Podcast sobre NBA no geral e a vida em particular, não necessariamente sobre esta ordem. Com João Dinis, Lucas Niven e Ricardo Brito Reis.
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Zero carisma, papo bom.
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なおぽんど (@naopond)による脱線だらけの海外ドラマ紹介 。リクエストもtwitterからお気軽にどうぞ!
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Welcome to the Ainda Não Tem Nome podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Josh Rose on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@joshsrose
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Oi gente! I’m Josie the Mustang, the Afro Latina Regina George of witches. I’m a bloodline witch that specializes in a "own the villain in you" approach to manifestation, law of attraction and of course self love. I’m also a certified spiritual practitioner so I sometimes throw in a few technical words in true Virgo fashion. Você é capaz de criar a realidade que deseja. To contact Josie the Mustang and submit your questions to the Lua Nova podcast, book a personal tarot reading, follow the L ...
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Um podcast para inconformados e não-conformistas.
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divirtam-se, ou não
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Não somos Coach, apenas entusiastas para ter uma vida alfa.
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A equipe da BBC lê para você algumas de suas melhores reportagens.
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Join railway engineer and writer Gareth Dennis plus a wide range of guests on his semi-topical weekly talk show about all things rail... This podcast is uploaded after the live (or live-ish) show has finished on YouTube at 7pm (UK time) on Wednesdays.
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Members of Carbon Crew discuss the myth surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine about how it isn't safe because it was developed "too quickly."
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O Podcast MAIS PODRE da internet! Falamos ou não, sobre basquete
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Jornalismo oral, desde 2006
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Dicas de séries ou filmes. Cada participante escolhe uma, os outros não sabem qual é. Sua tese defendida ou refutada!
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A linguagem é uma Habilidade, não um conhecimento. Por isso para falar bem e alcançar a fluência é preciso muito, mas muito treinamento, prática e repetição. Conheça Just Talking English
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Featured True Stories Episodes on Player FM
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O Podcast acutilante de um gajo que, tal como o primo do Sócrates, fugiu para as Chinas. Assim não dá para lhe bater. Falamos de tudo um pouco, é giro.
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NFcast é um podcast de esportes e cultura pop apresentado por Pedro Hollanda e Loïc Olichon. Não falamos de notas fiscais.
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Every podcast episode has a worksheet which includes the audio transcript, exercises and answers: https://www.patreon.com/learningportugueseisfun
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POLICIAL DISFAÇADO! Casal gay falando sobre suas perspectivas de vida e vivências dissertando pautas urgentes e tudo isso misturado com a cultura pop (ou com certeza não) rs
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Aqui você não consegue ficar parado.
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RESET Mindset - Responsible Enterprises for Social and Environmental Transformation
Vic, Maurizio, Nao, and Marcello
RESET Mindset podcast aims to inspire change and to help professionals learn about high-impact, innovative collaborations to build a sustainable future. We share stories of companies who are innovating business models through the lens of sustainability. We believe everyone has a responsibility to innovate for a better future and our aim is to inspire people to be a champion in their field or start something new. For transcripts, visit us at www.resetmindset.org Support this podcast: https:// ...
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Um raio cheese da Serra Gaúcha. Radionovela Colonews, a oficina da imaginação, um programa que não pronuncia os dois erres. Produção - Estúdio SONA Elenco (em ordem alfabética): Angelo Boscari Jr. “Mestre” - Voz Rodrigo Marcon - Voz e direção Gustavo Andrighetti - Voz André Costa - Roteiro e voz The brazilian nice guys who live in the colony.
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Saiba tudo sobre investimentos com os analistas e especialistas da Inv, uma das maiores casas de análise do Brasil - www.inv.com.vc
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The Couch offers an opportunity to hear experienced marriage counselors share what they've learned from decades of working with couples. If you and your partner are disconnected, unable to talk without arguing or wondering if you can save your relationship, Deb and Nao can help. Their warm, engaging way of talking about EFT can offer hope when all seems lost in your relationship.
