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The Superabound Podcast

Erin Aquin & Steve Haase

If you are a business owner or leader who is scaling, chances are you are juggling a lot of things, not only in your business but in your personal life. Join Master Coaches Erin Aquin and Steve Haase for a show dedicated to creating success in your business without burning out. Visit: for full show notes and bonus content
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Why is it so hard to ask for what you want sometimes? Even the most confident leaders get tripped up with this one. It's because asking for what you want makes you vulnerable. You show other people how you need them. And that can be a scary thing. But it also empowers you by inviting others to contribute, and frees you from pretending you can do it…
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Change is one of the hardest things there is for a person to do. Just look at how many people out there feel stuck, or might actually be stuck without even knowing it. And even if you may know what to do in order to change, actually doing it is often another story. And a much rarer one. But after 300 podcast episodes and over 5 years running a coac…
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You may not think you have a problem with goals, but if you find yourself: Feeling low on energy or motivation Dreading Mondays Reaching milestones but not feeling fulfilled Working on things without knowing why Chances are you might be in what we call the Goal Swamp. This is where you're working hard but not getting anywhere you're super proud of.…
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As a leader you've no doubt experienced being bulldozed. You know, those times when a colleague is: Talking over you Making decisions that affect you without checking in Boxing you out of a situation Or any number of ways that we can feel not seen and not important. It's painful. But the good news is that there are ways to respond to this that lead…
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If you procrastinate on work... If you find yourself dreading certain meetings or conversations... If you experience self-doubt that blocks you from making progress on your dreams...'re probably using pressure as a major source of fuel for your work. The thing is, pressure can be effective at times. Deadlines focus the mind and many people r…
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Trust. It's the key ingredient for any good relationship. And creating it in your team is how you grow. Trust in your team allows you to delegate, to communicate, to mentor and inspire them. Building trust is not just how you win, but it's the best way to win. Trust always feels good. But it isn't easy to create, since there are so many ways people…
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Do you ever feel stuck in fire-fighting mode in your business? Or like the feeling of overwhelm is a too-frequent companion? These may be early signs of burnout. And if you've listened to this podcast for a while, you've probably heard Erin's burnout story. But we haven't spoken much about Steve's. This week's episode includes a sneak peek into the…
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If you want to grow your business, one of the best ways to do that is by selling to bigger, more sophisticated—or what we call "high impact"—customers. It is something we've helped our clients do, and done ourselves both in our own business and in the corporate high-tech roles we've had. But the path to selling to high impact clients isn't always e…
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What do you do with the more, shall we say, unresponsive people on your team? Just let them be? Get on their case about changing? Show them the door? All of these options can be tempting as a leader with a tough cookie manage. But there are ways that this difficult person can actually transform your approach to leadership and team development. List…
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There's a reason a lot of people don't like the word "manifestation": it's usually a trick. Stripped of its roots in esoteric practices and disciplines, it gets sold as a cosmic piggy bank just waiting for your withdrawal. But just because its most common form is shallow doesn't mean it isn't real and can't work for you. In today's episode we explo…
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Your business needs content to grow. And you don't have to train your own AI for it to flow, you may just need to learn how to channel your content. Whether you believe in spirits or not, we can all learn to connect with deeper levels of ourselves and the ideas that matter to our customers. That's what we dive into on this week's episode of the pod…
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If you've ever had a deep spiritual experience, then you know how disorienting it can sometimes be to return to "the real world" of business and meetings and money. How are we supposed to reconcile these seemingly distant parts of our lives, where one feels so sublime, inspired, and loving and the other can seem so harsh and cold at times? We dive …
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It's one of the hottest topics of our day—no, not AI: leading remote and hybrid teams. Businesses that get this right have access to high-performing talent around the globe. And businesses that don't find themselves in a world of hurt. When it comes down to it, the key ingredient to building a great team that spends some or all of its time working …
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Being alone does not mean being lonely. It can be an experience of peace, power, creativity, healing, and more. But for it to be any of those things—and not just annoying—you sometimes need to know why you're doing it and get some guidance on what to do. Otherwise your time alone may not be as fruitful as it could be. That's why we developed a prac…
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If you want to win new business, you have to stand out in your industry. Unfortunately there are many ways to do this that don't serve your longterm interests. Too many business owners opt for paths that include polluting the internet with AI junk, selling in an inauthentic way, or simply leveling up their skills without translating that into a mes…
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If you want to do more than just create a successful organization but live a life of true success, this episode is for you. Because what good is it to make a pile of money if you're alone and exhausted when you get there? In this week's episode of the Superabound podcast you will discover: How to create time for what matters most in your life, no m…
