show episodes
Welcome to the Internal Journey, where we work together each week to unlock the best parts of your unlimited human potential through personal growth, mental and emotional healing, proven life-hacks, and effective success strategies.
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The Video Game Robot Show is a weekly podcast where Nathan and Kam use a video game robot called The Video Game Robot to bring you just TWO of the over 75 million games and counting that the robot is capable of cranking out. Follow us on Twitter! Join our Discord!
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show series
When there are no consequence, your brain’s less likely to motivate you to do something.But that’s not the whole story.Because you can still procrastinate even when there are consequences.In fact we often procrastinate because of the consequences. If there’s a possibility of making a mistake, failing, or wasting time and money are all consequences …
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Winning can mean different things to different people.There’s the kind of winning where you’re trying to out do others.This can give a rush and sense of superiority, which feels great!But it often comes with stress and pressure.Also, competing against others can make you lose sight of what truly makes you happy.Now, the other winning is all about p…
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You know the feeling when you want something so bad…And you can’t wait to get.In fact, you wish you could have it right now in this moment!It’s easy to chase something new and exciting, and as soon as you get it, already looking for the next fix.It's like there's never a moment to just breathe and enjoy what you have.If you do this, know you can be…
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Anytime you feel confused by someone's reaction, know it’s not about you.They are just projecting people from their past on to you.That’s because when someone meets you, they don’t know you.They only know to the extent of the people they’ve experienced in their past.Their brains makes a prediction of who you are based on people they’ve interacted w…
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Improving your results starts with improving yourself.I thought it was the other way around.That I needed to improve my results first.Boy was I wrong!The key to not just better outcomes, but more “fulfilling” outcomes is to become a better person first.It's okay to not have it all figured out right away. Take time to reflect on your actions, and be…
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Your challenges in life isn’t because of your challenges.It's about protecting the image you've built.You've crafted this persona or created this hype, and the last thing you want is to do anything that could challenge that image. 🧠Think about it: by avoiding challenges, you're keeping your self-image intact.Although your self-image is intact, you'…
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Sabotaging yourself isn't about messing up.It's actually your subconscious pulling the strings to get what it wants.This pattern can be eye-opening.It shows that deep down, a part of you isn’t aligned and doesn’t want the same thing you want.It’s hard to imagine that “you” don’t want the thing you actually “want.”Unfortunately it’s the hard reality…
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This secrets helped me stick through the tough times … those times when things aren’t flowing, the same work’s getting harder, and I’m being pulled to their in the towel. I realized that usually happens when I’m on the cusp of getting to the next level, and my brains making a last ditch effort to stay in old ways. I’ve learned if I just stick with …
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I was at a seminar about a year ago, and someone in the audience asked a fascinating question. He said, why’s it I’m more willing to support, or encourage others, but not myself? The speaker didn’t have an answer, but afterwards, I approached and said, It’s because it’s much easier, to tell others what to do , than do it ourselves. It’s much easier…
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This is how to ruin your life. Anytime you receive something, whether that’s news, feedback, or comment, there’s a triggered response, and then there is a response after the trigger. The triggered response is the automatic response that comes up, and it’s usually charged with strong feelings of anger, fear, or even lust and desire. Then there’s the…
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This is what’s driving you crazy, I mean absolutely bonkers. Do you ever not want to do something, but you do it any way so you don’t have to feel regret. You know what I mean, you’ll regret not doing it, so you do it. The things is if it doesn’t go well, you’ll regret doing it. The thing about regret is it’ll show up regardless if you do it or not…
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This is the biggest challenge for a human. I used to think life was about working hard, showing up, and doing the work. But there’s this one thing that messes it all up, and that’s anytime I’m making progress or doing well, the ego starts to creep. It makes me get too confident, feel better and superior to others, and creates feelings like I can sl…
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Here’s the thing I’ve noticed with people who get nowhere in life. They hear a voice in their head when something doesn’t work after 2 3 or even 4 tries, that it’s never gonna work and to throw in the towel. The thing is your brain doesn’t know it takes at least 30 40 50 times of trying and failing just to start getting good at something. It litera…