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Podcast com mensagens bíblicas diárias, com aplicação teológica e contextualizada, da palavra de Deus. Não discutimos religiões, apenas compartilhamos, estudos bíblicos para nos auxiliar em nossa caminhada diária com Deus. English version: Podcast with daily biblical messages, with theological and contextualized application of the word of God. We don't discuss religions, we just share Bible studies to help us in our daily walk with God. tip: you can listen to the transcript in your language ...
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Confira aqui as análises, entrevistas e repercussões de notícias que você pode ouvir e baixar. As reportagens +RFI propõem a cobertura de eventos importantes no mundo inteiro feita pelos repórteres e correspondentes da Rádio França Internacional.
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Experiências , viagens, entrevistas de um brasileiro morando pelo mundo - morando fora! Tudo em português, pra vc que não fala inglês ainda, ou pra vc que está aprendendo português! Bora! Abraços, Rodrigo Baena Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/rodrigobaena/support
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inglês como o nativo fala
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Um podcast sobre cientistas para cientistas (e simpatizantes) sobre tudo o que há de melhor e pior na ciência.
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Quatro malabaristas, falam de cinema e de outras coisas que não entendem. Cheio de erros, conversas de café, Todas as Quartas. O pior Podcast de Cinema de sempre.
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Podcast não-tão-semanal-assim sobre o Liverpool e a Premier League.
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Podcast by Podcast ICE Bosque
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Temas do cotidiano abordados, a partir de uma cosmovisão bíblica, de maneira prática, leve e simples.
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reflexões sobre o impacto da tecnologia nas nossas vidas
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Not just another way to learn medical English
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Podcast formado por 4 amigos que saíram do Brasil e foram morar juntos no Canadá. Aqui, dividimos nossos pensamentos e histórias das nossas vidas. Pode entrar, fica a vontade e não repara a bagunça! Segue a gente nas redes sociais! Instagram: @apartamento1602 Facebook: facebook.com/apartamento1602
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Por que nao ha verdade absoluta, nem razoes incontestáveis, pelo crescimento contínuo e uma vida consciente, seja muito bem-vindo ao PensaCast!
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A pluralidade religiosa é incrível e esse podcast se propõe a tratar disto, apresentando as religiões e seus praticantes de uma forma não preconcebida e com isenção, pautando sempre pela visão acadêmica e de estudo. Espiritualidade, Religião e Fé, são temas abordados no Caminhos Podcast. Pois muitas são as formas de nos ligar ao sagrado.
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Um ninguém tentando falar a todos sobre um alguém.
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É um pássaro? É um avião? Não! É o Nerd Diário. Um Podcast de Krypton.
