A couple of nerdy brothers discuss the latest episodes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe TV shows.
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Dharma Talks at the Ordinary Zen Sangha, a Zen Meditation Practice Center located in Sarasota, Florida. Please help us if you can. Our programs and events are only made possible by donations from our supporting members. Donations Link... Thank you for listening, Will Rauschenberger, Abbot
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Dhamma teachings from the tradition of Ajahn Brahm and the Western Australian Buddhist Sangha for those looking for something deeper.
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Dharma talks given by Gil Fronsdal and various guest speakers at the Insight Meditation Center. Each talk illuminates aspects of the Buddha's teachings. The purpose is the same that the Buddha had for his teachings, to guide us toward the end of suffering and the attainment of freedom. To learn more about the Insight Meditation Center, visit our website at https://www.insightmeditationcenter.org/.
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Dhamma talks
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Dhamma Talks given at Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery.
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The Barely Safe For Work Podcast. We have no idea what we're talking about...enjoy! Spotify, Apple, Google, Stitcher and iHeartRadio. Hosted by Vik Sabe and Raj Sangha. Delivered weekly, right to your pocket.
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Bringing peace to into the midst of busy lives. | San Francisco
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StoneWater Zen Talks is a series of dharma talks by David Keizan Scott Roshi of the StoneWater Zen Sangha in Liverpool, UK. Rev Dr David Keizan Shoji Scott is the founder and leader of the StoneWater Zen Sangha. He is an ordained Buddhist priest and lineage holder in the Soto Zen school, having received Shiho (Dharma transmission) from Tenshin Fletcher Roshi in October 2009 and Inka (final seal of approval) in 2019. Keizan Roshi is also a widely published writer on Japan, Zen Buddhism, compa ...
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An open discussion about living life in the Dharma. Members of Dharma Gate Zen share their questions, insights, and stories about how they deal with the everyday issues in their practice.
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Dharma talks from the tradition of Buddhist meditation master Ajahn Brahm and Australian Forest Sangha of monks and nuns presented by the Buddhist Society of Western Australia
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From Here Forward shares stories and ideas about amazing things UBC and its alumni are doing around the world. It covers people and places, truths, science, art, and accomplishments with the view that sharing better inspires better. Join hosts Carol Eugene Park and Jeevan Sangha, both UBC grads, in exploring solutions for the negative stuff out there — focussing on the good for a change, from here forward.
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Weekly Dharma Talks with Rev. Koyo S. Kubose and Glimpses by Bright Dawn Center Lay Ministers and guests.
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News, event coverage, mantras and rituals, Dharma conversations among diverse voices from the Triratna Buddhist Community around the world, keeping you up-to-date with the latest in our sangha. Check out our other podcasts! Buddhist Voices (https://audioboom.com/channel/buddhistvoices) | Free Buddhist Audio (http://itunes.apple.com/podcast/free-buddhist-audio-community/id75081757) (iTunes) | Dharmabytes (http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/dharmabytes-from-free-buddhist/id416832097) (iTunes)
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Zencast is a weekly podcast of inspiring Buddhist Dharma talks for all people. Keywords: Zen, Buddhism, Buddhist, Buddha, Dharma, Sangha, Mindfulness, Meditation, Wisdom, Love, Peace, Stillness,Compassion.
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This podcast presents dharma talks given at Wild Flower Zen. The Wild Flower Zen community was created by Roshi Amy Hollowell in 2004, in France, to support Zen meditation activities. Visit us on: Website: http://wildflowerzen.org/ . Amy's blog: http://wildflowerzen.org/zenscribe/ . Portuguese website: https://sanghazenpt.org/ . Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wildflowerzen/
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This is BodhiHeart, a podcast with in depth teachings on meditation and Tibetan Buddhism with Khenpo Sherab Sangpo. Our teacher, Khenpo Sherab Sangpo, is a monk and professor in the Nyingma lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. He trained with some of the greatest meditation masters of Tibet, starting when he was seven years old. In addition to mastering many profound teachings of the Buddhist path, he spent several years meditating in solitary retreat. He travels the world teaching at monasteries in ...
