show episodes

Kelzenberger Predigten zum Nachhören

Kelzenberger Predigten zum Nachhören

Der Gottesdienst am Sonntag ist unser Mittelpunkt! Egal, was in der Woche passiert: Sonntags um 10 Uhr wird Gott gefeiert! Alltagstaugliche Predigten, die zu denken geben. Musik, die Freude macht. Viele, die mit machen. Unser Ziel ist, dass alle Menschen, die in Berührung mit unserer Gemeinde geraten, im Lauf der Zeit in der Begegnung mit dem Auferstandenen ihren Lebensmittelpunkt erleben.
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Hey Leute, Electromantic soll euch genau das bieten, was es im Namen beinhalten: Eine Mischung aus romantisch zart und elektronisch hart. Die erste Stunde gestaltet sich in der Regel etwas entspannter und kommerzieller aus verschiedenen House-Richtungen. Die zweite Stunde ist meine persönliche elektronisch-musikalische Eskalationsstunde. Da gibt es dann auch gerne mal Dubstep, Drum & Bass, Hardstyle, Goa, Hard Techno und was sonst so Spaß macht ;) Getragen wird das Ganze aber auch immer gern ...
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Office Motivation Talk - Business-Podcast mit Humor & Leichtigkeit. Dieser Podcast soll dir einen Einblick in andere Unternehmen, in den Business-Alltag als Selbstständige und viele weiter Impulse, Tipps und Mehrwert geben. Mein Impuls: Voneinander lernen! Der "Einsteige" soll den "langjährigen Unternehmer" inspirieren neue Wege ins Business zeigen. Der "erfahrene Unternehmer" soll dem "Starter" Mut machen. Das ALLES ohne Anstrengung, Erwartung und Voraussetzung. Erfahre von steinigen Berufs ...
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Providing financial planning strategies for oil and gas professionals. Justin and Jared talk through ideas to optimize investments, lower future taxes, and grow your wealth. If you work at or recently retired from a large Oil & Gas company, this podcast is for you. Justin Brownlee and Jared Machen are CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals with Brownlee Wealth Management, a fee-only firm dedicated to those in the Oil & Gas profession. Learn more and subscribe today at brownleewealthmanag ...
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Discussions of Bitcoin Wealth by a Bitcoin Enthusiast. We're sharing the latest affiliate programs, private giveaways, and other bitcoin earning advice. No bullshit. "I'm sharing how I earn tens-of-thousands of $USD in bitcoin each year, how you're going to earn yours , and why you should never (have to) buy bitcoin ."
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Literary critics see Arthur Machen’s works as a significant part of the late Victorian revival of the gothic novel and the decadent movement of the 1890s, bearing direct comparison to the themes found in contemporary works like Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, and Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray. The White People is a highly influential horror story of a young girl’s discovery of ancient magic. It was written in the late 1890 ...
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TO HELP SHARE PEOPLE'S STORIES. Conversations and insights with professionals, artists, friends, and athletes. Understanding life and how to manage it can be hard and these conversations bring to light lessons and insights of how we can deal with life together. SPEAK, AND WHEN SPOKEN TO, LISTEN.
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Jede Woche Donnerstag beschäftigen sich die Gründer von Fayst mit den Themen, die Sie und das abstimmungswütige Volk interessieren. Gespickt mit Interviews, Live-Kommentaren, Gästen und Anrufen direkt in die Sendung machen jede Sendung unvorhersehbar - aber wahrlich einzigartig.
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Tauche ein in die aufregende Welt des Basketballs mit Guido und Roman, den leidenschaftlichen Hosts von "Continental Courtside". In diesem Podcast dreht sich alles um die EuroLeague, die zweitbeste Basketballliga der Welt, und natürlich um den faszinierenden Sport mit dem orangenen Ball. Guido und Roman, beide Basketball-Enthusiasten und Kenner des Spiels, bieten ihren Zuhörern spannende Einblicke in Spieler, Trainer und Teams der EuroLeague. Von den neuesten Spielen und Ergebnissen bis hin ...
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Off The Bench

Off The Bench

Jake and Machen bring you news from all across the sports globe and deliver some of the hottest takes known to man. Off The Bench. Back up skills. Veteran takes. Can't handle the heat, get off our podcast!
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Markus und Michael