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Um papo semanal sobre notícias, filmes, redes sociais, tecnologia, desabafos e assuntos aleatórios. E as vezes falar nada com nada.. não sei né. Sem rumo. Falar dos assuntos que tão rolando ultimamente. Se quiser mandar uma dúvida, manda um inbox no Instagram @mateo.chang
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Five Rivers - ਪੰਜ ਦਰਿਆ (Punjabi) ਤੁਧੁ ਅਗੇ ਅਰਦਾਸ ਹਮਾਰੀ, ਜਿਉ ਪਿੰਡ ਸਭੁ ਤੇਰਾ | ਕਹੁ ਨਾਨਕ ਸਭ ਤੇਰੀ ਵਡਿਆਈ, ਕੋਈ ਨਾਉ ਨਾ ਜਾਣੈ ਮੇਰਾ | *ਪੰਜ ਨਦੀਆਂ* ਵਿੱਚ ਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਸੁਆਗਤ ਹੈ, ਜਿੱਥੇ ਅਸੀਂ ਇੱਕ ਸਿਹਤਮੰਦ, ਸ਼ੂਗਰ-ਮੁਕਤ ਜੀਵਨ ਵੱਲ ਤੁਹਾਡੀ ਯਾਤਰਾ 'ਤੇ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਸ਼ਕਤੀ ਪ੍ਰਦਾਨ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਪ੍ਰਾਚੀਨ ਬੁੱਧੀ ਅਤੇ ਆਧੁਨਿਕ ਵਿਗਿਆਨ ਵਿਚਕਾਰ ਪਾੜੇ ਨੂੰ ਪੂਰਾ ਕਰਦੇ ਹਾਂ। ਹਰ ਐਪੀਸੋਡ ਦੁਨੀਆ ਭਰ ਦੀਆਂ ਪਰੰਪਰਾਵਾਂ ਤੋਂ ਪਵਿੱਤਰ ਗ੍ਰੰਥਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਪਾਈਆਂ ਗਈਆਂ ਡੂੰਘੀਆਂ ਸੂਝਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਖੋਲ੍ਹਦਾ ਹੈ, ਅਭਿਆਸੀ ਤੰਦਰੁਸਤੀ ਸਲਾਹ ਅਤੇ ਜੀਵਨਸ਼ੈਲੀ ਦੇ ਸੁਝਾਵਾਂ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ ਅਧਿਆਤਮਿਕ ਸਿੱਖਿਆਵਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਮਿਲਾਉਂਦਾ ਹੈ ਤ ...
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O Podcast do abrilabril Já podes ouvir nestas plataformas. Segue-nos! 📺 YouTube 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUUh6OHygUW2kV2I90c6a-zWFfHGaOjC5 📺 Facebook 👉 https://www.facebook.com/watch/135016033577220/684809916139605 📻 Spotify 👉 https://open.spotify.com/show/4O3YF0l1hK42XbHT3zYuYJ 📻 Apple Podcasts 👉 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/megafone/id1608888181 📻 Google Podcasts 👉 https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYWJyaWxhYnJpbC5wdC9tZWdhZm9uZS54bWw 📻 Stitcher 👉 htt ...
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Nós Somos Abstrato… não nos prendemos a um estilo, trabalhamos pela boa musica! House ao Techno, Free Download & Premiere de Tracks e Set's. - We Are Abstract ... do not hold a style, we work for the good music! House to Techno, Free Download & Premiere Tracks and Set's. powered by Digiment Records / Brazuka Music
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Começou por ser um podcast de sucesso apresentado por Rui Unas em que, ao contrário de outros meios de comunicação, se dá espaço a conversas genuínas e sem tempo com os convidados. À semelhança do seu host também, como sempre, envolve a participação dos seus seguidores e, principalmente, dos patronos. Como a barba ou como as mamas masculinas, as coisas vão crescendo com o tempo e o Maluco Beleza pretende ser uma plataforma de angariação de conteúdos variados e de extrema qualidade. O critéri ...
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Welcome to The Public Space, where thought leaders share strategic ideas and solutions that spark positive change in civil society. Each conversation will offer tangible steps that nonprofit organizations, funders, supporters, and partners can take to better our communities. The Public Space is a podcast created by the Nonprofit Association of Oregon. NAO strives to connect, improve, and advance all nonprofits to help build a thriving and vital Oregon. Each month, NAO sits down with experts ...
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#37. Mở đầu bằng tiếng Anh trong hội thảo khoa học thế nào?
