show episodes

Belief Hole | Paranormal, Mysteries and Other Tasty Thought Snacks

Belief Hole | Paranormal, Mysteries and Other Tasty Thought Snacks

Through deep research and high-strangeness storytelling, three brothers explore paranormal encounters and unexplained events. Collecting freaky listener stories and scouring the dusty pages of classic Fortean texts, the brothers use high-production sound design to set the scene for alleged real encounters with, Dogman, Poltergeists, Bigfoot, Fairy Folk, Humanoids, UFOs, Shadow People, and Sky Creatures.. just to name a few. Attempting to parse out the facts within folklore, the brothers of t ...
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Showcasing the latest developments in the realm of academic and professional research and literature, about the Middle East and global affairs. We discuss Israeli, Arab and Palestinian society, the Jewish world, the Middle East and its conflicts, and issues of global and public affairs with scholars, writers and deep-thinkers.
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Do you need help answering the toughest objections against our Faith? This entertaining and informative podcast will show you how to share your faith, even with those who oppose it, in very practical ways.
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What's at stake for faith freedom for all in our world today? Join the conversation on religion and the law, including the most significant cases concerning religion and religious liberty at the U.S. Supreme Court and the continuing impact of Christian nationalism. As lawyers and people of faith, BJC Executive Director Amanda Tyler and General Counsel Holly Hollman think these topics deserve respectful conversation -- something that we don’t always hear in the public square or our social med ...
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Discussing the Biblical Doctrine of Salvation. Is Calvinism Correct? How about Arminianism? Or is the answer found somewhere in between? Sit in on our Online University Theology Classroom, Soteriology 101, as we unpack the doctrines of God's Amazing Grace. Other topics to include: Predestination, Election, Depravity, Atonement, Once saved always saved, and much more.
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Upbeat and in-depth, Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey breaks down the latest in culture, news, theology & politics from a Christian, conservative perspective. Allie’s fresh analysis of the most important issues provides an entertaining and effective way to stay in the know.
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Soulful Shalom

Rabbi Sandra Lawson

Hi my name is Rabbi Sandra Lawson and welcome to 'Soulful Shalom: a Podcast Exploring Judaism & Jewish Values and Jewish wisdom in just minutes. Each episode, I'll share a bit of wisdom that comes from the Jewish tradition. We will touch on history, ethics and other pieces of wisdom and I can assure you it will be relatable today. I'm recording this from my home office, so every once in a while you may hear a dog barking or two. So come and join me and together we will discuss thousands of y ...
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Debating theology that makes sense of life and faith. A team of regular people discuss issues of theology, faith and life. Uncovering bible thinking from cutting edge, to conservative, to all things in-between. A lively debate show that gets you thinking, challenging the relevance of God, scripture and faith to today's contemporary outlook.
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Bros Bibles & Beer

Andy McCraw, Zack Krater, Jeff Pearson

Serious conversations on faith and culture while not taking ourselves too seriously, Bros Bibles & Beer is a podcast about life, faith & our favorite beverage - Unpolished and potentially unsafe. Kind of like life. Grace-Peace-Cheers!
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UFO? UAP? WTF? (formerly UNKNOWN) is a monthly show hosted by veteran UFO researcher and TV personality Jason McClellan. UFOs don't need hype. They're strange enough already. This show presents the UFO subject in an approachable and uncomplicated manner with responsible skepticism and the scientific, journalistic attention it deserves.
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This is a new podcast brought to you by the same cohosts who previously produced the Free Will, Science and Religion podcast. The idea was to focus on other topics of Philosophy, Science, and Religion. The goal is to make a better world by focusing on different facts and beliefs which affect how we live our lives every day.
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Upfront with the Archbishop

Catholic Archdiocese of Edmonton

Upfront with the Archbishop is a podcast where our goal is to strengthen the relationship between the hierarchy and the faithful through informal conversations about our Catholic faith. Featuring Archbishop Richard Smith (Archdiocese of Edmonton, AB) and our host Jenny Connelly. Produced by Matthew Bodnarek and Jenny Connelly.
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Burn & Rave

Ryan & Sam (@njapoet)