Tauche ein in das inspirierende Universum von "Supertrocken"! Begleite die Gastgeber Markus und Michael auf ihrer Reise durch das bunte Mosaik des Lebens. In jeder Episode teilen sie persönliche Erfahrungen, Höhen und Tiefen sowie einzigartige Einsichten, die das Leben so unverwechselbar machen. Durch Humor, tiefgründige Recherche und einer liebevollen Hingabe zum Leben werden deine Ohren zu einem Schauplatz des Staunens und der Inspiration. Genieße die lockere Atmosphäre, während Markus und ...
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The Curry Up Show

Jurgen Wochnik

The Curry Up Show koennt Ihr jeden Dienstag um 16 Uhr EST in Amerika und um 22 Uhrt in Deutschland hoeren. Die Show ist fuer die junggebliebenen Deutschen die in Amerika leben, Urlaub machen oder in die Staaten ziehen moechten. Mit vielen Informationen sowie Sport, Musik, Entertainment, Veranstalungen, Reisen, Deutsche Geschaefte in den Staaten, Bars und Restaurants, legale Informationen und vieles mehr. Wir werden woechendlich Studiogaeste (Musiker, Sportler, und andere interessante Gaeste. ...
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74 WANTS MORE - by Dieter Kalt

Dieter Kalt - Mentor & Leadership Coach

Was ist das Geheimnis erfolgreicher Menschen? Was machen sie anders als die meisten und was können wir davon lernen? Ist es ihr Champions Mindset, ihre Einstellung, die den Unterschied ausmacht? Mein Name ist Dieter Kalt und ich war über 20 Jahre Pro-Eishockeyspieler mit der Nummer 74 auf meinem Rücken. Ich hatte die Ehre in internationalen Championship-Teams zu spielen und mehrmals bei Olympischen Spielen antreten zu dürfen. Erfolg beginnt im Kopf Dieser Podcast ist für Menschen, die Inspir ...
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German learning for Germanophiles, Austrophiles, Swissophiles, book lovers, (over)thinkers, word collectors, geeks, knowledge seekers, and (recovering) perfectionists. Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™
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Bertelsmann Podcast

Bertelsmann Podcast

Die Podcasts von Bertelsmann versorgen Sie mit allen wichtigen Infos und Fakten zum Unternehmen, mit spannenden Gesprächen und mit Hintergrundgeschichten, die die Grundwerte des Konzerns – nämlich Kreativität und Unternehmertum – an den Beispielen erfolgreicher Menschen aus der Bertelsmann-Welt erlebbar machen. Der Kanal für alle Podcast-Serien der Bertelsmann-Unternehmenskommunikation: von Kreativen und Unternehmern, verrückten Zufällen und dem, was die vielfältigen Geschäfte von Europas gr ...
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Dr. Charles Kim, Jr. offers interviews and conversations about the historic doctrines and theologians of the Christian faith. The podcast has grown over the last several years to include not only round table discussions of ancient theological texts, but also includes interviews of leading theologians on these topics.
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Wir leben in bewegten Zeiten. Voller Herausforderungen: Bewährtes und Geliebtes wird in Frage gestellt. Immer schneller werden wir mit neuen Herausforderungen konfrontiert: Wie gehe ich damit um, dass ein „Freund“ von einem Moment auf den nächsten extreme Kommentare auf Facebook streut? Wie gehe ich damit um, wenn ich in einem Fußballstadion Gewalt erlebe? Oder dass der neue Investor, den ich gerade erst stolz präsentiert habe, auf einmal mit sexuellen Vorwürfen konfrontiert wird? Herausford ...
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With a new name, Cyberpunk '66 has evolved into Tabletop Tales! Tabletop Tales is a podcast that takes tabletop roleplay games to the next level. We turn our real play roleplaying games and convert them into a dramatic and immersive audio series. Cyberpunk '66 is a true actual play of the tabletop roleplaying game; Cyberpunk Red. Using the ruleset of the game; Cyberpunk Red, this show creatively converts the game to an atmospheric and immersive radio story. If you're a fan of Science fiction ...
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Die Episoden dieses Podcasts erscheinen in unregelmäßigen Abständen. Sie sind der akustische Begleiter meines Weblogs This podcast is an (occasional) companion of my weblog with the same title ( Most of the weblog's content is in German but I'll do my best to provide postings in English.
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Liebe Sternenmama. Der Podcast für Sternenkind-Mamas.