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Trong tập podcast này, chúng ta sẽ cùng tìm hiểu cách để mở đầu bằng tiếng Anh trong hội thảo khoa học. Nếu các bạn mong muốn học đầy đủ cách trình bày bằng tiếng Anh trong hội thảo khoa học, các bạn có thể truy cập vào link sau: https://www.medlangfanatic.com/courses/speaking-conference
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O procurador que foi Uber por 4 meses em Salvador: 'Não tive sensação de ser meu próprio chefe'
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Ilan Fonseca tirou licença do Ministério Público do Trabalho para viver cotidiano de motoristas do aplicativo e entender melhor a relação deles com as plataformas.By BBC Brasil
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Culto 90 - Não ame este mundoSérie especial Cartas de João1 João 2.15-17By Podcast ICE Bosque
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Si vous aimez les histoires dans lesquelles nous vous plongeons chaque semaine dans "A la folie, pas du tout", vous allez aimer "Les Fabuleux Destins". Des récits sur les destins les plus incroyables ou encore les plus sombres... Mais toujours vrais ! Des conquêtes de Napoléon, aux escroqueries de Rudy Kurniawan, au trafic de Shiny Flakes ou encore…
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Prochainement : James Dean et Marlon Brando, deux sex symbols qui aiment se faire mal - A la folie, pas du tout
Cette semaine, redécouvrez la saison inédite de A la folie, pas du tout sur l’une des rumeurs les plus controversées d’Hollywood : dans l’Amérique des fifties, les acteurs James Dean et Marlon Brando auraient entretenu une passion torride ! Alors que les intéressés ont toujours nié, certains témoins rapportent une relation faite de rivalité et d’au…
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Sous emprise au coeur du star system américain Cette semaine, (re)découvrez l’une des rumeurs les plus controversées d’Hollywood : dans l’Amérique des fifties, les acteurs James Dean et Marlon Brando auraient entretenu une passion torride. Alors que les intéressés ont toujours nié, certains témoins rapportent une relation faite de rivalité et d’aut…
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They're violent and scary, some of them are madmen and others are convicted killers, but the gangsters who control organised crime syndicates in Melbourne are mostly just stupid, according to veteran crime reporter John Silvester
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Faça isso após votar | Que País é Esse? #5
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Sermão pregado dia 06 de Outubro de 2024 pelo Pastor Jack na Igreja Vintage.igrejavintage.comVisite nosso Site!Contribua!Siga-nos em nossas plataformas!Descubra novos conteúdos!By Pastor Jack
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There are few writers more renowned for pushing the boundaries of modern fiction than Scottish literary icon and author of the 90s cult classic Trainspotting, Irvine Welsh. Irvine grew up as a working class boy in Edinburgh surrounded by drugs, crime, poverty and unemployment. It was this harsh environment and the people he grew up around that beca…
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In May 2024, 90-year-old Ed Dwight Jr. from Kansas City, Missouri travelled to the edge of space – he was an honoured guest in the Blue Origin rocket. His trip was 60 years overdue. Ed had been chosen by President John F Kennedy to be the first African-American astronaut at a time when racism was rife and segregation a reality. But JFK’s plans for …
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Keira Bell sued the Tavistock Gender Clinic after they didn't warn her of the full ramifications before she 'transitioned'. She now has a low voice and facial hair, as well as other attributes that she can't turn back. Follow her on X: https://x.com/klbfax Read her story: https://www.persuasion.community/p/keira-bell-my-story Join 17k+ heretics on …
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Cornelia berättar om hur det är att ha barn med en "covert narcissist" eller dold narcissist. Hon berättar om eftervåldet som för henne är en värre upplevelse än när hon var i en relation med honom. - Han dränerar mig på energi och jag sätts konstant i situationer, även i familjerätten och i socialtjänsten, där jag hela tiden blir ifrågasatt varför…
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Chen Almog-Goldstein was kidnapped by Hamas along with her three youngest children on October 7, 2023. This week, she tells the story of their life as hostages in Gaza. Prologue: The 251 hostages taken by Hamas a year ago have become a divisive symbol in Israel. Host Ira Glass talks about the father of one hostage, and what happened to him at a pro…
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Esta edição do podcast Isso É Fantástico, com trechos da entrevista de Cid para os 50 anos do Fantástico em 2023, e outros depoimentos sobre sua carreira inesquecível, é uma homenagem ao jornalista.