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With amazing guests or solo, I explore the craft of teaching yoga, as its own practice. I’m seeking answers to the questions about why we teach something the way we do, how we could be more expansive and inclusive in our teaching, and how we can continue to grow and evolve in our teaching practice. I’m so glad you are here because I believe the depth that arises in teaching comes from inquiry and relationship. Join me as I offer nourishing support to help you feel more confident in your teac ...
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New business podcast. The podcast for CEO's, business owners, entrepreneurs and professionals who run a public, private or family business. You'll discover the strategies that business leaders use to grow their business, elevate their wealth and integrate their family prosperity. Topics include family office, entrepreneurship, leadership, strategy, marketing, operations, family dynamics, wealth management, buy and selling, mergers and acquisitions and much more. If you own a startup, small b ...
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This podcast is the audio branch of Karuna Sangha. Karuna is commonly translated to mean compassion or actions that are taken to diminish the suffering of others and one’s self. A sangha, put simply, is a community of friends focused on awareness, attention, presence, and the present moment. By doing so the Sangha works together to achieve, patience, self-control, reason, forgiveness, sanctity, honesty, truthfulness, knowledge, control of the senses, and an absence of anger. In other words, ...
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Welcome to our podcast coming to you from the Greater Boston Zen Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts. We are a sangha-led sangha, and our podcasts (beginning in 2024) feature talks given by knowledgeable sangha members and guest speakers, often accompanied by group discussion. For more information about our sangha go to our website: bostonzen.org.
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Are you a CEO, business owner, entrepreneur or executive? Then this is the podcast for you. The Complete Man podcast is for men seeking more than just financial success in life. Topics include entrepreneurship, leadership, strategy, marketing, operations, family dynamics, wealth management, buy and selling, mergers and acquisitions and much more. If you own a startup, small business, a larger family enterprise, or lead a public company, this podcast is for you! Build a healthy business. Live ...
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The Zen Group of Western Australia was founded in 1983 and is affiliated with the Diamond Sangha. Talks by our Zen teachers and Sangha-members can be found here. If you are curious about the Zen Group be sure to visit our home page in the first link below. If you find the podcast useful and would like to help support the recording of these talks please consider making a donation by following the second link and filling out the form.
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A pervasive but often invisible source of suffering in our culture is self-aversion. We are a busy culture, and we move through our life feeling anxious and dissatisfied, but not fully conscious of how we neglect or judge our inner experience. We suffer from a lack of belonging: to our own bodies, to each other and to the earth. When we practice Buddhist meditation, we learn how to listen deeply and hold our life tenderly. The open space of compassion allows us to realize that our thoughts a ...
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Interviewing academics at all levels in order to promote all levels of study on the history of Christian Churches.
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The Lion-Faced Guru Podcast - Pragmatic Explorations of Nondual Tantra, Vajrayana & Dzogchen
Amrita Mandala Sangha
The Lion-Faced Guru Podcast is all about the exploration of pragmatic and effective Yogic practice that leads to Full Enlightenment i.e. Buddhahood.
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Listen to two talks I delivered at Marin Sangha on non-attachment—certainly the most misunderstood and maligned Buddhist ideal. This first talk deconstructs the term into its various meanings and explores the philosophical implications of non-attachment and identity clinging through the Buddha’s teachings from the Pāli Canon and those of several modern-day Buddhist teachers.
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Short, impactful podcasts where we speak with business owners from all walks of life about their business. We also give them an opportunity to ask a fractional CFO any question related to the financial success of their business.
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Listen to the second of two talks I delivered at Marin Sangha in May 2016 on Delusion and Non-delusion. This second talk covers the Buddhist psychological description of how non-delusion manifests in human perception and practical steps for cultivating non-delusion in daily life.
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In this episode we have a discussion with Rick Peters, President of Odenza Marketing Group, and Pav Sangha, Vice President of Marketing for Odenza, regarding the Automotive Industry and travel incentives. We specifically touch on how travel incentives came about and have been used over the years to boost sales and help dealers stand out from their competitors.
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The first of two dharma talks given by Lisa Dale Miller, MFT, at the Marin Sangha on November 4 & 11, 2012. A lively discussion and teaching about the relevance of enlightenment for Western Practitioners. This first talk took place 5 days after Hurricane Sandy devastated New York and New Jersey, so the first 10 minutes of the talk focuses on that tragedy.
