show episodes
Every mom wants to be a good mom but how many times a day do we question this?! We have been conditioned to believe that there are rules for being a good mom but I say your definition is the only one that matters. As a mom with four kids with neurodiversity and a background in education, I believe every child has gifts and talents of genius. I also see life's unexpected trials as chances for us to grow in our strength, love, and connection as a family. Escape from your "bad mom" soundtrack e ...
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show series
I'm clearing up the differences between traditional counseling or therapy and certified life coaching by sharing with you the times in my life when I have utilized both for different purposes. I also share a recent realizaton I have had with current and former clients about the best format for coaching, and specific results a recent client experien…
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Despite my best efforts to avoid it, I became ill with Covid last week after traveling. I don't know of it was the high fever or just being forced to rest (because my body refused everything except that) but I had some realizations and revelations that really helped me get clear about some big things. I went back a few years and made connections, I…
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Reflecting this week on mistakes I made and sometimes still make. I used to think these were about being a mom. I used to connect these to my mom identity by making them mean something about that aspect of me, but I have a new awareness now that these are about my own past pain and the healing I am doing. Mistakes are not bad, mamas. They have mess…
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Special Guest Episode: Christy Keating from The Heartful Parent joins me this week for an informative and open conversation about the who, what, when, and why our tweens and teens need to hear about sexual consent from us. If you've avoided talking to your tweens or teens about sex, this episode will give you some facts and encouragement, plus an e…
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For Pride Month, I want to talk openly about what I've learned as a proud mom of a child in the LGBTQ+ community. First of all, I am learning as I go. I have made some mistakes and caught myself acting from unconscious bias, lack of awareness, fear, and insensitivity, but I've asked questions and I'm continuing to learn more all the time. For the m…
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In this episode my third daughter joins the podcast to talk about her perspective growing up as the youngest in our family. She shares a topic that has recently come up for her with her therapist around the topic of comparison, and some of the advantages and disadvantages of being the youngest. We also talk about the importance of checking in with …
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If you are not feeling awesome about Mother's Day either before, during or after, this episode will help you reflect and possibly shift perspective, if that's what you want. The concept of being ready to be in "receiving mode" is shared, along with a way to get curious and honest about what's really bothering you about thr holiday for celebrating a…
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This episode is a new format! I am reminiscing about the progress of my very first clients. I share about the mom who discovered that her boyfriend was not problem, the mom who learned how to feel her feelings instead of chasing her self-worth by doing tons of things, the mom who stopped trying to buffer and orchestrate her family's relationships, …
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There is a throughline with all the hardest situations we have faced as family. I have noticed it also with moms and families I have coached. It is simple but not easy to do. It's facing reality and radically accepting it. It is not our natural tendency to accept unexpected or painful events, especially as moms - but when we do it's the first step …
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The first half of this episode I share a concept from coaching that I use often but was reminded of at my recent coach mastermind event in Austin, which is "don't believe everything you think," and we also review again how counseling and coaching are different. In the second half I am inviting you into my world around weight loss and weight regain …
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Not all moms relate to being a hot mess, but for those of us who do, I salute you. Seriously, is having our shit together really the goal? In this episode I share some new ways of looking at the "hot mess" persona. Personally, I learned to just own it in myself and actually love this aspect of myself. I love it in other moms too, especially when no…
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Anxiety and Fear are just indicators for us to take a pause and think "What am I fearing in this situation?" In this episode we take a step back and rethink how controlling others and our own emotions is our natural tendency as moms, but it has negative impacts and a cost to us and our relationships. The most important take-aways: Trust that we can…
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You've heard me say before that behavior is communication, but what the heck is actually being communicated? In this episode I share 4 ways to more accurately determine the real message or cause for maladaptive behaviors. First, do not assume anything other than the person would not be behaving this way if they could help it. second, drop all old s…
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Connection is soooo important in building healthy, close, and trusting relationships with our kids. If we've missed some opportunities or just want to do better, it's not too late to begin now. In this episode, I give you 5 ways that I've noticed have made a huge difference in connecting more deeply with my kids. Here they are: 1. If they reach out…