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In this episode, Fiona shares part 2 of her story of moving from Kenya, to Capetown, to Joburg and finally to London. Her story reveals that moving abroad for greener pastures, isn't as simple as it seems. Adelle also shares her adventures touring Gulu in Uganda and meeting Flavia. Watch her adventures in Gulu here: youtu.be/PR1GtvFkH0c?si=Knmbp-Dr…
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Koen De Bouw is er zonet 60 geworden. Het verlies van zijn kinderlijke onschuld kon hij compenseren door van verbeelding zijn job te maken. Zijn nieuwste personage heet Tom in de film ‘Julie Zwijgt’. Over een jonge tenisster wiens coach geschorst is wegens vermeend misbruik. Iets wat hem zelf overkwam in zijn jeugd. Hoe is het om als ‘mooie jongen’…
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The Most Mortified tournament has reached the semifinals! In this head to head clash of titans, the Mortified Chicago chapter battles the Mortified Portland chapter. Stories include: Inspired by the diary of Anne Frank, a girl sets out to keep an adolescent diary that will be remembered for the ages. The epic tale of a shy kid who works up the gump…
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Unser heutiger Gast gehört zu den fleißigsten und talentiertesten Musikerinnen des Landes, sie ist Sängerin, Produzentin, Komponistin, schreibt zuverlässig kluge und oft sehr lustige, hervorragend beobachtete Texte, leitet Chöre und ist schon wirklich lange dabei. Folgerichtig müsste sie zu den erfolgreichsten und bekanntesten Musikerinnen des Land…
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Sophia joined Amway as a vulnerable teenager who was just looking for adult mentorship and stability in her life. Through a series of tragic events, Sophia realized that life was far too short to be stuck in something so controlling and toxic, and despite the extreme guilt she felt to her upline, came to find out that she had one foot out the door …
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Am 7. Oktober 2023 greifen Terroristen der Hamas Israel an. Dafna in einem israelischen Kibbuz und Mohammed im Gazastreifen erzählen wie sie den Tag und die Zeit danach überstehen. Beide überleben in höchster Gefahr und beide trauern, denn sie verlieren Menschen, die ihnen sehr nahe stehen. Dieses radioFeature erzählt was am 7. Oktober und in den W…
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Daniel Heusser bewarb sich während seines Architekturstudiums an der ETH für ein Austauschsemester in China und tauchte in die Welt traditionellen chinesischen Architektur ein. Heute führt der Architekt aus Zürich zusammen mit seiner Frau ein renommiertes Architekturbüro im Herzen von Shanghai.Während seines Studiums an der ETH in Zürich ging Danie…
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Zwei Menschen, die für ihre Werte einstehen. In ihren 12 Jahren im Europarat hat sich Doris Fiala für interkulturelles Bewusstsein eingesetzt. Laurin Merz zeigt als Filmproduzent und Regisseur die illegalen Praktiken des Tierhandels auf.Doris Fiala ist in Zürich geboren und aufgewachsen. Mit ihrem ersten Mann lebte sie mehrere Jahre in Genf, bevor …
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[LOVE STORY] : Edith Piaf et Marcel Cerdan : une histoire de rings, de scènes et de voyages - Les Fabuleux Destins
Un amour passionné Marcel est un homme marié. Sa femme, Marinette et leur trois fils vivent à Casablanca. Avec Edith ils doivent être discrets. Ils s'installent à l'Hotel Claridge, dans deux chambres côte à côte. Ils peuvent compter sur la discrétion de la presse, complice, qui garde le silence sur leur adultère. Ils passent toujours plus de temps …
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[SHORT STORY] Mildred et Richard Loving, une histoire d'injustice, de lutte et de progrès - A la folie, pas du tout
Tous les week-end, découvrez de courtes histoires d’amours, tendres ou percutantes, pour engager de vraies réflexions sur l'amour. Un couple qui a changé l'Histoire Ils sont moins connus que Martin Luther King ou Rosa Parks. Pourtant, à leur manière, Mildred et Richard Loving ont fait beaucoup pour les droits civiques. En défendant la légitimité de…
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[GRAND FORMAT] L'assassinat de John F. Kennedy, l'un des plus grands complots politiques - Les Fabuleux Destins
(Re)découvrez en intégrale les meilleures saisons des Fabuleux Destins ! Vous avez adoré ces histoires : les conquêtes de Napoléon, les escroqueries de Rudy Kurniawan, le trafic de Shiny Flakes ou encore le mystère de la bête du Gévaudan... Replongez-vous dans ces récits hors normes. Bonne écoute ! L'un des plus grands complots politiques Cette sem…
