show episodes

Zen Mind

Zenki Christian Dillo

Zenki Christian Dillo Roshi is the Guiding Teacher at the Boulder Zen Center in Colorado, USA. This podcast shares the regular dharma talks given at the Center. Zenki Roshi approaches Zen practice as a craft of transformation, liberation, wisdom, and compassionate action. His interest is to bring Buddhism alive within Western cultural horizons while staying committed to the traditional emphasis on embodied practice.
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These podcasts are designed to provide listeners with teachings from great spiritual Masters and to create a meditative mood so that the meaning can go deep and enter your heart. These podcasts are not monetized. If you enjoy and benefit from these recordings you are welcome to contribute to the daily running costs of our hermitage. Donations/gifts for this purpose can be made via PayPal using the link: Find me on: or YouTube: ht ...
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The San Antonio Zen Center community offers a haven of peace and harmony in which to engage in the arduous task of self-discovery through Zen practice. Welcoming diversity, the practice of zazen is available to people of every race, religion, nationality, class, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, and physical ability.
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Presented by the Mountain Rain Zen Community based in Vancouver, BC. Featuring talks by our guiding teachers Myoshin Kate McCandless and Shinmon Michael Newton, and other guest speakers. To learn more about our community, explore our extensive teaching archive, and offer your support, visit
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Welcome to MEDITATION SPACE. Meditation focuses the mind and eliminates distractions to improve clarity, calm, and awareness. Mindfulness, stress reduction, and inner serenity are commonly achieved through it. Meditation has been practised for millennia in Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, and Jainism. Each meditation method has its own goals and practises. Some of the meditations we will practice include: Mindfulness Meditation: Focusing on the present, including thoughts, feelings, and emotions, ...
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show series
Shinmon Michael Newton presents the first in a series of seminars based on the lively Q&A book What Is Zen: Plain Talk for a Beginner's Mind by Norman Fischer and Susan Moon. _____________________________________________________________ These talks are made possible thanks to donations from our worldwide community. If you find value in these teachi…
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Ama Samy (Arul Maria Arokiasamy), S.J., born in 1936, is an Indian Zen master and Jesuit priest. Ama Samy was born to Christian parents in Burma in 1936 and grew up in India. After becoming a Jesuit priest in 1972, he began visiting Hindu ashrams and Buddhist meditation centers. He was introduced to Ramana Maharshi's teachings by Swami Abhishiktana…
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We continue our study of master Keizan's Zazen-Yojinki, this time diving into the physicality of zazen and some useful techniques to keep ourselves awake and alert when sitting. Further reading and discussion for this talk are available on the Treeleaf forum: August 2024, monthly Zazenkai»By Treeleaf Zendo
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A selection of excerpts from the texts Tamhidát and Laváyeh by Ayn-al-Qużāt Hamadānī .Translated by Ali Yansori - with thanks to Ali for gifting this beautiful translation.Ayn-al-Qużāt Hamadānī (1098–1131) (Persian: عین‌ القضات همدانی), was a Persian jurisconsult, mystic, philosopher, poet and mathematician who was executed by the Seljuk rulers at …
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Kakuko Kaye Simard explores Sue Moon and Zoketsu Norman Fischer's understanding of the promises and fruits of awakening. _____________________________________________________________ These talks are made possible thanks to donations from our worldwide community. If you find value in these teachings, please consider supporting our work at mountainra…
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Myoshin Kate McCandless offers various practices which can help us maintain and care for our sangha relationships. _____________________________________________________________ These talks are made possible thanks to donations from our worldwide community. If you find value in these teachings, please consider supporting our work at mountainrainzen.…
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These are some key pointers and teachings of Longchenpa's on developing/recognising the natural state of enlightened mind - formatted as a guided meditation. This is mainly suitable for those who have a good grasp of Dzogchen practice and Longchenpa's concepts and languaging.Taken from the text: A Treasure Trove of Scriptural Transmission. Translat…
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This talk continues to explore bringing attention to how attention functions in our lives. The distinction between focused consciousness (contents of mind) and nonfocused awareness (field of mind) is discussed as two different kinds of concentration. Learning to rest in and trust this nonconscious field, which is marked by interdependence and imper…