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In this episode, I invited my oldest daughter Jenelle to share her reflections of growing up in our often chaotic and stressful home. She shares the role she took on as a "helper" in our family and how although she liked that role at the time she learned later how that role kept her from opening up to share her own emotions out of fear of upsetting…
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On this episode I share three ways that have helped me lately in dealing with uncertainty which produces anxiety and fear. First we have to allow ourselves to actually feel the emotions that are uncomfortable, knowing that we can handle feeling any emotion. Next we can choose which side of the 50/50 of life that we'd like to think will happen in an…
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In our family we have some special things that help us stay close as a family and in our individual relationships. I am sharing one of the things that has always been a "thing" for us. It's called "special time" and I highly recommend you consider trying this one out if any relationships in your family are a little tense. It's simple, doesn't even …
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Many of you have read my story of hustling for my self-worth on my website, and I have touched on some of the effects of my self-image issues in other podcast episodes. It's something I've wanted to "solve" for decades now, and I decided for 2022 that I would try out a new type of therapy to see if it would make a difference. I am sharing on this e…
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Do you think love is the best feeling? Do you think experiencing love is our soul's true purpose? I had an experience when I was around 7 that has me trying to reconcile everything I was taught about love and how it's supposed to work, with the new information I've learned and continue to learn. Going a little deeper than usual on the podcast this …
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We wrap up the topic of CLARITY with a tool I learned from an amazing coach, Heather Ross of the Living with Addiction podcast. It is a simple framework for deciding what we want to keep doing, being, or having, and what we want to stop doing, being, or having, and what we want to start doing, being, or having to create the life we desire most. It …
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Many of us have lost track of what we really truly enjoy. This denies us the chance to express fully who we are and puts us in a state of confusion instead of clarity. In this episode I share a personal story of getting back in touch with something I used to love to do, and a little journaling exercise for you that can help you get clearer on what …
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Looking for lessons from 2021 can give us clarity and revelations that can be a surprise. I did a journal prompt that helped me this year and I share it with you along with my biggest lesson from my leap of faith. I also have exciting new plans for the podcast and also MOM PARTIES in 2022! Go to my website to sign up for our first one! www.goodmomc…
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Anticipation is an emotion that can be super useful to us if we understand how to utiize it best. We can experience ahead of time what we anticipate we will feel, for both wanted emotions and unwanted emotions. I share some examples in this episode to help you utilize anticipation in the most useful ways. Reach out to me at to…
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Sometimes it's the little things that keep us going. I'm keeping it light this week with a short and sweet episode about 3 less-known Christmas movies that are my favorites. I also love the classics, but these are in my opinion just as good and each one evokes some holiday spirit and love. They all have happy endings too, so there's that. I hope if…
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The decision to have your child evaluated for a disability or learning difference can be an emotional one for many moms. In this episode I share from personal experience as a mom and a teacher the top three things to think about: 1) Your emotions and how to process them, because there are some natural fears associated, including the concern about h…
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Lisa Candera and I sit down to talk about our similar experiences as moms of tweens and teens who are on the autism spectrum. We mostly just share our thoughts and feelings and experiences that challenged our thinking, especially when our kids' journeys took unexpected turns. We chat about holding it together during the difficult times, reaching ou…
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You may notice in this episode that the intro and outro are missing. This is an example of taking the path of least resistance - the app I use to edit my podcast has been updated and the tools I typically use to add the intro and outro tracks in just would not work this morning. So, I let it go. I let it be easy by not adding in the intro and outro…
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This is my latest summary of how I think about behavior - which is not often the way we have been taught to think about behavior. I share some of my understanding of how the brain is often meeting a need or a want as part of its core function to keep us alive and safe, and how trauma plays a huge role in that. I also share a simplified approach *wh…
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This is a personal account of our experience of Oakley, our dog who we affectionately say "rescued" us, as a family. He is a golden retriever who has been through all the ups and downs of our family's story, and he's a perfect example of unconditional love. You'll hear some fun little anecdotes that give you an idea of his personality and also be i…
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Meagan Norris, a mom of 3 who helps moms stress less so they can create the life they want, joins me this week for a discussion of what happens in the brain when we have a stress response. Meagan shares her way of thinking about stress, her 3-step process for managing stress, and a sweet story about her son who has picked up some key concepts about…