Listen. Learn. Laugh. When a hot rod obsessed, tattooed, calloused, and common-sense builder of all things meets a vertically challenged, liberal poet, professor, and part-time ninja, sparks fly, but laughter flies even higher as hosts Ryan Rosenow and Sam Pierstorff ( aka Ninja Poet) "burn and rave at close of day" and "rage against the dying of the light" because they have no plans to "go gentle into that good night" and neither should you.
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All episodes for 2022, 2023 and 2024 now feature better audio and fewer ads! The Paracast is a paranormal radio show that takes you on a journey to a world beyond science, where UFOs, poltergeists and strange phenomena of all kinds have been reported by millions. The Paracast seeks to shed light on the mysteries and complexities of our Universe and the secrets that surround us in our everyday lives. Join long-time paranormal writer and researcher Gene Steinberg, a team of knowledgeable guest ...
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The Equipped For Life Podcast is dedicated to providing men with spiritual knowledge and insight from the teachings of Jesus and the Bible. Whether you're just starting your journey of faith as a Christian or you're a seasoned disciple, Equipped For Life is here to ensure you have the tools you need to handle life's many challenges.
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The Frederick Faith Debate is designed to be an open an honest forum for local faith community leaders to share and discuss their views of the truth. Lady Bird Johnson once said, “the clash of ideas is the sound of freedom”. In that spirit, the show seriously wrestles with important ideas… the participant often disagreeing with one another. The hope is that through this wrestling a better understanding of the truth will develop with regards to the most important issues facing the world.
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In a world rife with surface-level conversations, Thought Revolution delves deep. We challenge societal norms, confront life's profound questions, and strive for insights beyond the obvious. Engage with experts, harness collective wisdom, and rediscover yourself with ThoughtRevolution. Every episode is a step closer to the truth. Join us, on a journey of understanding and exploration. Dive in and be part of the revolution.
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A podcast on God, time, and everything in between. The host R.T. Mullins (PhD, University of St Andrews) will guide listeners through topics on theology, philosophy, science, and heavy metal. Support this podcast:
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Billed as conservative commentary on social and political issues, The Peter Heck Show provides listeners with an understanding of the beliefs, worldviews, fundamental philosophies, and religions that drive so many of our political discussions today. On The Peter Heck Show, we don't shy away from recognizing how faith influences politics. By blending critical and intellectual analysis with the use of parodies, humor, and an entertaining approach, The Peter Heck Show sets itself apart by seeki ...
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For Heaven's Sake

