show episodes

Un Poquito de Medicina

Un Poquito de Medicina

In this podcast, Nadia and Stephanie delve into the intricacies and subtleties of medical Spanish. Beginning with the basics and layering concepts and helpful tips to make even the most basic speaker not sound like a gringo. Follow along as we learn Un Poquito de Medicina.
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Sala Vermelha

Você já pensou em ouvir as principais discussões, atualizações e temas de altíssima importância para sua formação médica em qualquer hora e em qualquer lugar? Esse é o SVCast, o podcast da Sala Vermelha, dedicado à Medicina Brasileira. Sala Vermelha, onde a Medicina faz sua arte acontecer! #FOAMed #FOAMedBRA #façavalerapena #façavaleravida
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Opiniões de especialistas sobre pesquisas, avanços e descobertas em todas as áreas científicas e tecnológicas, da medicina, espaço e bioética ao high-tech, redes sociais e comunicação multimídia.
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Meaningful content is hard to come across these days. There’s an overwhelming amount of information that distracts us from what truly matters, and there’s a lot of it that’s constantly being censored. That’s why we decided to launch Casa Earth, a podcast where every topic is discussed—from spirituality to sexuality, psychedelics to herbolaria, holistic medicine to sustainable living, switching from the fast life to the slow life, and much more—without any filters or restrictions, combined wi ...
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Practice European Portuguese through interesting and authentic content! Learn about Portuguese Culture and History, Language Learning, Self-Improvement and more. Each episode comes with a FREE transcript in Portuguese & English.
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Tea Time Teacher


Te damos la bienvenida a la radio de Vaughan. Abre bien los oídos, porque vas a exponerte a una emisión ininterrumpida de contenidos en inglés. Disfruta con nosotros de una variada programación diaria de clases de inglés para todos los gustos, para todos los públicos y para todos los niveles. Con Vaughan Radio, siempre aprendes algo nuevo mientras mejoras tu comprensión auditiva. Vaughan Radio, la radio temática de Grupo Vaughan, donde encontrarás una variada programación con noticias, cultu ...
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Sejam muito bem vindos ao meu canal PlastCast. Escute e aprecie as dicas, entrevistas e novidades sobre esse maravilhoso mundo da Cirurgia Plástica, Anestesia, Pré e Pós Operatório, Valorização da Autoestima e busca de um estilo de Vida Saudável. Pra quem não me conhece, eu sou o Dr. Adriano Medeiros e vou contar um pouco sobre minha trajetória de vida profissional aqui embaixo. Dra. Adriano Medeiros Nasceu no Rio de Janeiro, no dia 13 de setembro de 1977 no Hospital de Força Aérea do Galeão ...
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Siempre Fullerton College brings you the vibrant and inspiring stories of our alumni. Through engaging conversations, we dive into their journey, challenges and achievements as a former student, demonstrating the lasting impact of their education at Fullerton College. This podcast is produced on campus in association with Hornet Radio, and is available in both English and Spanish.
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The Divine Comedy (in Italian, Divina Commedia, or just La commedia or Comedia) is an epic poem written by Dante Alighieri in the first decades of the 14th Century, during his exile from his native Florence. Considered the most important work of Italian literature, the poem has also has enormous historical influence on western literature and culture more generally. Dante represents the three realms of the afterlife in his three canticles (Inferno--Hell; Purgatorio--Purgatory; Paradiso--Parad ...
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Ginny Rutherford

Transformation Talk Radio

Kambo Talk Radio with Ginny and Todd - Mondays 12pm pt / 3pm et IAKP Kambo Practitioner, Ginny Rutherford, and Professional Psychic, Todd Rohlsson, have come together for a lively discussion of alternative healing medicines from the Amazon, particularly the healing medicine from the Giant Monkey Tree Frog, Kambo. Their goal is to educate, inspire and to share with humanity their personal experiences and discuss the benefits of Kambo medicina with intuitive insight and tribal knowledge that s ...
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LatinX Can