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Life situations discussed from the Buddhist perspective. Weekly.
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This is the first of two dharma talks given at Marin Sangha in June 2014. In this talk, Lisa Dale Miller refutes the controversial claim by Jon Kabat-Zinn and others, that mindfulness-based interventions (MBSR and the like) deliver a "universal dharma"; an accurate depiction of traditional Buddhist meditation practices and implicitly imparts the profound ethical and philosophical aspects of the actual Buddhadharma.
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A dharma talk given by Lisa Dale Miller, MFT, at the Marin Sangha on January 31, 2010 on the four Brahmaviharas and their near and far enemies. visit my web site www.lisadalemiller.com/mbpsych.htm visit my blog mindfulpsyche.blogspot.com
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Wendy Shinyo Haylett, an author, Buddhist teacher, lay minister, behavioral and spiritual coach shares the "tips and tricks" found in Buddhist teachings to make your professional and personal life better ... everyday!
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This is a dharma talk I gave at marin Sangha on November 5, 2017. The topic of the talk is Bodhicitta: a dedicated, heart-felt desire to fully awaken for the benefit of all other beings. Bodhicitta reminds us that every moment is an invitation to awaken all beings by motivating ourselves to engage in other-regarding behaviors. This is how we take on the responsibility of decreasing the mass of human suffering by seeding the world with at least one more quiescent, wise and compassionate perso ...
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Psychology vs climate change: what we think, why we think it, and how it all adds up to a planet-sized emergency. Each episode host Dave Powell interviews experts in how our brains work - from PhDs in psychology to writers, activists and beyond. They'll talk about how their brains and our brains do (and don't) work, and how all of that might help make sense of the climate crisis - and possibly what to do about it.
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One topic. Twenty minutes. Three episodes a month.
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RKINA - Rissho Kosei-kai International of North America is an online Dharma Center and the North American office of Rissho Kosei-Kai Buddhism from Japan. We are a Sangha of lay believers, turning everyday life into Buddhist practice. By studying basic buddhist concepts and the Threefold Lotus Sutra, we cultivate our hearts and mind, practicing the bodhisattva way to bring peace to our families, communities, countries, and to the world. Please check our local Dharma Center listing at www.rkin ...
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Each month, Anne-Marie Pham, CEO of the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion interviews a leader who is a making a difference in Canada in the field of diversity, inclusion, and equity. Over the course of a year, you will hear from an eclectic group of people who inspire change.
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The Best You is a podcast dedicated to helping people become the best versions of themselves. Fun fact: you are the best person in the entire world at being you, even if you don't quite believe that yet. I'll help you get there, so please join me on this journey where we'll explore a wide range of topics that'll help you create more awareness of what makes you tick.
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Episode 253: The Primordial Darkness of Ignorance
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11:38Did Buddha pierce right through the primordial darkness of ignorance?
