show episodes
Este es el podcast oficial de nuestra, Iglesia Vida Real Internacional. Actualízate con las predicas de nuestro pastor general, Luis Morales, y otros pastores de nuestra congregación. Somos Vida Real y existimos para gente como tu.
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Celebrando la Vida

Guadalupe Radio Network

Aurora Tinajero y Patricia Vazquez presentan temas pro-vida. Descubre que significa ser pro-vida y como respetar y defender la vida. Llama al 1-800-701-0373 para ser parte de la conversación.
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Real Vida TV

Real Vida Ministries

Real Vida TV is a Christian podcast primarily for incarcerated men and women. It is a podcast version of our weekly radio program ”Real Talk Radio” playing on radio stations throughout Texas. Whether you are locked up, or free, everyone needs the kind of love that can only be found in an encounter with God. Our goal is to help others find, and experience a life changing relationship with, our creator. We welcome all who listen to write us and share with us how God is working in your life. Be ...
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Jorge Graña, productor de EWTN-Radio Católica Mundial, comparte en vivo cada lunes con sus invitados una variedad de temas que ofrecen a los radioescuchas los elementos necesarios para crecer en la formación humana y cristiana. "Juntos descubrimos que el camino de la oración parte de nuestra vida hacia Dios y regresa desde Él hasta nosotros cargado de bendiciones."
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Real Vida Podcast

Real Vida Ministries

Real Vida Podcast is a Christian podcast primarily for incarcerated men and women. It is a podcast version of our weekly radio program "Real Talk Radio" playing on radio stations throughout Texas. Whether you are locked up, or free, everyone needs the kind of love that can only be found in an encounter with God. Our goal is to help others find, and experience a life changing relationship with, our creator. We welcome all who listen to write us and share with us how God is working in your life.
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Paulette Erato hosts La Vida Más Chévere de Childfree Latina, the only biweekly Spanglish podcast about creating and living your best life, from the childfree Latina perspective. That life starts with liberating ourselves from the toxic cultural brainwashing we've all grown up with in Latinidad. Like assuming everyone wants kids...or the woman should fix her partner a plate at dinner. F that! End the generational trauma and design best life for YOU instead. Let's get rid of the toxic BS and ...
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LA Casa Del Señor desde Miami, Florida trasmitiendo un mensaje de vida y esperanza para ti y tu Familia.....sintonizanos en vivo cada domingo a las 11:25 y visitanos en nuesta pagina web Conviértete en un seguidor de este podcast:
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Our positive vibe podcast series radiates uplifting energy and inspiration, featuring heartfelt conversations and empowering stories that spread joy and optimism. With each episode, we share a virtual space where positivity thrives, fostering a sense of community and motivating listeners to embrace the bright side of life. There's no alternative to always having a positive attitude. .
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Sex Symbol

Vida & Anthula

Have you ever walked into a room and all the women stop talking? Join our resident Sex Symbols weekly for a hilarious look into how women really talk about sex when no one is around. Are you a sexual seductress or a vanilla cookie or maybe just a voyeur? Don’t worry we have you covered. Vida brings the spice and Anthula makes sure no one ends up in the ER. So tune in to discover that most sex is awkward and laughable before it is hot enough to melt your panties off. For Mature audiences only ...
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Os psicanalistas Norberto Keppe e Cláudia Pacheco fornecem ferramentas a quem queira trabalhar não só para brecar a destruição, mas também para melhorar a qualidade de vida dos seres humanos, da sociedade e do planeta como um todo.
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Hoy es tu gran día es un programa de evangelización en vivo desde Dallas, Texas, para vivir en plenitud la vida en Cristo, caminando junto a El para ver las maravillas a nuestro alrededor en la vida diaria como discípulos.
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Dr. Alfredo Castaneda


Dr. Alfredo Castaneda N.D. Life strategist, life coach, health coach, speaker, two time heart transplant survivor and liver transplant transplant survivor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dr. Alfredo Castañeda-Meave N.D. Estratega de vida, coach de vida, coach de salud, sobreviviente de dos trasplantes de corazón y sobreviviente de trasplante de hígado!
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A Logos Comunhão Cristã é uma igreja cristã evangélica, que tem como fundamento o amor de Deus. Acreditamos que através deste há mudança verdadeira na sociedade que nos rodeia. Junta-te a nós, todos os domingos, no Prior Velho (Lisboa) ou nos Grupos de Vida. ➔ Conhece-nos melhor em
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Real situations and solutions from my vida. Always evolving, changing and growing. Twitter @alaytweetzay Cover art photo provided by Laura Pluth on Unsplash:
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Schnitz & Giggles


What happens when an American and an Austrian sit down together to debate culture? Is it going to be a victory for US? Will the Wiener take it all? Are they even making sense? Listen in and find out more about living la vida loca in Vienna & Austria. We fry new episodes every other Thursday. P.S. Show your love of giggles here:
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A bilingual podcast with stories inspired by love and sensibility. Conversations with wonderful persons, their passions, struggles, achievements and the essence of life. Historias inspiradas en el amor y la sensibilidad. Conversaciones con personas maravillosas, su pasión, desafíos, logros y la esencia en su vida.
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De Plátano a Maduro con Xochie B.

DeplatanoaMaduro con Xochie B.

"De Plátano a Maduro" 🎙️ es un podcast vibrante y lleno de energía, diseñado especialmente para individuos de habla español y latinos que están navegando por las complejidades del siglo XXI. 🌍✨ Ofrecemos consejos prácticos y motivadores sobre superación personal y profesional, ayudándote a crecer, alcanzar tus metas y transformar tus sueños en realidad. 💪🚀 Únete a nosotros para explorar temas fascinantes que impactan tu vida diaria y descubre estrategias poderosas para enfrentar desafíos con ...
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show series
El día de dar a luz es cuando los dolores son mucho más fuertes y angustiosos. Jesús habla en este pasaje acerca de “principios de dolores”, para que se tenga una idea cuando llega el momento de parir, lo cual significa en este caso, la Segunda Venida de Cristo. Por otro lado, la tierra ya ha ido envejeciendo, tal como indica la ley de la termodiná…
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Send us a text “Welcome to Season 2, Episode 6 of La Vida Entre Primas - Life Between Cousins, the podcast where we dive into everything from the ups and downs of love and life to the special bond we share as Latinas and cousins. Today, we are talking about something a little bit out of the norm: true crime, specifically the cases that keep us awak…
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Send us a text And it is an art! If you've never experienced this moment in time. . perhaps a morning or afternoon. . even an entire day of doing absolutely nothing, then you need to listen to this LESSON #1! We'll get you started on your journey! My good friend, Kevin McNamee has been in the business of assisting individuals and families in their …
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Wanna share your thoughts? Send a text! What can we learn from Tom Brady, a rich white guy with 7 Super Bowl rings, aka the GOAT of football? First of all, despite what you may have heard, he's not perfect. Surprisingly, he's been underestimated and he probably also suffers from imposter syndrome, especially right now as he's currently the WHOA: Wo…
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Send us a text In this episode Carl and Andy share their thoughts and lessons on the New Year. Then Carl brings a message about the principles of God. "Ask Me Anything": Christmas Aftermath Welcome to Ask Me Anything, the podcast where we give you biblical answers to... Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify Support the show…
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