Dr. Jeniree Flores Delgado

A bi-weekly interview series showcasing latinx professionals sharing the tips and tricks that helped them turn their dreams into reality. This podcast provides inspiration, support, and actionable advice that can help you too, achieve your goals.
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show series
Saiba mais sobre o Meta-Analysis Academy: No episódio 14 do MetaCast PT, gravado em Chicago durante o congresso da American Heart Association, o Dr. Rhanderson Cardoso recebe três estudantes de Medicina que estão brilhando no cenário de pesquisa: Maria Antônia (UFJF), Mariana Clemente (FMP) e Lucas Mendes (UFMG). Eles cont…
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Saiba mais sobre o Meta-Analysis Academy: No episódio 13 do MetaCast PT, recebemos Marcely Bonatto, cardiologista especializada em insuficiência cardíaca e transplante de coração pelo Incor, e autora do SARAH Trial. Marcely compartilha sua trajetória inspiradora até a apresentação do revolucionário estudo na área da cardio…
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Bienvenidos a Siempre Fullerton College, nuestro primer podcast y primer episodio donde celebramos los increíbles viajes y logros de nuestros exalumnos. Siempre, que significa "Siempre" en español, refleja nuestro compromiso continuo con nuestra comunidad y nuestro objetivo de ser la primera opción para los estudiantes. Hoy, estamos encantados de p…
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Welcome to Siempre Fullerton College, our very first podcast and first episode where we celebrate the incredible journeys and achievements of our alumni. Siempre, meaning "Always" in Spanish, reflects our enduring commitment to our community and our goal of being the first choice for students. Today, we are thrilled to feature Krishna A. Baltazar, …
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Estamos no final de dezembro, que é a altura em que, em Portugal, se celebra o Natal. No episódio de hoje vou falar sobre as origens do Natal e sobre a forma como o festejamos em Portugal. It's the end of December, which is the time when Christmas is celebrated in Portugal. In today's episode I'm going to talk about the origins of Christmas and how…
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Saiba mais sobre o Meta-Analysis Academy: No 12º episódio do MetaCast PT, a nossa Guest Host Livia Romariz recebe Thomaz Costa, um exemplo inspirador de como dedicação e estratégia podem transformar uma carreira médica. Originário do Ceará, Thomaz compartilha os desafios enfrentados durante sua formação na Universidade Fed…
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Hoje quero contar-te a história daquele que é considerado o primeiro herói português, um homem que viveu mais de 1000 anos antes do nascimento de Portugal: Viriato, o líder dos lusitanos. Today I want to tell you the story of what is considered the first Portuguese hero, a man who lived more than 1000 years before the birth of Portugal: Viriato, th…
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Saiba mais sobre o Meta-Analysis Academy: No 11º episódio do MetaCast PT, recebemos Pedro Carvalho, um exemplo brilhante de como dedicação e estratégia podem transformar uma carreira. Pedro nasceu em Contagem, Minas Gerais, e compartilha desde os desafios para ingressar na Medicina até a conquista de publicações de meta-an…
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No episódio de hoje vamos falar sobre a história de amor proibido mais famosa de Portugal: a história de Pedro e Inês. In today's episode we're going to talk about Portugal's most famous forbidden love story: the story of Pedro and Inês. 📝 Download the FREE transcript (in Portuguese & English):…
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Saiba mais sobre o Meta-Analysis Academy: No 10º episódio do MetaCast PT, recebemos Daniel Dahis, um brilhante pesquisador brasileiro que transformou seu desejo de trabalhar com medicina em uma carreira inovadora na área de biotecnologia. Da UFRJ ao Technion, em Israel, e finalmente em Boston, Daniel compartilha sua trajet…
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Hoje vou contar-te a história de um dos símbolos mais conhecidos de Portugal: o Galo de Barcelos. Today I'm going to tell you the story of one of Portugal's best-known symbols: the Barcelos Rooster. 📝 Download the FREE transcript (in Portuguese & English): 🎁 Support the podcast with a do…
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Hoje vamos falar sobre José Saramago, o outro único português que ganhou um prémio Nobel, desta vez, o Prémio Nobel da Literatura. Today we're going to talk about José Saramago, the only other Portuguese to have won a Nobel Prize, this time the Nobel Prize for Literature. ▶️ Vídeo de YouTube sobre escritores portugueses:…
