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She Breaks Free....Ditch the Diet & Change Your Relationship with Food & Fitness

Tara Josey, Fitness Professional, Nutrition Consultant, Fitness Instructor, Personal Trainer, Mom

Are you exhausted mentally and physically from obsessing about food? Sick of playing the game of depriving yourself, then cleaning out the house by Monday, just to do it all over again? Ready to finally break free from “what you’re supposed to do” and find out what’s best FOR YOU? Is it time for you to break the rules you set for yourself and find out what is best for you, your body & your mental health? In this podcast, you will find the tools you need to finally break free from the “rules” ...
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show series
Have you lost the joy of eating? Exhausted from worrying about your diet to the point where it's robbed you of happiness? Are you aware of what God says about joy and living a fulfilling life? Did you know He has the power to transform you and fill you with everlasting joy? In today's episode, I'll share truths to uplift you in your relationship wi…
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Join us for Part 2 - If you didn't hear Part 1, check out episode 222. Are you exhausted from the constant struggle with food, body image, and weight loss? Are you prepared to confront your diet mentality, transform it, and recover from what truly impedes you? I'm thrilled to welcome my best friend, licensed counselor and clinical director, Melissa…
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Have you ever stepped on the scale one day, only to find yourself 3lbs heavier the next? Does the scale's number throw you into a frenzy, causing you to eat less or overexercise to shed those sudden extra pounds? In today's episode, I'll provide three compelling reasons why you should remain calm and definitely abandon those unhealthy reactions to …
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Are you exhausted from the constant struggle with food, body image, and weight loss? Are you prepared to confront your diet mentality, transform it, and recover from what truly impedes you? I'm thrilled to welcome my best friend, licensed counselor and clinical director, Melissa Swartz, to today's podcast. With over 25 years in the mental health se…
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Do you feel lost when it comes to actively living out your day under His guidance and leadership? Are you too entangled in your struggles to live the life He wishes for you? Do you believe you're constantly failing in this aspect of your spiritual journey? In today's episode, I'll provide you with five practical tools to help you live the life He s…
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Do you find yourself trapped in an all-or-nothing mindset regarding your nutrition and diet goals? Is there no middle ground for you, only being fully committed or completely off track? In today's episode, I'll present three truths for you to consider and embrace, helping you to realize that it's possible to find a balance and escape these extremes…
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Have you found yourself falling short of your daily step goals? With the arrival of summer, has your routine shifted, making it challenging to maintain discipline in your daily activity? In this episode, I'll share five ways to increase your step count! These are practical, straightforward strategies to incorporate more activity into your day. Cons…
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Are your expectations of success in weight loss unrealistic? Do you dwell on the wrong aspects and persist because that's all you're familiar with? In this episode, I'll share five steps to help you make genuine changes. A shift in mindset about food is essential for weight loss to occur—lasting weight loss, to be precise. Discover how to break fre…
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Are you at a loss when it comes to bringing God into the struggle you have with food obsession or dieting all the time? Do you need some guidance on how to seek Him and find the freedom you so desperately wish you had? Today, I am here to give you God's truth through scripture and encourage you on how to seek Him in this struggle. You are not alone…
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Do you find yourself constantly craving sweets, or do you lean towards salty snacks? Ever wonder how to conquer these cravings but feel stuck? In this episode, I'm granting you the grace to be kind to yourself. Lack of willpower doesn't equate to failure! I'll share four insights about cravings that will help you view them in a new light—not as a m…
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Are you hesitant to consume carbohydrates for fear of gaining weight? Do you shun carbs because a Keto diet once worked wonders for you, but now it doesn't seem to have the same effect? The amount of nutritional information available can be overwhelming. Yet, consuming carbohydrates is vital for life. Our brains, hormones, and muscles all require t…
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Are you so preoccupied with dieting and weight loss that the idea of consuming enough calories to maintain your current weight intimidates you? Do you understand the distinction between maintenance eating and dieting? In today's episode, I'll share three tips on the significance of your position in the equation and the duration for which you should…
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Are you constantly consumed with thoughts of food and what God must think about you? Do you measure your relationship with God based on your success with dieting and losing weight? As a Christian, I want to give you encouragement today on how to navigate the diet mentality while seeking after God. It sometimes feels so lonely and hard. I want you t…
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Do you think that cutting your carbohydrates is the best way to lose the weight because it worked for you 15 years ago? Are you looking at eliminating fat from your diet because you think it will make you fat? In today's episode, we are talking about the most important macro that impacts your weight loss - protein. I am giving you 4 reasons why it …
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Tired of hearing that protein is the top macro for weight loss? Unsure how to incorporate the necessary amount into your daily diet? Feeling overwhelmed by the myriad of protein powder options and questioning their value? In this episode, I'll explain why it's worthwhile to include them in your regular diet. Many women don't consume enough protein.…