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The hands down hardest things to do are the ones where the natural response is to do the opposite. Here’s what I mean. If I wanna avoid sweets, but all my brain does is create cravings for them, it’s gonna be difficult to do. I’m always going to have this battle. My brain’s gonna tempt me and I have to fight temptation. This applies to anything in …
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One thing I struggled with in the recent past is that most people I knew wanted to bring me to their level. And because of the human innate desire to relate and connect, my brain would pull me to meet them at their level over my own growth, and it added to the challenge of staying on my path and growth. Sometimes you have to pick between relationsh…
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In my experience as an author of 12 books and coaching thousands of people around the world, here are the people most difficult to help. As much as they need and want the help there’s nothing you can do to help them. And that’s people who aren’t open to short-term discomfort for long term gain. They can’t see the temporary discomfort will lead to s…
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You know what’s crazy I realized. Most things in life aren’t hard, it’s a flurry of activity the mind creates that makes’em hard. Anytime I wanna do something, in an instant my thoughts’ll run saying you sure you wanna do this, what if it doesn’t work, it’ll take too much time, maybe we should do something else. Then all sorts of feelings will come…
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Change can take place in an instant. It’s easy to think because you’ve done things or been a certain way for years that it’ll take years to change or you need to do all these things just to start. But it can literally happen right now. You don’t have to get this outta the way, get that done, or have all these things completed first. You can start r…
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You’ve heard about beliefs and how they drive many of your decisions and actions? What you may not know is your loves to reinforce its beliefs. It’s always looking at the world to see where its beliefs are true and it gets this high when it finds it, like look I knew I was right. And it’ll throw out all examples that go against it. Seeing isn’t bel…
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This is the disconnect you’re experiencing from all those inspiring quotes and commercials on your social media feed.Motivational quotes and commercials are about feelings, but success is about doing.It seems like those feelings will lead to doing, but they almost never do.All they do is lead to chasing more feelings, and if you’re not aware or car…
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You know one thing I’ve notice that’s getting in your way?People will follow far inferior, basic, and even common sense tips from someone in a position of authority, than a tip that’s new, mind blowing, or works from someone who’s not.I’m not saying what the authority is saying is not valid, but if it’s not working out it’s time to look else where.…
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One of the biggest mistakes I made is wanting to chase the top right out of the gate. I'd see someone super successful and wanted to be at that level.Not only that but I wanted to be there now or do it fast, sometimes faster than anyone else.I learned the hard way that was too much of a jump for my mind.The brain is not built to go from 0 to 60 and…
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I always had this mindset that I’d finish anything I start.No matter how much time it took, how tough it got, I was gonna stick with it until seeing it was done.There’s a reason why I began doing it, but there was another reason I kept doing it.Even when something wasn’t working I kept pushing.I realized it was cause I was too afraid to admit failu…
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Know what’s behind your drive and motivation? It’s this feeling of push you have inside.It’s hard to describe, but the push isn’t visible; you can't see it, but you feel it, an overpowering force to do things.Almost like an internal trusts that compels you do something.This push is always there, pushing you to fit in, do things you don’t like, eat …
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Remember when you said you’d confront or stand up to that person? In your head you had the conversation all worked out.Yo knew what you were gonna say and how you’d counter any of their responses.But it didn’t go as well in real life as it did in your head?In fact, you probably didn’t even confront the person.That’s because the inside you is not th…
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This is why you have so many problems.And why they never seem to end.No matter how much you try.As you were growing up, your brain was watching the adults in your life always talking about problems, and how it was the center of most of their conversations.Your brain made this connection, that you needed to have problems to have conversations, and k…
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A big mistake I made with people is thinking when something worked for me, it’d work for everyone. And it was my duty to not only tell everybody about it, but to convince them to try it to the point of pushing them into it. Yeah, not a good way to go about interacting with people. I mean, there was a genuine desire to help, i knew if they at least …
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Here’s the biggest reason you’re not leveling up. When it comes down to it, a part of you just doesn’t believe it’ll happen. Although you might think it’s possible, like you can do it, and see others do it. But there’s a part of you that doesn’t think that And it’s a part you don’t really have control over. And this part will lead you to think you …