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Bienvenidos a Siempre Fullerton College, nuestro primer podcast y primer episodio donde celebramos los increíbles viajes y logros de nuestros exalumnos. Hoy tenemos el honor de hablar con Fabiola Rivera, una exalumna inspiradora de Fullerton College cuya dedicación al cuidado animal y la ciencia la ha llevado a un éxito notable. Fabiola Rivera es l…
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Welcome to Siempre Fullerton College, our very first podcast and first episode where we celebrate the incredible journeys and achievements of our alumni. Siempre, meaning "Always" in Spanish, reflects our enduring commitment to our community and our goal of being the first choice for students. Today, we have the honor of speaking with Fabiola River…
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Saiba mais sobre o Meta-Analysis Academy: No 9º episódio do MetaCast, temos o prazer de receber Antonio Mutarelli, estudante de medicina da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) e pesquisador que atualmente realiza um Research Fellowship no Massachusetts General Hospital, afiliado à Harvard Medical School. Discutimos…
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Hoje vou falar-te sobre o primeiro português a ganhar um prémio Nobel: o Professor António Egas Moniz, que ganhou o Prémio Nobel da Medicina em 1949. Today I'm going to tell you about the first Portuguese to win a Nobel Prize: Professor António Egas Moniz, who won the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1949. 📝 Download the FREE transcript (in Portuguese &…
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Saiba mais sobre o Meta-Analysis Academy: No 8º episódio do MetaCast, Rhanderson Cardoso conversa com Carolina Cardoso, estudante do 3º ano de Direito no Boston College e sua esposa, sobre sua jornada de quase dez anos nos Estados Unidos. Carolina compartilha suas experiências de adaptação, desde aprender inglês até entrar…
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Hoje vou contar-te a história do soldado português mais condecorado da Primeira Guerra Mundial. O seu nome era Aníbal Milhais, mas ele era mais conhecido como Soldado Milhões. Today I'm going to tell you the story of the most decorated Portuguese soldier of the First World War. His name was Aníbal Milhais, but he was better known as Soldado Milhões…
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¡Conoce a la Dra. Alejandra Bueno! En este emocionante episodio tuvimos el honor de entrevistar a la Dra. Alejandra Bueno, una destacada cardióloga pediátrica. La Dra. Bueno comparte con nosotros su inspiradora travesía desde sus estudios de medicina en México hasta su práctica en los Estados Unidos. Nos habla de los desafíos que enfrentó durante e…
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Saiba mais sobre o Meta-Analysis Academy: No 7º episódio do MetaCast, Rhanderson Cardoso recebe o radiologista Tiago Lins de Carvalho, que compartilha sua trajetória desde a formação no Brasil até sua carreira internacional, com fellowships no Canadá e nos Estados Unidos. Tiago fala sobre o processo de aplicação para fello…
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En este episodio tuvimos el honor de entrevistar a Ricardo Lugo, el apasionado anfitrión del podcast Bibliotequeando. Ricardo nos lleva en un viaje personal fascinante, desde su vida en Venezuela hasta su emocionante proceso de adaptación y éxito en los Estados Unidos. A lo largo de nuestra conversación, Ricardo comparte su inspiradora experiencia …
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Saiba mais sobre o Meta-Analysis Academy: No 6º episódio do MetaCast, Rhanderson Cardoso recebe o Dr. André D'Avila, chefe da eletrofisiologia no Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, afiliado à Harvard Medical School. Ele compartilha sua trajetória inspiradora, desde os desafios enfrentados no início da carreira no Brasil…
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Saiba mais sobre o Meta-Analysis Academy: No quinto episódio do MetaCast, Rhanderson Cardoso conversa com dois estudantes de medicina, André Rivera e Marcelo Braga, que transformaram suas carreiras através da pesquisa científica e do Meta-Analysis Academy. Neste episódio, eles compartilham como, ainda no terceiro e quinto …
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Saiba mais sobre o Meta-Analysis Academy: No 4º episódio do MetaCast, Rhanderson Cardoso conversa com André Zimerman e Ana Laura Kunzler, um casal de médicos brasileiros que compartilharam suas inspiradoras jornadas de Porto Alegre a Boston. Eles discutem suas experiências em pesquisa e assistência médica no Brasil e Estad…