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Achieving Ultra Performance & Success with Purdeep Sangha
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46:04Send us a text Welcome to The Best You – Interview Series, where I engage in conversations with a variety of interesting people! For this episode I'm joined by by strategic advisor, best-selling author, and TV show host, Purdeep Sangha, who is here to discuss his expansive career spanning empowering CEOs, executives, and entrepreneurs to achieve UL…
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This talk was given by Diana Clark on 2025.02.10 at the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City, CA. For more talks like this, visit AudioDharma.org If you have enjoyed this talk, please consider supporting AudioDharma with a donation at https://www.audiodharma.org/donate/. This talk is licensed by a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No …
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2:07:03They're tossing a whole bunch of Spidey at us each week, but at least the show is good! This new take on young Spider-Man is having a blast playing with Marvel Comics lore and using real bottom of the barrel villains like Speed Demon and Unicorn. But Doc Ock waits in the wings, so maybe Spidey will be facing a real threat soon. Before that: the Sup…
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Dharmette: Samadhi (21) The Path of Wellbeing
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14:47This talk was given by Gil Fronsdal on 2025.02.10 at the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City, CA. For more talks like this, visit AudioDharma.org If you have enjoyed this talk, please consider supporting AudioDharma with a donation at https://www.audiodharma.org/donate/. This talk is licensed by a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No…
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This talk was given by Gil Fronsdal on 2025.02.10 at the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City, CA. For more talks like this, visit AudioDharma.org If you have enjoyed this talk, please consider supporting AudioDharma with a donation at https://www.audiodharma.org/donate/. This talk is licensed by a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No…
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Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 8 February 2025
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1:36:40Ajahn Brahm conducts an intermediate/ advanced meditation class for approximately one hour. Ajahn Brahm explains that all the different meditation methods, i.e. anapanasati (breath), vipasanna (insight) and metta (loving kindness) are about learning to let go of as much as you possibly can. When we let go, we feel light and peaceful, and that is wh…
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Simple Happiness and Contentment | Ajahn Brahm | 7 February 2025
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1:25:52If you had one wish granted, what would it be? Ajahn Brahm teaches that true happiness comes from being so content that you desire nothing more. Support us on https://ko-fi.com/thebuddhistsocietyofwa BSWA teachings are available: BSWA Teachings BSWA Podcast Channel BSWA DeeperDhamma Podbean Channel BSWA YouTube…
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Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 7 February 2025
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31:26Ajahn Brahm guides a meditation for about 30 minutes. Support us on https://ko-fi.com/thebuddhistsocietyofwa BSWA teachings are available: BSWA Teachings BSWA Podcast Channel BSWA DeeperDhamma Podbean Channel BSWA YouTubeBy Buddhist Society of Western Australia
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(Getting Your Head Around) the End of the World, with Laurie Laybourn
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1:03:51We're reasonably good at imagining what nuclear war would be like (although it'd probably be even worse than that). Which is one reason we haven't (yet) had one. But it's not the same for most other complicated, really really scary risks. Eg: the UK government is still not taking seriously the risk of another pandemic - and that's despite the fact …
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This talk was given by Gil Fronsdal on 2025.02.09 at the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City, CA. Video of this talk is available at: https://youtube.com/live/SIwH9IofsjY. For more talks like this, visit AudioDharma.org If you have enjoyed this talk, please consider supporting AudioDharma with a donation at https://www.audiodharma.org/donate/…
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Dharmette: Samadhi (20) Continuous Awareness
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12:07This talk was given by Gil Fronsdal on 2025.02.07 at the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City, CA. Video of this talk is available at: https://www.youtube.com/live/NRIlSs4aRzY?si=fXGKpr4C5jID-oDu&t=1885. For more talks like this, visit AudioDharma.org If you have enjoyed this talk, please consider supporting AudioDharma with a donation at http…
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This talk was given by Gil Fronsdal on 2025.02.07 at the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City, CA. Video of this talk is available at: https://youtube.com/live/NRIlSs4aRzY?feature=share. For more talks like this, visit AudioDharma.org If you have enjoyed this talk, please consider supporting AudioDharma with a donation at https://www.audiodhar…
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Beyond “happy ever after”: The truth about love
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28:42What’s the relationship between love and happiness? The answer is not as simple as you might think. In this episode, Carol and Jeevan talk to UBC alum Carrie Jenkins, a writer and professor of philosophy at UBC, about her research to understand love in all its forms. They discuss the limitations of romantic love, the stigma of singlehood, the reali…