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In this episode of The Video Game Robot Show, Kam, Nate, and guest Lisa discuss cards and toe knives. Music by Julian VArt by Zack Russell Support! Wear! Tweets! Discord! Want more good shows? https://SomeGoodShows.Biz Che…
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In this episode of The Video Game Robot Show, Kam, Nate, and guest Alyssa Mora from IGN discuss dinosaur heists and children. Follow the IGN Creators Guild and sign their petition urging for voluntary recognition! Music by Julian VArt by Zack Russell Support! Wear! Tweets! https://tw…
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In this episode of The Video Game Robot Show, Kam, Nate, and guest Imran discuss zilla and garlic. Music by Julian VArt by Zack Russell Support! Wear! Tweets! Discord! Want more good shows? https://SomeGoodShows.Biz Check …
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In this episode of The Video Game Robot Show, Kam, Nate, and guest Astrawitch discuss goo and garth. Music by Julian VArt by Zack Russell Support! Wear! Tweets! Discord! Want more good shows? https://SomeGoodShows.Biz Chec…
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In this episode of The Video Game Robot Show, Kam, Nate, and guest Auri discuss Dogs and some other animal I think but who can be sure, ya know? Music by Julian VArt by Zack Russell Support! Wear! Tweets! Discord! Want mor…
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In this episode of The Video Game Robot Show, Kam, Nate, and guest Aren discuss lego and goo. Music by Julian VArt by Zack Russell Support! Wear! Tweets! Discord! Want more good shows? https://SomeGoodShows.Biz Check out o…
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In this episode of The Video Game Robot Show, Kam, Nate, and guest Adrienne discuss poyo and sugar. Music by Julian VArt by Zack Russell Support! Wear! Tweets! Discord! Want more good shows? https://SomeGoodShows.Biz Check…
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In this episode of The Video Game Robot Show, Kam, Nate, and guest Eddie discuss duke and bread. Music by Julian VArt by Zack Russell Support! Wear! Tweets! Discord! Want more good shows? https://SomeGoodShows.Biz Check ou…
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In this episode of The Video Game Robot Show, Kam, Nate, and guest Nile discuss mines and chester. Music by Julian VArt by Zack Russell Support! Wear! Tweets! Discord! Want more good shows? https://SomeGoodShows.Biz Check …
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In this episode of The Video Game Robot Show, Kam, Nate, and guest Rebekah Valentine discuss beverages and money. Music by Julian VArt by Zack Russell Support! Wear! Tweets! Discord! Want more good shows? https://SomeGoodS…
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In this episode of The Video Game Robot Show, Kam, Nate, and guest Izzy discuss a photo. Music by Julian VArt by Zack Russell Support! Wear! Tweets! Discord! Want more good shows? https://SomeGoodShows.Biz Check out our po…
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In this episode of The Video Game Robot Show, Kam, Nate, and guest TL discuss Ramen and 12 men. Music by Julian VArt by Zack Russell Support! Wear! Tweets! Discord! Want more good shows? https://SomeGoodShows.Biz Check out…
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In this episode of The Video Game Robot Show, Kam, Nate, and guest Star discuss Dale and maths. Music by Julian VArt by Zack Russell Support! Wear! Tweets! Discord! Want more good shows? https://SomeGoodShows.Biz Check out…
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In this episode of The Video Game Robot Show, Kam, Nate, and guest Jesse Vitelli discuss glitter and a cool kinect game that no one remembers. Music by Julian VArt by Zack Russell Support! Wear! Tweets! Discord! Want more …
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In this episode of The Video Game Robot Show, Kam, Nate, and guest Emoseal discuss bands and balls. Music by Julian VArt by Zack Russell Support! Wear! Tweets! Discord! Want more good shows? https://SomeGoodShows.Biz Check…
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In this episode of The Video Game Robot Show, Kam, Nate, and guest Sam discuss anime and anime. Music by Julian VArt by Zack Russell Support! Wear! Tweets! Discord! Want more good shows? https://SomeGoodShows.Biz Check out…
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In this episode of The Video Game Robot Show, Kam, Nate, and guests Andrew and Jory discuss ninjas and good ol ken from Bioshock. Music by Julian VArt by Zack Russell Support! Wear! Tweets! Discord! Want more good shows? h…
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In this episode of The Video Game Robot Show, Kam, Nate, and guest Ben discuss minions and e-birds. Music by Julian VArt by Zack Russell Support! Wear! Tweets! Discord! Want more good shows? https://SomeGoodShows.Biz Check…
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In this episode of The Video Game Robot Show, Kam, Nate, and guest Darby discuss balls and boards. Music by Julian VArt by Zack Russell Support! Wear! Tweets! Discord! Want more good shows? https://SomeGoodShows.Biz Check …
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In this episode of The Video Game Robot Show, Kam, Nate, and guest Pilnok discuss swords and cards. Music by Julian VArt by Zack Russell Support! Wear! Tweets! Discord! Want more good shows? https://SomeGoodShows.Biz Check…
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