Julia Gohlke. Sternenmama Mentorin, Life Coach und systemische Therapeutin i.A.

Hallo, ich bin Julia. Ich helfe Sternenmamas basierend auf meiner persönlichen Erfahrung und in Verknüpfung mit nachgewiesenen und nachhaltigen professionellen Techniken und Tools, ihre Trauer und ihr Trauma zu transformieren und ein glückliches und erfülltes Leben zu leben. Besuche mich gerne auf
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Tenha uma assinatura paga: Podcasts for those who want to learn German in a simpler way, with no stress and excuses! Support this podcast:
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In diesem Podcast geht um die unerschütterliche Reise zum Glück. Ich unterstütze Unternehmerinnen und Führungskräfte dabei eine überdurchschnittliche Lebensqualität zu erreichen, in die Selbstheilung zu gehen und viel, viel mehr Zeit für Leben und die Familie zu haben. Wenn du auch jemand bist der finanziell und emotional frei sein möchte, dann ist dieser Podcast für dich. Du findest hier Übungen, Meditationen und Interviews. "Erfolg ist kein Glück, sondern nur das Ergebnis von Blut, Schweiß ...
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show series
Professor Gregg, an anthropologist who becomes obsessed with a strange and ancient artifact known as the Black Seal. Gregg discovers that the seal is connected to a hidden race of beings who once inhabited Britain. His obsession leads him into dangerous territories as he uncovers the horrifying truths about these ancient beings and their influence …
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Richard Burnett joins the podcast today to discuss his new book, "Machen's Hope: The Transformation of a Modernist in the New Princeton" (Eerdman's, 2024), a spanning biography on J. Gresham Machen, the founder of Westminster Theological Seminary and a main figure of the anti-modernist revolt at Princeton. This text attempts to reevaluate many of t…
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A man named Conger, who is offered freedom in exchange for traveling back in time to kill a religious figure. This figure's future teachings are predicted to spark a revolutionary movement that challenges the status quo.Conger receives a skull as his sole clue to identify his target, whom he must assassinate before the teachings begin. As he naviga…
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Herbert West, a medical student obsessed with overcoming death. Using a special serum, West attempts to reanimate corpses, but his experiments often result in gruesome failures. The narrative follows West and his unnamed assistant as they face increasingly horrifying consequences of their experiments, including encounters with reanimated creatures.…
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During a future war where soldiers are subjected to intense psychological pressure. The protagonist, a soldier named Willibald, is experiencing extreme anxiety and fear. He is stationed in a bunker, constantly bombarded by the enemy's psychological warfare tactics, which include loudspeakers blaring demoralizing messages and propaganda designed to …
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A traveler on a train recounts a vivid and disturbing dream to his fellow passengers. In the dream, he inhabits the life of another man, a prominent politician in a futuristic society. This man experiences immense political pressure and personal turmoil, torn between his duties and a deep desire for peace.In this imagined world, the protagonist fal…
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In this tale, Conan encounters a mysterious and beautiful woman named Atali in the icy northern lands. As they travel together, Conan battles her brothers, who are supernatural frost giants. Ultimately, Atali is revealed to be a supernatural being herself, sent to lure men to their deaths. The story explores themes of deception, survival, and the a…
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on a visit to Munich before leaving for Transylvania. It is Walpurgis Night, and despite the hotelier's warning not to return late, the young man later leaves his carriage and wanders toward the direction of an abandoned "unholy" village. As the carriage departs with the frightened and superstitious driver, a tall and thin stranger scares the horse…
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The narrator finds herself in a bizarre and terrifying situation. As she explores a decaying cathedral, she becomes trapped atop a high tower. A massive clock's minute hand begins to descend toward her, threatening to slice through her. The story combines dark humor with suspense as the narrator faces an absurd yet life-threatening predicament, hig…
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A science fiction short story about an elderly woman named Mrs. Bellows who embarks on a journey to the stars with the hope of reaching Heaven. She joins a group led by a charismatic but deceitful space tour guide who promises spiritual transcendence. As they travel, Mrs. Bellows realizes the guide's intentions are fraudulent, and the journey is a …
