Soul delivers the episode »Space is our place« and plays all sorts of blues with new sounds by Deb Ryder , JP Soars, Canned Heat, Sean Riley & The Water, Paul Weller, Paul Black and few others. Tune into the Sweet Spot this Monday and Wednesday at 9 pm on Radio Si and feel the sweet vibes of the now.…
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One of the most interesting places in Maribor is the Botanical Gardens at Pivola, which is a key part of the University of Maribor, Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences.Meta Šepic and her husband both work there and have a deep understanding of the environment, the plants the soil and the scientific aspects of this teaching facility.In this con…
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Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.By RTVSLO - Radio SI
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Blackberries. That's what he found in the westernmost village of Slovenia. And a breathtaking view of the mountains. And peace and quiet. And a playground on which to realize his dreams, and a Slovenian lady to share it all with. But the house… he says the house found him.Meet Daniel, an American in Robidišče.Daniel's music choice: Tony Bennett - "…
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Dobrodošli v oddaji Second Hand.Danes se bomo poslovili od vplivnega glasbenega umetnika, ki je pred kratkim umrl, pesmi njegove skupine pa so bile semplane v približno 500 kasnejših pesmih in prirejene v skoraj 400 primerih.Zgodnja uspešnica skupine jackson 5, ABC je njihova najbolj semplana pesem, Never Can Say Goodbye pa najbolj prirejana.Pevec …
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Evropska unija se je z leti navadila v svoji zunanji politiki izvajati občutljivo ravnovesje med zagotavljanjem svoje varnosti, tako gospodarske kot vojaške ter ohranjanjem svoje identitete. Prihod novih tehnologij in prometa je privedel do globalizacije našega sveta. Zaradi njih je svet bolj povezan, a tudi bolj zapleten in negotov. Kako naj torej…
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Evropska unija se je z leti navadila v svoji zunanji politiki izvajati občutljivo ravnovesje med zagotavljanjem svoje varnosti, tako gospodarske kot vojaške ter ohranjanjem svoje identitete. Prihod novih tehnologij in prometa je privedel do globalizacije našega sveta. Zaradi njih je svet bolj povezan, a tudi bolj zapleten in negotov. Kako naj torej…
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Pozdravljeni v oddaji Euranet Plus! Tudi ta teden smo preverili novosti in aktualnosti v Evropi in Evropski uniji. Podrobneje smo prisluhnili tudi kako je Ursula Von Der Leyen predstavila svojo ekipo. V prispevku Euranet Special pa o tem, kako bi naj Evropska unija delovala v multipolarnem svetu. Vabljeni k poslušanju!FOTO: Euranet Plus…
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Kurt Russel leads an ensemble in this horror western mash-up "Bone Tomahawk" joining the club. Is this a western or a hooror film? Is Kurt Russel under or over rated? Is this jaws in the west? Do we need more Mathew Fox? Is S. Craig Zahler the hottest new director? All these questions and more get answered on this week's Mazan Movie Club Podcast. H…
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It's the Brian DePalma homage(?) to "Blow Up".... it's 1981's "Blow Up" and Comedian Tony Dijamco is here to discuss it all. Is Depalma a thief or a genius? Is this better than Urban Cowboy? Is it spoofing B-Movies or owning it? Is this underrated? Is this the birth of Lithgow villians? All these questions and more get answered on this week's Mazan…
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Dobrodošli v oddaji Second Hand.V današnji oddaji se bomo poklonili vplivnemu velikanu brazilske bossa nove, Sergiu Mendesu, ki je umrl pred kratkim, star 83 let.Sergio Mendes, brazilski pevec, skladatelj, vodja skupine in klaviaturist, je postal mednarodna senzacija, potem ko se je v šestdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja preselil v Združene države…
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Elise is a neuro science student who spent a year in Ljubljana as part of a Fullbright scholarship, where she researched the metabolism of our brain's immune cells. Why did she chose Slovenia for her research and what has this experience taught her?She chose to play the song Hope by the American rapper NF.…