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Saiba mais sobre o Meta-Analysis Academy: Neste episódio, Rhanderson Cardoso tem um bate-papo com Caique Ternes, médico formado pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina e doutorando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Cardiologia e Ciências Cardiovasculares da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Caique, um dos primei…
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This is a rebroadcast of one of our favorite episodes. Enjoy while we work on season 9! Meet Dr. Luis Martinez-Fernandez, a professor of history who experienced life events that demonstrated the fragility of democracy itself, and who now is committed to protecting it. Dr. Martinez-Fernandez was born in Cuba and two years later, his family migrated …
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Saiba mais sobre o Meta-Analysis Academy: No segundo episódio do MetaCast, Rhanderson Cardoso recebe a brilhante Raquel Oliveira, estudante de medicina do quinto ano da Universidade Federal do Piauí. Raquel compartilha sua trajetória desde Piauí até Boston, onde realizou um estágio em Oncodermatologia no Massachusetts Gene…
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This is a rebroadcast of one of our favorite episodes. Enjoy while we work on season 9! Meet Francisco Ramos, a comedian and actor whose previous career in finance allowed him to upend his life and pursue his dream of becoming a comedian. Francisco grew up in Venezuela, and moved to the U.S. with his family when he was 12. He learned English by him…
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Saiba mais sobre o Meta-Analysis Academy: No primeiro episódio do MetaCast, o PodCast do Meta-Analysis Academy, Rhanderson Cardoso conversa com as lendas do Meta-Analysis Academy Larissa Hespanhol, Amanda Godoi e Isabela Marques, que compartilham suas jornadas acadêmicas e profissionais e o papel da meta-análise para ating…
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This is a rebroadcast of one of our favorite episodes. Enjoy while we work on season 9! Meet Dr. Jose Luis Torres, a writer and Professor Emeritus of English at SUNY Plattsburgh, who explains how studying humanities can also lead to stable careers. Dr. Torres… also known by his pen name J.L. Torres, is a Puerto Rican author and scholar born in Puer…
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This is a rebroadcast of one of our favorite episodes. Enjoy while we work on season 9! Meet Juliana Garaizar, an experienced investor whose career has evolved into one focused on supporting inventors from minority groups, including women. Juliana has lived in multiple countries. She was born in Bilbao, Spain, and lived in France where she obtained…
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Hola hola everyone... We just wanted to let you know we will be on a break for at least a few weeks. While we take this time off, please tune to listen to rebroadcasts of past episodes you may have not heard before. In the meantime, we will be working hard on the next season of Latinx Can Podcast, which will drop just in time to celebrate Latin Her…
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Meet Dulce Orozco the Latina immigrant therapists who invites us to look at therapy as a preventive tool to take care of ourselves or to help us level up to the next challenge. Dulce is a resilient licensed mental health counselor who embarked on an arduous path from Venezuela to the U.S. As an international student, Dulce faced challenges, triumph…
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Meet Giovanna “Gigi” Gonzalez, a financial educator and author of Cultura & Cash, a practical and jargon-free money guide to help first gen Latinx tackle their finances. Giovanna is a Mexican-American financial professional turned influencer and financial educator for first gen individuals looking to take control of their finances. She is a trailbl…
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Meet Claudia Romo Edelman, founder and CEO of the We Are All Human Foundation, an organization that aims to advance the agenda of DEI for Latinos around the world. Claudia shares her story of growing up in Mexico City thinking she could do the impossible because she was stronger than death. She talks about her early career in communications and how…
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Meet Cynthia Kleinbaum Milner, a Latina in the C-suite at the financial services company Money Lyon, who wants to help the next generation of Latinas get to the top in half the time. Cynthia shares her story of growing up in Mexico City with a supportive father who taught her the value of hard work. She talks about her journey of immigration to the…