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Have you experienced greater success in losing weight when you don't exercise? Do you find it easier to achieve your weight loss goals when you're solely focused on nutrition and exclude exercise from your routine? In today's episode, I'll share three truths about the consequences of omitting exercise or movement from your weight loss strategy. It'…
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Do you find yourself eating in secret due to fear of judgment? Do you sneak away to consume foods you believe you're not "supposed to" eat? Concealing our actions often indicates a deeper emotional issue. God sees all and is always with us. Yet, sometimes, the shame pushes us further from Him rather than drawing us nearer. I want to offer encourage…
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As summer nears, do you immediately think of cutting calories drastically to prepare for the beach or a vacation? Do you consider skipping meals when the scale shows an increase? In this episode, I'll share three cautions against calorie deprivation to meet a summer weight goal. This approach can backfire for some, leading them down an unintended p…
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Struggling to stay within your budget while shopping for healthy foods? Wondering if you could save a bundle by skipping the fresh produce and sticking to cheaper staples? Today, I'm sharing four strategies that help my family and me maintain our budget without sacrificing healthy eating throughout most of the week! I'm eager to hear your strategie…
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Feeling guilty after cleaning out the pantry and unable to stop yourself from eating everything in sight? Do you experience shame and guilt when you consume foods that aren't right for your body or when you overeat? In today's episode, I'll share three tools that can help you understand what's really happening, release those emotions, and gradually…
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Do you find yourself observing others as they eat, wondering how they remain slender despite indulging in foods you avoid to prevent weight gain? Do you measure your dietary habits and weight gain against those of friends, family, or even strangers who seem oblivious to their eating choices? Today, I'm granting you the grace to stop these compariso…
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Have you stopped to think about the real reason you desire to lose weight so badly? Is it for health reasons, or is it for "looking good in a bathing suit"? Whatever your reason, I am throwing out 3 questions to ask yourself today. These will help guide you to your why. I have asked myself these questions so many times and the answers aren't always…
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Have you found the secret to finally losing weight or are you still looking for that magic diet pill? The one diet that you can follow that works long term. It's a hard truth to swallow that there is no easy way to lose weight but there are definitely things we can do to stop pursuing the lie and start achieving our goals when it comes to weight lo…
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Are you skeptical about learning to eat Moderation? Afraid that it is just not clear enough and you're afraid you'll gain weight instead of losing weight? Me too. I was a huge skeptic. There is nothing concrete about taking an inventory of how you feel around food - dieting to lose weight seems so much easier, but is it? Are you having success with…
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Do you often pray about your dieting goals? Do you ask God to help you in your struggle with food and overeating? What about praying to ask God to help you lose weight? No matter what your prayers are, God hears you. He is there for you. He wants to hear everything on your heart, your struggle, your praises, but He also wants to change how you view…
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Are you looking for a way to trust yourself around food? Be free to enjoy it and not be controlled by it any longer? What would your life look like if you could eat what you like and not overthink any part of it? In today's episode, I am sharing 4 keys to eat moderation. As a Moderation365 coach, I am giving you the tools to understand and equip yo…
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Do you ever ask yourself why do some people seem to have so much more discipline that I do? Why does exercise come so easy for other people, but for me it's such a struggle to stay on track? Do you ever tell yourself that you wish you had the discipline that so and so has? Well, today, you can be that person. Stop living as though you don't have it…
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What would your life look like if you didn't think about food ALL the time? Is your obsession with dieting, prepping and counting everything you eat getting in the way of other things in your life? In today's episode, I am sharing 3 practical ways that helped me along the way in overcoming the obsession I had with food & dieting. I am here to help …
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What do the conversations that you have with yourself look like? You know, the person we talk to the most is ourselves. Do you feel like your joy is being impacted by how you speak to yourself, how you look at yourself within your own mind's eye? In today's episode, I am sharing 4 ways or tools that can help you shift the negative mindset and allow…
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Do you feel like it's harder and harder to lose the weight as you get older? Do you struggle to see the scale move in the right direction now that you're over 30? Reaching any weight loss goal can be challenging, but as we age our bodies do not respond like they did in our 20's or even 30's! There are some foundational pieces to the puzzle when it …
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Do you find it hard to eat healthy when you are traveling? Do you have the mindset that when you're on vacation you should be able to just eat what you want because it's vacation? To stay on track with your goals and feel good once vacation is over, I am sharing these 3 tips that can help you enjoy what you eat, but also not completely go off the r…
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Do you follow a particular set of rules when it comes to eating? Are you defined by those rules and have a hard time being flexible with your eating because you're afraid you'll gain weight? In today's episode, I am sharing 4 tips for breaking the rules that no longer serve you well! Breaking these rules so that you can spend that mental energy and…
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Do you feel like as a woman of faith you should have what it takes to overcome the food obsession, bingeing, purging, dieting and all the things that you struggle with around food? In today's episode, I am sharing with you 4 insights that will challenge you to look at your faith, your trust and your ability to surrender it all. Email me at taraj@di…