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Ep 567 is an Open Mic session recorded in North Carolina. The stories come from all over the state. Sponsored by INdigital - Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Web Episode topics – Funny Open Mic stories If you have any comments or questions or would like to be a guest on the show, please email me at wttpodcast@gmail.com.…
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Finger, Matthias www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de, Echtzeit
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Jimmy Hartwig, Ex-Fußballer und Schauspieler: nicht nur beim Sport ein großer Kämpfer - Eins zu Eins. Der Talk
Jimmy Hartwig war als einer der besten deutschen Mittelfeldspieler unter anderem bei 1860 München aktiv. Danach wurde er Schauspieler. Zu seinem 70. Geburtstag am 5. Oktober wiederholen wir ein Gespräch von 2010.
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Rachel tells of a time when a home cooked meal interferred with her equilibrium. If you have a story you are looking to tell - one that has been lurking for some time or something that you want to get into the world - get in touch! www.hongkongstories.com Everyone has a story to tell.
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Madeleine tells of a time when she and a cousin decided to do some mischief. If you have a story that you are itching to tell - be it of family friendships or other exciting escapades, get in touch via the website at www.hongkongstories.com Everyone has a story to tell.
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'Fui de mendigo na Coreia do Norte a ídolo do K-pop na Coreia do Sul'
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Após enfrentar pobreza e fome, Yu Hyuk fugiu para o sul; determinado, ele aprendeu a cantar e dançar e até compõe para 1ª banda de K-pop com desertores do norte.By BBC Brasil
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– What was I doing here? I’d been a fool to come. Too much of the past haunted the rooms. Bruce Spang, former Poet Laureate of Portland, Maine, is the author of two novels, The Deception of the Thrush and Those Close Beside Me. His most recent collection of poems, All You’ll Derive: A Caregiver’s Journey, was just published. He is the poetry and fi…
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When Emily Oster was a kid in the 1980s in New Haven, Connecticut, she grew up on a block with a lot of other children. Every day after dinner, around 6:30, everyone emptied out of their houses and went down to the church parking lot where they engaged in all kinds of unsupervised activities—throwing balls at each other in front of the church wall,…
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Under hela sin uppväxt är Helena rädd för sin mormor. Hon är hjärtsjuk och kan dö närsomhelst och kontrollerar livet och människorna omkring sig. Det ska ta 50 år innan sanningen om mormor avslöjas. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Har du avslöjat en familjehemlighet som förändrat ditt liv? Hör då av dig till programmet och Gunilla Nor…
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The Madeleine McCann Case - Journalist Sonia Poulton Exposes All - Anything Goes with James English
Anything Goes with James English Ep/ Sonia Poulton The Madeleine McCann Case - Journalist Sonia Poulton Exposes All You can contact James English on his social media platforms ⬇️⬇️ http://instagram.com/jamesenglish2 http://twitter.com/jamesenglish0
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[SHORT STORY] : La reine et le roi du Bhoutan : une histoire de bonheur, de tradition et de modernité - A la folie, pas du tout
Tous les week-end, découvrez de courtes histoires d’amours, tendres ou percutantes, pour engager de vraies réflexions sur l'amour. Un couple entre tradition et modernité Vous avez sans doute déjà entendu parler du Bhoutan... Mais si ! Ce petit royaume au pied de l'Himalaya, qui ne calcule pas sa richesse en Produit Intérieur Brut, mais en Bonheur I…
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Les mystères de la Zone 51 : théories complotistes, mirage d’un véritable secret (4/4) - Les Fabuleux Destins
Cette semaine, plongez au cœur de la Zone 51 et découvrez les mystères qu’elle renferme. Alimentant de nombreuses théories du complot sur la possible existence d'extraterrestres, c'est l’une des zones les mieux protégées de la planète. De la mystérieuse affaire Roswell aux récentes révélations, découvrez l’incroyable histoire de la zone 51. Les thé…
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Stories We Don’t Tell is celebrating our 10 year anniversary and to mark this, we have put together a special 10 part series. We picked ten people who have told stories with us, one person from each year, and interviewed them. We really do attract some incredibly interesting people and these interviews do not disappoint. We went in wanting to know …
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De Nachtzuster biedt hulp en verzachting bij vragen en zoektochten, met respect voor de luisteraar en zijn of haar ervaring en kennis.