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What do ritual and tradition evoke? How do the precepts help us commit to compassionate action? Can we understand religion as daily life? Myosen River offers the third talk in our dharma seminar on the book What Is Zen: Plain Talk for a Beginner's Mind by Norman Fischer and Susan Moon. _____________________________________________________________ T…
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In this ZED Talk (Zen Engaged Dharma), Roshin Carmen Mills illuminates how volunteer work – "selfless service" – serves the self, while also serving the greater whole and cultivating a deeply held sense of inherent value and connection. All the while, taking a sly poke at consumer capitalism. ________________________________________________________…
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Sukhasiddhi (flourished 11th Century) was an Indian teacher of Vajrayana Buddhism, a yogini and master of meditation. She was born in west Kashmir to a large, poor family. Sukhasiddhi arrived at tantric Buddhism late in life. She lived as an impoverished housewife and mother of six children until the age of fifty-nine. She was thrown out of her hom…
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Myoshin Kate McCandless offers insight into how forms and rituals such as bowing and chanting bring us into our bodies and nurture community. Week two of our dharma seminar on the book What Is Zen: Plain Talk for a Beginner's Mind by Norman Fischer and Susan Moon. _____________________________________________________________ These talks are made po…
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Shinsho directs us home in this beautifully crafted guided meditation: A magnificent round full moon is rising before you and the path ahead is well lit.You have arrived home.‘Walk as if you are kissing the earth with your feet’ says Thich.We have caused a lot of damage to the earth. Now is time to walk home with love. It is only possible if we do …
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Shinmon Michael Newton offers insights into why Dogen venerated Avalokiteshvara, and how an act of true compassion, karuna, is an act of wisdom. _____________________________________________________________ These talks are made possible thanks to donations from our worldwide community. If you find value in these teachings, please consider supportin…
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A selection of key pointers taken from the text, 'Vajra Speech: A Commentary on The Quintessence of Spiritual Practice, The Direct Instructions of the Great Compassionate One' by Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche. Translated by Erik Pema Kunsang.Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche (1920 - 1996) was a Buddhist master of the Kagyü and Nyingma lineages who lived at Nagi Gompa …
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Attention is our most precious resource. Where our attention goes, our life goes. The cultivation of attention is at the center of Zen practice. This talk points out that this cultivation is extra challenging under the conditions of what social scientists and critics have come to call the ‘attention economy’ and ‘surveillance capitalism.’ We’re not…
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Myoshin Kate McCandless describes how the eight-fold path and the eight awakenings support us in knowing how much is enough, even as we are steeped in a culture of hyper-materialism. _____________________________________________________________ These talks are made possible thanks to donations from our worldwide community. If you find value in thes…
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Nin-en Susan Elbe offers the final talk in our ten week dharma seminar on Kosho Uchiyama Roshi's book: Opening the Hand of Thought. We each live in the world as an individual self operating within the realm of desires, aversions, categorization and separation. In this chapter, Uchiyama Roshi explores how practicing goal-less zazen can bring us to m…
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The Zen master, Shiwu 石屋, or Stonehouse (1272–1352) was a Chinese Chan poet and hermit monk who lived during the Yuan Dynasty. He was considered one of the greatest Chinese Buddhist poets and used poetry as his medium of instruction for Dharma. In 1312 at the age of forty he moved to Xiamu Mountain near Huzhou to live as a hermit and it is here tha…
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Shinmon Michael Newton shares teachings about mantra and suggests the Heart Sutra is chanted the better to drink it in, helping gather body and mind in times of distress, loss, and confusion. _____________________________________________________________ These talks are made possible thanks to donations from our worldwide community. If you find valu…
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This talk is about habit change from a Buddhist perspective. In one sense, it is a preview of BZC‘s upcoming Practice Course “Transforming Habits” (Oct 4-Nov 9, 2024). However, it also stands on its own. It explores what happens when we bring the question “What would a Buddha do?” to every moment in which we feel a misalignment between our habituat…