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Few things are as fulfilling as creating an impactful, lucrative business with people you truly love, i.e. family. Talk about work/life harmony! When you get it right, there's really no feeling quite like it. But it's not enough just to know each other well and get along great most of the time. Running a successful business with family requires a l…
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Succeeding in business can be boiled down to two things: making great decisions and following through on them. We're going to focus on the first one, noticing how great decisions are more than just the choice you make, but also the speed and confidence with which you make it. The fact is, many business owners move too slowly with their decisions, f…
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If you've ever wondered how to create a more diverse—not to mention profitable and fulfilling—team, this episode is for you. Malia Lazu is the visionary founder of The Lazu Group, and has spent her life supporting diversity and urban entrepreneurship everywhere from the streets of Boston as a community organizer to the C-suite at Berkshire Bank. In…
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What do Marcus Aurelius, Lady Gaga, and Arianna Huffington all have in common? Regular journaling. We're not saying that writing in a notebook will help you become the next emperor, grammy winner, or media mogul. But there is power in the practice of self-reflection and discovery that journaling offers. Today we dive deep into the world of journali…
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It's a dream many people have for themselves: to leave their corporate job and build the business they feel they're meant to create. And while it may be alluring, the path of entrepreneurship is also filled with pitfalls and challenges that need to be managed, lest they destroy those beautiful dreams of yours—which is, let's face, a common outcome …
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Few things are as upsetting as being excluded or blocked based on something you didn't choose—like your gender. The temptation is to ignore it, accept it, or just get angry about it. But there's a way to confront this kind of bias head on that empowers you and others, whether you're the one affected or not. In this episode of the Superabound podcas…
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This week's podcast is all about getting over perfectionism. If you find yourself playing it safe at work or in life and want to break free from fear to have a bigger impact, this episode is a must-listen. You will discover: The path to mastery through embracing "acceptable flaws" How to become an imperfectionist and make more meaningful progress a…
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Lean does not mean small. In fact, "small business" is one of our least favorite words, as it implies less of an impact. Lean, in our definition, means driven, strong, and purposeful. It's where you "punch above your weight" in terms of how the market perceives you relative to the size of your company. Your business makes a big difference with fewe…
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Have you ever received a marketing message that made you feel worse about yourself AND the sender? That's toxic marketing. It leaves everyone poorer, including the industries themselves that become known for using it. Now as a business owner, you're looking for growth opportunities. And especially in challenging times you may find yourself consider…
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Growing your business means learning from mistakes. But our human ego often wants nothing to do with it. To separate yourself as a business owner and leader, you need tools to help you shortcircuit the ego's desire to sweep failures under the rug. The $10,000 Learning is the most powerful tool we know of for doing just that. In this episode you wil…
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It might sound a bit dramatic, but the examples are legion of people who have sacrificed their health, or their most important relationships, or their mental well-being for the sake of success, only to find out that the price wasn't really worth it. This week's episode will help you avoid falling into that trap and instead to create real success in…
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As a business owner or leader, your mindset is your secret weapon against stagnating growth, frustrating mistakes, and burnout. Erin and Steve recently discovered three gems they had been using to grow their business and are sharing them with you in today's episode. You will discover: A powerful technique to keep your creative juices flowing and av…
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If you're building a business, you probably already know all the metrics that you "should" be looking at: website visits, leads generated, percentage closed as sales, etc. But in so many businesses, the reality is much more, well, human and alive. It's more like a garden than a conveyor belt or a funnel. So how do you know when you're on track if t…
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What do you do as a business owner when you want to pursue a new creative direction but aren't sure it will work out? In today's episode, we talk to artist/entrepreneurs Erica and Kristen Williams about their approach to creativity and growing an audience. You will discover: How to find signs that show whether you're on the right track How to handl…
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If you're investing in coaching for yourself or your team, you want to make sure it actually helps you get the results you want. For a business, these include increased retention, happiness, and productivity for employees as well as greater revenue and profits for the company, all in alignment with your vision and values. It's a tall order, but whe…
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As a single mom and c-level executive at a new job, Johann Boulter quickly found herself on the verge of burnout. While researching approaches to healing she discovered coaching and began a journey of her own sustainable success and what she calls radical self-care. Now a certified Life and Deep Dive Coach herself, Johann shares some of the tools s…
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Marketing and sales have changed, and your business needs to adapt to these new realities or it will suffer. It no longer works to blanket the internet with content and hope that people will buy from you. Relationships have always been at the heart of building a great business, and that is more true than ever in these early days of AI and with the …