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The 411 on what's going on when a emotional meltdown happens for kids, teens, and us. There's some key information to know and a small window of opportunity to act. What we do and how we are thinking and feeling matters a lot. This episode will give you insight on the cause of meltdowns and the exact step-by-step response that gives everyone involv…
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What a lovely conversation with life coach Bonnie Lyman, a mom who specializes in helping moms navigate the challenges of the transition to having our kids become adults. Bonnie shares how the completely different role we have to play with adult children can make or break our connection with them. We talk about trust, love, letting things go, feeli…
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Special guest interview! My middle daughter joins me this week for a brief chat as we reflect together on a few highlights of her growing up with mood dysregulation in our family. We look at what worked and what didn't - and touch on the topics of validating emotions, self-talk, acceptance, regrets, shame, and humor.…
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There are reasons we avoid feeling our own pain as moms. We are good at this, but what we think makes us strong is actually keeping us dissatisfied. In this episode you'll hear the top 3 pain points (guilt, shame, and responsibility) that manifests most often in moms I coach, and how to process them. You'll also get a new way to think about emotion…
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Blow-ups happen. It doesn't make us a bad mom if our family has blow-ups. It indicates people care deeply for each other as well as for having their voice heard and their emotions acknowledged. There are 3 things that I've noticed help a lot in the recovery process: humor, saying "I hear you," and expressing how we truly feel about protecting and h…
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Do you always strive for "balance" and think this is just what all moms do and it's a good thing to strive for? What if we decide that balance is not the goal? What if we decided that imbalance is a natural part of the way the world works? What if we just stop expending energy on trying to attain balance and ride the teeter-totter? All of these are…
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Be warned this is one of my rants this week. I touch on the way we think about illness in the brain vs. illness in other organs, and how we also think of maladaptive behavior in kids or adults as it relates to the brain. I leave you with a challenge to think a little bit differently than the way many people do, and regard the brain as the phenomena…
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You do you, mama. If you have a system that works for you and your family and it reduces stress, awesome. If you do not, I offer the permission to let that be OK. My kids are living proof that despite a less-than-on-top-of-it mom, they figured it out. I share a suggestion of the clean slate frame, for introducing yourself and your kids to the new t…
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We each have expectations about the role being a mom plays in our lives. Some of us make being a mom our number one purpose but not every mom does, and I think that's OK, at any stage. We also can have a progression over time where our purpose and focus as a mom changes and evolves. No matter what stage or how difficult of a time you are going thro…
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Reacting and responding to judgment is a natural protective measure our brains take to keep us included in social groups. We break judgment down a little more in this episode with examples I've learned from with kids acting out in public and also coached on with clients for interactions with colleagues and even marriage. We uncover what judgment is…
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Let's do this. I challenge you to give yourself grace this week. I'm doing it with you. We spend soooo much time and energy and thoughts and emotions on judging ourselves. What if we looked at ALL the things we are trying really hard at and give some grace? What if we consider the idea that this may be the most important thing we do this week? I'm …
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When we look at decisions as moms and the high-stakes we place on them and we look at the definition from the dictionary, we can see how the simplest definition is really just a choice, but there's also confidence and trustworthiness that we can decide to have up front, and this can be a super helpful way to think about decisions. I also share my b…
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Moms know what's best. We really do. We have everything we need already. We have our instincts, and we can listen to them and we can trust them. We can also drop into love and trust what feels right to us for any situation. We can trust ourselves do take the information we have at that moment and do our best to make the decision. In this episode I …
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Today I'm having a bad morning. I just had one of those moments when it felt like the world was conspiring against me. You know that feeling? It sucks. I just decided to jump on the mic and tell you my process for getting through it and how I hope to turn my day around (or not) and be OK with not being OK right now. If it helps you, let me know! Sh…
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We all have those moments of "This is not what I signed up for." We act so surprised when the unexpected happens and yet we know that this is part of a real life. Especially as our kids hit the teenage years and young adulthood, we may find that they make choices and decisions that we are surprised, disappointed, shocked, or confused about. It is a…
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