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Mysohin Kate McCandless discusses how to practice with hindrances. When we free ourselves from fear, that gift extends out through the world in ways that we may never know. _____________________________________________________________ These talks are made possible thanks to donations from our worldwide community. If you find value in these teaching…
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Myoshin Kate McCandless asks if we can enter mountain time and invites us to explore the notion that we might all be wind-bells in the dharma wind, manifesting the particular song of our lives. _____________________________________________________________ These talks are made possible thanks to donations from our worldwide community. If you find va…
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This is a guided meditation on learning to relax in meditation, recognising the silence and stillness, and turning towards the open sky like nature of the mind. 🔆 These podcasts are not monetized. If you benefit from these podcasts and would like to support our nun's hermitage, there are two options to donate - via Paypal using this email address: …
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Myoshin Kate McCandless describes the senses as dharma gates, through which we interact with our environment. The Heart Sutra suggests that this body - this life - is the medium, the gift we are given to help us fully awaken to the true nature of our being. _____________________________________________________________ These talks are made possible …
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Shinmon Michael Newton gives an insightful overview of dependent origination - how everything affects everything. You and I are all part of a great dance, and are woven in to the process of causal relationships. _____________________________________________________________ These talks are made possible thanks to donations from our worldwide communi…
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Shinmon Michael Newton begins to examine in what way the Heart Sutra provokes, evokes, and points a finger at the boundless nature of our lives. _____________________________________________________________ These talks are made possible thanks to donations from our worldwide community. If you find value in these teachings, please consider supportin…
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Shinmon Michael Newton affirms the culture of mutual support and interdependence which makes sesshin a safe place for practicing being open to our non-separateness. _____________________________________________________________ These talks are made possible thanks to donations from our worldwide community. If you find value in these teachings, pleas…
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Myoshin Kate McCandless opens the ninth annual MRZC Summer sesshin by introducing the theme for the week: The Heart Sutra - Great Wisdom Beyond Wisdom. _____________________________________________________________ These talks are made possible thanks to donations from our worldwide community. If you find value in these teachings, please consider su…
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In this lecture we sample the Yogacara teachings of Vasubandhu called the Treatise on the Three Natures, which form the philosophical backbone of Yogacara. So, what are the three natures? They are three interrelated aspects of our experience: the imaginary, dependent and complete or realised nature. In a nutshell they are:The imaginary nature of th…
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A selection of key points for prayer and meditation from St Teresa of Avila's teachings. Excerpts taken from numerous sources, including: "The Way of Perfection", "Collected Works" and "Interior Castle."St Teresa of Ávila (March 28, 1515 – October 4, 1582) was a prominent Carmelite nun and Spanish mystic. St Teresa had many mystical experiences she…
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Shinmon Michael Newton helps unpack the final chapter of Kosho Uchiyama Roshi's book, Opening the Hand of Thought, in which there are seven clear instructions on how to orient our lives to practice. _____________________________________________________________ These talks are made possible thanks to donations from our worldwide community. If you fi…
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Leave Everything Alone is a guided meditation on our core practice – the simple art of “just sitting”. I will leave lots of space and silence in-between my words. Just-sitting is the practice of non-doing – Wu Wei in Chinese. Effortless. No need to cultivate. If you are efforting you are straying away from the way. It is simply surrendering to the …
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In this ZED talk (Zen Engaged Dharma), Myokai Nik Bladey investigates artificial intelligence and dharma practice, asking us how we find union within the particularity of each moment of our lives, and challenging us to consider who is guiding our hands on the steering wheel. _____________________________________________________________ These talks …
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Ajahn Chah was a Thai Buddhist monk and meditation Master. He was an influential teacher of the Buddhadhamma and a founder of two major monasteries in the Thai Forest Tradition. He was reputed to be an Arahant. 🔆 These podcasts are not monetized. If you benefit from these podcasts and would like to support our nun's hermitage, there are two options…
