show episodes

The ROL Radio - Jiu Jitsu Podcast

Thomas Rozdzynski and Gary Pond

The ROL Radio Show features your host BJJ Black Belt Thomas Rozdzynski of ROL Academy and his co-host Gary Pond. Take a listen to the untold stories from the world of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Mixed Martial Arts as well as a unique take on life itself. The RŌL Radio podcast uniquely shines a spotlight on the untold stories within the world of Jiu-Jitsu. Going beyond techniques and competitions, the show delves into the personal narratives and journeys of individuals deeply entrenched in the marti ...
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Business Owners Radio

Craig Moen & Shye Gilad | Business Owners | Entrepreneurship | Small Business

Are you a seasoned business owner seeking fresh strategies and insights to drive your success further? Look no further than Business Owners Radio - your ultimate guide to sustainable profitability. Our podcast is co-hosted by veteran entrepreneurs Craig Moen and Shye Gilad and offers an unbeatable Return on Listening (ROL). Each episode is a treasure trove of business wisdom, featuring high-impact interviews with industry experts, insightful analysis of current business trends, and reviews o ...
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Museums and Chill

ICOM - International Council of Museums

Museums and Chill is a one-of-a-kind podcast, where museum practitioners and thinkers from all over the world will discuss their inspiration, strategies, innovations and challenges. Each of the episodes will be in a different language (English, French and Spanish)
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Artista, margolari eta bidaiariek, behinola, ispilu txiki tolesgarri bat eramaten zuten poltsikoan gordeta: ISPILU BELTZA zeritzona. Ispilu horren bidez, margotu nahi zuten paisaia zatia isolatzea lortzen zuten, koadro batean sartuko balute bezala, gainontzekoa lausotuz. Beltzez tindatutako beira haietatik ikusten zena are ederragoa ikusten zen, baina, era berean are gordinagoa. DK Irratiko ISPILU BELTZA saioa Donostiako paisaia, aktore eta gertakizun kulturalak islatzeko jaio da. Asier Erra ...
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De Moker

NPO Luister / NTR

Hoorspel De Moker – Strijd om de macht op de Wallen Amsterdam jaren zeventig. Harrie ‘de Moker’ Pruis regeert op de Wallen. Hij verhuurt ramen, is eigenaar van de klasse-striptent Pigalle, opent de eerste peepshow en droomt van een nieuw gokpaleis met veel marmer, gouden kranen en erotisch topamusent. Zijn vrouw Greet drijft het volkscafé Het Uitzicht. Harrie Pruis is een typische vertegenwoordiger van de penoze oude stijl. Maar de Rotterdammer Aad Bosman, eigenaar van een boksschool en ille ...
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Sharing stories of force-free dog training journeys with challenging, reactive and aggressive dogs and the impact living with those dogs has on our daily lives and our mental health. I hope that hearing these stories can help to make people feel less alone. We love our dogs to pieces but sometimes it's hard and then it's simply nice to hear from others going through something similar. This podcast is about us trying to teach our dogs, but more importantly, it's about what our dogs are teachi ...
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Did you know that your clear view of the world, the one that allows you to read, drive and recognize faces, relies on the health of your retinas? Join host Dr. Timothy Murray as he brings you inspiring conversations about your sight and the special role the retina plays in making healthy vision possible. Dr. Murray welcomes expert retina specialists to share the latest advances in retina care as well as patients to discuss living life to the fullest with retinal disease. Listen today and lea ...
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De Chicks And The City podcast is dè Survival & Inspiration Guide voor de moderne kosmopolitische (jonge) vrouw en iedereen die zich hierin kan vinden. Alles wat de vrouw van nu bezig houdt komt ter sprake. In deze podcast gaan presentatrice Natasja Morales en de chicks in gesprek met mensen met een bijzonder, spraakmakend of inspirerend verhaal.
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Blogs on Tape