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Četrta industrijska revolucija, ki temelji na digitalizaciji, zahteva nova znanja. Nova delovna mesta, ki morda danes sploh še ne obstajajo, bodo od posameznikov zahtevala predvsem reševanje problemov, razmišljanje izven okvirjev in prilagajanje na novosti. Ali šola uči pravih veščih za prihodnost?By RTVSLO - Radio SI
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Četrta industrijska revolucija, ki temelji na digitalizaciji, zahteva nova znanja. Nova delovna mesta, ki morda danes sploh še ne obstajajo, bodo od posameznikov zahtevala predvsem reševanje problemov, razmišljanje izven okvirjev in prilagajanje na novosti. Ali šola uči pravih veščih za prihodnost?By RTVSLO - Radio SI
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Today we talk to a French pastry chef in Ljubljana! Naser Gashi was born and raised in Kosovo, but went to school to become a pastry chef in Paris... Life eventually brought him to Slovenia after meeting his Slovene wife in Paris. Today Naser has his own company, a long list of clients, and works seven days a week… which he says is not difficult if…
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Dobrodošli v oddaji Second Hand.Danes se bomo posvetili novi uspešnici od Halsey, Lucky.»Lucky« gradi na uspehu pesmi »The End«, promocijskem singlu, ki ga je Halsey izdala v začetku tega poletja in je neposredno obravnaval zasebne zdravstvene bitke, s katerimi se sooča, odkar so ji leta 2022 diagnosticirali lupus in redko T-celično motnjo. »Na kra…
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Send us a text What if affordable multifamily housing could be built more efficiently and with less neighborhood disruption? Gwen Noyes, vice president and COO of GreenStaxx, draws on her wealth of experience in architecture and urban development—and her deep New England roots—as she discusses GreenStaxx's energy-efficient modular housing models. Y…
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Velika večina državljanov EU je navdušena nad tehnološkim razvojem, ki ga omogoča digitalizacija naših družb. Raziskava iz EU, objavljena v začetku julija, je pokazala, da skoraj tri četrtine Evropejcev meni, da jim digitalizacija vsakodnevnih javnih in zasebnih storitev lajša življenje. Kako pomembne so torej digitalne kompetence in kje je največj…
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Welcome to another episode of Built Environment Matters! This month, Jaimie Johnston MBE, Head of Global Systems at Bryden Wood, is joined by Lincoln Wood, Director of Design at Edged, to discuss the transformative power of data centers in the digital age. With his extensive background in complex projects, Lincoln brings a wealth of knowledge on ho…
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Dobrodošli v oddaji Second Hand.Danes se bomo osredotočili na nov singl "She's Gone, Dance On" skupine Disclosure.Britanski elektronski duo – sestavljata ga brata Howard in Guy Lawrence – je pesem prvič izvedel oktobra lani na pop-up predstavi v Los Angelesu. Skladbo so nato premierno predstavili na BBC Radio 1, na podlagi česar je postala viralna.…
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Mladen Delin is a musician in many senses. Taught originally to play accordian by his grandfather he loved music from a very early age, indeed he was too small to hold the instrument. In later life he tried guitar but at the age of 21 decided to take the opportunity to learn classical piano. He has never looked back.He lives in Ptui and from there …
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The Erasmus student from Spain says that one of the biggest challenges for exchange students is overcoming the fear of missing out (FOMO). For her, conquering this fear meant understanding and embracing a few key concepts.She chose to play the song Lodo by Spanish alternative rock musician Xoel López.…
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The Max Brooks zombie apocalypse book to film speeds into the club with Brad Pitt in the lead. Book reader and comedian Chris Cope is back t discuss all the speed and segmenting of the plot for scree. Host and Comedian Steve Mazan ring masters it all. Home of the Mazan Movie Club Steve Mazan on Instagram Home of Corporate Comedian Steve Mazan…