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Marketing and sales have changed, and your business needs to adapt to these new realities or it will suffer. It no longer works to blanket the internet with content and hope that people will buy from you. Relationships have always been at the heart of building a great business, and that is more true than ever in these early days of AI and with the …
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As a leader, one of your biggest challenges is managing diverse personalities. Assessments can help you understand people's different strengths, but you don't need a complex battery of questions to get to the heart of what makes someone tick. You just need patience, curiosity, and care for their best contribution at work. In this episode, you will …
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It's Thanksgiving time for our listeners in the US and the quasi-official start of the holiday season for many. Rather than doing a full episode, we're inviting you to take a pause and go deeper with your self-investing. To that end, we just released a new free workshop to help you tend your inner flame for the long term. Discover how to prevent bu…
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If you have big dreams but find yourself more often in a "planning loop" without getting to much of the doing, today's episode will help you make real progress on them. Our special guest, Kalli Wilkens, is a physiotherapist and life coach who shares her own struggles with perfectionism. In today's episode, she relates how she used her dreams of an …
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Loyal customers are the difference between a business that succeeds and one that doesn't. This is because: It costs more to sell to someone new than to someone who is already a customer. Loyal customers create a foundation of repeat business. And someone who loves your business is more likely to tell others about it and send referrals your way. Ove…
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You've probably heard the saying, "Your network is your net worth." Clever. And true. Yet for business owners and leaders, where the stakes are high and the demands on you are so great, your network needs to be more than just some friends at work. A support network takes the idea of a business network and extends it to all the people and roles that…
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“Once upon a time…” Those words are literally magical. They change how people listen. When we hear them, our defenses drop and we pay closer attention because we know we’re about to hear a story. And yet, leaders often forget to share their best stories with their teams, thinking that data and directives will be more powerful. But the opposite is t…
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We’ve all been there: you have all the best intentions for getting a good night’s sleep and end up scrolling on your phone until late. Or you have a plan for giving difficult feedback to a team member, only to find dozens of reasons why it’s not the right time, or place, or wording… And so the stress and feelings of overwhelm build as your desire t…
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Your health is your true wealth, and the source of your long-term success as a business owner or leader. And yet, we often find it hard to prioritize our own well-being in the midst of all the responsibilities of leadership. No more. This week’s episode of the podcast will illuminate one of the biggest challenges to prioritizing your well-being: ha…
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Running a business or leading a team can take its toll. If you don’t manage your energy, time, and mind well, you can find yourself feeling run down and burnt out. The solution is not simply to “suck it up,” work harder, or even to spend more time on self care. The way to avoid burnout as a leader is to prioritize what matters most and stay true to…
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Vision and purpose are central not only to our business, but to all of our clients. Sometimes businesses forget that in order for your business vision to be realized, you need effective leadership and adequate financial resources. The hard truth is without these two things your business won’t last. Sadly we saw that play out with a local organizati…
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Creativity is essential to business because it is how you bring to life the next new thing. It’s how you grow. But despite creativity’s importance in being an effective leader, too many people think they don’t have enough of it or believe that they can’t develop it. In this episode, we will dispel those very unhelpful beliefs and give you tools to …
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Business owners that succeed have one thing in common: They are bold enough to take an idea and bring it to life. To listen to a creative whisper and build, not only a business, but an entire life around it takes guts and on this episode Erin is going to share how to be bold in your business without being inauthentic to your vision and values. If y…
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Doors to the Superabound Coach Certification are closing next week and we want to help you decide if this is the best place for you to enhance your skills as a leader and a coach. While we truly believe everyone who leads a team or coaches business owners will benefit from this certification process, we know you might still have some questions. We …
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You may have heard that coaching your team results in higher productivity, increased engagement, and an overall better work experience for your people. It’s a popular concept these days, but knowing it and actually doing it are two different things. This week’s podcast will help you understand what it takes to be an effective coach for your team. Y…
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Leading a business can be hard. And sometimes events in the world around you make it even harder. How do you keep going when it seems like the mission of your business is dwarfed by problems of the world or even in your personal life? How do you stay motivated and inspired by your vision on those days when you just want to crawl back to bed? In thi…
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The first step to reaching important milestones in your life or business is having a vision of what they could be. Unfortunately, most people stop there, in the land of hopes and dreams, and don’t do the work to actually create a different kind of life for themselves. And it makes sense: change can be difficult and humans tend not to want to grow b…
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