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Happy Hour: Metta Shapeshifts into Compassion as it Meets Pain
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48:52This talk was given by Nikki Mirghafori on 2025.02.06 at the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City, CA. Video of this talk is available at: https://youtube.com/live/WKbCFxur1fE. For more talks like this, visit AudioDharma.org If you have enjoyed this talk, please consider supporting AudioDharma with a donation at https://www.audiodharma.org/don…
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Thursday 06th February 2025 Ajahn Mudito hosts this week's session at the Roleystone Family Centre. These weekly sessions are free and led by one of the Buddhist monks living in Roleystone at Kusala Hermitage. These sessions are usually one hour in length and held at the Roleystone Family Centre. 00:00:00 Meditation is really easy 00:10:51 Meditati…
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Purifying The Heart | Bhante Kassapa | Meditation at the Cambodian Society of WA
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1:06:33Monday 27th January 2025 Monday Night Meditation at the Cambodian Society of WA (CBSWA) with Venerable Kassapa. These weekly teachings give an introduction into meditation and some guidance and basics into the practice of the Buddhist Path. They usually consist of a short talk, thirty minute meditation and then questions & answers. Chapters 00.00.0…
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Dharmette: Samadhi (19) Centered, Spacious, and Composed
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13:27This talk was given by Gil Fronsdal on 2025.02.06 at the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City, CA. Video of this talk is available at: https://www.youtube.com/live/2FOmYbKJPn0?si=XuanGXr4sUCQ8Bil&t=1935. For more talks like this, visit AudioDharma.org If you have enjoyed this talk, please consider supporting AudioDharma with a donation at http…
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This talk was given by Gil Fronsdal on 2025.02.06 at the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City, CA. Video of this talk is available at: https://youtube.com/live/2FOmYbKJPn0?feature=share. For more talks like this, visit AudioDharma.org If you have enjoyed this talk, please consider supporting AudioDharma with a donation at https://www.audiodhar…
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An Interview with Sean Rayland, Founder of Red Rebel Armour (Episode 19)
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43:09Explore the key insights from this podcast episode in Mastery's latest blog! Take a look! Here In this episode of Mastery Fractional CFO’s Punchy Podcast, Ryan Chenier, CEO and founder of Mastery Fractional CFO Services, speaks with Sean Rayland, Founder of Red Rebel Armour an Indigenous streetwear brand focused on social entrepreneurship. Summary …
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This talk was given by Matthew Brensilver on 2025.02.05 at the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City, CA. Video of this talk is available at: https://www.youtube.com/live/1pdNbwkC0Os?si=RCUcq1mXBkaUVlqw&t=1801. For more talks like this, visit AudioDharma.org If you have enjoyed this talk, please consider supporting AudioDharma with a donation a…
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This talk was given by Matthew Brensilver on 2025.02.05 at the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City, CA. Video of this talk is available at: https://youtube.com/live/1pdNbwkC0Os. For more talks like this, visit AudioDharma.org If you have enjoyed this talk, please consider supporting AudioDharma with a donation at https://www.audiodharma.org/d…
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Happy Hour: Metta for this moment in time, and "what's not wrong" right now?
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52:48This talk was given by Nikki Mirghafori on 2025.02.05 at the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City, CA. Video of this talk is available at: https://youtube.com/live/3mkLq_sa_Jg. For more talks like this, visit AudioDharma.org If you have enjoyed this talk, please consider supporting AudioDharma with a donation at https://www.audiodharma.org/don…
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Send us a text Welcome to The Best You – Interview Series, where I engage in conversations with a variety of interesting people! For this episode I'm joined by coach and leadership consultant, Justin Hills, who is here to talk all things coaching and consulting. Justin believes that when leaders are motivated, empowered, and fulfilled in their care…
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This talk was given by Gil Fronsdal on 2025.02.05 at the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City, CA. For more talks like this, visit AudioDharma.org If you have enjoyed this talk, please consider supporting AudioDharma with a donation at https://www.audiodharma.org/donate/. This talk is licensed by a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No…
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Practice Notes: Let the Practice Come to you
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5:45This talk was given by Gil Fronsdal on 2025.02.05 at the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City, CA. For more talks like this, visit AudioDharma.org If you have enjoyed this talk, please consider supporting AudioDharma with a donation at https://www.audiodharma.org/donate/. This talk is licensed by a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No…
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This talk was given by Gil Fronsdal on 2025.02.05 at the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City, CA. Video of this talk is available at: https://www.youtube.com/live/62euoMTT-Cg?si=sr_LConmd2-kFk89&t=1824. For more talks like this, visit AudioDharma.org If you have enjoyed this talk, please consider supporting AudioDharma with a donation at http…