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Dobrodošli v Second Hand.To poletje je nekaj velikih albumov v smislu samplanja in glasbenega sloga praznovalo obletnice in danes se bomo osredotočili na Music for the Jilted Generation od Prodigy, ki je praznoval 30 let.To je drugi studijski album Prodigy, ki je izšel julija 1994 pri založbi XL Recordings. Gre za poseben album v marsičem, tudi v s…
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In this episode of the WSP Anticipate Podcast, David Leversha, Decarbonisation Lead for WSP, discusses driving value for clients through sustainability with Catriona Brady from the World Green Building Council and Daniel Socha from WSP's Global Sustainability and ESG Services. They explore the growing prominence of sustainability, the influence of …
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Send us a text Can a mix of modular housing and panelized solutions be the key to solving the UK's housing crisis? DJ, co-founder and COO of Sano, a UK-based team of innovators dedicated to rethinking the possibilities of housing technologies, believes they can. Set against the backdrop of government transition and new UK housing goals, DJ shares h…
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Dobrodošli v oddaji Second Hand.Letos poleti je nekaj velikih albumov v smislu samplanja in glasbenega stila praznovalo obletnice, danes pa se bomo osredotočili na Hell Jamesa Browna, ki je praznoval 50 let.Ko je James Brown posnel Hell, svoj osemintrideseti studijski album, je že izumil soul glasbo, kot jo poznamo, in se poglobil v rastoči žanr fu…
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Dobrodošli v oddaji Second Hand.Letos poleti je nekaj velikih albumov v smislu samplanja in glasbenega stila praznovalo obletnice, tako da se bomo danes osredotočili na Santanin Supernatural, ki je praznoval 25 let.Supernatural je bil osemnajsti studijski album Santane, ki je izšel junija 1999 pri založbi Arista Records. Potem, ko so se Santana sre…
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Robert Kereži is a runner, not just marathons but ULTRA Marathons and Ultra Trail runs.It means he is very fit and focused on keeping that way. He is an ambassador for the English organisation Ultra X and this means he has travelled much of the world running and promoting! He somehow finds time to have a family and together with his wife will soon …
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Party On! It's "Wayne's World" for this week's Mazan Movie Club. Host and COmedian Steve Mazan gets to talk about one of his favs with a member of in movie band Crucial Taunt... it's actor & guitarist George Foster. Is this underrated? Did this revive Queen? Was Mike Meyers on pace to be the greatest post-SNL cast member? Could Tia Carerra sing and…
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Director John Carney gets a sleeper on the club. IT's "Sing Street" from 2016 and Comedian Tom Simmons is here to discuss it all with Host & Comedian Steve Mazan. Is John Carney to Music Movies as Frank Darabont is to Prison Movies? Is it a good title? Is this criminally underseen? What's the best song?. Did ya want a sibling like this? Is this one…
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Hal Ashby gets a film in the club and it's a red hot Jack Nicholson starring. It's "The Last Detail" and Comedian Larry Omaha is here to discuss it all with host and Comic Steve Mazan. Is this typical Hal Ashby? Is this a sentinel 70's film? Did we deserve more Otis Young? How great was Randy Quaid? All these questions and more get answered on this…
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V povprečju predstavlja turizem 10 odstotkov BDP EU. Z 2,3 milijona vključenih podjetij, predvsem malih in srednjih podjetij, je velik generator delovnih mest, saj zaposluje približno 12,3 milijonov ljudi. Številne destinacije pa niso vedno pripravljene na nenaden in ogromen pritok turistov in se le s težavo ubadajo postaviti potrebno infrastruktur…
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Raziskave kažejo, da je 85 % turizma koncentriranega le na 5 % svetovnega kopna. Množični turizem je v porastu, v Evropi naj bi letos presegel številke pred covidom. Nekatera evropska mesta dobesedno pokajo po šivih, zlasti na vrhuncu turistične sezone. Na eni strani množični turizem veliko daje, na drugi pa tudi veliko vzame. Naš sogovornik jeTade…
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