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What if one race is found to be provably smarter than the others? I look at Jordan Peterson’s article for the Evening Standard about the origins (and the return) of envious Jew hatred, and wonder aloud whether we should make it public if some races perform better than others. Support my show: http://andrewgoldheretics.com Andrew on X: https://twitt…
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In 2015, Yasser El Tahan picked up a stranger while off roading in Newfoundland. Days later, Yasser learned that the man he’d taken into the woods was a missing person named Jonathan Hannaford. Jonathan would be found a few days later, but this chance encounter on a country road haunted Yasser. So he decided to find Jonathan and talk to him about w…
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Os Mercadores da Noite: Mercados futuros e suas características – Treasury Notes e índices de ações
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"Prosseguindo com nosso tour pelos mercados futuros, hoje começo pelas Ten Years US Treasury Notes, negociadas na plataforma eletrônica da Globex da CME. Outro mercado gigantesco é o de índices futuros de ações." Texto: Ivan Sant'Anna | Narração: José Inácio Pilar Conheça mais conteúdos de Ivan Sant'Anna e da Inv CLICANDO AQUI!…
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É um momento de dor que leva a Diana Goulão a começar esta viagem. Uma viagem transformadora que a levou até à Lapónia. É lá que está, na terra do Pai Natal e por lá se transformou em "caçadora" de Auroras.
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Der Wohnungsmarkt ist besonders in Großstädten angespannt und die Suche nach einer neuen Bleibe wird schnell zum stressigen Albtraum, weiß auch Nazli. Sie hat eine Wohnung im Raum Hamburg gesucht. Deutschlandfunk-Nova-Reporter Marcus Wolf hat recherchiert, was helfen könnte, um für mehr günstigen Wohnraum zu sorgen. ********** Ihr hört in der Ab 21…
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John Wilson on Kris Kristofferson, the singer, songwriter and actor who appeared with Barbra Streisand in ‘A Star is Born’ Camilla Carr, the aid worker who along with her partner was kidnapped and held hostage for 14 months in Chechnya. Hassan Nasrallah, for over 30 years he was the leader of Lebanon’s militant Shia Islamist movement, Hezbollah. Th…
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There is a new king on the bottom shelf! Hunt all you want, pay secondary prices for allocated bourbons. But if you are looking for an absolutely incredible pour from a $20 bottle, THIS is for you! 🟧 PATREON - patreon.com/bourbonrealtalkplus 🟩 BOURBON REAL TALK MERCH -https://www.bourbonrealtalk.com/collections 🟦 BOURBON REAL TALK COMMUNITY - https…
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Ihre Violine ist fast 300 Jahre alt. Mit ihr spielt Julia Fischer mit den besten Orchestern der Welt. Seit sie drei Jahre alt ist, ist die Geige ihre Leidenschaft und gibt ihre Passion an Studenten weiter.
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