(256) 472-1314

Blogs On Tape is a podcast made of calls from you, the listener! Call (BLO) GS2-1314 (256-472-1314), SAY ANYTHING YOU WANT, and your call will be used in a future episode! Calls have ranged from slice of life stories, twitter-esque updates, drunk dials, singing, criticisms of the show, to burps. We love them all! The show has a core team of enthusiastic contributors, but we love hearing from new callers more than anything! Call today, as much as you please! It's your show!
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show series
Send us a Text Message. Nate Morrison feels he needs to be in service to others. On this Takeaway, Thomas and Gary discuss the importance of being in service to others, what it takes to be in service, and how it benefits everyone. https://www.invi…
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'Dungeons and Dragons' rol-jokoak, 50 urte bete ditu aurten. Genero honetako lehen jolasa da, aitzindaria, baina baita salduena ere. Urtemuga aitzaki, gaurkoan Rolariak elkarteko kide bat izan dugu jokoaren inguruan solasteko. --- 'Dungeons and Dragons' cumple 50 años. Fue el primer juego de este género y también es hoy en día el más vendido. Con m…
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En esta conversación, damos la bienvenida a Anauene Dias Soares, abogada y experta en obras de arte, CEO de Anauene Art Law - especializada en derechos culturales y miembro del Consejo del Instituto Brasileño de Derechos Culturales (IBDCult). En la actualidad, en Brasil existen 7 regímenes jurídicos de protección del patrimonio cultural, dos de los…
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Jon Gartzia lankidearekin, gaurtik hasi eta astelehenera bitarte Donostian izango ditugun ekimen kulturalez aritu gara solasean; Errobiren kontzertua, Musikagela Fest 2024, auzoetako San Juanak... --- Con nuestro compañero Jon Gartzia hemos charlado de las iniciativas culturales que tendremos desde hoy hasta el lunes en Donostia; el concierto de Er…
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Gaur artista handi bat dugu gonbidatu. 45 urte dauzka eta Zumarragatarra da, baina asko maite du Donostia. Bere dokumentuetan "desgaitasuna" duela ipintzen du, baina guri ez zaigu hitz hori gustatzen. Guk nahiago dugu esatea aniztasun funtzionalarekin bizi den pertsona bat dela. Desgaitasunik balu, ez litzatekeelako gai izango kulturaren eta komuni…
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Send us a Text Message. Through his experience, today’s guest has a unique perspective on jiu-jitsu and he shares that perspective with us on a variety of topics. Nate Morrison is here to discuss the small world of jiu-jitsu, where he believes jiu-jitsu is heading, fixed vs growth mindset, the responsibilities of a black belt, and more. Here is The…
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X plataformako hari bati tiraka, Alai Ormazabal lankidearekin batera jolasean aritu gara gaurkoan: Nolakoak lirateke nazioarteko pop izarrak euskaldunak balira? --- Tirando de un hilo de la plataforma X, hoy nos hemos divertido con nuestra compañera Alai Ormazabal: ¿Cómo serían las estrellas internacionales del pop si fueran euskaldunes?…
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Dock Of the Bay musika dokumentalaren zinema jaialdiak 20 proiekziorekin, erakusketa batekin, mahai inguruekin eta zuzeneko emanaldiekin aurkeztu du bere hamazazpigarren edizioa. --- El Festival de cine documental Musical Dock of the Bay afronta su decimoséptima edición con 20 proyecciones, una exposición, mesas redondas y actuaciones en vivo.…
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Send us a Text Message. John Combs said that when working with students you need to put marbles in their jar. Meaning, you need to do things to earn their trust and understanding before you can ask things of them or discipline them. On this Takeaway, Thomas and Gary discuss building trust between students and instructors. 30% disc…
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Astebukaera honetan, Elvis Presley izango da Donostiako errege. Bihar hain zuzen, Dabadaba aretoan, bere omenezko festa dibertigarri eta interesgarri bat antolatu dutelako. Honen inguruko informazio guztia ekarri digu Jon Gartzia lankideak. --- Este fin de semana, Elvis Presley será el rey de Donostia. Ya que en la sala Dabadaba, han organizado una…
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Udara honetan Parisen ospatuko diren Olinpiar Jokoen inguruan Macronek hartu dituen erabaki politikoak, ez dira hiritar guztien gustuko izan. Hortaz, Sena ibaian kaka egiteko deia luzatu dute, protesta gisa. Informazio guztia, Alai Ormazabalen eskutik. --- Las decisiones políticas de Macron sobre los Juegos Olímpicos de este verano en París no han …