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This talk was given by Gil Fronsdal on 2025.02.05 at the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City, CA. Video of this talk is available at: https://youtube.com/live/62euoMTT-Cg. For more talks like this, visit AudioDharma.org If you have enjoyed this talk, please consider supporting AudioDharma with a donation at https://www.audiodharma.org/donate/…
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We interrupt your week to bring you breaking news about the Fantastic Four: First Steps trailer and also Post Malone Oreos.By Cinema Sangha
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Dharmette: Samadhi (17) Orientating Awareness
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13:27This talk was given by Gil Fronsdal on 2025.02.04 at the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City, CA. Video of this talk is available at: https://www.youtube.com/live/c280puL5dfg?si=1cDrsHdJ3JNXdpky&t=1869. For more talks like this, visit AudioDharma.org If you have enjoyed this talk, please consider supporting AudioDharma with a donation at http…
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This talk was given by Gil Fronsdal on 2025.02.04 at the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City, CA. Video of this talk is available at: https://youtube.com/live/c280puL5dfg. For more talks like this, visit AudioDharma.org If you have enjoyed this talk, please consider supporting AudioDharma with a donation at https://www.audiodharma.org/donate/…
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DN2: Sāmaññaphala Sutta - The Fruits of the Ascetic Life (Part 8) | Ajahn Brahmali | 26 January 2025
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1:24:21Ajahn Brahmali discusses sutta 2 from the Digha Nikaya: Sāmaññaphala Sutta, "The Fruits of the Ascetic Life". This is part 8. Find the full series here. Read DN2 on Sutta Central here. "The newly crowned King Ajātasattu is disturbed by the violent means by which he achieved the crown. He visits the Buddha to find peace of mind, and asks him about t…
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142: What Makes Americans Unhealthy with Dr. Jessica Knurick
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55:01As I sit down to write these show notes, RFK Jr is currently in his senate confirmation hearing. By the time you read these words it is my assumption that he will be the new head of Health and Human Services for the United States, a job with incredible power. Anything is possible, so there could be a different outcome, but it seems unlikely. You mi…
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This talk was given by Diana Clark on 2025.02.03 at the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City, CA. Video of this talk is available at: https://youtube.com/live/q0MQToYEyaU. For more talks like this, visit AudioDharma.org If you have enjoyed this talk, please consider supporting AudioDharma with a donation at https://www.audiodharma.org/donate/.…
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Ajahn Sudhiro talks about right effort, overcoming the hindrances, the importance of developing a balanced mind, maintaining continuous mindfulness, and the use of various meditation subjects, including mantras like “Buddho”. This talk was offered on February 1, 2025 at Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery.…
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Transform your Life without Medication with Raj Khedun
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54:35Send us a text Welcome to The Best You – Interview Series, where I engage in conversations with a variety of interesting people! Note: There is a section (36:45 - 42:30) where I work through Raj's proprietary breathing technique that will sound like silence over audio. I'd encourage you to go to YouTube to see it in action! For this episode I'm joi…
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Dharmette: Samadhi (16) Inclusion with Body
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12:57This talk was given by Gil Fronsdal on 2025.02.03 at the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City, CA. For more talks like this, visit AudioDharma.org If you have enjoyed this talk, please consider supporting AudioDharma with a donation at https://www.audiodharma.org/donate/. This talk is licensed by a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No…
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Guided Meditation: Receiving and Settling
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31:27This talk was given by Gil Fronsdal on 2025.02.03 at the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City, CA. For more talks like this, visit AudioDharma.org If you have enjoyed this talk, please consider supporting AudioDharma with a donation at https://www.audiodharma.org/donate/. This talk is licensed by a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No…
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Sanctuary of Stillness | Ajahn Brahm | 31 January 2025
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1:02:45What a wonderful thing it is to have stillness in your life! Ajahn Brahm teaches us the importance of stillness. Support us on https://ko-fi.com/thebuddhistsocietyofwa BSWA teachings are available: BSWA Teachings BSWA Podcast Channel BSWA DeeperDhamma Podbean Channel BSWA YouTubeBy Buddhist Society of Western Australia
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Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 31 January 2025
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29:30Ajahn Brahm guides a meditation for about 30 minutes. Support us on https://ko-fi.com/thebuddhistsocietyofwa BSWA teachings are available: BSWA Teachings BSWA Podcast Channel BSWA DeeperDhamma Podbean Channel BSWA YouTubeBy Buddhist Society of Western Australia
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