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This talk continues the exploration of how to discover and develop a sense of community. It differentiates between intimacy as undividedness with all beings (the spiritual dimension of community) and intimacy as closeness (the conventional longing for being known and understood by others in our physicality, feelings, and thoughts). Regarding this l…
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Joko Claire Talbot explores how, given human beings live in the flow of impermanence and suffer the burden of thought, in what way does zen help us learn to enjoy every sandwich and every bike ride?! _____________________________________________________________ These talks are made possible thanks to donations from our worldwide community. If you f…
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This is a selection of key pointers from Nisargadatta formatted for guided meditation, taken from the text, 'I am That' - translated by Maurice Frydman.Nisargadatta Maharaj (17 April 1897 – 8 September 1981), born Maruti Shivrampant Kambli, was an Indian guru of nondualism, belonging to the Inchagiri Sampradaya, a lineage of teachers from the Navna…
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We continue with the fifth instalment of this series of talks based on master Keizan's 'Zazen-Yojinki'. In this episode, we are looking at what zazen is by understanding what zazen isn't. Further reading and discussion for this talk are available on the Treeleaf forum: July Monthly Zazenkai»By Treeleaf Zendo
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Myoshin Kate McCandless shares experiences from her recent pilgrimage to Ireland, and asks how we might reconcile human contradictions at the personal, national and global levels. How do we resolve the human koan in which we are all implicated? _____________________________________________________________ These talks are made possible thanks to don…
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Is zazen selfish? What is the self? Are we belligerent squashes or are we all in this together? Myosen River Shannon explores these and other questions in her talk on Opening the Hand of Thought chapter 5. _____________________________________________________________ These talks are made possible thanks to donations from our worldwide community. If…
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The Abhidharmakośabhāṣya (Treasury of Metaphysics with Self-Commentary) is a pivotal treatise on early Buddhist thought composed around the 4th or 5th century by the Indian Buddhist philosopher Vasubandhu. This work is a complete and systematic account of the Abhidharma, and is the peak of scholarship in the Fundamental Vehicle. It elucidates the B…
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Daikan John Green shares a few thoughts about what could be considered a true teaching, and what might be conveyed or created by something else in the past. _____________________________________________________________ These talks are made possible thanks to donations from our worldwide community. If you find value in these teachings, please consid…
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Shantideva’s Dedication Prayer is one of H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama’s favourite dedications, extracted from Chapter 10 of the Bodhicharyavatara of Master Shantideva.Treasured by Buddhists of all traditions, The Way of the Bodhisattva (Bodhicharyavatara) is a guide to cultivating the mind of enlightenment and to generating the qualities of love, compa…
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This talk was given as part of a Weekend Sitting at the Boulder Zen Center. It highlights the distinction between the contents of mind and the field of mind and its importance for practice. Dogen encouraged his students "to be continuously intimate with the field of mind." The talk presents two attentional practices to discover and establish onesel…
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Guest monk, Rev. Gyokei Yokohama, ponders what stays the same, what gets lost in translation, and what influences are shared back and forth between the way people practice in North America and the way people practice in Japan. _____________________________________________________________ These talks are made possible thanks to donations from our wo…
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Baizhang Huaihai (720–814 AD) was a Zen master during the Tang dynasty. A native of Fuzhou, he was a dharma heir of Mazu Daoyi. Baizhang's students included Huangbo, Linji and Puhua. He has been venerated as one of the greatest Chan teachers of the Tang era and even today he remains one of the most recognized Chan teachers of all time. His Zen teac…
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Jakushin Todd Slobogean tames the relentless meandering of his neuro-diverse mind to bring us thoughts on the Kalama Sutra and the Island Sutra (the Attadiipaa Sutta - The Buddha’s Last Teaching). _____________________________________________________________ These talks are made possible thanks to donations from our worldwide community. If you find…
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