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Send us a Text Message. Today’s guest is here to discuss how jiu-jitsu fills things we are missing in our lives, how it teaches us to problem solve under pressure and in real-time, the evolution of the jiu-jitsu athlete, the importance of putting marbles in your student’s jar, and more. Here is The RŌL Radio with a former ADCC West Coast Trials 1st…
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Aitor Bengoetxea BENGO Oiartzungo musikaria ‘Beste Behin’ singlearekin datorkigu berriro musikaren agertokira, artistaren ibilbidean aldaketa artistiko eta bizi-aldaketa bateranzko bide berri bat irekitzen duen eta datozen hilabeteetan entzun ahal izango denaren zertzelada bat irudikatzen duen abestiarekin. Eta hain zuzen, bere aro berriaz gehiago …
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Nosferatu zikloaren baitan, asteazkenero film klasiko eta interesgarri bat proiektatzen dute Tabakalerako zinema-aretoan. Eta hain zuzen, aste honetan gozagai izango dugun filmaren inguruan hitz egitera etorri da gurera Josemi Beltran. Horretaz gain, Oier Aranzabal lankidearen bisitaz ere gozatu dugu. Eta gaur, bi podcast berezi gomendatu dizkigu. …
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Okendo Liburutegiko Marisa Hurtado liburuzaina izan da gure gaurko protagonista. Hilabetero, liburu zoragarri baten gomendioarekin etortzen da gugana, eta gaurkoan María Belmonte idazlearen azken obra ekarri digu: 'El murmullo del agua'. --- La bibliotecaria Marisa Hurtado ha sido nuestra protagonista de hoy. Cada mes nos trae la recomendación de u…
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Send us a Text Message. Through jiu-jitsu you can make connections with people around the globe. After another great conversation with Alberto Crane, Thomas and Gary discuss the importance of making connections and the richness that connections with different types of people bring to our lives. 30% discount with ROLRADIO code at c…
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Asteartero Kresala Zineklubeko lagunek proiekzio berezi bat antolatzen dute Trueba Zienamatan. Eta gaurkoan Pedro Saldaña kidea izan da gurekin, hurrengo hilaren 11n hirira ekarriko duten filmaz solasean. --- Todos los martes los amigos del Cineclub Kresala organizan una proyección especial en los cines Trueba. Y hoy ha estado con nosotros Pedro Sa…
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Ostegunero moduan, gaurkoan ere Alai Ormazabal lankidea izan dugu Ispilu Beltza saioko mikrofonoetan. Eta berarekin, ekaina osoan zehar ospatzen den LGTBIQ+ kolektiboaren harrotasun hilabeteaz aritu gara solasean. --- Como cada jueves, Alai Ormazabal se ha acercado a los micrófonos del programa Ispilu Beltza. Y con élla en el día de hoy hemos charl…
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Send us a Text Message. This is our 200th episode and we couldn’t be happier to celebrate it by bringing back our very 1st guest. Alberto Crane joins us to share how he has created such an incredible culture and community throughout his Legacy locations, how TacFit changed his life, what he believes we are all here for, and more. Here is the 200th …
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Bagerak 2024-2028 urteei begira, plan estrategiko bat garatu du. Elkartea irisgarria izatea, euskaratik urrun daudenak euskarara gerturatzea eta Donostian euskaraz bizi ahal izateko guneak identifikatzea. --- Bagera ha desarrollado un plan estratégico de cara a 2024-2028. Y con su trabajo buscarán que la asociación sea accesible, que los que están …
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Asteazkenero, arratsaldeko 19:00tan, 'Nosferatu' zinema zikloaren proiektzio berri bat izaten dugu Donostiako Tabaakaleran. Eta biharko emanaldia aurkeztera, gurera gerturatu da Josemi Beltran, Donostiako Zine Unitateko Zuzendaria. Horretaz gain, Miguel Harina liburuzainak obra interesgarri baten gomendioa ekarri digu, literaturaz ere gozatu dezagu…
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Irutxuloko Hitza hedabideko Olatza Balda kazetaria izan da gurean, landu berri duten, eta bereziki kezkagarria den, gai baten inguruan solasean: 'Sephora kids' fenomenoaren eraginez, 14 urtetik beherako neskatoek kosmetika eta edertasun dendak bete dituzte, aurpegiko azala zaintzeko produktuen bila. Adituek, baina, argi dute: tendentziak jarraituta…
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Send us a Text Message. How does being a well-rounded person set you on a path for success? Pauline Bak completely changed careers and even moved to a different continent. That might mean completely starting over, but Pauline already had a skillset that set her up for success even though it seemed unrelated. On this Takeaway, Thomas and Gary discus…