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"In the Court of the Dragon" by Robert W. Chambers is a short story from his collection The King in Yellow. It follows a narrator who becomes haunted by a sinister organist after attending a church service. As paranoia grips him, the line between reality and madness blurs, creating a chilling atmosphere. The story explores themes of fear, obsession…
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A group of space explorers who investigate a planet which appears deserted. However, they are shot down and crash land on the planet. While repairing their ship, a team of explorers sets to survey the surrounding area, where they discover the ruins of an ancient city. Upon further investigation, it is revealed that the gun which shot them down is i…
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Cool Air by H.P. Lovecraft is a chilling tale about a man who moves into a New York City apartment building and becomes intrigued by his mysterious upstairs neighbor, Dr. Muñoz. The doctor lives in a room kept unnaturally cold and reveals that he relies on the cold to survive due to a peculiar medical condition. As the cooling system fails, the tru…
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The whole crew (D. G. Hart-Presbyterian, Korey Maas-Lutheran, and Miles Smith-Anglican) returns in this discussion of Miles's review of several recent books by evangelicals who left evangelicalism to become - you guessed it - exvangelicals. These books parallel the rise and fall of the Young Restless Reformed which was the subject of this article. …
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The chilling tale of The Vampyre by John William Polidori, one of the earliest works of vampire fiction. This gripping audiobook takes you through the dark and mysterious world of Lord Ruthven, a character that inspired the modern vampire genre. Perfect for fans of gothic literature and classic horror, this narration brings Polidori's eerie and sus…
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Robert E. Howard with The Hyborian Age audiobook! Explore the rich history and lore of Conan the Barbarian's universe, brought to life through vivid storytelling and captivating narration. Perfect for fans of fantasy and adventure. Subscribe for more classic tales and join us on this legendary journey!#Audiobook #RobertEHoward #ConanTheBarbarian #F…
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Harrison Perkins joins the podcast today to discuss his new book, "Reformed Covenant Theology: A Systematic Introduction" (Lexham Academic, 2024). Perkins pastors at Oakland Hills Community Church in Detroit, and has a variety of research, writing, and teaching positions. Join us as he discusses how covenant theology serves the faith! Buy "Reformed…
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Short story. A man's behavior takes a strange turn when he begins to take a new prescription. His sister can't decide if this is for the better or for the worse. The Novel of the White Powder by Arthur Machen in audiobook format. Explore this classic horror tale through expert narration, perfect for fans of supernatural mysteries and Victorian goth…
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Vocab for games, application documents & personal pronouns in the dative: mir, dir, ihm. Paul is bowling with his parents and talks about his career plans. His lie that he knew what job he wanted all along goes undetected. Tim writes that he doesn't have any news about Fritz either, but he believes lakes don't have real beaches. So Paul has to look…
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For more information and show notes visit: In this episode of Financial Planning for Oil & Gas Professionals, we had the pleasure of hosting Terry Nixon, a seasoned veteran in the oil and gas industry with a career spanning over four decades. Terry, who is also my neighbor in Fort Worth, shared his incredible jou…
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This week, we're thrilled to welcome Kendall Lowe Hamilton, the dynamic force behind Devan Lowe Inc. As a passionate Jimmy Buffett fan and a savvy businesswoman, Kendall is carrying on her father's legacy while carving her own path to success. Join us as we dive into the world of automotive sales, exploring Kendall's journey of overcoming challenge…
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Herzlich Willkommen zu einer neuen Folge vom Office Motivation Talk dem Business-Podcast mit Humor und Leichtigkeit. Schön, dass du wieder eingeschaltet hast. Folge #52 - Heute im Talk mit Lars Russig 3 #Hashtag zu dieser Folge von Lars: #mitarbeitermotivation #teamgeist #wirgefühl Lars ist Unternehmens-Coach (Schwerpunkte Markenbildung, Mitarbeite…
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Life Skills 101: She Can Do That! Ladies, ditch the damsel in distress act! This episode is your hilarious and empowering guide to conquering those "adulting" tasks that might seem scary. We're talking flat tires, confusing financial jargon, and everything in between. Knight in shining armor not required – we're grabbing the wrench (and maybe a gla…