Shalom Hartman Institute

Thoughtful debate elevates us all. In For Heaven’s Sake, Donniel Hartman, Yossi Klein Halevi, and Elana Stein Hain revive the Jewish art of constructive discussion on topics related to political and social trends in Israel, Israel-Diaspora relations, and the collective consciousness of being Jewish. JOIN OUR EMAIL LIST FOR MORE HARTMAN IDEAS
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Break the Rules is a pirate-radio-esque cultural commentary and entertainment arts stream. We started our show a year ago after watching censorship trends at home and abroad, and started posting with the goal of growing an online community that goes beyond today’s divisiveness.
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show series
What happens when we die? Where do we go, and for how long? What does the bible mean when it speaks of believers experiencing a sense of glorification? When does that happen and by what means? This week the Curious team unearth some of the biblical understanding of the afterlife. Facing up to such questions as; what happens when we die? Where do we…
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Welcome to the China Compass Podcast! After I defend my China bonafides, we begin by looking at the flights that are (and are not) available between the US and the Mainland this year … Next we look at why many of China’s millionaires are fleeing (and how they get their $ out)…
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In this episode, Trent offers three biblical reasons that every Christian should confess his sins to an ordained priest.Transcription:3 Reasons You Should Confess Your Sins to a PriestWhy confess your sins to a priest when you can just go straight to God? It’s a common question Catholics get asked and today we are going to look at three reasons why…
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This week Greg sat down with Jeff Ott in studio. Jeff is the owner of The Little Brown Jug, and iconic destination bar and restaurant in the small farming village of Maybee, Michigan. They discussed his sobriety, his testimony, and what nit means to be a believer that owns a business in that space. Jeff's passion and excitement for his craft comes …
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Descubre cómo cuidar tu salud mental desde una perspectiva bíblica. Explora la relación entre bienestar espiritual y mental (Filipenses 4:6-7), la importancia de la comunidad y apoyo social (Eclesiastés 4:9-10), y cómo implementar un autocuidado bíblico (1 Corintios 6:19-20). Aprende a encontrar paz en Dios, fortalecer relaciones, y cuidar sabiamen…
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En esta era moderna, nos encontramos en una encrucijada fascinante y desafiante: el cruce de caminos entre lo virtual y lo real. Las conexiones digitales nos han abierto un mundo de posibilidades, permitiéndonos interactuar con personas de todos los rincones del planeta con tan solo un clic. Sin embargo, en medio de este mar de conexiones virtuales…
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Descubre cómo evangelizar en una sociedad pluralista. Explora la verdad absoluta del Evangelio (Juan 14:6), el amor y respeto hacia los diferentes (Mateo 22:39), y el poder del testimonio viviente (1 Pedro 2:12). Aprende a compartir a Cristo con valentía, compasión y autenticidad.…
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Descubre cómo integrar tu fe y la terapia para alcanzar un bienestar integral. En este video, exploraremos la importancia de la sanidad interior, el poder de la comunidad y el apoyo mutuo, y cómo renovar tu mente a través de la Palabra de Dios. Aprende a construir puentes entre tu vida espiritual y tu salud mental, y encuentra esperanza y transform…
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Descubre cómo abordar el fascinante debate sobre la creación y la evolución desde una perspectiva de fe. En este video, exploraremos las diferencias entre estos conceptos, el papel de la ciencia y la fe en nuestra comprensión del mundo, y cómo fomentar un diálogo constructivo entre diferentes puntos de vista. Aprende a apreciar la grandeza del dise…
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En la vida, a menudo nos enfrentamos a días de luz y otros de sombras, momentos de prosperidad entrelazados con períodos de sufrimiento. A veces, puede parecer difícil entender por qué coexisten estas realidades opuestas. Como cristianos, la Biblia nos ofrece perspectivas enriquecedoras que nos ayudan a navegar estas aguas a menudo turbulentas. En …
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El escepticismo hacia la precisión histórica de la Biblia ha sido un desafío constante para la fe cristiana, especialmente en un mundo cada vez más secular. Este escepticismo, alimentado por malentendidos, desinformación y el rechazo a la autoridad bíblica, ha hecho que muchos cristianos cuestionen la validez y precisión de la Biblia como documento…
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En nuestra vida cotidiana, nos enfrentamos constantemente a la tensión entre el materialismo, que nos impulsa a acumular riquezas y posesiones, y la mayordomía bíblica, que nos llama a administrar fielmente los recursos que Dios nos ha dado. Esta tensión puede ser desafiante, pero a través de la sabiduría de la Palabra de Dios, podemos encontrar cl…
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Ser cristiano conlleva muchas bendiciones, pero también desafíos significativos. Uno de los desafíos más comunes y difíciles de manejar es lidiar con las críticas. Ya sea de miembros de la congregación, colegas o incluso desconocidos, las críticas pueden ser abrumadoras y desalentadoras. Sin embargo, la Palabra de Dios nos ofrece sabiduría y consue…
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Vivimos en una época en la que el relativismo moral se ha vuelto la norma. "No hay verdades absolutas", dicen algunos. "Lo que es verdad para ti no tiene por qué serlo para mí". Esta mentalidad socava los cimientos mismos de la fe cristiana y conduce a una vida sin sentido ni propósito. Pero la Biblia nos muestra que Dios sí ha establecido verdades…
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Es innegable que enfrentar la realidad de tener un hijo homosexual puede ser un desafío abrumador para muchos padres. Sin embargo, como cristianos, estamos llamados a responder a esta situación con amor, sabiduría y misericordia evangélica, siguiendo los principios que nos ofrece la Palabra de Dios. Aquí te presentamos tres puntos fundamentales par…
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Hoy vamos a explorar cómo podemos construir una comunidad sólida dentro de nuestras congregaciones, especialmente cuando enfrentamos el desafío de iglesias más grandes. Sabemos que en medio de la multitud, a veces puede ser difícil sentirse realmente conectados, pero con la guía de la Palabra de Dios, podemos cultivar relaciones auténticas y signif…
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Today’s episode is the 100th episode of Upfront with the Archbishop and we’re talking about themes from our most viewed episodes over the past two years: What is appropriate to wear to Mass, how to respond to division over Marian apparitions and the Catholic Church as the one, true religion. We are also speaking about the mysterious theology of the…
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Today, we discuss Chrissy Teigen and Kamala Harris' recent comments on abortion. A few years ago, Teigen announced she had a miscarriage. After the reversal of Roe vs. Wade, she announced this miscarriage was actually an abortion, causing confusion. The Biden/Harris campaign also recently put out an ad that features a woman who claims she was denie…
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This episode dives into the debate between the annihilationist view (also known as 'conditional immortality') and the traditional 'eternal conscious torment' perspective on hell that has been highlighted among scholars for years. Dr. Al Mohler, Former President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, strongly opposes the annihilationist view,…
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Steve Patterson returns, this time trying to solve the mind-body problem with Bob. Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest: The YouTube version of this interview. Steve Patterson's attempted solution to the mind-body problem. Steve's website. Murphy's talk about dualism in Mises. "Voltaire vs. Leibniz" (in verse). An explainer on Leibn…
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In this very special episdoe, Gene and Chris observed the passing of Albert K. Bender, who died on March 29, 2016. Once a UFO researcher, Bender was instrumental in establishing the legend of the Men In Black in the early 1950s, a topic that has infused our popular culture and resulted in three blockbuster sci-fi films starring Will Smith and Tommy…
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When did corporate companies turn into political allies? Host Joseph Backholm is joined by Stephen Soukup, vice president and publisher of The Political Forum and author of “The Dictatorship of Woke Capital” for a discussion about “corporate pride”. Stephen offers insight on what has influenced corporate companies to push the pride agenda. Is it fi…
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A new MP3 sermon from Bible Believers Fellowship is now available on SermonAudio with the following details: Title: 112 Therefore Disputed He (Acts 17:16-18) 2 of 2 Subtitle: Expository Study: Acts Speaker: Gregory A. Miller Broadcaster: Bible Believers Fellowship Event: Radio Broadcast Date: 6/23/2024 Bible: Acts 17:16-18; Colossians 2:8-12 Length…
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Find us on your favorite PODCAST app as all our YouTube debates end up on the podcast within 24 hours of being live. LINKS TO GUESTS: @FTFEOfficial Dr. Rasaviharii: No link at this time At Modern-Day Debate (MDD), our vision is to provide a neutral debate platform so everyone has their fair shot to make their case on a level playing field. Consider…
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