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Denbora bat darama Oier Aranzabal lankideak smartphoneari ematen diogun erabileraren inguruan konszientzia hartu eta horren inguruan hausnartzen. Eta iritsi da, bere ustez, gailu hau albo batera uzteko ordua. Horretaz gain, Donostian izango dugun kontzertu interesgarri baten inguruan ere aritu gara solasean, ostiralero moduan, Jon Gartziarekin. ---…
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Send us a Text Message. Today’s guest moved to Canada from Brazil with no job prospects and very little money, but she took her life’s experiences and used them to make herself the success she is today. Pauline Bak joins us to share her story of switching from a life of mechanical engineering in Brazil to becoming a successful BJJ instructor and ac…
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Ninini Antton Telleriaren bigarren komedia ikuskizuna da. Nekatutaken arrakastaren ostean eszenatokietara bueltan da, argi utzi nahi duen arren ikuskizun honek ez duela zerikusirik aurrekoarekin. Ikuskizun hau desberdina da. Konkretuki, okerragoa. --- Ninini es el segundo espectáculo de comedia de Antton Telleria. Vuelve a los escenarios tras el éx…
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Listen, subscribe & review on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Podchaser. You can also download the episode. Don't forget to sign up for our newsletter! Thanks for your patience. Apologies for this one being released almost a year after recording. Once again, I take advantage of a convention was the occasion to interview a wide range of TTRPG enthusiast…
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Leah Lykos, a dog behaviorist out of Chattanooga Tennessee and guardian to three dogs, Eva, Biggie, and Mia explains how her focus is on movement and somatic work. That makes sense given that she operates from the philosophy that for dogs even more so than for humans there is no separation of mind and body. We discuss something new to me: resistanc…
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Josemi Beltran, Donostiako Zine Unitateko Zuzendaria, Canneseko Zinemaldiaren aurtengo edizioan izan da. Baina, glamour eta izarren artetik urrun ibili da, beste behin. Telbistan ikusten duguna, industria barruko langileek bizi duten errealitatearen oso ezberdina delako. Gaur, barrutik ezagutuko dugu Canneseko zinema azoka. --- Josemi Beltrán, Dire…
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Mike Mella is a 49-year-old published author and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu brown belt originally from Sweden and now based in Brazil. Mike shares his journey from discovering BJJ to co-founding BJJKIDS.ORG, a Non-profit organization transforming social projects in Rio's impoverished communities. With a background in psychology and a deep connection to Br…
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Send us a Text Message. How do you measure success? Gabriel Sousa is by most accounts a highly successful person, but he doesn't measure his success by his wins and losses. Gabriel measures his success by his ability to give back. On this Takeaway, Thomas and guest co-host Edgar discuss how they measure success and their take on being open to criti…
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Ostiralero lez, gaurkoan ere, Kresala Zineklubeko lagunak izan dira gurean, datorren maiatzaren 28an, Donostiako Trueba Zinemetan proiektatuko duten filmaz solasean. Horretaz gain, Jon Gartzia lankideak asteburuari ongi etorria emateko talde musikal interesgarri bat ekarri digu, gure belarriak goxatzeko asmotan. --- Como todos los viernes, hoy tamb…
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Send us a Text Message. Today’s guest joins us to discuss, how as a kid, he had to hustle to make money to compete, his move to the US with only a couple hundred dollars and not being able to speak English, how as a black belt he didn’t let getting tapped by a purple belt discourage him, and more. Here is The RŌL Radio with Lucas Rocha black belt, …
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Gaurkoan Ruben Vidal Egiako liburuzaina birritan izango dugu Ispilu Beltzan. Batetik, harrotasun frikiaren astearen nondik norakoak kontatuko dizkigu, eta bestetik komiki bat gomendatuko digu. Zatoz! --- Hoy tendremos al bibliotecario de Egia Ruben Vidal por partida doble. Primero nos contará sobre la semana del orgullo friki, y después nos recomen…