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Hallo und herzlich willkommen zu einer neuen Folge des Office Motivation Talk, deinem Business Podcast mit Humor und Leichtigkeit. Mein Name ist Sarah Thullner. Schön, dass du wieder eingeschaltet hast. Diese Folge hat den Titel: Die Bedeutung klarer Kommunikation und wie sie die Neugier weckt Meine 3 Hashtags zur dieser Folge: #klarekommunikation …
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In which our hero's personality changes The Colin Malatrat Museum of Curious Oddities and Strange Antiquities: Darkhorse Road, and Other Stories: Podcast artwork by Ruth Anna Evans ( Please consid…
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Summer has made convening the co-hosts more challenging than when the academic calendar locks these confessional Protestants down. For this episode, the pudcast needed to aspire to Internet greatness without the presence of our Lutheran colleague, Korey Maas. This left D. G. Hart (Presbyterian) and Miles Smith (Anglican) to talk about Mile's new bo…
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For more information and show notes visit: In this episode, we discuss an interesting situation forming in the financial advisor industry: while client retention rates are high, trust and satisfaction levels are not as impressive. This discrepancy suggests that many clients stay with their advisors despite feeling un…
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Der japanische Henshin Hero Ultraman hat seinen ersten großen Netflix-Film bekommen. Wie gut dieser mit den japanischen Serien und Filmen zusammenpasst, klären Daniel und Steffen dieses Mal mit unserer Ultraman-Expertin Emma. Unterstützt uns finanziell, in dem ihr in unseren Moneypool einzahlt: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠…
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Herzlich Willkommen zu einer neuen Folge vom Office Motivation Talk dem Business-Podcast mit Humor und Leichtigkeit. Schön, dass du wieder eingeschaltet hast. Folge #49 - Heute im Talk mit Michael Mayer 3 #Hashtag zu dieser Folge von Michael: #persönlichkeitsentwicklung #herzensbildung #aktualität Michael Mayer ist Inhaber der Trainingsagentur Huma…
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Make a decision based on simple job descriptions & sum-up: all dative and accusative prepositions and their contractions. Paul discovers for himself that he wants to be an author. So today he plans to write 20 applications and tell his mother about it. But the chances to become an author are slim, because he doesn't have a degree in German Studies …
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Herzlich Willkommen zu einer neuen Folge vom Office Motivation Talk dem Business-Podcast mit Humor und Leichtigkeit. Schön, dass du wieder eingeschaltet hast. Folge #49 - Heute im Talk mit Claudia Eckert 3 #Hashtag zu dieser Folge von Claudia: #vapowesp #jammernhilftnicht #muttertochterstartup Claudia Eckert von Vapo-Wesp bekannt aus Höhle der Löwe…
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Dr. Vince Bantu of the Meacham School of Haymanot joins us today to discuss his recent book "Those for Whom the Lamp Shines: The Making of Egyptian Ethnic Identity in Late Antiquity" (UC Press, 2023) which explores the formation of the identity of Egypt, and especially Egyptian Christians, in part through the lens of the Coptic Church's Anti-Chalce…
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This episode of our Empower Her with Morgan and Erika takes a surprising turn! We're joined by the energetic Kay Moore, Director of Downtown Gadsden Inc. Don't be fooled by the title, this isn't just about bricks and mortar. Kay dives deep into the rich history of Gadsden's downtown, a place that pulsated with industry and innovation. But Gadsden i…
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In this episode of FPO&G, Justin and Jared dissect how retirement planning is impacted by executive compensation. Should my investment allocation be changed due to the nonqualified stock options, deferred comp, and restricted stock that vest after retirement? Do Roth conversions still make sense as a retiree in light of my post retirement income? H…
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This episode of Empower Her with Morgan & Erika dives deep into the world of time management! We'll explore practical strategies for planning your days, discuss the power of using planners (digital or analog!), and equip you with tips for setting healthy boundaries around your time. Learn how to achieve that elusive work-life balance and finally fe…
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Herzlich willkommen zu einer ganz besonderen Folge von "Office Motivation Talk"! Heute feiern wir nicht nur meinen Geburtstag, sondern wir tauchen auch tief in die Kunst des Feierns und der Selbstfürsorge ein. Ich zeige dir, wie wichtig es ist, auch die kleinen Meilensteine im Leben zu feiern, dankbar zu sein und bewusste Entscheidungen zu treffen.…
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