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Meet Dr. Jazmina Urriola the visionary Afrolatina behind Allayya, a mental health app that empowers the modern Latina to practice real self-care. Dr. Urriola is a native of Panama and joins us for the second time to share her experience starting a business from scratch, and the tips and tricks she has learned during her entrepreneurial career. Dr. …
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This is a rebroadcast of one of our favorite episodes. Enjoy while we work on season 8! Meet Dr. Alfredo Angeles-Boza, a university professor who reminds us that even if you derail from your plans, it is not too late to get back on track. Dr. Alfredo was born to a middle-class family who supported his education, until the socio-economic situation i…
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This is a rebroadcast of one of our favorite episodes. Enjoy while we work on seaon 8! Meet Jay Flores, an engineer and global STEM ambassador who is on a mission to change the world by inspiring young minds to keep doing cool things with #STEM. Jay’s parents nurtured his curious mind from an early age, and his mentors encouraged him to develop a g…
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This is a rebroadcast of one of our favorite episodes, enjoy while we work on season 8! Meet Dr. Charlie Corredor, an engineer and entrepreneur who identified the power of mentorships and used it to represent the latinx community around the world. His curiosity and motivation led him to create connections with people who later became mentors, and w…
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Conoce a la Dra. Vanessa Díaz, etnógrafa interdisciplinaria, cineasta, periodista y educadora, que lleva con orgullo su origen Borinqueño. En este episodio, exploraremos los fascinantes aspectos de su carrera universitaria, sus proyectos en Cuba, sus experiencias en la revista “People” y cómo estas experiencias la llevaron a escribir su influyente …
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Meet Dr. Angel Martí, the first Latino to chair the Chemistry Department at Rice University, who aims to make the department accessible to all. Dr. Martí was born and raised in Utuado, Puerto Rico, and grew up in a family of farmers. His childhood was marked by curiosity and homegrown experiments, turning every corner into a laboratory, an early si…
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Matt Schrap is CEO of The Harbor Trucking Association. In Episode 88 he goes over as many details possible to make CARB's alphabet soup a bit more understandable for California's truckers. Do all those acronyms have you feeling frustrated and confused? Well if so, this episode is for you! Follow Matt on LinkedIn:…
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Cherie Pallotta is a Customs Broker with over 10 years experience. In this episode we talked about all the things a Customs Broker does. Some of the topics include: • Who needs a Customs Broker and why • Compliance issues that businesses overlook when importing goods • What are duty fees and who collects them? • Key steps and documents involved in …
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Meet Daniel Villao, a leader in diversity, inclusion and workforce development who strives to create fair and equitable work environments for all.Daniel Villao is a leader in diversity and inclusion, workforce development, and apprenticeship design. He was born and raised in East LA, and was one of the very few Ecuadorians in a predominantly Mexica…
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Meet Arturo Cázares, a Latino CEO who overcame adversity growing up in the U.S. and who is now leading Latinos in creating the change we need for a more prosperous society.Arturo Cázares is a successful Latino executive who has worked in some of the most prestigious companies in the world, and is now the CEO of the Latino Business Action Network (L…
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Grabe el primer episodio de el Kontaineroz Podcast en español con mi amigo Fernando Barba. ​⁠​⁠ Fue muy especial para mi porque fue con la persona que me administró Bufo por primera vez, el cual me puso en camino hacia la sobriedad. Fernando es facilitador de medicínas sagradas y el fundador de la fundación Fernando Barba Amezcua A.C., una organiza…
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En este cautivador episodio de podcast, nos sumergimos en la inspiradora trayectoria de la Dra. Xaymara Serrano, una bióloga marina puertorriqueña que trabaja actualmente con NOAA. Únete a nosotros mientras Xaymara comparte su increíble historia de su jornada en busca de su trabajo soñado, dedicando su carrera a la preservación de los arrecifes de …
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