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Asteartero legez, Josemi Beltrán izan dugu zinemaren inguruan hitz egiteko. Nosferatu zikloko hurrengo filma ekarri digu: 'McCabe & Mrs. Miller', Robert Altman zuzendariarena. Horrez gain, Martin Etxeberria idazlea berriro etorri zaigu, liburu bat gomendatzeko. --- Como cada martes, hemos tenido hoy con nosotros a Josemi Beltrán para hablar de cine…
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Gaurkoan Ispilu Beltzako aurkezlea izan dugu gonbidatuaren eserlekuan: Asier Errasti. Berarekin hainbat kontu eta komeriz aritu gara, ispiluaren goxotasunean solasean. Horrez gain, Jon Gartziak musika ekarri digu, Shellacen azken hilosteko diskoa. --- Hoy hemos sentado al presentador de Ispilu Beltza en el asiento de invitados: Asier Errasti. Hemos…
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Have you ever thought of museums as powerful tools for education and research? In this Museums and Chill Special we focus on this year's International Museum Day theme: Museums for Education and Research as we learn how museums can be powerful tools for education and research, especially for underserved communities with Heidi McKinnon, the inspirin…
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Send us a Text Message. In jiu-jitsu and martial arts, you will find people with very strong opinions. Why do we hold on to strong opinions, is it ego, is it for control, is it to feel validated? After a great conversation with Eli Knight, Thomas and Gary discuss why people are so opinionated and what may be the root causes. 30% d…
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Gaurkoan kontzeptu digital berri bat ekarri digu Alai Ormazabalek: Diguillotine, edo "gillotina digitala". Horrez gain Martin Etxeberria idazlearekin heriotzaren inguruan aritu gara. Bazatoz? --- Hoy Alai Ormazabal nos ha traido un concepto digital nuevo: Diguillotine, o "guillotina digital". Además, el escritor Martin Etxeberria nos ha hablado sob…
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Gaurkoan bisita berezia izan dugu Ispilu Beltzan. Lehenago ere gurean izan dugu Jose Mari Agirretxe "Porrotx", eta gaur Libe Narbarterekin batera etorri da, 'Ez Gara Jaitsiko!' ikuskizunaren inguruan aritzeko. Ekainaren 15 eta 16an hiru saio eskainiko dituzte Victoria Eugenia antzokian. Horrez gain, udaberriaren etorrera iragarri genuen atzo, eta h…
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Send us a Text Message. After four years this week’s guest returns for another fantastic conversation. Eli Knight joins us to discuss why today’s abundance of information about BJJ is like “drinking from a firehose”, what he believes are the most valuable things in jiu-jitsu, why he hopes jiu-jitsu never makes it to the Olympics, and a ton more. He…
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Gaurkoan pozik gaude Ispilu Beltzan. Udaberria bertan da, eta udaren atarian gauden honetan, udaberriaren eta musikaren inguruan aritu gara Jon Gartziarekin. Zatoz! --- Hoy estamos contentos en Ispilu Beltza. La primavera está aquí, y a las puertas de verano hemos hablado sobre canciones relacionadas con la primavera, con Jon Gartzia. ¡Vente!…
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Gaurkoan, asteartero bezala, Josemi Beltránen bisita izan dugu. Zinemaz aritzeko, noski. Nosferatu zikloaren baitan dagoen 'Soldier Blue' filma ekarri digu, Ralph Nelson zuzendariak 1970. urtean eginikoa. --- Hoy, como cada martes, nos ha visitado Josemi Beltrán. Para hablar de cine, claro. Nos ha traido una película de 1970, del director Ralph Nel…
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In this enlightening episode of Business Owners Radio, Mike Estraday, co-author of "Listen to Sell," delves into the evolving world of sales, emphasizing the importance of mindset, skillset, and human connections. Discover how embracing a noble approach to sales can transform your interactions and lead to sustained success. In this episode, we disc…
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Watus Cooper is the founder of Unfair Advantage Performance (UAP) in Tempe, Arizona. He is a former D1 Track Athlete, a strength and conditioning coach at the University of Arizona, and a blue belt in jiu-jitsu. At UAP, they specialize in a comprehensive range of services, from the cold plunge and infrared sauna to the restorative power of compress…
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Send us a Text Message. As jiu-jitsu continues to move towards sport, focusing on the professional athlete, will jiu-jitsu still be for the masses? Will the self-defense aspect of jiu-jitsu keep the art alive for the hobbyist and the non-athlete over time? 30% discount with ROLRADIO code at checkout. Over 1000 videos for your Jiu-…
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