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Are you stuck in the diet cycle with no luck or answers as to why you are not seeing results that you want? Are you ready to finally find out why things may no be working for you and learn to do the work that will bring you results? In today's episode, I am sharing 3 keys to why your diets may not be working for you!…
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Do you use your busy schedule as an excuse to not eat healthy? Do you need some motivation to eat healthy even when life is busy? In today's episode, I am sharing 3 tips for how to eat busy in spite of a busy, hectic schedule and equip you with the tools to make it happen!By Tara Josey, Fitness Professional, Nutrition Consultant, Fitness Instructor, Personal Trainer, Mom
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Are you always looking to follow the diet that gets you results? Of course you are! How is it working for you? The best way for you to find out how to eat for your unique needs is to do the work and take ownership! Today I am giving you 3 reasons today that following the "one diet fits all approach" is not the way for lasting results!…
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Is your mind filled with thoughts of what to eat, when to eat, ate too much, need to eat less? Endless thoughts surrounding food, your body image, your weight loss? Are you feeling consumed by this thinking and need the tools to find your way out? In today's episode, I am sharing with you 3 tools that will help you obsess less and get your mind foc…
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Do you feel like you are controlled by your cravings and you can't seem to overcome them? Do you want to learn how to manage your cravings and find success? Today I am sharing 4 tips to know your cravings and to understand why you are having them. This is the key to minimize and overcome them!By Tara Josey, Fitness Professional, Nutrition Consultant, Fitness Instructor, Personal Trainer, Mom
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Do you feel like it's too hard for you to stick to your healthy eating plan when you go out to restaurants? Or when you're out to dinner with friends and they are ordering all the things that aren't on your plan and you just want to throw in the towel and join them? Today I am sharing 3 tips for you to implement and practice as you navigate the rea…
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Feel like you cannot find a rhythm to make healthy meals consistently because your schedule is so hectic during the week? Are you so busy with life that prioritizing healthy meals always falls to the back burner and you can never be consistent with it? I am going to share what I do in these 5 tips! To get you started, these simple tips can set a fo…
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Do you feel like you'll never get to where you want to be - never lose the weight, never look the way you want, never achieve that fitness goal? Do you feel stuck because you just can't stick with it? Today I want to share with you God's perspective on what you might think is a failure. His way is far better than His way and He cares about what you…
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Are you tired of constantly feeling like restricting yourself is the ONLY way to ever lose weight? Do you think it's possible to lose weight without restricting? Today I am sharing 4 tools that can help you build the framework needed to stop the restrictive way of eating. Learn to eat moderately and find yourself free from the power that food has o…
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Are you stuck in your diet rut? Do you feel like you have hit a wall and are seeing no change no matter what you do? Today I am sharing 5 tools that can help you boost your metabolism and get it healthy so it will in turn help losing weight be easier!By Tara Josey, Fitness Professional, Nutrition Consultant, Fitness Instructor, Personal Trainer, Mom
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Do you constantly go through your day evaluating your food choices & decisions based on calories, fearful of eating something not on "the plan" because you'll gain weight? Are you living in the diet mindset because you've come to love it and you don't know any other way?? Today I am sharing perspective here on how this mindset can actually halt any…
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Do you find yourself constantly comparing yourself and your life to others you see around you or on social media? How about - so consumed with these thoughts and feelings that it has brought you to a place of insecurity and being stuck where you are? In today's episode, I am sharing 4 tools to start working through today that can get you out of the…
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Do you struggle with looking at certain parts of your body in the mirror? Are you constantly concerned about how you look or how others may think you look? In today's episode, I am sharing 4 beliefs that I have adopted, live by and found freedom in and I am sharing them with you today! These truths can give you the ability to let go of how you see …
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Are you nervous about going to the gym, so you avoid going all together? Once you're in the gym, do you go straight to the cardio area, the place where you're "comfortable" and get in and out without every stepping foot near all those weights? If this describes you, stick around today! I am sharing 3 ways to give you confidence to get in there, get…
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Is your way of eating like a roller coaster? Eating healthy for a while, then life throws you a curve ball, you eat one meal isn't healthy and that sets you on a course to say "who cares" and just go for whatever you can get your hands on? In today's episode, I am sharing 3 tools that will give you the skills to stop the extreme way of eating. It's…
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Do you feel like life is spiraling out of control and so are your food choices? Are you overwhelmed and using food to fill all your needs? Today, I will share 3 steps to get you a place of peace and hope from feeling those "out of control" feelings and step into the arms of the ONE who controls it all!…
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Do you have a list of "rules" around food that you have been following for years? Have you become so restrictive in your eating that you end up bingeing when life throws you a stressful situation? In today's episode, I am sharing 3 things that might be wrong with your "rules" list around food. True freedom isn't found in a list of rules and trying …
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